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RE: Keep your LEO on HIVE

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I've spent too much time playing with defi losing and making money. I cant sit back and watch people advise others to convert decent crypto into a farm token. Maybe not best to be posting from the lbi-token account but I know it gets alot of readers. lol.

Thank as always my friend for reading through this post and leaving some feedback.

I must have 20 half written posts saved in drafts with my straight talk but I never upload them. haha

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


"Maybe not best to be posting from the lbi-token account but I know it gets alot of readers."

I wouldn't be concerned with that, but ... My $0.02. 😉

"I've spent too much time playing with defi losing and making money. I cant sit back ..."

Exactly. Your intentions come from the right place. We all can read what any one of us chooses to write and then form our own opinion.

In so doing, we are then much better equipped to make well-informed decisions, which is absolutely essential when investing ... (Or when making any consequential decision in life)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta