How to Be Lucky in the Bull Market.

in LeoFinancelast month

First and foremost, this is primarily clickbait, but I know you want to become extremely wealthy, anywhere from zero to $500,000. As a result, you will click as soon as you see the title.

But do not worry; I still have something to say that will be worth your time. To clearly debunk the title of this post, there is no way to be 100% lucky when it comes to cryptocurrency. This is because crypto requires work, research, effort, time, bravery, courage, and, most importantly, risk. Time, effort, and risk appear to be the most important, and this is because these three factors work together in a person's journey into cryptocurrency.

The Quick Or Fast Way?

I met one woman, she was one of the people who came to commiserate with us when my brother died. I saw her a few days ago, and she said she wanted to get into cryptocurrency or forex. I educated her on the two, and she stated that she would prefer forex because she does not believe she is willing to devote enough time to cryptocurrency.

I emphasized the time factor, and she probably wanted something she could get involved in, knowing that in six months she would be swimming in stinking money. It is likely that she could invest money in one or two meme coins and become wealthy in a year, or not. However, she will still need to do her research, and I will not be willing to act as a mediator or someone who will conduct her research and educate her.

The risky part of this (even if I will never do it) is that if her investment fails, I will be held liable for her losses, whereas if she wins or makes a profit, her gains are entirely her own. However, if she is accountable for her investment decisions, her losses and gains will be solely hers to win or lose; it is an emotional game, and everyone is expected to be the pioneer of their own journey.

On the other hand, forex is completely risky, but she probably believes that with the right education, she can get in (which I did not doubt); unfortunately, I am not a forex person.

Most people who see crypto winners making outrageous profits during the bull market believe it is all luck, but these same people can not even withstand dips or have the courage to stay when it appears the world is ending.

The weak hands of December 2022 can attest to this.

Most of them are probably looking at the market and thinking, "Why did not I just keep my stash, why did I sell it?" Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. When the famous "crypto is dead" catchphrase became popular in 2022, it resulted in a massive exodus from crypto; however, these people only allowed other players to scoop free coins from the market. It is easy to believe that the psychological game is simple to play until you are forced to watch your asset plummet without control.

The Luck You Make

I believe there is luck, but only when there is action; risks and more actions. The type of luck that occurs in cryptocurrency is when you make unexpected gains after people have exited or believe the project will fail.

It is a case of "I told you so" luck. I was watching a video of one of my favorite splinterlands influencers/content creators on Hive and YouTube, and he speaks very confidently about splinterlands. Now, this guy has some fairly decent assets in the game, and even in the midst of all the FUD surrounding splinterlands, he comes out, makes his videos, and increases his standing in the game, and I have never detected any FUD in any of his videos when he is talking about splinterlands.

I do not want to say it is just loyalty, because let us face it: no one wants to lose. It is different, and imagine having to hold through all of that FUD and being massively rewarded. I am not saying that your efforts will be paid or rewarded; rather, in order to stand a chance, you must have unwavering skin in the game. There is no luck anymore; unless you make your own luck, you have no chance.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


In life you make your own luck, that much I have learned! Crypto is risky by nature, but it sure beats Forex where a government can randomly change the playing field at any moment. I have played Forex before and both won and lost, and I no longer play that game.

Helping someone with crypto is such a risk, if they lose they blame you. If they win it's kind of thankless, you're right on that one. If you don't research properly you will lose in crypto, and even if you do you still might. But if you never try you can never win!

How's the rain going? I hope it stopped so you can make it to your appointment.

I haven't done forex but it's most actively advertised scheme in Nigeria here, and they channel a lot of money yearly into advertising. I haven't played it, a lot of risks and potentially nothing educative. You're right, people make the luck they actually want to enjoy and there's no two ways about it.

Helping someone learn crypto is risk. It's better they learn on their own terms and understand how it works and I think this is the best way.

It's all sunny today, and the appointment will be on Friday, it's cook day. I have to cook the food I'll eat throughout the week.

How about you?

Hopefully the sun holds up! Forex is very risky unless you have a lot of experience in currency trading, and even then it's risky. It's too bad they push it on people who can't afford to lost the money they have. Smart move letting people learn crypto on their own, you don't want to be blamed for their lack of research or just plain bad luck.

It's nice here today, a little tired buy that's the new normal I guess...

I love the concept of making our own luck, as this gives us the ability to work in a way that we have a higher chance of luck finding us. In my view, making it in crypto can require a lot of ingredients but one of the most important ones is a good risk tolerance coupled with emotional maturity. If we stick around long enough and do the right things considerably, luck will eventually find us.

Yes, you've reiterated almost everything I pointed out to. Risk and time is almost everything we need in crypto. The main ingredient in my own opinion and a lot of people seeking to make money out there do not have any of these.

Right. I think getting used to a high risk tolerance is something that we gradually get accustomed to as we rack up experiences in the crypto sphere.

I don't really know if going into forex is a good idea. There are a lot of factors and I honestly don't think it's good unless you use margin. So you will need to know how to trade and read charts if you really want to make money. Crypto is better for investing and I just think that it's simpler. However, I do agree it can be rough without research unless you choose BTC.

Crypto is truly better for investing, the promise of quick money makes people want to choose forex over crypto, so I tend to understand how these things work sometimes, people prefer the money over anything.

Indeed there's no actual way to be 100 💯 lucky... And it's not just crypto, every other industry....😂

It's good to be emphatical when it comes to crypto, because it's the wildest ride. I've been in this long enough to know that it's wilder than most things in regular life..

Absolutely, I can tell your experience in the game and I'm proud to be your friend and follow every thing you say... I'm looking forward to learn so much more from you and everyone else

It’s so funny how I counted Forex to be a part of the ways I’d be making money this year and I thought by now, I’d be swimming in money but all nah lie😅😅
Well, it can work well for her though

It's not like forex is bad but it takes months upon months and even years of training to figure out how it works.

Clickbait then? Haha

Well..... and more

Thankfully, I fell for the clickbait😂

But I learnt something too, thank you for sharing.

Thanks for reading

😂😂😂😂 I like the way you started it bro... This is probably click bait 😂😂😂...

But hey the wisdom in this article is absolutely legit and I can't believe you can get so experienced 😍😍💯

Crypto really that require a tough skin bro... Indeed your blog is as good as advertised 😁💯🔥👌

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