
Particularly now. Just days ago I read that a way to make graphene a semiconductor had been developed. This is astounding news, because graphene inks can be printed with ordinary inkjet printers. IOW, we should be able to print our own chips. The era of Open Source Hardware is about to begin. I don't need 4nm chips to run my household computer. I can live with something 100 times as large, so within the range of inkjet printing. Also, graphene semiconductors are reported to take a fraction of the power and produce ~20% of the heat that silicon chips do, and with larger chips there's easier ways to cool them as well. Then there's the already amazing panoply of table top tech for making stuff that has advented recently, such as 3D printers. Only last year the first 3D printed space rocket, Terran 1, was launched in March. Since then multiple space manufacturers have moved to adopt 3D printing in a big way. The last craft that landed on the moon, Odysseus, used a 3D printed rocket motor. Space manufacturing uses aluminum, so my guess is that 3D printers capable of printing aluminum are about to become available much more inexpensively than they were last year, and with increasing adoption prices can be expected to plummet - as usual for new tech being mass adopted.

I am super optimistic about decentralizing production of most of the goods and services we need to create the blessings of civilization. I don't want to buy radios I can't change the batteries in, or keep Google apps off of. I want to print my own radios that also create a mesh network so that people can speak freely and forthrightly amongst ourselves without being censored by ISPs, and can trade crypto even when they ban it to replace it with CBDCs. I not only want these things, I NEED them, and, lo and behold, here they come.

It's about time we got rid of mass production and adopted bespoke local production of exactly the products we need, and got rid of the parasites that suck our life's blood out of every hour we work for them, out of every product we buy from them, and keep that in our red-blooded American veins where it belongs.

I'm super stoked about the coming redistribution of wealth that will come with redistributing who makes the products we use, and that being us, instead of vile psychopaths like Gates, Soros, and Rockefellers that happily destroy the environment to make a few more pfennigs, or add bugs to our food to make us more miserable.