Leo Talk 7/08/21 - Come Join Our Chat

in LeoFinance3 years ago


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Here is an interesting way to handle supply chain issues.

The Swiss are going to build tunnels between major cities and have supplies moved between cities using EVs.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Now THAT is a good idea. Lot's of construction jobs for a while but, of course, I'm sure those will be automated so there goes some more trucking jobs....

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That's very clever indeed. I hope they can pull it off, it would be something really interesting to see

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The funds they spend up front on this project, will likely be made up in the savings realized once this network is up and running.

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Bye bye driver jobs but it's a great way forward. We're doing something similar with the West gate tunnel. Massive congestion in the western suburbs mainly due to trucks. A few trucks in a row and there is a few kms backed up.

An underground tunnel is almost completed for quicker traffic flow. Hope it works.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well Swiss are not some kind of propagandist, they do not talk, are rational and most importantly THINK !

That is a great idea instead of all these Ecologist in my country telling us to not have children, to eat your shit and drink your piss to save the planet.

Thanks for sharing this cool article, I had no idea.

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I wonder if this tunnel will be used by autonomous vehicles. If normal people can't use it then it will make the entire process easier.

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This could be huge if they manage to pull it off in a cost-effective manner. We could definitely use such a system that is faster and probably cheaper. Not so sure if it's cheaper to create.

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Get your CANDIES now. It is that time of the day.

CANDIE jar time.

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I have to buy another Jar... But definitely putting candies into it xD

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Got mine. Tomorrow is 100 again. Probably will need the reminder since I'm playing golf.

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Filled up my jar for today and added some diamonds to my chests. To top it off, I added some hearts incase it becomes useful.

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Got my 30 for the day!

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It was 40 for me today. Halfway to the big 100!

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30 more for me! I'm beginning to look forward to candy time. :)

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DONE! 30 candies day tomorrow.

Hearts and Diamonds as well.

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Got mine, Thanks for the reminder.

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The Kobo Elipsa is betting on a clever note-taking feature to try and give Amazon's #Kindle a run for its money. Is it up for the task?

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It's the first time I heard of it so I don't think it will. At least it needs better marketing so people actually know of the product.

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Didn't know it either. I do have a Kindle and I really like it so these guys are going to have to fight for it

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It looks neat and does so much more but at $400 it's pricey I guess. I'd go for an iPad instead.

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Yea, not cheap!
iPads are more versatile but for reading only, I prefer e-readers like Kindle.

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It's perfect for book readers. But if you want to do more with your device, go with an iPad.

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Good morning everyone! Having my first cup of coffee and getting ready to start up my solar powered bird bath fountain.

Before doing that though, I want to share the chart of the CUB market action.

CUB Price Past 24-Hours

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Hey everyone what is good news today?

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Today we should see the new Cub Docs and Roadmap!

It's going to be an interesting week for #CubFinance!

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It looks pretty good, CUB is $0.63 today with $2,734,723 in market cap, and TVL in the farms and dens is $9,170,941.77 . Then we have $2,483,963.90 TVL in the Kingdoms, which I assume is on top of the other two figures. That's about $14,389,628.67 in value all together. https://cubdefi.com/

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Did you know that the news has just come out that Brussels has just fined two huge multinationals Volkswagen and BMW 875 million euros for discovering that they were organizing to take the lead in reducing nitrogen oxide.

Things are ticking up. Cub over 57 cents, Leo over 25 cents, Hive around 35 cents. I added some of all three a little while ago. If that marketing campaign is going to start kicking in, I don't think these will stay at these levels for too much longer. I'm not saying they'll run away or anything, but LEO to $1 from 25 cents is a 4x. From 33 cents it's only a 3x. Cub to $2 from 57 cents is 3.5x. From 80 cents it's only 2.5x. The percentages can be pretty dramatic at these low prices so I thought I'd better get some now, just in case.

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Those are some smart moves and I'm sure those that were FUD-resistant during the recent downturn, likely made as well. The clock is ticking, and I think the rest of 2021 will be one wild ride!

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I want them to remain in that spot till say month end when I'll raise some bucks to fill my bags again.

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Market looks like it is starting to recover and it is possible that we will see a return to those prices. I've added a significant amount to my CUB, Leo holdings. Regained almost much of my initial investment. Been trying to crawl back my 8k which I have almost done thanks to Kingdoms.

I only wish I had more time to Build Leo and CUB but were getting there.

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I bought some CUB Yesterday, two times. It was so fun. I invested in two of my favorite Kingdoms - CUB & CAKE.

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I just keep growing my CUB holding.

This is one I feel we cannot go wrong on.

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Me Too. Funds are SAFU :))

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Yea, that Cub Kingdom is looking sexy

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I still plan on adding to my CUB holdings over the weekend using the LEO I earned but don't know where I want to put it yet.

I prefer the 5-5-5 club that taskmaster said.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, I agree they're all doable. To me, CUB has the most short-term potential so I wanted to make sure I added that now. I added some LEO to stake and also added some more to the bLEO/BNB pool. I still feel like that's the one that helps the platform the most so I like to add when I can.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We do not have the long term plans released by we can see it all tying together.

#Cubfinance is meant to add value to #leofinance and enrich the holders. This all can help #hive.

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That changed really quickly after the Leo Finance Roundtable. Price of CUB as of the posting of this comment is...

Price at $0.633(USD) with a volume of $279,625.00(USD)

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It still holds at that price and that's a good sign. Let the next few days come and without a doubt we will have good surprises.

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Yea, the future is looking bright for #Hive! I've been adding some myself recently

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Slow and steady, this dilemma holds true for cryptocurrencies.

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I bought more CUB earlier today so I am glad about that. It is good to keep adding that one in my opinion.

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Yes, the great thing about adding CUB is the more you add, the more you...well...ADD. :-) Each time I get some my farming ticks up that much faster. It's pretty crazy how the compounding of money works. Who knows if this will ever be a $40, $50 token. It very well could be with all the pieces tied to it in different directions. But even if it's not, I firmly believe it will be solid double digits at some point so getting in below $1 feels like at least a 20x not even counting the staking rewards. Add those in and it could literally be 50x over the next few years. And again, that's only at double digits. If it DOES go to $40-$50 then we start talking stupid money. Pretty exciting to say the least.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Haha yea I always go a little crazy when I make projections for my CUB stake

Even if it goes back to like $4 that's already huge

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$4-$5 on #CUB will really make a difference. It would make a lot of people on #Cubfinance very happy.

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The Power of Compounding is always in force. And it is something that any individual will be able to take advantage of over time. Add in that element and accounts will grow to higher levels.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good attitude! I wonder in the future what life will be like for some people who will remember that time when CUB was worth less than $1 and didn't know how to take advantage of this great opportunity.

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I am so glad it is showing signs of an upward trend.

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It is to keep the confidence that better days will come, I believe that this is just a phase and yes, the marketing done very well will make a huge difference.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's a good idea. Buy in now when you can.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta



@dagger212! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @marvinix.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (5/10)

Synthetic speech is getting to a level where it will be indistinguishable from human speech. #AI is, of course, behind it.

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Wow, things have really advanced and this looks like it might be the real deal. They were just beginning to test this when I worked in telco, and we used to joke that one day they'd replace us all just like the buggy-whip makers.

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Yea its hard to tell sometimes if an actual human or machine did it for a video now as well.

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There are Youtubers who use Synethic audio generated from Text input to create the voiceover for their video. This could change the game for them.

At the same time, you can use this tech to frame someone for murder or something.

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Yeah, deep fake video and audio are going to be even more of a problem in the future

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Osso VR is aiming to turn surgery into a videogame using #VR. This could help medical teams to better prepare for a real surgery by interacting in a virtual environment.

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Your share put me in the mind of this game that my siblings and I played as children. Lots of fun in those simpler days of yore.

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I had the Operation game as a kid. I remember removing the "funny bone" was a bitch!

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Heheheh I didn't have that one as a kid but I know it from pop culture

#AI and #VR are taking it to a whole new level!

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My mother used to say games are bad! Let me show her this now 😂

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I do remember seeing a few surgery related games but they were more like handheld games and were pretty far from reality. So I hope this turns out well.

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#BMW is finally producing its electric scooter but the price tag makes one wonder if people will actually buy it.

12k is not cheap

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Come on now, you know you have your pre-order in! :) That is a nice looking ride though, and worthy of the BMW name.

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I am looking to pay for it with #hive. That was the note I included with my pre-order.

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I would not buy it and it looks more like they are trying to leverage their brand name to earn some more money

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Not cheap! It's mostly for BMW fanboys.

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There is no doubt that a lot of these are coming to market as costly. Of course, that is how the follow up generations are paid for. All #technology starts out expensive and then drops in price.

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A "Black Box" for your bike?

Victoria to trial 'smart' bike light tech to up road safety for cyclists

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I have a bias towards cyclists because I walk on foot a lot and some of them can be real assholes.

I hope it makes the roads safer for them but I also hope they respect pedestrians more

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Now that I think about it, I have been reading of more accidents involving cyclists, so anything that makes things safer for everyone, is for the better.

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Unfortunately there are always idiots everywhere. What the world needs are more sensible and honest people.

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It sounds like something nice for the people who ride bikes. I don't really bother since I use a car to travel.

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Traveling by car is very good.

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I always find it interesting that innovative technologies emerge that can help our daily lives.

For those who are used to riding a bike, they might like this idea.

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Is there anyone here that can let @rob23 know @amr008's discord name? Let's get him started on getting involved in the engagement project so I can get dividends passively.


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Hey @rob23, this is @amr008's discord: AMR#2274

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As suspected, the rich keep getting richer. And we all know who they are. Hopefully in the years ahead crypto can level the playing field somewhat.


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I think crypto will level the playing field since people will have access to capital outside the current system. But I am wondering if every single country will be as harsh as China in promoting their CBDCs.

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These people make a shit ton of money even when the whole world is dealing with a pandemic. The top 1% own the majority of wealth and that's what crypto is going to change drastically in a few decades maybe. It might happen sooner than we anticipate.

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Very true. In fact the list would be hard to formulate as some of the rich guys in crypto would have their balances encrypted.

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The pandemic was really nice to those guys. Most of them saw a huge increase in their fortunes

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Wyoming just keeps paving the way for the US and maybe the world. Interesting that the first one recognized is on the EOS chain. I know nothing about this coin but it's premise is certainly interesting. I'd love to see it work.


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I like to see these efforts to build something using blockchain and crypto

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Well I think EOS itself isn't really going much but I did like how WAX was built by forking EOS. At least with their structure, they made something similar to HIVE where CPU and NET recover over time for staking your tokens.

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That came out the other day. We are seeing some advancement on the legal front, at least at the state level. There is a division among the different government entities.

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Yes, the bill allowing DAOs to be recognized was approved the other day. THIS is the first DAO to actually BE recognized. That's the only reason I added it here. Plus, like I said, it was EOS. And I wouldn't have pointed out this distinction if it didn't add another comment to the day. :-) Probably two, because I'm sure you'll comment back. lol

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Another mayor looking to make "bitcoins" part of the mainstream. A good article pointing out the challenges and possible advantages NYC has moving forward. Some interesting stats in the article, not the least of which is that the city "stands to lose as much as $720 million in tax revenue from commuters who aren't living in the city".


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Again, nice to see crypto making the news. Even if it ends up not going forward at least it shed some light on the subject

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I like his way of thinking by considering what BTC and crypto can bring to NYC.

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Will there be a 4th stimulus payment? I think there will be but I have a feeling that those politicians will just kick the can down the road.

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I think we'll have to see how things goes with time. They definitely deserve the right to survive.

The pandemic hurts and bruises are still there. I hope they get what they are looking for. Moreover am sure it also means there will be great number from the stimulus going into crypto.

It's a win for the people and can't say much for the government.

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Well it depends. If they tack on a bunch of stuff to fill the coffers of their friends in the process, we don't exactly win.

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It looks like higher taxes are losing steam in the US. Well given the current economy, I don't think it was the right time to raise taxes but the money spent now will have to be paid off in the future somehow.

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Crack down on Chinese stocks trading in the US. It looks like there will be more work from China to make sure things are tying into their interests of the communist party.

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Mercuria Energy Group Ltd. struck a deal last summer to buy $36 million of copper from a Turkish supplier. They got painted rocks instead!

Cu later.

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aw that sucks but it is kinda funny lol

Reminds me of a scene from the tv show Big Bang Theory where one of the guys says he bought a Harry Potter wand on the internet and the seller sent him a regular stick that you find in the park or in your backyard lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Reminds me of a scene from the tv show Big Bang Theory...

LMAO. That's brutal. 😂 I hope he didn't spend that much money.

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Oh wow. I can't believe they replaced copper with painted rocks but copper price has definitely exploded in price a bit so I am not sure if they wanted to sell the copper at a low price.

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Lol, yeah. They took the time to paint the rocks and made them look like copper. Got burned too much.

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There are plenty accounts affiliated with the LeoFinance witness voting scam. I just discovered another @anaivelazco31. Please share the news. They are targeting Actifit posts which they know are not appearing on LeoFinance frontend and many who use it may not be really aware of the real LeoFinance.


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Oh that's really sad to hear.
I hope all this ends as soon as possible

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It will only increase as this place gets more popular.

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Then we all have to be very cautious and sit tight because its not going to be an easy ride.

It's really true that more popularity will make it even more open for more spammers to try and milk peoples money out of their wallet.

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Yea, I heard some people fell for it and lost their accounts.. I hope they can recover it. but it really sux

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Some accounts are being hacked also and then being used. So be careful of clicking on links. These scams are only going to increase as time goes by.

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Yea it looks like they are going all over the place

Even #risingstar put up a warning on the game

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Yea it has started getting bad. I got one on my post when I woke up so I downvoted it.

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Yea, I had never used the downvote function before but in the last 24 hours I've been downvoting these scammers every time I spot one

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The Top 5 Most Dangerous Criminal Organisations Online Right Now When it comes to #cybercrime, here's to hoping you never have to hear from these guys.

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None of use hope to see it. They pursue the companies with money so I doubt they would hit us.

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Some more details on the DoD - JEDI deal. I had the experience of participating on a bid for a #technology contract with the government and it was not a pleasant one. It's a lot of paperwork and things move sooo slow

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I can only imagine. I have a buddy who use do deal with the government contracts for a firm he worked for. He said it was always something with them.

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Well I believe connections play a big part. Isn't it funny that Pelosi bought Amazon call options before the JEDI deal was being reworked?

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The last of the 3.5 Utopis tokens have been placed on the market, There are currently 72,700 Utopis in circulation which are held by everyone involved, there is 10,000 in the market at 3.5 and 67,300 held by me, remember there are only going to be 150,000 Utopis tokens. This will continue to allow me to grow the account.

I know @taskmaster4450le asked about the circulation of UTOPIS and how much would be on the market. He kind of laid out the structure on his most recent post.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice, that's good info

I'll keep grabbing them whenever I can

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It is a fabulous return. I am glad I got in on #utopis early.

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The European Central Bank sets inflation at 2% and it may even improve as expectations are more optimistic about the future.

The Fed has that level of inflation and missed it 6 out of the 10 years during the last decade. This means they were only able to hit it 4 times.

By the way, the missed it in 2020, so this decade isnt off to a good start. So good luck on hitting that one for the long-term.

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Cyprus approves a recovery plan of 1200 million euros which will cause thousands of jobs to be created following this pandemic in the recovery from this crisis.

Without knowing the particulars, if they want to stimulate the economy, with all the failed policies, direct stimulus is now about the only approach. The economy is not seeing the punch coming for the new stimulus programs.

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I expect a lot of the money to go to the coffers of the rich and powerful

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Just in case you missed it, here is the @leofinance Roundtable Podcast. I am currently working on the time stamps and will modify this comment when completed so everyone can jump around.


🦁KhalFounder LEOFINANCE.IO   🦁NealTax Expert   🦁RollandMarkets Pundit   🦁MitchReal Estate Guru

I was going to do one for the ClickTrackProfit podcast interviewing the founders of Spk.Network, but at 3 hours? It was a bit too much for me! 😂

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I have so much HIVE / LEO / SPK audio content to catch up on.

They're just sooooo longgggg, I can't invest the time haha.

So the timestamps are definitely helpful to get the valuable bits.


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Hey @sgt-dan. Thanks for doing the timestamps. Looking forward to them. Can you please share the link Cryptomaniacs podcast ft. Spk Network team?

I saw it somewhere but can't find it.

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Here is that interview. I do not believe the recording has been published to 3Speak.tv yet. This is a link to the TwitterTM broadcast...


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks a lot. This helps!!! ✌

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That makes me happy. My work is done here. Off to to the next epiphany. I get lots of them! 🦁

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You may also find this interview of interest by @scottcbusiness interviewing @theycallmedan.

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Thanks for posting this, I missed the original. Hopefully I can get to this sometime tonight. If not, do you have a short summary you would post - just maybe the highlights?

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I am working on the time stamps now. That way you can jump around. Answering notifications right now, so hope to have it done in a bit.

I will have to see if I can watch it tomorrow (if I remember). Maybe you can make a comment about it in today's post so we can start some more discussions.

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Russia trying to clone cow milk for the lactose intolerant.

We are seeing this enter into all areas of life.

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I am lactose intolerant, but I still drink a lot of milk. Not the fancy schmansy kind, but good old-fashioned whole milk!

So I flatulate quite a bit? At my age I have earned the privilege. Besides I live alone.

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LOL that reminds me of Larry the Cable Guy's skit where he does the bit about the walking farts.

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Yeah, Larry the Cable Guy is one of my favorite comedians. I love his tag line, Get 'er done!

We should make Get 'er done! our tag line in @leomarkettalk when it comes to engagement!

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Now if only they could clone Dr Pepper so that it tastes exactly the same but has no sugar or chemicals. THAT would be an accomplishment worth blogging about. :-)

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Or develop a fat pill so that we could eat and drink what we wanted without any weight added.

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I dont think I have tried Dr Pepper. I only know it from pop culture but I'm curious to try it, even though I'm not a fan of soda. People seem to love their Dr Pepper

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What's wrong with lactose free milk?

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Nothing. It just doesn't really apply to me. Dr Pepper, on the hand, would very much apply to me. To the tune of about 1000 calories per day. Nectar of the gods. :-)

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It is too sweet for my taste. I have tried it before.

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Lactose free milk tends to be a bit sweeter than normal milk, I think it's because they need to add sugar or sweetener too it once removing the Lactose as Lactose is a sugar I believe

Well...I think its nice but I don't really know if it will lead to anything.

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That's interesting. I wonder if something similar could be done with peanuts as some people seem to be highly allergic to it

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Here is another edition of our daily @leomarkettalk.

Yesterday, we had some interesting conversations on #leofinance.io that dealt with SEO.

We all need to try to do the things that help with this.

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Wrong comment I think.

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Well, it WAS immediately above the comment to warn people before they looked at it....before you commented on it anyway.

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Missed it!! SEO is vital if we want to compete with the likes of Medium, Quora etc.

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Really an interesting theme. But I missed it. Trying to figure my my daily time table to be sure I don't miss out of engagements here each day.

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Zerio is creating a DeFi interface for cryptocurrency investors. It seems to be limited to the #Ethereum blockchain, at least for now, so we'll have to see if it will succeed.

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This is cool. We could use another DeFi aggregator platform. The more we have, the better. ;) We need variety.

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36 states sue Google over Play Store. I think Google is in for a rough time.

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Wonder if they will hit apple stores if they haven't already pretty sure they would fall under the same target as google play did.

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Well its possible to apply this to all App stores if they succeed. However I think most states won't do much more until this gets actually goes anywhere. But who knows since the government doesn't care about wasting money.

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It makes sense. While Google is a mddileman, it makes the most money. It should rather go to the developers and of course the consumers who are actually making the app popular by using it. It's google's monopoly right now.

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That is why we need to alter the landscape with #decentralization options. This is how big things really are.

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Yes, decentralized options give power back to the users. We need more of them to break the monopoly of these tech giants.

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The certainly have a bullseye on their chest. The states are waking up to the power of MegaTech.

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I don't think they realised how much cash they were making.. they were literally printing it that's how much they had. Wish I was them lol

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#Apple and #Google ae basically printing money. It is crazy how much they can generate.

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That's a lot of states! I hope they get what they deserve

And Apple too

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Certainly both those companies have adopted a monopolistic stance. We need to see that broken up as much as we can. That is why we much keep pushing #decentralization and the development in this area.

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They definitely are!

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Thanks for the warning. I haven't seen it yet. Wouldn't click on anything without checking first.

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It is lower down in the comment section. They are using the vote for #leofinance as witness to lure people into clicking on the link.

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That's sucks. People spend too much time stealing. Could be better spent doing great stuff.

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Here's another user with the same target. Please spread the information @hanculture

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I believe @tomlee account has also been hacked. Hopefully he gets it back sooner than later.

We all have to be very careful of this phishing scams everywhere.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the information. I just notified him now. Sad, he's not even aware.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You're very much welcome.

Am sure he'll find his way around this and get his account back.

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@uyobong! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @marvinix.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (6/10)

This tweaked yeast can make ethanol from harvest's leftovers. The #efficiency of the process is comparable to what it would be if actual corn kernels were used. Another example of #bioengineering driving innovation.

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Fire up the Still, time to make the "Moonshine"!!!!

(Good stuff if done right)

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I only know it from movies hehe never tried it myself

Is it like homemade whiskey?

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It can be homemade corn whiskey, or rye whiskey, or anything basically you can think of that is sugary (to make the fermentation process work). Good, good stuff, but packs one hell of a punch. The stuff I had runs 110 to 120 proof.

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That is a great show by the way. I guess it is actually called Moonshiners.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes sir, it is. Watching it often made me want to try making a batch or two myself. But the "Ex" wound up with the property and now I have no great "still pot places" available.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Isn't ethanol big in Brazil? I remember reading something about that a few years ago and that adoption was higher than here in America.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, it's pretty big here!

But we mainly use sugarcane to make it

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By the time these scientists are done, we're going to HAVE to be cybernetic since our bodies will be so riddled with chemicals and radiation and hormones they won't be able to function. We'll just need a lube job every 3000 miles and we'll be good to go.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The problem is whether or not the costs of making oil this way is worth it. At least I think there would be cheaper ways of getting it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well, they are turning potential waste into a valuable product so eventually, it could be very cost-efficient

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is very interesting!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hello friends!

In the last 3 and a half days I had a big problem with internet in my house. The worst thing was that not even the internet on my chip had enough because the data package I got every month was gone... Anyway, it was like I was living in the jungle LOL.

It is at these times that we realize that today it is difficult to imagine living without the internet.

Well, now the problem has been solved and I hope that I finally return to my activities as I used to because lately I owe my participation to all of you.

I promise to return to my constant work here and help add value to the community.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ah that sucks. I hope the internet fixes itself soon and you can come back to posting/commenting.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My friend... being without internet is the same as being in the jungle for days lol.

It really is bad but luckily things seem to be normal. I still think the problem must be the internet modem. I bought a power strip to see if things are safer and I'm going to mess with the outlet again here and hope things stay normal.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea I don't think I would know what to do if I did not have internet. I think I would probably drive somewhere where I could leech internet off of.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Musk's Starlink aims to cover as many remote places as possible to have internet for anyone. The bad thing is having to pay for his plan, which is very expensive, at least here in Brazil it is very expensive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Understood my friend. I went through something similar earlier myself, where some people thought I was ignoring them when in fact I was offline for a few weeks. I can still remember reading the post from you about making a living on Hive. With content like that, your value to the community has already been realized. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you friend, actually disappearing here is very bad because we got used to being in this amazing community.

Luckily things with you have also been resolved. It's boring to be without internet these days.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

France saw both their imports and exports decline.

It is not good for the economy when that happens. That means that the economy is contracting.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well I think some places like the sugar refineries in South America are holding off on shipping their sugars because of high transportation costs. Maybe they are trying to wait for prices to drop.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That could be. I didnt think of that but the high transportation cost is going to affect things for a while. #Energy prices have pulled back but I am not sure the run is over. We could still see higher levels.

