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RE: Halloween Haul with Nyssacat373 & my November HPUD 2021 Goal Achievement

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

"Haw! Haw! Haw! Braw compliment an' sae forth lassie! Weel, Ahh was thinkin' o' sailin' aff intae th' sunsit, but Ahh've got a toor tae finish, an' that's whit Ahh'm gonnae dae!

Thes peculiar kinds o' bunsens- Hife, disnae hauld me fancy. It was pilin' up an' Ahh truly dornt knows whit tae dae wi' it. Sae, Ahh thooght Ahh woods givs it tae me most leal officer! In th' future, Ahh'll givs it aw awa' in th' 'Silvers Contest'. 'Att might get the crew mair inter-actiff! An', it willnae be botherin' me heed. Bludy heel, it's nae shiny mates! Ahh dae hopes ye buy some silvers wi' it!" 😉 -Keptin


Weel Sairr, considerin' th' size of th' 100 Hive, 19HBD BOUNTY I should 'ave nae only save th' Commander boot taken over th' Le Serpent single 'anded too.

It's part of the reason I set aside the 100 liquid Hive for a pre-Christmas trade opportunity among the Stackers.

In service to th' Scottish Crown (Salutes) Thank yea Keptin.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

"Ahh kent a smart sailur loch ye woods pit it tae guid use! (But it's nae shiny...nae sure whit it is!)" 😉 -Keptin