
It's a great tool but man it hurts to compare my holdings sometimes. Since my previous add, the prices of things have definitely taken a beating.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I definitely hear you and share your pain. I'm glad I'm not a panic seller as I would have lost a small fortune. Instead, hopefully like most, I'm adding to my positions daily.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea I have no plans on selling since most of what I put in was what I earned here on Leo.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I get the fact that the value is going down can it be painful?!? This is literally why people get killed in these markets. Down is GOOD if you think this is something you'll own for the next 5 years. Seriously, you need to change your entire viewpoint on this stuff or you'll end up being one of the ones getting rekt by a bad dip.

If you're not going to sell this anytime soon than down is a positive. Not a negative. You can buy and get more for curation when it's lower. Period.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah it isnt difficult. They can figure out what is being held pretty easily.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta