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RE: Proposal to Grow the Hive Ecosystem With the Everything App and One-Click Onboarding

in LeoFinancelast year (edited)

Exactly right on all of your points and thank you for your support on the proposal! The experience needs to be seamless - I've often said and re-said in this proposal - and it needs to feel as good or better than Web2. Our UI is in a really good spot right now.

Are there improvements to be made? Always.

New features to add? Always.

We will always keep pushing that envelope.

But you're right - if not now, then when? The Hive userbase (social only) is 11k users. We are offering to DOUBLE the Hive userbase. It will only cost Hive ~$220k to double its userbase.

As stated toward the end of the proposal, it's not an exact metric but consider that 11k users and the current market cap of HIVE is $100m.

Will doubling the userbase be worth another $100m to Hive at a cost of $220k? Not necessarily. But what we are saying is that doubling the userbase of a $100m project is likely to be worth some amount of "valuation" to the core project. We believe that its in the millions of dollars at a bare minimum but again - that's a hugely subjective variable that will be impossible to predict.

We want to be the net inflow for Hive. The thing that Hive has been waiting for is a mainstream moment that creates an influx of new users. We're gonna put in our own resources and match them with the funding from this proposal to make that a reality.... and if we don't succeed, the DHF gets all of the money back.

Get 9,000+ new Hivers or pay $0. That is the offer we're making to the Hive community. We know we can achieve it and we're betting on ourselves because we'll have to pay all the costs of marketing if this plan doesn't work and we do in fact return the DHF funding.

I think this is a pivotal moment to onboard new Hivers and it makes me very excited to think about the coming year when we 2x the social user base of Hive which will ultimately benefit every single dApp in this ecosystem.