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RE: Keep your LEO on HIVE

in LeoFinance2 years ago

This is one bitter truth that needs telling! Am glad to be sticking to my goal of hitting 5k LP by end of the year and so far not distracted. I want in on Polycub but don't want to be distracted by against my LP goal.

If you feel like farming, convert your LEO to pLEO, match it off with MATIC and get into the pLEO/MATIC LP and get some polyCUB for free.

This I will remember, thank you!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Damn right, set a goal and stick to it and you'll complete it. It's the only way. Really refreshing to see someone with a bit of determination and focus.

Thank yooou for your comment. That's picked me up a little

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I finally started setting concrete goals.

10% growth here, 10% growth there etc etc.

I am glad to be paying attention because some tokens like LEO and CTP are growing at a much faster rate.

I feel like earning LEO is earning dollar coins, while earning CTP is like earning quarters.

I hope I am right.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta