Splinterlands Guild Report: Thoughts On Rebellion

in LeoFinance8 months ago


My guild play this week was better than the last week, this time around, I had better luck and I won 4 games out of six, and most importantly, I got 12 SPS and 1200 merit. Winning these days in the Guild is no longer as easy as it used to be, and 12 SPS for 6 games is good. My Guild members won quite nicely too, except for one player who lost 5 games and won nothing at all.

The most interesting part was that I bought a Gladius case and when I opened it, I got an epic gold-2 Edith Emberstar with a collection Power of 10,000 which is equivalent to 10k DEC if I choose to burn it for DEC. Although collection Power is not a prerequisite in the game for winning, the fact that I can convert this Gladius card for 10k DEC makes it worthwhile.



It's the second time consecutively that I'm getting a gold Gladius card while opening a Gladius case, and maybe I'll get a 50k gold-2 legendary card the next time I open a case. The remaining content of the Gladius case was average, but I didn't care, the gold card made up for everything.

On the other hand, Rebellion** (the next generation of cards) is here, and from the 18th the presale starts. From what I see, both the sales from the presale and the normal sale will be $3.10 and there are numerous rules as to why this generation of cards will be different. New summoners, different elements. The sales will now favor users who stake or keep their packs unopened, rather than opening or selling them.


I think because it's the bear market, splinterlands is prioritizing players who want to keep their assets rather than looking to cash out. So it's pretty difficult to cash out while still qualifying for the airdrops. A lot of players are already preparing for the presale starting from the 18th, I think the presale gives some special edition qualifications.

It's the bear market, so I don't think I'll be participating in this one, but I might just buy one or two packs during the presale, just to have a feeling, or maybe qualify for a futuristic airdrop. Splinterlands should probably have waited till after the BTC halving to release this one, at least the market might be in bullish mode, but then, I guess the game needs the money to keep flourishing, paying bills, and sustaining itself.

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Great outcome for you and your guild unlike last time for you.
As for Rebellion I wish I could throw in some money but am adding up at the moment, I might have to pick a pack or two, will see how it goes. Though it promises to add excitement to the game.

I don't have any money for rebellion. In my tiredness yesterday, I just decided to check the official post. I'm just playing these days to keep myself from thinking myself to stupor

!1UP Good work!


Thanks for the curation

We'll need to talk one day about this game. It is driving me insane lol.

Sure, yes one day, we will.

I mentioned you in a post. Read later

I did, before I saw this. My ginabot didn't show me the notification earlier

Haha, it is fine. I saw your response. I just want you to be fine. I hope you will be.

Edith looks a great card and has a cool burn rate. The Rebellion set looks exciting and Dec already shot up alot too. Amazing how much is going on in the game.

Yes, it has a cool burn rate, I might burn it later to buy a rebellion pack, because I already have the normal level 1, one BCX.

Sounds like a good idea. Thinking about it mayself now

Yeah, it's a good idea, TBH

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I still don't know how I will approach splinterland. I know at some point, I will figure it out.

Me I'm just taking it slowly, I'm mostly playing to keep myself busy these days

I'm still yet to understand how this game works. I would like to participate too👀

It's a learning process. When you set aside some money, you can throw it in and learn as you go.

Oh okay.. Cool
When I'm ready then.
Thanks alot

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I think that is why so many players of Splinterlands want to save their cards or SPS for the future because it will be more valuable in the future
Nice one!

Yes, for the bull market.

Nice gold foil epic gladius card. I haven't gotten one yet. As for rebellion, I think it's too early because land is already going to eat up a lot of user's funds.

Edith Emberstar is a great card: useful in battle and also useful to burn for DEC


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It's good that you've changed your playing style this week and it's benefiting you a lot and you're winning more games than ever.