Well I started trading leverage about a year ago. Before then I was so scared of the idea of putting my money in such but now I seem to love it more than spot trading.
Before I started leverage trading I always thought it was very risky. I was right cause my first few encounters was nothing to write home about. If I can remember correctly I gambled almost all my capital away
The thing is I wanted to make soo much money with soo little. In that situation you’d have to set your leverage position so high. A high leverage positions also means that your liquidation price will be high
I didn’t seem to care much about the liquidation price being so high cause I was I was able to get out in time. It wasn’t much but then I was excited at how easily I could multiply my money in a short time.
I was hit with reality when I didn’t stop trading. I continued cause I wanted to make soo much more. Eventually I lost all my little dollars😂. I could set a leverage position to 40x and 50x.
I guess the fear of losing it all affects many people in the crypto world until they dip a leg into it. Crypto is all about risk but someday, one will come to appreciate the fact that he stepped in without letting fear stops him.
I also loved trading spot. But I don’t go for leverage. My brother went for Margin and he lost all his 200$ in the blink of the eye. They got liquidated. If it happens the other way, he must have earned himself a treasure box.
The light has gone for more than 30 hours and I was weak tonight. I was already sleeping when I saw the light flash into my eyes. Now, I am motivated to #thread before finally calling it a day. The day has been a long one too.
Seen 71 pictures in one post before? I was literally blown away when I saw the post, it was definitely worth my time... You'd be motivated to take more pictures if you read this post made by @dlmmqb
This would be my second personal thread for today but not my second thread, hehehe. It has been so much fun replying to threads than actually making one myself but I just have to so others can engage with me too 😊.
But you're doing a great job and task replying #threads247 and you can still also remember you need to make your own personal thread means you're a very hardworking person and I will urge you to keep it up
I so much love replying to others contents and getting to know about threads just made it even more fun. I just love having fun engaging with people and vice versa, hehe.
It's a campaign to encourage people thread more and also bring others to be part of threads, all you have to do is to first sign up. You can use the link below.
If you have any further questions, you can feel free to reach out to me.
The #zealy quest is fun and can also be rewarding too, all you have to do is meet up with daily quest, weekly and also monthly quests to accumulate points.
Yea. For some reason, I just find it easier when someone else gives me a topic. I tend to overthink a bit more when I thread things unless it's a task given to me.
thanks you, Its similar to how it is on hive ,I was just wondering if there is a glossary for the tags and if they had a backstory or history too that would be really neat
Yeah! I love the anime, the many seasons, I didn't saw them all, I think bakemonogatari, nekomonogatari, and something I'm missing... it's been a while
I don't, I'm busy on other stuff, but I plan to. But it's gonna be old anime. I've seen over 100 but nothing newer than 2016 besides last season of steins;gate
I saw boruto one chapter a week for over a year. But it has horrible to see. I like more old stuff. They ruined naruto's story with boruto. No way that is the naruto I grew up with
Even though he's still a Democrat, the Democrat party treats him like a mortal threat to their power dominance. RFKjr takes no prisoners, but the Democrat party plays for keeps.
É bem legal mesmo, as artes das cartas são super lindas. Tem um outro jogo que acho ainda mais bonito que é o Skyweaver, este também é incrível e super bem feito!
You engage in conversation. Amazing how the numbers rapidly increase when you do that. People think it is work to do this. Simply talk and engage and you get the numbers. I go through my notifications and have dozens of comments.
That is true, yesterday I barely made a few original threads, I just had many conversations and suddenly there were more than 300 threads when I came from work.
Have systems setup, with dictation to text during walks methods for longer posts. You are a role model in terms of productivity. Now I will go to bed and be back online in the morning for a round of #threads.
Alright... I need to sleep. Going to church very early in the morning and I wouldn´t want to be dozing off while the service is on tomorrow. Good night everyone.
