Market Anxiety and Uncertainty: What You Should Know.

in LeoFinance3 months ago


Prior to the approval of the BTC spot ETF, there was a strong indication that we would not see a bull run or rally. Many analysts were convinced that without the ETF, there would be no bull run, which created a sense of FUD anticipation. Months after the ETF approvals, there is another argument that the spot ETF is now a threat to BTC's decentralization and is only used by wealthy individuals to store their wealth. For me, I can not say that the ETF improves BTC or crypto.

It is just one of the inevitable evolutions that will occur in the crypto space over time, and it has a role to play in the adoption and advancement of the technology, rather than necessarily improving or changing BTC or crypto in any way. But I get the sentiment. Many people are concerned about what the next 12 months will hold for cryptocurrency, especially since most alt projects have not made a massive push.

Of course, not many people expected meme projects to take off, but one thing I have learned about cryptocurrency is that the power of a community can propel any project to any height. I believe that we have reached a point in crypto where community and product can determine how well a project performs, which is why I believe that people should focus on their projects rather than liquidate their assets in search of greener pastures. There are no greener pastures in cryptocurrency; only greed drives people to invest in what others have built while abandoning their own.

Community Over Market Cap

At this point, I believe that any project that builds and prepares well, combined with effective marketing, will experience a profitable bull run. At this point, BTC will not do X100, which means that the $100 you put on it will not result in the thousands of dollars in profit you seek. Do not be misled by the market into believing that the ETF and billionaire interest will only cause a bull run in BTC.

Unpopular opinion.

More than half of those who invested in meme coins with a strong community will earn more money than those who abandoned their projects to invest in BTC. This is because the market creates uncertainty about which coins will rise and which will fall. People are fond of predicting the future based on what they know now, but we know that this does not work in cryptocurrency.

A Case Of Splinterlands

For example, many Splinterlands players believe that the game will not replicate its success in 2021. While it is possible that this is true, it does not necessarily imply that it is a fact that has been signed and sealed. True, the project owners are still in over their heads and are not hitting the nail on the head, but they have the best interests of the game in mind and are doing their best.

For me, the success of any cryptocurrency project in the long run is largely dependent on the community's efforts, rather than the current price. It is not time for the alts yet. However, you may be surprised to learn that some projects you never gave a chance will perform even better.

Why? Community.

Many people are currently doing the same thing here: selling their Hive bags and going to buy Solana or ETH, forgetting that the project was created to pique their interest. It is common for some men to prefer women outside when they can invest directly in their wives to "be" the type of woman they want. More like the prodigal son in Luke 15-11:32, who asks his father for his inheritance, then goes away to squander it before returning to seek redemption.

Hive is arguably one of the best out there, but we have not designed our projects well enough to compete with the best. This does not mean we can't; we just have not had that eureka moment, that perfect tip of the spear that will propel us forward. We can do it; we have not yet, but that does not mean we won't. We are where we are, and we have not regressed; we just have not kept up the pace we should have; full throttle, etc.

I understand that people are becoming increasingly anxious, and they want to know what is going on. However, until the bull run reaches its peak, no one can predict with certainty which projects will outperform their previous ATH and which will not.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


you're right, a project or memecoin with a community can easily outperform Bitcoin in the bull market.

It's a combination of two things: narrative and community.. narrative that's created by the project and than ran by the community all over social media. I've seen dogwifhat and others are doing good just because of it.

Yes, there's now an evolution. Community, marketing and hype is what some projects now do. I even feel like this is what's mostly needed for most projects to actually do well. Running after BTC and it's gains won't cut it for small investors

yea, that's all matter other than the utility or narrative like "this project is Ai, this is RWA".

!1UP Good work!


Thank you bro

Why worry so much? I know it's human nature, but for those of us in crypto for the long run we've seen it all before. The hills and valleys, you just need to watch out for the meme coins with the rug pull. Hive is different but lacks a central figure going to exchanges to get us listed so we will lag behind for that reason alone. Decentralization has it's benefits and pitfalls too.

I'm hoping Splinterlands recovers, I'm not entirely sure they learned completely from overproducing Chaos packs due to farm accounts. I think the grand majority of Rebellion will be burned, and in the end the cards more valuable. I would like to see them start to advertise and try to attract new players, give them incentives to come in. Just my opinion...

How are you feeling today?

Well people worry. I worry too. Just like I've been worried about my health and my young family. Some people choose to worry about money especially since they've made investment choices and all that. As for Hive, you're right, decentralization has its disadvantage too. I just think that everyone needs to collectively do their best for Hive. Afterall, community is everything in crypto.

As for splinterlands INC, they just need to do better. A lot of people are vested and banking on them.

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Absolutely, the evolution of the crypto space reflects the ongoing transformation of technology adoption. And if we are all being honest, the importance is community for the growth of a project can never be over emphasized.

Yeah and hopefully the Hive community can aim for and do what's right for the chain

And this 'hopefully' may be hanging on a a string.

We will be fine. A lot needs to happen, but Hive always does its thing

The market will move irrespective of our plans.
Project on Hive can adjust and move with the trend

I really hope it does but then again, this isn't a decision made by a person but by a group of people...

I share the same view on the market movements
I cross fingers
Hive to the moon

To the moon 🚀

If there is a meme coin that is really crazy or strong, it can grow as much as BTC but at the same time, it may be quite difficult to see any coin that will overthrow BTC

It's not about growth, some coins literally does better than BTC every bull run..

One thing is certain: the bull market is here and most projects are bound to print green candles. It's therefore important to fill one's bag with tokens and coins with great potential.

True. Projects will do well

Sure thing!

This is very peculiar for the market to remain uncertain. It is traumatic for some while fun for the others who know the dimensions of it.

Thanks for sharing your valuable insights. Newbies like me get to learn from such blogs, keep posting.

Have a great day ahead, take care.

True indeed


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BTC will get more price in its bag. But the fact is, there are doubts to choose what to hope out of an uncertain nature of a market and how it will behave in the future.

We have the choice to make playing cards and if luck favours things will be on the grasp.

Please I want to be like you in the world of crypto

Very well said bro, we are yet to experience a surge in alt coins. Hive is definitely one of those hidden gems yet to reach its full potential. Fully decentralized and ready to concur the world like no other. Patience is definitely a virtue in this time and age. Thank you for sharing and keep enjoying your week :}

The market is always uncertain and we are never sure when things will happen. The crypto market is constantly changing and the best we can do is do the research to set up a plan. The community is definitely a key part of what keeps a project alive.

I think prolonged uncertainty is what gets most people to re-evaluate their plans and try improvising as the situation demands. With crypto, taking a long term approach could prove invaluable since things are constantly evolving with fluctuations between peaks and valleys. Community is a vital part of any project, the stringer it is, the higher the chance for the project to achieve success.

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It is true that the market went up because of this news and I have to say here that people who bought it at 17-18 thousand should take profit because of greed always. We make losses within this industry.