There are 7 pages

My heart never studied geography
for it never went to school
so it knows no cities or countries
no boundaries to keep it at away
just give it a smile and talk to it nicely and
it would be ready
to race away
#bcpoets #poem

Un poco de mi participación en el Hive Music Festival Capítulo Cumaná.

#hive #gosh #spanish #music

Estoy a un relato de llegar a mis primeros 100 escritos literarios. Creo que ha sido una curva de aprendizaje interesante, pues he aprendido mucho gracias a los grandes escritores que tenemos en #hive.

Leer siempre hace bien.

#spanish is online for you?


Success! You mined 1.0 HBIT on Wusang: Isle of Blaq. Sorry, but you didn't find a bonus treasure token today. Try again tomorrow...they're out there! | tools | wallet | discord | community | daily <><

Check for bonus treasure tokens by entering your username at an H-E explorer or take a look at your wallet.
Read about Hivebits (HBIT) or read the story of Wusang: Isle of Blaq.

Has there been some comic or dangerous consequences of a wrong size delivery for you ?
#meme #gosh #threads

Once I bought a toy Chinese jack instead of a real one.
That's when I realized why the price was so cheap)))

I bought a cap from my son that I’m wearing for the last two years ☝️🤩🤩

The weekly #LeoFinance #AMA is live!

Use this #threadcast to join in and ask questions / engage live on air. I'll be upvoting all replies to this Thread


When Leo inflation down and CUB up?


Do not hit the „UNFOLLOW“ button on your own profile page, because it deletes your account!!! 😱


Wow if you can get 5000 people active in here it will be pretty wild for sure.

It will be super crazy... engagement through the roof!

Man you are so right I come here looking to chat and most of the time I just see links to post. But I have done that too so will need to change it up.

Do you think Meta mask can get around the AML laws that cause those holds? That would be big often I see a shot for something but do go in because the money won’t make it in time.

it would be nice to have an edit button on leothread. So i can correct my typos

Agreed. I typo the hell out of my threads

Any plan of adding re-thread + Pinned Threads feature?

Yes, after May 1st Production Release

#threadstorm in engaged! AMA is live and we are talking bitcoin 30K+ and btc loans.

About reputation score. I think a team came up with something back in the day (during the steem era) that was never really implicated. Maybe the leo team can look into it and see what you can learn there.


Khal talking about how to battle the link posting spam fest that happens on threads....I'm all about it

I also think the team should look at getting more hive discord users on the thread

well, nice to see you guys talk about the link spamming issue i raised a couple of days ago. That needs to change

Does the wallet page get some love in terms of search and filter transactions like peakd?

add a "Chad Mode" that converts all HIVE/HBD to LEO and powers up automatically

I like that idea

Chad mode engaged

could we have the idea of BTC & eth loans incorporated into #leofinance ?

In the light of the fact that Asian, European and American sizes are different for shoes and clothing do you know how to pick your right size?

#poll #polls #threads #liotes

I am 100%

Do you agree that a pet is like an unconditional friend ?

#poll #polls #threads #liotes #gmfrens #pets

Definitely yes! I'd trust my master keys to my dog.

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Friday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

But I'm yet to own one.

Outcast is what they call you


Outstanding is right word.

You shine, you glitter, you glimmer.

A total misfit in the stereotypic world

#bcpoets #poetry #gosh

Have you ever ordered a size too big for your self or some one else while ordering online ?

#poll #polls #threads #liotes

A couple of times

A couple of times

Have you experience a wrong product being delivered to you by the courier guy ?

#poll #polls #threads

lol after my vote: I voted no :D

What did you get delivered that was wrong?

different things at different times
From wrong color, brand, size though on different orders
Once a music player(small pocket sized with head phones) that I never ordered. So I promptly returned cause someone else would have paid for it.

New Pencil Drawing and few words about Black Swan

#gosh #art #drawing

My thumbnail reaction is "oooooh"

No better compliment than a gasp!

When you think of passionate work, what comes to mind?

Where did the time go.

Love that. Sometimes I get into the flow of working and can go hours and hours without water, food or looking up from the computer

Few things bring as much joy

Then the best sleep of your life. Crash hard, wake up eager to go again for another 36 hours straight.

It's a great life, unless your job is meth.

Darn it @khaleelkazi, you are a hard man to follow. I mean literally... I can't [Follow] you! 😂 #gosh darn it.

Just find me at the local MCD, I’ll be wearing this hat

Haha! Figured out how to follow you. [no stalker... maybe] I was trying to follow you from and it didn't want to let me. However, I gave you a follow from (no alpha) and it worked.

...but as to your question. Coding my personal ideas and seeing them come to life is a passion of mine. I can't tell you how many mornings I have discovered I haven't gone to bed yet.

I love that. Very near and dear to me. I love a good all-nighter too, you go to sleep and it’s light out but you know you got week’s worth of work done

Doing something you love so it just becomes a part of who you are and no longer feels like work, something you dread but instead it gives you purpose.

Doing something you love and gaining an identity from it, I can appreciate that 🙏🏽

Writing about crypto, learning about crypto, utilizing the different financial strategies in defi and crypto. I could do it 7 days a weeks, with a some breaks to travel... but I would probably do it on vacation too...

Building every day on Hive. It's literally, an obsession lol

Haha I like it and live it

You give your all into doing it and just wouldn't feel like letting off just for a sec.

Any work that will open a door of learning new skills and managing my money

Workingin and without stress seamlessly because you love what you are doing or that your goal trumps whatever challenge you are currently facing

#feedback #ui #ux


Should be more like this:

maybe your example bit too wide but current one too compact yes

why not use the available space?

Fully ready for the #lpud in few days... good to see how well lot of individuals are set too.

Kinda seems like an improvement from his previous "rat poison" description of $BTC

Am beginning to doubt it price now, going from $30,000 Plus to $29,000 plus now.

I just hope it should be a break up rather than a break down

and some how the rigged stock market isn't gambling?

Indigenous #art

This totem pole is found in Canada Place, Vancouver. It has symbols and motifs from their culture such as the eagle and the raven. They depict family histories, spiritual beliefs, or important events in the lives of Indigenous peoples.

His name is Quits. Made in August of 2021.

#art #nonameslefttouse

Have you every done FLowers in this media with your POV?
Just curious..

Nah I don't do flowers. I can. I just don't.

did you change your profile image?

Uh. No? What makes you think that?

Your profile image on threads is different than your Hive profile image.

I switched it. Might take awhile for every frontend to catch up.

Okay. The new is more inviting :P

Suits my personality. That superficial stuff can really mess with minds though. The previous image, people didn't know I was joking when I was joking. This one, people won't know I'm being serious when I'm serious.

Hey I know some people thing these numbers are foolish but dang....I'm getting closer to Task lol (Who am I kidding, he's a legend!)

damn fren, you famous!

My momma said I'd be something someday!!!

mine did too but i'm still just a nerd on the internet... lol

Autograph ples. Noice Number!

lol famous in my own mind!!!

Buy a new pair of sunglasses Jongo :)

It's a must!

when 80 hits you, that's the first thing to do. Ask @tarazkp @acidyo and @khaleelkazi

Two seconds from getting that autograph o ye famous one.

Famous on the internet!!!!

Congrats X80 :)

Thank ya' kindly!

Damn dude. If you dont look like a serial killer in that pic.

LOL Super scary!

What did one potato chip say to another ?

#vegan #food #meme #foodie

This dip tastes Good.

Maybe they could say lets hide before someone eats us!



Enjoy mate... cheers 🥂🥂🥂🍾🍾🍾

Cheers Davo!

A surgical version of Manchester City today, against a Bayern team that came in boosted by its game and the press. We need to ban Rodri's goal, please. #ucl #threads #sports

I wasn't expecting that,but it turn out to the their day against a strong Bayern team

Nobody could predict that strong performance from MC, say no more if we talk about this Bayern right now.

80° and sunny.. @Partytrout and I at the river in Golden, CO

#riverrat #photography

Nudist swim !

Beautiful scenery, Enjoy and have fun.

Since you are a naturist, it is good you only gave us a head shot. LOL

This looks so idyllic dude, damn. Are there hotsprings nearby? ..haven't thought about it for literally 6 years (since the last time I went to one). Hot Water Slaughter

There are lots of hot springs in the mountings

What do you call good?
Is it the acts that support your values?
Or what the society believes it to be?
Good is when you search deep,
And your conscience is at peace.
You look within you and say,
"This is right."

#bcpoets #poetry #gosh

miss me with all these random links to shit. if you're gunna drop a link, please add some context, make me wanna click it. otherwise, i keep scrolling. #engagement

Agree, link dropping without any context is no go!

It's an eye sore

yes. It is crazy to drop the link without any context to it. Links are good when they make sense.

yep, use em right and they can be super valuable

Nifty loves him some clickbait.

Might as well call it kinkbait for me

Toes Toes Toes

That's how it's supposed to be. Not just bland links.

100 percent


Taking a lunch break and using some time to do some #threads

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Friday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Every break is a good time to thread.

Even the bathroom breaks.

hehe oh yea, those are particularly good to thread!

Over worked and Underappreciated , How you Doin?

The nature of the corprorate world.

too bad Im stuck in the retail world, you get days off in corporate i think

Appreciation is overrated.

Right compensation trumps it but when you get no day's off or vacation and it's not your business and you barely see your wife

Sounds like its time to work on finding a new job.

That's no way to live.

Yes sounds good in theory, but I fud myself into thinking I have no skills and won't be able to make the same at a different place. Damn mom n pop shop

No, I understand.

I've been burned leaving what I thought was a bad workplace before.

The grass isn't always greener!

Just found a mapping for #AI in the #software #development life cycle. Soon we'll have AI Teammates 😆 Pretty scary...

When it comes to trading, psychology is key

#Trading hive

It is the biggest battle to being successful in trading.

Trading psychology is often characterized by two emotions: fear and greed. Both of these can mess with one's decision-making, leading to losses or missed opportunities.

The hardest part of trading it the battle with oneself.

That is a fight that most are not accustomed to fighting.

Exactly @taskmaster4450le

To get a grip on one's emotions,it's easy start by acknowledging them. Recognize how it feels and how it affects your trading one's behavior.

Then, manage emotions by setting realistic goals, sticking to a trading plan, using risk management tools, and learning from your experiences.


Me acaba de pasar algo muy loco, justo estaba pensando en una persona y justo unos segundos después vota mi publicación más reciente... ¿A alguien le ha pasado algo similar? jajajaja #spanish

Did I miss today's #AMA? Do we have our wallet yet?

friday is wallet day

Will my wallet be filled by the following Friday?

Wallet on Friday and lots of $LEO the next.

i hope so!

Means we have to open the wallet on Friday? Okay okay :)

They started without you.

Khal is selfish that way.

He does not care. I know I am just a number. A number 1.

You are right. He doesnt care.

It is Khal's world and we all just get to live in it.

He created this world for us to do nothing but share

I do enjoy a bit of corn.

Who doesn't...

I like corny typos as well.

Thanks @traciyork for the gift of 10 #hive!

#gosh #threads #gmfrens

More $HIVE is always a good gift.

Yeah, a great way to start my day. 😄


Congratulations,,hive is always a good gift to get .....hold

Did you see the Foligno v Englund fight last night?

Pretty Wild from the Minnesota enforcer.

(Grr you've gotta click the vid and watch on YouTube) 👆



LOL! Took his head as a trophy.

You can see the reffs are just like Wtf, did you really just do that? You've gotta go.

Been watching my entire life, and even played for several years. Never seen that before...

Hockey without fights and attitude would be so disappointing.

Englund called out a clean Foligno hit as dirty, and well... shit, get banged.

Foligno challenged Englund and he had to answer the bell.


Foligno is an animal and obviously landed a few haymakers before bringing Englund down.

But it didn't stop there.

Foligno ripped off his helmet and held it up like he was Maximus in Gladiator.




Of course it got him ejected from the game.

But Foligno did his job as a fighter.

Sparking the Wild into a comeback from from down 1-2, to getting the 4-2 win!


Who says there's no place for fighters in modern hockey! 😎


According to Andreesson Horowitz, founder of a16z investment firm , investors in the US are fleeing the #crypto market. #cryptonews

I would say that developers and companies are leaving due to the uncertainty and obviously dislike by the present (and last) administration.


Back on new UI today. Thanks for advice to log out and in again (and again) 😅 Eventually it worked!

#threads #ladiesofhive

good morning. That means you will be away for the next couple of weeks?👀

away? Why is that? 😁

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Friday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Got one more workout in before rest day tomorrow Splat Deficient Workout Efficient #movetoearn #fitness

That is a good-sized piece of land. I will have those leeks :)

Thanks for stopping by. Here is an average-sized field. Unfortunately can't help you with leeks. It's in my stomach :) 😎

Most of Crystal’s succulents didn’t make it this winter. Luckily they’re so easy to propagate #hivegarden #ladiesofhive

Sorry to hear that.

It’s nature. They’ll grow back

I now have a new succulent that I brought home from my friend. I need to find a pot and right soil for the 🌱

These are not very demanding with the soil. They’ll grow in anything 😉😁

I transferred the succulent I received.

Does anyone know of any place with good swap.hive liquidity? I tried leodex, beeswap and uswap but they are all empty on the swap.hive side :(

#hive #liquidity

Sorry. I will admit I'm not as versed as others, but swear I don't understand the question... you don't list a pair, so are you trying to GET swap.hive or SELL swap.hive, and with what?

I was trying to convert Hive to swap.hive :)

ah. well, that makes sense. I have only used hive-engine and I don't worry about the fees much, as some have mentioned. If I am making a transaction, I have already well over compensated for fees by that point.

I think you have more funds that are why it is difficult for you. I am using beeswap and liquidity is always available there. But may be it is difficult in your case.

I think it was a momentaneous thing. I see there is plenty liquidity now but when I tried last night it had literally less than 1 swap.hive :)

You could try @deathwing’s swap app

ahh right, I forgot about that one! thanks Khal

If there is no liquidity in any of the bridges, you have to just go via Tribaldex and pay the high fees to the actual Hive-Engine team.

Super frustrating, but it is what it is.

Ah yea, I was trying to avoid that, should have mentioned. Well not in a hurry so I will wait a bit I guess

Remember that Hive-Engine are the only ones that can actually issue SWAP.HIVE, so Tribaldex never runs out of liquidity like the others.

It's raining, @khaleelkazi @emaxisonline @beauty197 @dwayne16 @achim03 @ssebasv @taskmaster4450le @jfuji @bitcoinflood @roky @yeckingo1 @imfarhad @johnhtims.thrds @saggi07 @itwithsm @tokenizedsociety @knowhow92 @idksamad78699 @sammyhive @alienarthive @fermionico @tawadak24 @chacald.dcymt @eddiespino @brando28 @miljo76 @stever82 @blitzzzz @deraaa @jongolson @finguru @behiver @drax.leo @lorenaolivera @onwugbenuvictor @rmsadkri @rentmoney @josedam @lukaszolejnik @shmoogleosukami @thetimetravelerz @filoriologo @bigorna1 @flemingfarm @davedickeyyall @mercadomaestro @jazzforall @m0rt0nmattd @alz190 @flaxz @bertrayo @poplar-22 @jjmusa2004 @acesontop @chorock @steevc @slwzl @decoding @sapphirecrypto @virgilio07 @luchyl @brosonleo @ijatz @gwajnberg @litguru @doze @steemychicken1 @dabxs0 @marajah @nonameslefttouse @the-bitcoin-dood @onealfa.leo @onthemountain @lasort @vikvitnik @yecier @cryptocompany @bradleyarrow @darth-azrael @aguamiel @mcoinz79 @limonta @pero82 @worldinsights @djbravo @financeinsights @jimmy.adames @drplasticwill @uyobong @forexbrokr @mephistophenes @silversaver888 @isabelpena @elderdark @wongi @guruvaj @emjeak @theresa16 @ksam @mazilicious247 @boxcarblue @marleyn @drrune @rzc24-nftbbg @skiptvads @enjar @yaroschain @rtonline @justclickindiva @samueluche07 @quinnertronics @themarkymark @tin.aung.soe @byercatire @lyamalfonzo23 @daveks @hive-140084 @dayadam @peniel2010 @iskafan @yonilkar @luckyali @mrhive001 @neopch @claudio83 @freecompliments @omarcitorojas @magnacarta @melbourneswest @fokusnow @malopie @reeta0119 @cflclosers @sagarkothari88 @pvmihalache @no-advice @l337m45732 @mr-chuks @alokkumar121 @ladyfoth @shortsegments @ifarmgirl-leo @idiosyncratic1 @niallon11 @notak @fantagira @vimukthi @jhymi @herculeand @cleevesh @fantagira7 @tengolotodo.leo @seckorama @p1k4ppa10 @selfhelp4trolls @wlffreitas @arc7icwolf @animaya @katerinaramm @brianoflondon @mypathtofire @bozz @geneandashlee @slothburn @mercurial9 @princessbusayo @shiftrox @pinkchic @hashkings @lhes @mistakili @jijisaurart @luizeba @lindoro @politicsinsights @cryptoinsights @ravenmus1c @albro @moretea @attentionneeded @mukund123 @oasiskp2 @poshthreads @gmfrens @scaredycatguide @solymi @nonsowrites @holoz0r @hivebits @ajournalist @bcpoets.threads @bbhbot @lanniebrockstein @funshee @flower4u @ladytoken @tydynrain @duvinca @chapelle @adysscheryl @alovely088 @amakauz @michaelklinejr @jongcl @avidez @vp-freelance @invest4free @silverlions.leo @weone @beststart @senorcoconut @samgiset @trumpikasleo received 3 SIM each. Check it at

thank you

Thank you very much 🙏

Yay! Thank you so much! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Thank you very much

Thank you!

Thank you so much, The Best regards ,🙋🙋🙋

Thanks! ☺👍

Thank you 😊

Thank you so much.

Thank you very much!

Thank you

Wow, thank you so much.

I'm currently looking for entertaining personalities who consistently create entertaining content.

If you know of any, please point me in their direction, because I'm about to die of boredom. Seriously. Help. Not much time left.

There are content creators on 3speak who share music videos.

Yes there is.

Hold up lemme ask gpt-4

That's everyone's best friend these days it seems. I worry if I used it, I'd never leave the house again. Does it really yield any results for that?

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