#threads #web3
Better you need to sleep early and have a good night rest and happy Sunday in advance, mind you don't be dozing off during the service tomorrow.... Good night
En esta oportunidad hablaremos sobre videojuegos. Puntualmente sobre la saga de Resident Evil. Creo que me ha entregado muy buenos momentos llenos de emociones encontradas y bastante intensidad. Repasemos.
En mi caso comenzó esta aventura en 1998 cuando compré para la consola PlayStation el juego Resident Evil 2. Sí, comencé por ese pero me encantó desde un primer momento. En realidad era un regalo para mi padre, no para mí.
La imagen de portada era la de un zombie muy terrorífico. Pero ese juego tenía un ambiente único en el que recorrías las calles, callejones y distintos sitios que transmitían una sensación de terror y curiosidad.
En ese juego venían dos CD, uno para jugar con Leon y otro para jugar con Claire. Cada disco tenía un camino diferente que seguir, por lo que estaba más que genial. Y había todo tipo de secretos que aún debería descubrir.
La dificultad era gradual, pues empezabas conociendo la ciudad pero a medida que avanzabas se comenzaba a poner mucho más peligroso. Hubo momentos en que si te atascabas en algún lugar, era muy probable que te comieran los zombies.
Se comenzaba en un lugar en llamas pero sin ningún tipo de explicación. A mí me resultó muy interesante eso, pues te animaba a descubrir la trama avanzando en el juego. Más adelante todo cobraría sentido.
Los enemigos eran todos igual de peligrosos, pero habían unos que te podían matar instantáneamente viendo tu muerte de la manera más espantosa posible.
Claro que se podía esquivarlos pero a veces la misma adrenalina lo impedía.
Quien lo jugó tendrá en su memoria distintos lugares por los que pasó. Justamente a mí me quedó grabada la parte que pasas por un bus y están los zombies por el piso, que despiertan justo cuando pasas. Un susto terrible.
Otra de los lugares más memorables creo que se trata del comienzo. Luego de que está todo en llamas, entras a una tienda de armas y aparece el hombre apuntándote.
No me canso nunca de ver esa escena y menos de escucharla.
Ya dentro de la mansión las cosas se ponen peores. Sucede que está lleno de puzzles, por lo que debes ir y venir, y obviamente en ese caminar estará lleno de monstruos que puedan matarte, por lo que debes guardar siempre la partida.
La forma en que la grabas es con un tarro de tinta llamado "Ink Ribbon". Muy necesario cuando ya has avanzado mucho porque luego estás deseando que aparezca un lugar donde guardar o que tengas para hacerlo.
También son de mucha utilidad los baúles. Allí guardarás lo que te sobre para administrar mejor tu equipamiento. Hay veces que debes decidir qué dejar y se vuelve complicado, si fuera por mí llevaría todo XD
Cuando vas avanzando en el juego vas descubriendo nuevas zonas que son completamente diferentes unas a las otras. En lo particular me encantó, pues visité muchos lugares sorprendentes, pero terroríficos a la vez.
En cuanto a armamento, hay una gran variedad. Obviamente las más potentes se ajustarán a monstruos más fuertes. Pero también existe la posibilidad de aniquilarlos con el uso de armas básicas y así mejorar nuestro ranking final.
Terminar el juego de la mejor forma tiene unas bonificaciones al empezar una segunda partida. También por hacer algunas cosas que están ocultas, por ejemplo hay un zombie de ropa amarilla que debemos matarlo con el cuchillo.
Si no me equivoco, nos tiraba una llave para usarla en una puerta que está cerrada y dentro hay unos skins para nuestros personajes. Cosas como esas están llenas pero hay que descubrirlas.
Lo bueno es que las armas se pueden mejorar. Es decir, yo he encontrado piezas como para hacerle una modificación. Un juego muy interesante para esa época.
En esa mansión encuentras una adaptación a una pistola para el hombro.
Les quiero mostrar un video de promoción que me encantó. Es justo para 1998 y venía en un CD cuando me compraron la PlayStation. Creo que cuando vi que era el mismo juego lo compré.
Si algo que no olvido es la parte que aparecían los perros zombies. Siempre se les escuchaban caminar y cuando el ritmo era más fuerte, significaba solo una cosa; estabas en peligro.
Algo que me gustó mucho y me pareció interesante era como se demostraba que necesitábamos la ayuda de otros para pasar un escenario. Sin lugar a dudas no podríamos haber continuado sin su ayuda.
Los jefes que se aparecían en ciertos momentos eran bastante difíciles. Necesitabas una buena munición y armas para derrotarlos. Al hacerlo, podías continuar hacia otro sector no explorado.
Luego al poco tiempo salió el tercer juego y redobló la apuesta con un enemigo que aparecería en cada momento de suspenso y terror. Ese enemigo era Némesis.
Sentí que el ambiente era más vivo en colores pero igualmente terrorífico.
Creo que había munición de ácido, fuego, hielo y la común que era una explosión. Se podían combinar para obtenerlas. Y de allí me viene otro recuerdo que contaré a continuación y espero que quienes jugaron lo noten.
Habían pequeñas habitaciones de guardado en donde obviamente guardabas la partida pero también servía para aliviar el estrés y pensar en una estrategia.
Sabías que al salir de allí debías enfrentarte al gran jefe.
Luego con la llegada de la PlayStation 2, llegó el Resident Evil 4 que cambiaría el estilo de enfoque de los protagonistas. La vista pasaba de cámara a una con enfoque en el hombro.
La esencia se iba esfumando y costó acostumbrarse.
Pero también hubo más juegos del estilo de los retro. Entre esos estaban el Code Veronica, que mantenía algo de los anteriores pero con gráficos mejorados.
Volviendo al Resident Evil 4, este tenía una gran variedad de armas, municiones y momentos de acción. Pero se iba perdiendo esa atmósfera de incertidumbre, suspenso y terror.
En este prototipo supuestamente mantenían la esencia de un RE pero no decidieron incluirlo y el desarrollo terminó dejando una demo TGS 2002 que no salió a la luz en forma jugable.
De Resident Evil solo jugué el primero, no me he dedicado a jugar los otros, pero sí me gusta. Las películas si las he visto casi todas (la última fue un bodrio).
Las películas sí que son totalmente diferentes, salvo las que son animadas. Esas para mí están un poco más parecidas a lo que es verdaderamente un Resident Evil.
Woooow Resident Evil siempre me ha encantado, lo juego desde que salió el primer videojuego, bueno en ese entonces no lo entendía mucho, vine a jugar bien desde el 2, una saga definitivamente inolvidable #spanish
Concuerdo mucho. Me gustaría volverlo a jugar y pasarme cada uno de ellos, en lo posible esta vez en su versión mejorada en las consolas de nueva generación.
Whatever that is extended to you in form of kindness should be appreciated even though you worth more or even have more, the fact remains it's not yours and that's should make you appreciate the giver
Something happened to me today and I wouldn´t let such occur again. It was as a result of procrastination. I will be sharing how it went in #threadstorm.
I had informed my children in the Church that there would be an examination to evaluate them and see if they understood all we have taught them. I planned to set up and print the questions during the week.
Monday came, and I postponed setting the questions because I thought there was still time. Then came Tuesday, I shrugged it off thinking there was still time to do that. Wednesday came, and the same thing happened.
Until I procrastinated due to laziness till today which is Saturday. Early in the morning, I checked the time and said, there is still time to do this...
I was preparing to go for a home lesson when I called...
...the man who would be helping to print the questions and I got the shock of my life when he told me he didn´t bring his generator to the shop. Wow, that was a fuck and didn´t expect that. It was around 3 pm then.
Haha, I can remember a similar situation happened to me when I was supposed to submit my GA meeting minutes. It was a sunday and most of the printing press were closed and now I have to go to far place to it done.
My schedule for the home lesson was 3 pm but here I am without the exam questions ready for the next day in Church. I was already rushing to visit other cafes within the area when it started raining heavily.
