There are 5 pages

I'm excited to start my #threads journey on #hive all thanks to #woo! Join the #woogame and ask me any #wrestling questions here!

Welcome to leo family my friend, I have heard about woo but haven't tried it out yet. What's your experience ?

I love #woo and the team. I'm chomping at the bit to be able to play the #woogame and can't wait for it to come out. Really excited to interact with Raven and Terri, two of my favorite people in the world.

And it's really awesome the fans will be able to run their own #wrestling organization and I can't wait to get feedback from the fans about them running their own territory.

Thanks for the question.

#woo #woogame

Game play is upcoming so its not to late to get assets at a reasonable price. so far the leaks and eye candy look fantastic

Welcome to the team! I hope you will stay here with us for a long time!


#woo #woogame

So great! Such an asset to #woogame i have a max perry!

That's cool

#woo #woogame

Welcome to threads. I’ve been meaning to join on the woo bandwagon soon

First , just wanted to say welcome and thank you. Loved the ol' ECW matches. Plus you and Raven had the best chemistry!

What are your thoughts on deathmatches and are they too extreme now?

Never done a deathmatch. I think they are unnecessarily dangerous. I've done many cage matches. Jon&I v Sabu&Van Dam in the 1st tables&ladders matches in ECW and we did 45 min broadways, we didn't need explosions to get over

#woo #woogame

Ive never done a deathmatch. I think they are unnecessarily dangerous. Ive done many cage matches. Jon&I v Sabu&Van Dam in the 1st table&ladder matches in ECW and we did 45 min broadways. We didnt need explosions to get over

#woo #woogame

Ive never done a deathmatch. I think they are unnecessarily dangerous. Ive done many cage matches. Jon&I v Sabu&Van Dam in the 1st table&ladder matches in ECW and we did 45 min broadways. We didnt need explosions to get over
#woo #woogame

Thank you for replying <3


Welcome to Hive! I'm so glad to see you've partnered with WOO. They're a great bunch, with lots of awesome supporters. If you have any questions (because let's face it, hive can be confusing at first), don't hesitate to let us know!

Thanks #woo has a great team and I'm excited for the #woogame

Welcome, Perry. Really excited for this project. Hoping to see some great promo shorts from you and the other wrestler partners to really help shine a light on the world of WOO.

Will be happy to do it

#woo #woogame

WOW!!! Perry is HERE! WOO love for all

Hi Perry, glad to see you here. I'm a proud owner of two of your NFTs haha.

Wrestler alert... hey dude welcome to hive amazing to have you here. On to a bright future woOoOoOoOh #woo

@planetaryinc welcome to theads

@bookerman help perry pimp his page

#woo #woogame

Wow great to see you here man:)
Welcome to team / community :)
#woo #woogame #wrestling

Great to have you here Perry and welcome to the team / community of #woo and #woogame. Sadly I had no luck to get one of your game NFTs. Wish me luck for the next opening :)

Due to some issues last week we redo the #poll for #topauthors in #featheredfriends community.
Come and vote for your favourite author and hel
#leofinance #polls

I voted and yes we had to redo for SB too!

Thank you so much! Hope this time it will be OK?

Yeah I think it will be :)

Difficult to choose one, but I have already voted :)

Thank you very much for your vote! 🙂

And we want you to take part in this decision with your vote in our weekly
The Poll ends on Sunday at 23:59 PST.
#topauthors #leofinance #ladiesofhive #weeklytops #poll


Voted for @ruffatotmeee. Good luck.

Thank you for the mention ✨

Best of luck to all of you four!

I will go with @sof-su I read her content quite often and it's very different from the regular hive content


Thank you @devania !

View or trade LOH tokens.

@silversaver888, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @devania and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (11/30 calls)

Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.

Done, I already voted, thanks for allowing me to participate

Thank you @elentogether !

View or trade LOH tokens.

@silversaver888, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @elentogether and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (10/30 calls)

Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.

Silver Bloggers Author of the Week 8

Due to voting issues last week we are redoing the #silverbloggers Author of the Week Poll 7

Vote here!


Links to the 4 posts will be shared as replies to this thread 👇

  1. I believe there's a group of people that singlehandedly (of course IMHO) keeps $leo not below.

2 I'm exaggerating, but for sure long-term projects like the one I have in mind, are the key to success. The most important part is that, it's not run by Leo people.

  1. It's not even supported by Leo people. This make me sad short-term, but in the long run, I know that decentralisation can be tricky and
  1. we might find ourselves in the situation where Leo may be required to answer questions about grassroot projects and their actions.
  1. 'We don't know these guys, we didn't support them' is always good and easy.
  1. However the last 2 years have proven that @lbi-token and its devotion to build wealth on Leo's ecosystem have proven Leo's purpose.
  1. Am I invested in? Of course I am. Do I want you to invest? No. I want you to check their content. And remember every upvote is a vote aimed at holding and using Leo long time. Not pump and dump

5 days = 1 day, 5 days ago XD Let´s go

🎯 Goal for this year.

nice goal, with a hive and leo logo

When I get it, of course it will have their respective logos.

Does playing soothing music while you work help you focus better and longer ?

#music #poll #polls #threads #liotes

It is my way of completing work that can be monotonous or boring.

Thanks for the shoutout! =)

Always a pleasure @ravenmus1c
Keep up your good work and get back to good health that is the top most priority

That is true. I still try to take it slow. :) Thank you! <3 !PIZZA

I use music all the time, let me focus better

absolutely Works like a charm

I can't focus and hearing music at the same time. Just if it's something that I can do automatically, without concentration.

for some it can be a distraction point taken :)
Thanks for sharing your opinion

100%. Helps alot!

I tend to have playing whilst I work! There's always something awesomely motivational playing! And there is a few different stations available if you want to change up the mood!

Ah nothing beats the good old radio via the internet even better

The fact it's #web3 and got a load of awesome #hive musicians makes it even better! Cryptoradio is looking at ways to monetize it for listeners and creators too! Some cool stuff coming in the net few months!

We should support the true hustlers and entrepreneurs on #hive, and Raven is definitely one of those!

Oh thank you! It´s so nice to read that! <3

yes we should all support
@ravenmus1c deserves all the support from us for the awesome music she creates

Thanks so much! Feels good reading things like that and it keeps me going! =)

I like raven. Some serious tunes.

Of course, we should promote them! Some awesome #music on Hive! Raven is a gem!

Thank you soo much! =) <3

Oh thank you so much for the shoutout! =)

Have you tried making your own French fries ?

@nurul-uli has some amazing tips and tricks to make French fries.
#poll #polls #threads #vegan #food #foodie #liotes

Not at all, I’ve always bought some.

Though it is your choice but if want to try making your own it is possible too

Fresh Basil

Nothing beats freshly picked Basil on Pasta or Salad 🍝😋 #photography #foodies #foodiefriday 🖖🏼☀️🤙🏼

So fresh, so good! Is that a real plant or some AI imagined basil?? :)

The issue with cropped photos here … you can‘t see the whole image and therefore neither my watermark on it … 🙄

My basil never looks like this when I try to grow some pepe sad

Basil needs a warm and sunny spot and a lot of water☀️💦

Not having the full sun I think was the issue as it would get long and stringy then fall over and die

How many times you refresh the leofinance page? I refresh it every other minute. I need notifications please :P

Look like you are crazy about it :)

I don't do as you do.

Anyway, is there a way to mark the notification as read?

I don't think so. I go to other front ends and mark them read.

Same here hehe.

Every minute. I am impatient.

@davedickeyyall has commented on your thread.

I am privileged. i am honoured.

I do it less because I tend to keep going through the threads. I am way down on the page now. Having to catch up.

damn, looks like there is an issue with photos again. they're cut off, and you can't see the full image. #feedback

Well the function of upload image still doesn't work for me 🙂

on desktop, you can just copy and paste the image

I'm having a few issues with the new UI. I don't really like it.

it's in beta. issues are to be expected.

A list of questions that keep me awake at night about Leo Finance. Stop by and read and see if you have the answer or share my doubts.

1/🧵 #Threadstorms

Can Spanish speakers do The Vlogger tasks in #Spanish? If not, I feel we would be at a disadvantage in the Zealy adoption campaign.


You can Thread in your language without any problem, the intention here is to generate real interaction and engagement regardless of the language

What concerns me is the task of The Vloggers in Zealy's adoption campaign. I can't speak fluent English.

I also have this fear but you can make the video in your native language and publish it without problems, use the tags in your language and be happy!

Thinking about The Artist's Adventure:

Not everyone can draw, but everyone can write... in that sense those who can't even pick up a paintbrush wouldn't be at a disadvantage?


In fact not everyone can write. Not in the literal sense, but some don't feel capable enough to make a complex post addressing subjects like finance, but I understand your concern.

That's true, but I still think they approve easier a post about finance from someone who doesn't master finance, than a post from me drawing a lion 😅.

What happens if a new user, of those who came through the adoption campaign, makes a post on a non-finance related topic in the long-form section?

Don't you feel that there is a limitation to mass adoption?


Last but not least... What are you doing that you still don't follow me? 😅 👈

5/🧵 END.

Great thread addressing some issues of this zealy contest. Gotta tell u, rn Im drawing a lion slaying the dragon and even tho I never had drawn Im getting a bit fun.

Great questions you've got here. I do share some of those but like Eric mentioned, not everyone can do all the tasks on the quests. Either we focus and do what we are good at and try the other things too.

Interesting questions.
This is meant to be a hard campaign.
There are many non native English speakers, what about German , Indian that are not that confident in English for example, not just Spanish.

I guess they have the same concern as I do. It's been a tough campaign.

I thought I would threads more than 100 today. But I was so busy all day that I could not come online. But now I will try to go a little further in the leaderboard.

#threaddiction #leo #

100 can be surprisingly difficult! Good luck on the grind :)

Threads is not bigger than the busy day :P

happening to me, i always sett a goal to reach threads but it’s not working because of other things. Wish you all the best

Live crops up at times. We have to keep adding where we can. It is time to move the goals higher.

Leo rewards are nice, but Hive rewards are nicer

Imagine the price of $LEO grows to a point where we no longer check our Hive rewards because our Leo rewards dwarf them

I'm stacking Leo, not financial advice. But you should DYOR, fast

It's a good advice everyone should take.

Ohh.. that would be great. I hope that day comes.

I'm stacking Hive and Leo so it's win win no matter what

It is a situation that can happen. $LEO can have a lot of value is we capture the network effect coupled with business building.

This is a powerful combo. Ad revenue is the starting point.

I am stacking LEO as much as I can too. It´s good advice though for those who would be interested.

My lawn totally needs cutting! Any helpers? 😂
#hivegarden #ladiesofhive

Leave it. The snakes need a place to hide. They appreciate the cover.

That’s one way of looking at it 😉

Something benefits. It is just a matter of perspective.

I am out

looks wild, doesn’t it? 😂

Oh dear. That's going to take some patience to get through... 😅

right? I need to trim it down with hand tools first or else I’ll break my lawn mower 😂

Me, every time I log in to Zealy.

They pop up like mushrooms over night 😲

Literally 😂🍄

It really is

is better in that way, to complete all of them,

I have the same img in whatsapp, an emoji

Jajajaja, I see... love Toy Story Movies

It never ends.
So many quests.

It removes the "what do I do next" thoughts from the equation.

Please welcome me onboard. This is my first

Hello! Hope you have a good time here on threads :)

Have you joined the threads contest yet on zealy??
The link is here if you haven't.

A fun way to get involved here.

I have. Thanks.

Hello, welcome to the threads. Share with us everything you want!

Thanks. I will

You are welcome here. We appreciate your presence.

Welcome onboard

Thanks. I will your guidance

Welcome to Leothreads. Be willing to dive right in and thread away.

Thanks boss. I will need your mentorship

Nice, welcome and have fun ! =)

binance withdrawing from Canada. interesting development #cryptonews

That's a sad news.

