A Decent End Of The Season.

in LeoFinance8 months ago


I couldn't post during the end of the season because I was out and totally down, and I missed a couple of days where I was generally inactive. However, I managed to get a few chests before the end of the season, I took some days off and just threw in a few more battles before the season ended.

I was mostly absent-minded and lost a lot of battles because of this, but I decided to show off my end of the season's reward. I'll probably take more time to get my head back in the system, because of the many overwhelming things that are currently happening to me.

However, taking some time to play has been very good for me. Hopefully, I can begin the season by throwing in a few games. 33 gold chests are fine, and they were better than the 51 silver chests I got one month ago.

I didn't get a pack, I haven't gotten one in close to 3 months of battling, but it's not bad, I hope for a pack at the end of the season. I have 4.7k SPS now, hopefully, 5k before the end of the month or more.

A massive "Thank you" to @aftersound and @burlarj for the continuous 16k delegation, it was majorly underutilized last season because of the loss of my brother, but hopefully, I can come back to fully competing again. Thank you for for long you've let it run.



I also joined the last fray after narrowing missing out and here's the outcome. Good SPS outcome, because I mostly played that fray absentminded. Everyone did well in the guild, and it reflected in the SPS and merit reward of every Guild member.

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I was mostly absent-minded and lost a lot of battles because of this, but I decided to show off my end of the season's reward. I'll probably take more time to get my head back in the system, because of the many overwhelming things that are currently happening to me.

I'm sorry to hear that you've been going through a tough time recently. It's commendable to see you still engaging with the game despite facing personal challenges. Sometimes, taking a step back and giving yourself some time is necessary.

Remember, it's just a season, and there will be many more to come with opportunities for packs and rewards. Stay strong, and looking forward to seeing you back in full swing when you're ready @josediccus!

Thanks a million. I haven't been able to get back to working or sleeping well or even eating well. Sometimes I use the game to pass time, rather than sulk and think about the loss and misfortunes I've had in the past week. It's not been easy, it's the worst period ever, I try whatever I do to feel okay, maybe I'll just have to go to a sort of therapy soon.

It is understandable you would not play so much. Hopefully you can get some packs this season.

Yeah, I hope I can get to play more this season. Hopefully some pack as well. Thank you so much

Cool rewards Jose, am loving the summoners you got. I was only able to accumulate 36 chests myself compared to 59 of last season.

Good luck with the new season as you slowly get back into the game.

Thank you, I wish I got more of the summoners as well. I'm hoping to see if I can get the courage to get more chests this season

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Solid set of cards! Only going to get better there my friend

Thanks a million, I like the cards, came in handy

That's so sad to hear about your challenges during the end of the season, but it's great to see that you still managed to collect some rewards. It's always good when we take out time to have fun and do things that makes us feel better, like playing games sometimes.

Yes, playing the game help keep me a little busy, at least for those periods

That's a nice one to do bro.

It's not the worst rewards you can get. Last season was rough and I didn't do that well either. With all the issues you have been dealing with, I don't blame you for not playing. Stay safe and I hope you have better luck next season.

Those are some good rewards! Especially the summoners and gold foil. Hopefully it will be a better season ahead.

Yes, I was quite happy for the summoner. Summoners are what I have always wanted for now

I am glad that you are gradually coming back
It is a very good feeling
I want more of this

Glad to see this season end is very great and amazing. Best of luck for the next season.

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Thanks for the share these rewards are great hope you stay strong throughout the season have a great day ahead.

These are really solid set of cards truly.