Being Your Customised Format Of An Angel Investor (Giveaways Within Blog)

in LeoFinance3 years ago



One secret to growth is not consistency it's perseverance to whatever conditions that determines the prerequisite of growth. This is because sometimes consistency is born out of fruitfulness. When you see a company constantly producing a good and service it's because the conditions are favourable maybe demands are good even if it's not outrageous.

When there's consistency there's always an iota of rewardability else some particular actions wouldn't be fueled. Organisations needs to at least have their capital back to be able to produce again and they only wouldn't if there was an angel investor somewhere.

Investing in a football club demands perseverance more than consistency. This is because you mostly need to pump in a pot of money into buying of the players, building the stadium, establishing a base, creating relevance, competing and winning as well. In most cases the money spent wouldn't get the desired result.

Now this doesn't mean it wouldn't do eventually but the level of consistency through which an investor will pump in money despite not seeing results for maybe five to ten years will obviously reduce and he will begin to see the venture as one which he might just need to bottle up as an experience of failure in the business of investing. But perseverance will make him have an undiluted amount of contribution, money and other equity despite not seeing any results for let's say 5 years.

Inasmuch as profiteering is aim or reason for businessing, along the line passion needs to come in because this is what forestalls the perseverance mindset even when things aren't really doing so good. One thing is, the conditions can be right for growth but yet there's no growth due to circumstances you don't even know of.

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When it doesn't feel logical that you're not making the money you want despite your investing, shilling or doggedness this might make you put in less effort and begin to consider other prospects in life. In reality, everyone should diversify but the success or the failure of a project in the moment shouldn't determine your long term goals.

Money is fleeting, growth and long-term is the real value. I have a friend who was a die hard fan of the manufacturing brand called techno. He wrote about their products on his blog, he became a full time tech contributor on Nairaland one of the biggest online Nigerian community.

This was as a result not his love for the brand, he wrote free tech articles of his favourite brand for a long time for free and after some years his seamless works were noticed and he was drafted as one techno's online ambassador and this was the same as infinix, he was placed on a salary and he was exposed to other money making opportunities going forward and that was how his passion paid off.

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Now this isn't to say all passion eventually results to profitability in the long-run but mostly it does. If you look at the chain, hive. You'd see people having a different perspective simply because they haven't really enjoyed massive mad money run. Most times I content here to be exposed to other opportunities and to build a future not by oversight but by being intentional. No one can say they haven't been exposed to other ventures simply by being here.

Inasmuch as they think they haven't made money, they have been enlightened, informed and they have learnt and this are the prerequisite to hitting that goldmine. To end this blog,

I was gifted 2000 hive by @pharesim due to ongoing Crypto trading ban in Nigeria and my goodness I didn't expect that but I need that win, I was begining to get depressed. now I'll be giving back 20 hive to the first five Nigerians who comment on this post, I have powered up most of the hive, I think about 1311 of it and I'll be supporting more content creators.

Interested in some more of my works?

What Does Your Dreams Mean?
The Unrealisable Peak Of Happiness; How Do We Find An Equlibrum State?
A Mind's Journey. (An Original Poetry)
How 2020 Has Proven To Be Negatively Iconic; Did We Expect Any Different?
The Art Of Managing In Football; What Are The Basics To Being A Seasoned Football Manager?
The Nigerian Banking Sector; How Free Are People With Banks Rather Than Crypto?


My name is @Josediccus, a young Nigerian student who is a Vlogger, A Psychologist, Poet And Sports Writer/Analyst. I'm using my contents as a process to create shared meaning as well as create expressions through which people on/off hive can relate. I believe content is a process to be enjoyed and relished and I'm up for any collaborations in my field stated above. Cheers

@Josediccus, your brother-in-pen & heart

I'm hoping to reach more people who are broken at heart and spirit, so share on any platform or reblog

My Twitter handle

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Wowww... Hehehe... I also need the boost so, l will first talk about the way this Ban is affecting Nigerians.

My bro, people are not saying it but people are scared. Imagine someone that does not have any other means of livelihood, won't the person be worried of loosing his Crypto investments?

Well, l'm hoping that this Nigeria vs Crypto saga will be resolved amicably. Seriously, that's just what l want so that those that have high stakes in Crypto would be able to do their business freely without going through the stress of looking for a P2P arrangement before being able to trade what they have.

Congratulations for that Delegation that you got. GoodLuck Bro

It wasn't really a delegation, it was gifted to me, I chose to power it up. P2P can be really stressful and the Nigerian government has really done their worst by all means. Anyways congratulations man. 20 hive for you, coming right through

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wowww... Thanks Alot For That and your decision to power the Hive Up is a nice one

We can continue growing our account virtually while trying to scrap out a nice life here until we are buoyant enough to put our lives where we want it to be.

Well Done BRo.

P2P isn't stressful, have you tried cashing out with binance. All my cash out has been P2P, no stress

@jizzyjoe really?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, all you need do is send your hive or any coin you intend to sell to your binance wallet, convert it to usdt. If you are using the app, you easily see P2P at the top menu, click on it, click on P2P trading, go over to sell at the top menu. There are different traders ready to buy your usdt for naira according to your price range

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Woooow thanks a million, this seems rather easy

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You welcome

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Wow, this is really an amazing news to receive such gift at this point in time. I'm so happy for you, I hope my time and dedication here also pay off not minding the kind of government we find our selves in but still you know we the youth in Nigeria don't take all their threat seriously, no matter what they do or put us through we will succeed.

We always find a way, hopefully we find a way to do that, bypass and grow despite all the ban whatsoever. I have sent your own 20 hive as well. Hopefully, that perseverance eventually pays off.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I hope it does, thanks so much for the hive. Really appreciate it

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am new in here, still trying to find my way around. Am happy for your win. Will also want to be gifted with hive in order to grow. It is true that money is fleeting growth and long term is the real value.

You're welcome, hopefully you can grow with time. Perseverance is the key. Sent you the 20 hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@wolfofnostreet, @kemmyb come and partake of this celebration

Thank you Jizzyjoe for the mention. ☺️ I read your comment about p2p above. I'll definitely try it too. It's a good thing I read your convo with @josediccus.

You should also check out my latest post on 50hive giveaway by nonsowrites, do send an entry. @dwixer

Thanks, I will check it out

you are welcome

This is a very insightful read. Thanks to @jizzyjoe for the mention. I had to take my time to read through before dropping a comment.

Investing is one thing but the patience and perseverance needed to await the returns is another. Most times, we invest hoping the profit comes through like almost immediately. In crypto, sometimes it works like that.

In the little time I have spent understanding the crypto field, it's best to settle for long term investments. Take btc for example, who would have predicted it would rise this high like two-three years back.

Congratulations on the gifted hive from @pharesim. It's a smart move powering up and also generous of you to spread the gift around. 🙂🍀

Thanks for reading, I have sent your hive

I have received it. Thank you! ☺️

All positions filled, congratulations to everyone who got hive.

Thanks for the hive.

I know I'm late, already out of the giveaway. I just want to congratulate you for been among the 5 users whom pharesim considered fit for the giveaway, you truly deserve it, most of your posts has been on the social sciatica and the deform system of our government and country as a whole.

You made the right decision by powering up, Even God knows I wouldn't have done that,😀 , that's my sincere heart speaking. I admire your courage and to how much you have invested starting from steemit days.. I believe it's your effort and sacrifice paying now.