
Yeah. I would take a computer over the bozos we had in office in the last 20 years. They have set the bar so low that it makes it hard for people not to want something different.

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Yea and its a sad reality. They are essentially the number 1 enemy to everyone in the public. Remember that stimulus package before the election? I think we can blame Pelosi and McConnel for that.

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Yep. Trump was willing to sign it at the drop of the hat. Although to be fair he never met a spending bill he didnt want to sign. He liked to spend money.

As for Congress, I think that ratings peak somewhere in the 30s and head down from there.

That is like twice as bad as the cable comapnies.

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I would rather either 1) replace them with AI or 2) replace them with random citizens. Given them temporary terms and make it super hard for people lobbying.

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Term limits should have been written in the Constitution with a clause anyone who tried to change it would be publicly executed.

Replace them all with a bunch of high school kids, they cant be any worse.

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