The Only "Gain" You Should Truly Chase

in LeoFinance3 months ago


Everyone is now chasing "gains". Trying to do the Ponzi maths and looking for ways to x10 or X20 their money. Crypto is blowing up, and out of the shadows. The asset that was once deemed as "dying" 18 months ago, is now the cornerstone to the investment plans of some people. The FOMO is kicking in and nobody wants to miss out including those who once called crypto a scam. It's life. People are loyal to what they deem profitable and switch commitment and allegiance when it's no longer that way.

It's like chasing money throughout your lifetime only to realize you truly didn't need that much of it, as life becomes fleeting

People commit to what they don't have and ignore those things that they think they have in abundance, and we age to realize that the things we have in abundance aren't as much as we think we have. No one knows the future, but we mostly judge the future based on our present condition or the circumstances surrounding us. It's the same with Hive. Some people are saying Hive won't experience a bull market, because of a lot of things, this, that, and that again the selling pressure, the lack of intentionality by the witnesses, and the wrong marketing placement.

Faulty them would be wrong, why?

They have a clear argument that is provable and substantial. However we merely make assumptions based on what we know: our calculations birth permutations and predictions, which in turn form the basis of what we consider to be fact. We mostly walk by sight; the knowledge we have forms what we believe and deem as our reality. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and this only proves that we're mere mortals functioning on the parameters of what we know, unaware of the bigger forces that work beyond any human understanding or capacity.

The ETF impact; Unpredictable

No one knew the ETF would create a bigger impact on BTC, we all never saw it, and I bet that even Satoshi himself didn't. We might be brilliant, decisive, and smart but sometimes our ability to exert our brilliance and genuinety is the hubris that becomes our Achilles' hell.
Our lives are very superficial, a lot of people are beginning to whore after BTC again. It's in our nature to chase after the golden fleece.

However, I truly feel that experience and a greater sense of trust and commitment are the hallmarks of people who stick to their money and loyalty even when everything is seemingly dead. Qudos to the crypto faithful. I mean the guys who kept their stash at 15k, if they'd probably sold everything out of fear, maybe we might have been truly dead anyway. We hardly celebrate people who know what matters most irrespective of the trend in change.

It's like sticking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith through loss, suffering, through pain, and when it seems as if there's no God

The present makes us doubt the future. This post is obviously intertwining from crypto to psychology to God, I know. Our lives are more entwined than we know. For example, being on Hive mirrors and reflects our reality more than Facebook or X will ever do. On Hive, people will show their true nature and it'll reflect in their actions since nothing is hidden from the chain.

Right now in the crypto space, we're in the era and panic, tactics, strategies, and all. In everything you do, remember to also seek things that you think you have in abundance. Seek to also know God today. He says he's the way, the truth, and the life, and this the the one true commodity that you can truly own: God. Enjoy the market drama, we're in for a marathon.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I love your God talk. However, I couldn't relate with the current "panic" as a result of BTC ETF just like I could not relate to the fear when everything in crypto space particularly on Hive looks ugly. I will just keep doing my small things until I reach my goal.

I love your God talk

Thank you, it's newfound, and honestly in all the chaos in my life, this is how I hold on.
I can relate to the current panic, everyone; most people wants to become rich now, and the fear of missing out is why a lot of people feels that the alts will never perform as BTC is currently doing.

BTC running from 15k USD to 100k USD is just 566% price appreciation. If HIVE would run from 0.36 to 4 USD, that's more than a 1,000% price appreciation. The same amount of money invested on altcoin like HIVE will give a higher return.

@tipu curate

!1UP Good work!


Thank you 🙏

I love your two in one article composition. More of God-finance article. Learnt a lot friend, as you've said, green candle bounce back from below $17K has garnered much attention

Thank you, yeah that was the aim of the post. To embody two contents in one and let it entwine. I'm glad you like it.

With the ETFs out there, the crypto space is definitely different. I wonder if they will make ETFs for other cryptos but I have a feeling that it probably won't happen with people like Gensler around. I think people just pursue the short terms profits all the time and I don't think there is much you can do about it. It's rough though.

I think Gensler won't stay with the SEC forever. Other crypto might just get their spot ETFs in the future. Who knows.

I think that's the "gain" that truly stays with us, while everything else will be taken away at some point. Amidst the market drama and the drama of life itself, always remembering the big picture and acting accordingly will helps us navigate through the right path.

Thank you. Gotta consider the bigger picture at some point though. For someone like me, I'm learning to balance my life and find more meaning, away from the rat race we call life.

Amen! Haha. I knew it and I was right! 😆 High five to treasures in heaven!

Right about what?

What you wrote in the title and your article.

Oh, of course. Thank you.. 🙏

I love this
It’s like giving us some crypto gists with some words of God

That's the main aim. I'm glad it came out well.


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