
I was never a fan of BAT, and my experience trying to earn BAT didn't help matters. There are people who make BAT work for them, and God bless them! For me, visiting Bitcoin faucets and Hive's GiftGiver were more productive uses of my time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've been earning some BAT but still haven't put them to work. I've heard of some platforms that can do that, but never tried them

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think @trumpman had some success with BAT. He may have some ideas. Even for him, though, it took a long time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have dumped it all 🌝😆

I have dumped it all 🌝😆

It's official-- no one wants BAT!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea I don't really seeing much use for it besides placing ads. Not useful for normal people to hold.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The promise of BAT came from its use as a tipping token, but it's such a hassle to earn BAT in the first place. If BAT moved to a different "mining" or distribution model (like the way Ecency rewards users of its front-end in various ways), then I would reconsider my opinion of BAT. If BAT did as a token what Ecency does with points, I think that would be a game changer for BAT. Until then, BAT is too limited.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta