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RE: LeoThread 2024-02-09 20:08

in LeoFinance4 months ago

Which part of the Dashboard are you most excited for?

I'll giveaway 1 month of LEO premium to at least 1 person who comments below 👇


for me the whole section is top notch and favorite but specific it's that "impressions" section.

I always wondered about my activity and now it makes everything so easy to track.

Hat's off to you for bringing this to InLeo.

knowing how much I'm earning on a weekly, monthly and annual basis is what pleases me the most

Nice! Yes, I imagine a lot of people are in this boat too

I think the impression on threads is pretty amazing. That is something to watch.

I love the whole dashboard but am specifically interested in the activity where you have the number of post and threads.
I also love the impressions.

Yep impressions data will be really cool to see!

Congrats on winning this contest! I gifted you 1 free month of LEO Premium. You now have access to the exclusive features of Premium

In addition, we just made some changes to the Curation Policy of @leo.voter (2.4M HIVE POWER). I recommend you publish at least 1 blog per week using This will allow you to earn massive upvotes from @leo.voter. If you make at least 1-4 blog posts (minimum) this month, then you'll likely earn 2-4x the cost of Premium in a single month

My goal with this is that you can take this 1st gifted month of premium and then earn enough to keep renewing every single month forever! As long as you keep making good content on blog posts and Threads, your earnings should skyrocket on-chain. I'm seeing a lot of Premium members make well over $100 in $HIVE and $LEO Rewards!

Now that you've got premium, it's up to you to leverage it to grow and renew it each month! Welcome to the club 🦁

Am sooo happy, I promise to work hard to earn enough and remain on premium, I can't miss this beautiful features that am enjoying now.
Thank you so much.

The activity numbers and impressions are good but I personally like the pie chart right there. Red,yellow and green used to show the whole assets on Leo and on hive makes a lot of sense. Soon I won’t want to use any other frontend sort from Leo. Btw, when will this be added to the normal inleo ui.

I love stats. So I like everything. But if I had to choose I would say the assets section.

Awesome! You’re gonna love when this is live! The chart is scrollable throughout the entire history of your account, it’s amazing

nice! Looking forward to it!

I like the chart showing the account balance - its great to be able to see your growth over time, and where you have come from. Overall the dashboard looks great !

Im most interested in the stats. I think it will incentive people to publish low hanging fruit seo posts for evergreen. It's a good feature

Waooo, this is cool. I haven't in any day regretted being on this platform using this frontend; these additional features are increasing my vibe for it.

I think this is referring to the views one has and the impressions that follows one's activeness using inleo frontend. Outside of the fact that it showcases ones account worth it also divides earnings in $LEO, #HIVE AND $HBD.

Overall i think its referring to the Evergreen rewards which can only be possible using iNLEO frontend.

It looks overall amazing and I ll be super happy to use it in my monthly report!
When will the 'monthly' or 'custom' be enabled?

Everything looks genius, the dashboard is very easy to understand at a glance.
I'm more excited for the impression part. It'll helps encourage and boost your confidence.

Impressions probably if posting more and then rewards.

I shall love to see my Activity Part in Dashboard. After watching my post impression, it will provided me Motivation and one trigger for further activities. The progress of my account can be evaluated here.


The earnings stats on the top of this screen.