Web 2 and 3: The War of Algorithms and Marketing

in LeoFinancelast month


Tiktok was one of my most used apps at the time, but I stopped using it because the algorithm was horribly designed for retention purposes. They then proceed to "market" videos that have already received a large number of views, by first showing you such videos rather than those of the people you follow and want to see their videos.

So when you open the "app," it takes you to the "for you" section, and before you click on the videos of the people you actually follow, you will realize you have spent hours watching the suggested videos. It is a wicked thing to do, but it is clever and essentially how life works.

The algorithm understands that in order for a video to receive a lot of "views," it must have something unique, marketable, or catchy about it, which is why they will recommend such a video to you, even if you do not end up liking it, because you will eventually view the video and it will count as a view, just like it does for everyone else.

If a video on tiktok has 2 million views, it is possible that 1.5 million of those views came from people who never liked the video and only watched because it was suggested to them, implying that it added no value or purpose to the primary reasons they joined tiktok in the first place.

When you create an account, they will most likely record what you want to see, not because they want to show you the type of videos you want to see, but because they are probably using that data to rank videos by popular demand.

So, if you open tiktok to learn about cryptocurrency, there is a 90% chance you will only see dancing, meme, and funny videos, because it is widely assumed that no matter what your interests are, everyone wants to be entertained to feel relaxed, so funny, memey videos are always the most appealing.

It is generalized and popularized, and at the end of the day, you get to see what is popular and what you really want, and the ironic part is that you will not even feel this tricky at all. It is 21st century web2 diabolical algorithm sophistication, and it may not be long before YouTube and Facebook fully adopt it.

However, there is something I want you to take away from this.

People are minded similarly to web2

The reality of our world is similar to web2, even though we now have web3, which we are all becoming accustomed to.

Hive & Other Chain

Today, I saw coingecko released a list of the fastest chain, and just like you're also thinking Solana is topping the charts, and there was no space for Hive. What I noticed was that most of the chains listed there were already running smart contracts, whereas Hive was not. I also noticed that the majority of the chains are well-marketed and have a lot of money. I spotted Tron, the chain owned by our dear Justin Sun.

This was the same Tron that the Hive community opposed merging with. If Tron was that good, why did the Hive community oppose the Hostile takeover? Sit down for a minute and process that. It only tells you one thing: the space is primarily filled with products that are 90% packaging and marketing and 10% product. We could also say it is a collective effort to ignore Hive, but I believe it is more of the former.

If we invest more DHF funds in meaningful and intentional marketing rather than the previous type, the results will be predictable. I would also like to look at it from this angle.

No One Cares Untill You Make it

In real life, no one really cares what you are doing unless it starts to pay off. Before others can boast about you as their friends, associates, business partners, and so on, you must first do well for yourself or have a track record of success to ensure you get more exposure. People want to see what others have witnessed. Life is based on metrics, and you will not be able to rank until you start meeting them.

People want to be associated with the most popular thing available, which is why marketing is the essence of life.

In Conclusion

I do not believe that a good product will sell itself. We are in a saturated industry where you need hype to sell what is even good. People are selling what is not up to standard with hype because the audience is driven by popularity bias; it is difficult to appeal to this bias if there is no intentional effort to join the ranks of this bias.

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I am struggling to stay on Web2 as it is so toxic and negative and full of scams, adverts and many grifters. Web3 is so much more real and genuine. I've never been a tiktoker, but I have used insta.

I saw about the fastest chains on coingecko. The reality seems as though the most dominant will take all in the market. Solana now has most NFTs, defi, and fee generation too. I'm not sure where Hive can go from here except to focus on good tokenomics to compete.

I still am on web2 but for now purpose other than checking biblical contents, watching a few other videos and keeping up with the updates of people I know..

Well you're right, about Solana: it's more about how the chain is run and the fees and all that. I don't really feel the product itself is solid, but the chain is sophisticatedly functional

By itself a great item will never sell well without marketing, it's that simple. The marketing has to be done right or no one will pay attention to Hive, It would likely entail a professional marketer with industry experience and contacts to get it done right. It would be wonderful if we had someone like that pushing Hive to the world!

It's probably one of those rare places where the witnesses haven't done well. However, marketing a sophisticated chain as Hive will take some ingenuity and we just need to hit that lottery. Otherwise, we're one of the best piece of chain tech out there.

!discovery 20

TikTok don't mind what your interest is, suggested videos is shown to people once they login, and it's distracting and sometimes, we end up watching thise videos and forgetting about why we login the App in the first place.

That was exactly the point I made, the algorithm is made to show you what they want and not what you came for.

Yes... is true 💯.
Most people dislike it because of too much ads or videos they do not want to see, I login the App once in a while, and it must be when I want to watched a comedy.

Basically, entertainment content rules.

What you just shared is evident in almost all web2 platforms including Facebook itself.

Hive needs to do more if they actually want to get to that level. I am of the proponent that they review their downvote policy.

Downvote is part of the System, without it abuse will thrive. However it's not a perfect system that many often take advantage of.

Hype is a part of it but I also think that the other chains pay a lot towards advertising. I don't think Hive does that very well and the most popular app is probably Splinterlands. I just don't think the blogging space is that large for long-form posts. We are decentralized and that makes it harder to really promote as well.

You're right, hype and money, it's not like we also don't pay a lot, the problem there is that we've channeled this money into the wrong places, and it's probably one of the problems of decentralization.

Wow you're so right about the statistics for the TikTok views... People keep swiping suggested videos and that adds up to the view count.. the algorithm of web 2 platforms especially video platforms makes it really difficult to grow.. I love how Hive gives a fair chance to everyone to blossom.. lovely blog... Id I had to choose, I'll stick with Web 3 Hive🥰

It's mostly not a war with web 2 and 3. The scenery I created was mainly to talk about how people do not really care until they have a reason to actually care, it's something common in web 2 and 3.

Oh I actually got you point though buddy.. I knew you were not trying to compare in a war like manner but I wanted to share my opinion on the TikTok side and my opinion on Web 3 thanks for the lovely blog again

Yeah, I understand. Tiktok's algorithm is visible and many people really see through it, it's always impossible to still leave the app

I have to be honest me too😂😂😂😂😂 infact I spent like 40 minutes straight on it before I realized that I had so much work to do

Entertainment retains attention. So they do it well.

Absolutely bruv... Absolutely

I hope one day 3Speak will advance or another TikTok version will be on Hive

So many videos just keep popping on my TikTok page including the ones that I don’t like😅
Let me just guess that there is a way that people maybe pay TikTok to promote their videos

I don't know if there's a promotion pattern, but basically the videos that are top are more suggested.

The reason why I don't have a tiktok app.😊

I have it, but barely use it .

It consumes more time.😊

You're too good in explanation!!! Definitely Web2 always lead a big role in our wasting of Time !lol ...
I stop myself with a heavy force from using Web2...

Well, once in a while, we all return back to Facebook and Twitter. Thanks, I try my best to create.

Whenever I open my Screen, don't know which force take me to Facebook... After spending some time there I lock my mobile...

This generalized and popularized way of presenting content in most of these web2 platforms also leads to echo chambers, where the most well known is taken for the best. I think nowadays it has become so subconscious that people no longer take the time to process the information they consume, it more or less pass through their heads, and on to the next....

The more popular, the better. Web3 is also beginning to adopt it, people think the best projects are the ones that are more advertising money is thrown into.

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