As for #France, it is just mirroring the other #economies in the EU.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

ShibaSwap was launched yesterday. The DeFi Safety review gives it a score of just 3%. 😂

Put your precious Shibs in ShibaSwap at your own risk. They are going to be zero anyway. ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ah I heard about that

Not for me :P

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


No shit....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lol. I don't think Shibs are precious though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, they are worth nothing as of now. 😂

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Dcity giveaway. Who knows if you will get something.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Does dcity require an upfront investment? I never got started on that one

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes it does unfortunately. The cards given here won't give you any income but you could sell to get get started on your own cards.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The game is cool, but frustrating haha.

Since the update, the interface has gotten so overwhelming and confusing.

I don't even know where to begin and my city just sits there a mess.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea I haven't really been touching the game lately either. I should probably get around to it eventually though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Community Pages on Leo Finance are coming. What do you guys think? Can't wait to have them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That would be really exciting. LeoFinance.io to the world. For me, I think leofinance.io's got the best interface so far in terms of features.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

leofinance.io's got the best interface so far in terms of features

By a long shot!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Without a doubt!

It's the best and we are constantly getting more features. ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think it would be great and also be nice for SEO reasons.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

100%. Can't wait! It would be great to have niche communities popping up on Leo Finance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hey, today;s got to be great. Good morning friends. I'll be having a realtime class with a few of my Hive invitees and It'll be a great one today.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Please suggest the topics we should emphasize.

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Engagement and the importance of commenting and interacting with the community

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Everyday is a great day when you are on #hive. It is the future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Is anyone else having issues with Presearch? I can't seem to get it to work

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If you are having problems with it, switch to #dsearch.

It often works better.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There are issues sometimes but I just change over to google or something else.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just wrote a post about "cryptocurrency and the metaverse". Hopefully it will rank at some point on that phrase. I tried to optimize it as much as I could.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

All you gaming ethusiasts may find this article from COINTELEGRAPH of interest.

UBISOFT is joining Aleph.im as core channel node operator for their blockchain. Our own @splinterlands and @elindos of EXODE may find this of interest as well; being part of the online gaming industry and all.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Tesla's China deliveries were about 28K in the month of June

This is up from 21K in May. They produced about 33K vehicles in June, with 5Kbeing shipped.

China is a market that many are watching, especially for Tesla. The company is rumored to be having trouble in that world's largest EV market. They did gain for one month at least.

We will watch this going forward.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I was expecting more to be shipped. I wonder if the crackdown and FUD has affected how much they are selling in China.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ah! And about our contest, the result and a new week of participation will be released soon.

To remind some friends here who participate, last week a set of rules was added to make the contest fairer.

I noticed that some participants edited their entry. Please refrain from editing your comment as this will delete your entry for that week.
Hope you are understandable for this contest rule. I look forward to your future participations.

Good luck to everyone.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ending the contest post here, after finishing I will come back here and leave my participation in our conversations.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Florida allowing law enforcement to use drone surivellance on gatherings of 50 or more..

I wonder how long until they get the idea that 50 could mean 40 or 4?

Give the government an inch and they will take a mile. This will end up being abused like most other things pertaining to government and the people who populate it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well I think it will be permanent soon enough. With the way people hate the police, robots seem like a better option.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The yield on US 10Y and 30Y bonds is crashing.

10Y under 1.30% and 30Y under 1.90%. This is going the opposite of where everyone expects. It could hit the equities market going forward. Be very careful out there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Off risk and flight to the safety of Bonds....

Says a lot about what investors think of the "economic recovery".

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea breaking the 1.3% line on the 10Y is bad since people were relying it on as support.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Here we see #technology helping a real world problem.

3D printing could help counter the illegal shark fin trade

We need to stop this type of stuff from happening around the world. Sadly, people do these things which causes great waste and endangers the population of different species.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea some people don't care about the various species and more about their wallet.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

r2c us a startup that's building a code analysis service. What's most interesting about them is that they are part of an emerging trend of #startups building on open-source software.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Commercial real estate is in a lot trouble. There is such a glut in addition to what was started before COVID. These structures are going to be completed.

The next 5 years is going to see a great change in major cities.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well companies have started downsizing from large ones to smaller ones. Eventually it will turn into total remote work.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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