Scientific Research & Interview about Decentralized Social Media - My Review and an Open Invitation

in LeoFinance2 years ago

As you have probably already read at the posts by @lemouth here and my post here there is a research being conducted at the Social Media Lab Dpt of the Toronto Metropolitan University

The purpose of the research study is to better understand the nature of blockchain-based social media platforms and why people are using them.

This study is part of a larger research study to understand how privacy-preserving technologies, like blockchain-based platforms, can be leveraged to benefit social media users.

When I signed up for the interview, there were not many slots available, so it took me a couple of weeks till I found an open time/date that was suitable.



My overall experience was positive, the researcher was polite and we had a whole hour of chat.

Samples of Questions Asked

I will not share everything of course :) but in general, they would want to speak to you if you often use any (or many) blockchain-based social media platforms.

You will be asked if you use other, traditional social media and when/how you got into blockchain social media.

You will be asked how often you use them and also why you use them. Do you prefer to be here, than other more traditional social media?

What do you usually post about and what do you enjoy doing here? Do you find interesting content?

Why do you stay (if you do) in the blockchain space, or why don't you? Why do you believe that these types of social media have not gone mainstream ?

Is there something that you don't like, don't enjoy?
(I could not answer this question :)

Source of Inspiration

This Interview has given me some ideas about some new posts.
These queries are/could be also the queries of users.

So why not sharing some posts about our own experience here? I will be making a few posts in the near future, it would be nice if you participate :)

Open Invitation

I believe that it would be nice if the voice of community leaders would also be heard. Decentralized Social Media are not only for users, they are for people who have a vision and want to realize it using a (i.e. the Hive) blockchain.

I would like to invite a few people to take part and make their voice also heard.

I had written some names but I see that the participation is now closed.

Too bad, I thought there would still be time.

It is amazing that we are able to shape decentralized social media, so let's make the most of it!

Thank you for visiting :)

p.s. Not sure if I should tag @guiltyparties here? Let me know if you need any further info!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I did the interview too, I think on the 20th. After the interview they sent me a form to fill. In the form I saw space for me to fill my private keys (maybe I didn't read that well). But they later sent me a mail to fill in my hive user name.
I think it's OK and I honestly enjoyed the interview.

I think we were interviewed the same day :)
I only received one email, with a link where I was asked to write my username / wallet address to my preferred social media (for receiving the incentive)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta