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RE: The Crazy World of Poured Silver Art, Fun Collectable or just a glorified Generic

Come to think of it, I was beginning to be convinced that Apple Corp was gonna Monopolize the letter "i" and it would end up everyone having to pay a proprietary usage license fee for using the letter "i" in our everyday speech, email, and letter we write.

Only for everyone to never use the letter " " agan as a protest aganst the tyranncal use of the Englsh Language. So when Wrtng, you stll know how to read ths message. Rght Sster?

Chershng your precous comment Elzabetbt 🤗 💗

The Bloody Raven's 8,4,2 and 1 Reals Chest


" " completely understand your reples! LOL! Love ya sster!🤗💜