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RE: The Total BTC Supply on Exchanges continues to fall and $48k becomes the new $35k

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Honestly... I have no idea. I don't have nearly as good of a feel for ETH compared with BTC. I do think it could get to $5k this year though. I also think if everything goes right, ETH will eventually be more valuable than BTC... even with BTC being worth many multiples of where it is today. I just think that next Facebook's Google's and Amazon's of the world will be built on ETH and will give it tremendous value.


I see Ethereum as being the platform for infrequent high value transactions. PoS is a long way off and other platforms will take Ethereum's business when it comes to low-value transactions before Ethereum transitions into PoS.

The Facebooks of the future will be based on something entirely different from Ethereum. Hive has a future in being the backbone for some Web 3.0 apps.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I wish I agreed. ETH already has the name-brand, and as we have seen with Bitcoin, having the name-brand and first mover advantage is often very difficult to replace.

I feel like other projects already had their window to replace Ethereum from 2017-2019 and they didn't take advantage of it. Now, I think Ethereum is too far entrenched to be replaced. I hope I am wrong though, for HIVE's sake!

The name brand is meaningless when Ethereum gets totally jammed up. It makes no sense to build a social media platform where a single transaction costs $100. Doesn't work. Would you like to pay $100 to vote on a post or to transfer a tip worth $1?

The move from Ethereum to other DeFi platforms with much cheaper transactions is already happening. Protocols on Binance Smart Chain such as PancakeSwap are all the rage now. That's because it is IMPOSSIBLE to do low-value transactions on Ethereum right now no matter how much you loved the Ethereum brand. Here's the token price history of the CAKE token:


The price has gone up more than 20x in a month! That's because of massive adoption. People have no choice but to go elsewhere when Ethereum block space becomes too expensive for their transactions.

By the way, I never said Ethereum would be replaced. This space does not work that way. I said Ethereum will remain as the place to go to for high-value transactions.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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