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RE: The Hive Engagement League πŸ†

in LeoFinance β€’ 2 years ago

About to log out of Hive and dive into the kitchen, change of hats... noticed you posted so first to say thank you for an amazing year and engagement to All.

@tipu curate Have a Happy New Year and catch you all later....

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Thanks as always Joan, I hope you are rustling up something nice. It's a good job i'm not there as i still can't taste anything!

Loss of taste, try shock treatment spicy hot, dill sour, syrup sweet straight after each other sip water in between each small bowl see which stands out more, sucks to eat with no taste!

Glad the job is going well and you settling down better now, did you sort out that driving license? Have an awesome day and keep going strong.


Some HP coming your way - congrats on 10th position! :)

Thanks so much always appreciated.

Good to be in the mix gives me an indicator that I am doing what I enjoy in engaging with all.

Hello there lady! 😁😁😁

Long time no see! I see you have been doing well. So good to see you on here again!

Wow it has been some time, great to see you back. Trust you and family are all well and work is still rolling in during these extremely tough times.

A long time yeah. So it's been 3 years... I met someone and we have been together for 2 years. On the 1st of December, we moved in together. With my 2 kids and her one, we have a family of 5 now!

I am still working for the HVAC company, luckily we are an essential service and our management was really smart in the way they behaved in and around the pandemic crisis and made the best of the situation.
I have recently come back to the blockchain, as you can see and I have introduced my partner @clairemobey to Hive as well!
So things are looking amazingly well from where I was 3 years ago! 😁😁😁😁

Great to hear you are happy and settled being able to work for a company with level head.

Outdoors in the sunshine I see no reason for all the paraphernalia imposed, shopping malls and close contact yes it helps.

Nice to welcome you both back to Hive and will visit @clairemobey wishing you both happiness in the upcoming year.


Thank you so much! Happy new year!

Hey @zakludick, here is a little bit of BEER from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.