
No worries! 🙂 yeah, the echo was heard on one of the mics. I'm always interested to heat what's causing these!

the dangers of alcohol lol

😅 I know!

i'll make sure we do a proper sound check next week. the threadcast died so i think i was being told the sound was bad on twitter but couldn't get the thread to load

These things happen and usually, it's a domino effect causing it

love when tech fails

Me too. When I used to work as an event tech(video), I just loved the feeling when the client was breathing down my neck when all systems were down. Moments like that really make you feel alive. 😅

I'm still actually listening to it, weirdly enough, I'm getting used to it now and it's not that bad anymore.

hahaha well, we appreciate you getting through it. hopefully it's at least a little entertaining.

Enjoyed it! The content was of course quality stuff. 👌
And hey, if you had not said the magic word, we would have heard it twice! 😅
Sorry, I just had to! 😀