Strict Regulations pushing billion dollar industry away from country ain't good at all... Well, lthey'll find DeFi

Everybody over to china.
Less regulations in that communist state.

Indeed, also middle east.

yep, the US is pushing crypto out too

Asia or middle east is becoming new hub...

Hopefully we see some countries with crypto friendly regulations.
Too many are going the other way right now.

yep, first they will try to ban it, then eventually accept it

Binance stopped working in the province of Ontario long ago. Pulling out of Canada now.

oh really? i had no idea

yeah, the Ontario SEC halted Binance operation two years ago.

Is it because they are #crypto or Chinese?

#binance hits on both accounts. Seems North America is intent on giving crypto away to other nations.

double whammy

I'm mobile using Keychain Android version to access threads, however, why can I not get to the to access wallet anymore? I keep getting pushed back to threads.

Mobile is still have some issues. We are waiting for them to work out bugs.

Thank you. My PC is ancient. 🙄

I don't use it on mobile, this is your wallet tho

Thank you. Problem is, I can't get into regular Leo at all. I was trying to access it like before to edit a thread because part of the comment failed to save. It's been a while since I've been able. I do all hive mobile. My PC is ancient

Oh shoot, I don't think we can edit threads tho. There only is one Leo now and we are talking on it.

You can directly felm, I've done it before successfully. I can't, however, access the old site or post from I am being redirected to threads every time I log in whether by using a browser or Keychain

This is the live UI, there is no other Leo Finance UI now. Threads is the front end it is the way to LeoFinance on their UI.

Has anybody seen the LEO sell wall on H-E???
Shits getting heavy out there.

Up to 0.119 Hive per LEO but the same page runs up to 2 Hive per LEO.
The LEO is disappearing fast...

I just thought to go against this hype.. I don't know not what to do. Will create a poll

I've bough 20K this week.
DYOR but to me it's not hype. There is a lot more buy pressure and less tokens on the market. For me it has to keep going up for a while.

And i didn't even realize how thin the supply was.

I have doubled my @leo.voter few days ago. Let's see how thw situation will develop. Leo's team is more active with posts recently, so I get they may be buying some Leo cheap for Hive rewards

They are buying LEO for the voter rewards and the ad revenue is buying leo for the community. Also with the quests and LPUD coming this week people will want more LEO.

I'm hopeful for fireworks.

This means I should sell it on 14th and buy back few days later 😂

I've put a couple of high sell orders on the list. Hoping they get filled and i can take a nice profit from where i bought the past few days.

im not selling

The fomo is real! Even sloth's getting burny fingers!

Buy now...or wait out the hype and hope it goes back down after the zealy campaign....

Seriously? Dayum, I knew it's coming but that's escalated quickly

Does that mean we are reaching $1 Leo soon?

Khal posted it earlier. But it is always good to promote what is taking place. We are now flipping things around here.

threads is making my day..
been stuck in threads for hours

Don't take it to the point of addiction

I won’t get addicted tho
I just love it here

Was just following some interesting threads.
This is actually my first thread posted

hahaha i feel this way too, but i am not threading too much but i keep thinking about threads that’s why i am stuck

A good way to do it is find an interesting topic and thread it for discussion

we can find a lot of subjects but not a lot of time, but we need to keep trying 😁, good luck my friend

As long as you're having fun! Keep on buzzin!

yeah thread is the new ish

How do you get stuck in Threads? That is an interesting question.

I had been scrolling and reading people’s threads

Question for the dev community, What do you think are the reasons for the major skepticism of traditional indie game devs adopting blockchain technology?

Too complicated! They busy being devs!

What's so complicated about it, try to give some specifics. Doing some research on what ppl think

They always say its like a casino, the NFT marketplaces. Maybe the bad actors made a bad first impression

Planning my next Zealy move... vlogging quests would be interesting to try out but the thing is I hate hearing my voice and I should probably have to hear it while editing. 😅

Vlogging is a hard pass for me i think.
Going to have to try and win without it.

Thought about passing it too but then again I'd like to give it a shot.

Only if i really have to.
I'll try every other quest first.

Of all of them I'm avoiding the vlogs lol

I wonder if people already doing them, haven't seen many linking them here

Keep it Zeal, you'll be fine!

Looking for your next XP fix? Check out this #slothbuzz Zealy contest!

Hey, cool! More quests, thanks!

Quests are great fun! We're having a blast competing for that top spot! #slothbuzz is already lining up some awesome prizes with other communities for the next sprint!

Cool! Will be following!

ha ha same. It is not easy to look and hear yourself

Yeah, it's really awkward! I wonder if everybody feels that way and if it's a thing that everybody just has to get used to if wanting to do that.

I just hate my voice

Me too. Well not yours of course but my own.

Meme of the hour: Engagement meme, when you are engaged to #leofinance.

#meme #comedy #threads

do not give your girlfriend such ideas

Absolutely true.. 😅

may nothing come between the two of you not the leo threads or the zealy campaign

that's the hard part I can't miss 'em. 😅

Dont laugh. I torched a couple relationships in my time on Hive. Not saying it was responsible but it didnt help.

She did the right thing? What is leofinance anyway?

Put yourself if her place and think.. 🤣😆

#leofinance is a rocket science club, wanna join?

... aaaand, she's gone.

I am inspired. 😁

And we are buzzing! Let's see your best #meme's!


The Warriors are in the same predicament as the Knicks, but of course the Dubs are the reigning champions and it would be crazy not to put all your money on Curry and his crew to win at home if it goes to a Game 7 #nba #sports

Steph is moving up the ranks of all times greats in the #nba.

He's clutch @taskmaster4450le

A generational talent that is for sure. Misleading also. Not a speciman physically so most think they can be like him. They cant.

Absolutely, a misleading presence but punched his ticket to the Hall of Fame a few championships ago @taskmaster4450le

First ballot pretty much guaranteed.

How many rings does he have? 4?

Yup Four Rings @taskmaster4450le and may get one or two more before his career is over. Question is will he retire a Dub?

The zealy campaign is ongoing and many more XP to grind. How far have you gone on the leaderboard? @rmsadkri shared his experience


#hive #threads

In his post, he talks about being lazy while the quest is on. Read more:

#gosh #

We needs to be motivated to do more. Get more experiences with the staked prizes in

#lolz bot is back, it had been down for unknown reason.
Well, anyone who comments first under this #threads will receive a LOLZ tip.

#tips #giveaway

Welcome back #lolz bot!

Here is your prize for being the first one. !LOLZ 🤣

In my past life I was a turtle.
It is slowly coming back to me.

Credit: reddit
@miljo76, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @emaxisonline

Are You Ready for some $FUN? Learn about LOLZ's new FUN tribe!

good to see the #lolz bot up and running

Here a !PGM for you buddy.

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO tokens

remaining commands 0


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

!LOLZ sounds fun!

!MEME me some !HUG whilst you're at it!

Women only call me ugly until they find out how much money I make.
Then they call me ugly and poor.

Credit: lofone
@emaxisonline, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @slothburn



We like the way you play the game! !PGM
Thanks for being a supporter of The LOLZ Project.

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO tokens

remaining commands 14


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Dear @emaxisonline, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @slothburn.

Weekend goal: Get some 1000 plus word blog posts out.

You can do it!! Any topic ideas brewing

From the Zealy quests

Good plan! Wishing you luck

Thank you 😊

dang. that means you are sending 300 threads a day

I think you misunderstood something there. I wish

Any threading goals?

As much as time will allow

Lol tiktok wants me to pay to post the link to my blog on their app? What?! I can't comprehend this rubbish. What?!

Wait until Leothreads add shorts to the UI. Hopefully that comes soon.

What!? They're that greedy? Wow.

I know right. Why are you trying to limit my reach? I am giving your platform free content the least you can do is give me access to basic features

Exactly. Considering that users provide all the content that is just outrageous.

Bastards, they're all bastards except for us.

Lol I 100% agree. It's crazy. I am actually pissed. All the views I got for my recent video is for nothing. I cannot monetise or even channel some of that traffic to my blog.

Here's a 5c upvote.
On thread is worth more than all of the effort on that site.

Thank you 🙃 I will still find more effective ways to prompt hive and Leofinance

EU's crypto tax plans also include NFTs #cryptonews #nft

They are going to get their cut no matter what happens. The #eu is going to face a huge amount of trouble going forward. Their #debt is not being bought outside the EU.

They can't leave anything alone.

Extra money is sweet.

link? or is not ready yet?

The color scheme is good. Also, for now, the scale of the image is good. Fill in the thread counts and see how it looks.

Yes, lets go now, had to change a bit logic 🙌

Thank you for every help!

'm excited to thread again after all the challenges. Feels good. Hope YOU are enjoying thread?

Let's chat

Cool. Cool coolTrust you had a good day.

I am , what about you, has it been fun over at your end?

Always. Threads has a way of taking over our lives.

It is awesome.

Mystery shopping the dispensary..



I could use a bit to season my salad.
For therapeutic purposes only.

Therapeutic.. ? Of course.

What is a dispensary???

Where they sell legal cannabis

wow.. Thats nice. I thing some states in the USA made cannabis legal and i think its legal in Holland

dude! free weed plus pay!

$20 and $20..

1/🧵When you want to know ho to learn something fast, you find a lot of magic tricks in the internet. But most of these things didn't work or are not too efficient.

2/🧵The best way to do this, in my opinion, is search for someone who are where you want to go. Then you ask the main things if you need to learn it in 6 months. After that, you ask the main things you need to know in 1 month.

3/🧵So, you know what you need to learn for a short term and long term.
You can do something similar using the internet.

4/🧵Type something really generalist on youtube or other socials, watch the video or the post, then you note the things you want to know deeply and search for that again.

5/🧵 And do the same ever and ever again, until you reach a point that you need to buy a course from the person you are learning.
By doing that, you can avoid some scammers and find a really good content to learn.

Wish I knew this when I wanted to learn how to code. I’m not an IT student but I had the interest some time during the Covid and didn’t take full advantage.

#threadstorm 🧵 Hice un grupo en el juego F1 y ahora ya van llegando las personas, le puse BITCOIN F1, después de un buen tiempo les hablaré de $LEO

🧵 Anteriormente pertenecía a otro grupo y aunque habían ciertas ventajas, decidí armar el mio desde cero, por diferentes motivos. Hay que pagar como $1 por ser el dueño de un grupo propio, pero decides a quien sacar XD

🧵 El objetivo principal del grupo es hacer puntos y subir en la clasificación general, si los participantes no juegan pues no hacen puntos y no se logran metas grandes. En el anterior grupo ya iban avanzados, pero los lideres no eliminaban

🧵 eliminar a los jugadores inactivos es necesario, porque solamente hay 50 puestos disponibles, como yo soy un jugador regular entonces, voy a monitorear a quién otorgarle el permiso para eliminar personas, necesito decidir sabiamente

🧵 Como en la temporada pasada le puse esfuerzo con los puntos ya pude desbloquear a uno de los mejores pilotos, con seguridad haré bastantes puntos

🧵 Los números son bastante altos para ser el tercer día de temporada, eso da ventajas amplias con respecto a otros pilotos con peor puntuación

Luce bastante interesante. ¿Cómo se te ocurrió la idea?

Pues llama la atención, espero que más gente se una a esto.

es normal tener un equipo de jugadores para farmear puntos y subir de ligas juntos, dan ciertos beneficios como mejor drop de cartas o un segundo slot para un equipo, para no tener que cambiar cada componente desde cero

Nada mal eso. No tenía idea y sobre las cartas está bueno, cada juego tiene su sistema que puede ser bueno o malo pero funciona.

es bueno, la actualización mala, y toca pagar para que te den mejores cartas y ser competitivo, lo bueno es que son como 5 USD al mes, una suscripción

¿Pero es solo por diversión o se puede ganar algo en el transcurso? ¿Algún premio o no sé, giftcards? 5 USD al mes... HAAAAAAA! Duele :rat: XD

solo diversión, yo solo lo he pagado una vez, porque queria llegar al top, no pude estaba cerca, es un juego de pensar bastante, un pequeño error y pierdes la partida, me gusta porque se ejercita el cerebro

se me ocurrió porque es bastante común, al menos para los que llevamos algún tiempo jugando, toca invitar a las personas que tengan instalados el juego, de resto no hay link ni nada

I just discovered Leofinance, what a beautiful site it is. I love its interface.

#threads #hive

Oh yeah… it’s the current fastest UI on Hive.
So welcome onboard my friend.


Glad to have you here, also they are running a contest, I hope you are part of it, if you are not, the link is below:

Thank you very much, I already entered the link to participate.

I already entered, but I don't understand what I should publish in leofinance?

Do I make a post about anything? Or about a specific topic?

Do you have a group on Telegram or Discord that I can join?

Welcome to Leofinance and Threads

Welcome. We are still in beta so there are going to be some bugs, especially on mobile.

Dive in and start threading.

Welcome to #leothreads. Have fun while threading.

If your primary emotions are pissed off and frustrated, then your life isnt going to be valuable.

Someday you wake up and feel so tired to do any action apart from what makes you laugh; no chores, no baths, no nothing, just there doing whatever you feel like doing
#aliveandthriving #threads

4:21pm friday. whoop whoop

8pm here.
Time to sit down and work my way up the threads rankings.
I think that your about 10 places above me so game on.

Challenge accepted. Have not seen the latest rankings. Got scree shot?

Getting closer to 500


Same as that.
We should both hit it by tomorrow.

Sure hope so

almost there. hang on

Made it. 6:10 now, supper done, dishes done, 6 stones to lay.

wanna win $10k ? make sure to join the zealy campaign.

also join the live stream for tips & tricks!

I’m there and I’m learning a lot from you and Khal

So strange. Engage won't let me vote on this comment. Oh well, I'll tip you instead! 😀🙏💚✨🤙

Made in Canva


- @tydynrain - Comment Moderator

@flaxz! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @aliveandthriving. (10/40)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

#GMfrens, started the day by designing new notebooks for Ghana. Pretty excited about that!

That's awesome! I've seen the project, I love it. I would love to do something like that for my community

that's dope! make sure to share some pics

That’s very nice. I’ve been involved in the distribution project to schools in Ghana and the books are cool.

I use Brave for @anomadsoul

I use Avast for @leogrowth

But you can have multiple accounts in one browser

That's just how I roll, helps me focus, organize shit & keeps my mind compartmentalized

Since March, I've used Avast 5x vs Brave

You are already 80% LeoGrowth and 20% Anomadsoul.

I use firefox and chrome for everything online, my network decides on the one i use From the two browser.

Anytime chrome is misbehaving, I use firefox and vice

Well, i use just chrome for all laptop activity. Just so comfortable using it as against other browser

The man is multipurpose, a true example xD

I am reaching a breaking point with the constant barrage for tips. I happily tip my local restaurants like I have for decades. But tipping delivery drivers, subway workers, or services I am already paying for! Where does it end?

Pay your workers more.

No tipping culture here because for example bar/restaurant workers earn like $50 an hour.

I would be a huge fan of them getting paid way better, and then paying the real cost of my service. If i cant afford the service at the real cost, I shouldnt go out, not punish the service workers by not tipping.

I hate that. I understand the tipping culture but a restaurant machine had three options - 20% 25% and 30% what the heck is that?

Right - I remember when 15% was good, and 20 meant you really went above and beyond! It seems everyone in every job seems to want a tip.

Just a furry, upside down pup named Inara This is her favorite position on one of her hoomans laps. #dogs #pets

Inara having fun

Your dog is very cute

Thank you! She's my husband's dog and is constantly by him. Once in awhile she visits me

The peak hypocrisy moment I've witnessed!

Is when they (GOV) had kept News Channel streaming and casting their own agenda... Censored whole country and showed them what they wanted in television.

Like who believes media in this century?

No one believes the big media no more


After going through this situation I realized why decentralization matters!

There are 5 pages