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RE: AI Generated Publications Should Be Considered Fraud on Hive. Here's Why...

in LeoFinancelast year

Yeah I feel the same way, that's something that has been in my mind too, if Hive is spammed full of AI crap - blocking me from seeing and reading content created with passion - I'm out too.

I can see a lot of people being the same way. Hive will be full of doodie content and all comments will be like instagram. "Cool post." "Awesome" or fire emoji's.

I wouldn't be afraid of scaring users away who pass AI posts off as their own - which is one of the counter points - because anyone who does that, doesn't care about Hive and is only here to make a quick buck. They aren't here with good intentions, and don't want to read other peopls posts; which to me is something we need more of in the long run.


Exactly my point. What I value the most on Hive is its organic side. I was so against bid bots back in the day and so against ai generated content on Hive right now...

I think AI art is handy, especially when writing fiction, so you can have a picture made that looks simular to a location you're writing about. The good thing with AI art is, it's sourced the same way any picture from Pixabay or wherever would be.

For sure, but that's one side of the story, and putting out whole blog posts written by some bot is a whole different thing.

Yeah absolutely man, I've been reading a lot of posts about it in the last month and have seen almost every excuse in the book for the use of it... My eyes haven't rolled so much in such a short space of time