
I've been part of Hive for 5 years, no idea where I'd be had I not heard about it in a random hostel by a random 60yr old drinking a beer. Hive changed everything for me.

not sure if real story, but epic if so

It let me leave a job that I hated and gives me something to work towards for the future.

Definitely life changing stuff.

this is the way

Mine too

that's awesome

It changed my lifestyle (not in monetary terms yet) but the way it makes me go with my days😍

that's just the beginning of it

Simply amazing😉

Yep, It's seriously just about the only platform that pays me to work and contribute to it's overall growth.

yes! not only that but the connections you make are powerful

Same here, I can't even give a good imagination of how my life would have been by now if I had not found out about Hive... #gratefulheart

same, i just imagine a very dull life

Hive has been more than a revolution. Its for me a discovery. No regrets ever since I came onboard. And in such a short time, I have seen that it is capable of giving me the life I never dreamt of

Yes ser....!

Hive has changed so many of us in a great and positive way.

I don't like imaging life with #hive

absolutely, i don't either

Ruined my life too haha.

likewise lol