"This is my fault" I said silently. I borrowed a friend´s umbrella and entered the rain in search of a typist and printer. I could have used my laptop but it was dead as at that time. I had to pay for my negligence...
...by entering inside the rain to get those questions done at all costs as I wouldn´t want to disappoint those kids. I searched different shops, some turned me down while others had closed for the day.
I was already feeling nervous while standing in the rain thinking of what to do. I found the last shop, he wanted to turn me down but I begged him and explained myself. He took pity on me and decided to help me.
He printed all questions for me, thanked him and left. On my way home, I decided never to let such happen again because it would have been the worst day for me and knowing I would be disappointing kids in the church.
I had informed the parents of the kids I would be taking home lessons on the delay and would show up once I am done. At 4 pm, I got there and took those kids. I felt happy and at the same time, learnt a lesson.
Awwwn... Is this all she went through today 😥 and she didn't tell me so that I'll coman help her. Chai so sorry dear. Thank God you actually got it, I'm sure the opposite wouldn't have sat well with you
Great you were able to get the printing done at the end. Every day is an opportunity to learn, this was just another lecture life decided to deliver to you.
La campaña Zealy. La cual ha sido una gran iniciativa que ha demostrado su impacto positivo en la cantidad de participaciones que en los quests ha habido. Un éxito totalmente cuantificable.
La reestructuración de los tokenomics. Resaltando escasez de los tokens $LEO , gracias a la disminución de la cantidad que cada día se imprimen junto a la presión de compra por parte del proyecto, más el Staking del Leo Power.
El nuevo sistema de curación. Que brinda 6 maneras diferentes de ser curados por la cuenta de @leo.voter, un sistema más justo y con amplia oportunidad de participación.
Nuevo protocolo de anuncios descentralizados. Han ideado un contrato inteligente para que cualquier tenga la posibilidad de colgar su anuncio en la Dapp. Van a crear un Markeplace para la votación de las propuestas. Atentos...
Para mi lo más importante de toda esta campaña es la educación. Todos estos cambios significan nada si no se comprende y no hay personas utilizando la plataforma. Por eso me parece que el éxito viene de esta estrategia de marketing
Eles estão dando o máximo para atualizar a plataforma e melhorar ainda mais a Leofinance. Se formos pacientes nós terêmos um ótimo frontend para utilizar em breve!
La verdad que me sorprende la aceptación de esta nueva fase de LeoFinance, tienes razón en todas las características que nombras y son para tomarlas en cuenta para ver el proyecto a futuro. #spanish
Luego de la campaña no habrá la misma interacción, sin embargo, lo que me gusta es que están mejorando mucho las cosas luego de una gran caída del Leo el cual lo llegue a ver en 1$, eso dice mucho de los que están a cargo. Mi opinión claro
Today @hiversbqto celebrated its first anniversary. Even when the weather wasn't the best, we got a good representation of the community. Thank you everyone for being there!
Hoy @hiversbqto celebró su primer aniversario. Hasta con el clima en contra tuvimos una buena representación de la comunidad. Gracias a todos por haber estado allí!
Yep, Instagrams twitter version and then bluesky. What's really crazy is how exactly alike they look to twitter lol goes to show you twitter had their UX design on point.
If I repurpose that post, it's only enough for a thread. The Guide will need to answer a few more questions and to provide more context and ideas. I'm not looking for 2000 words here, but I want to make a post that gets the gears churning.
GLGT is the equivalence of Vouchers in Splinterlands. They're used to get discounts when making in-game purchases.
I suspect there might be future use cases but that's all there is for now
I can across this interesting piece by @funshee that talks about life, failure and resilience. I love how she drove her points with her personal experience.
Let's pick the #gamer of the Week:
Make sure to check out each post, we will include them as replies to this Thread!
#topauthors #polls
Well I started trading leverage about a year ago. Before then I was so scared of the idea of putting my money in such but now I seem to love it more than spot trading.
Before I started leverage trading I always thought it was very risky. I was right cause my first few encounters was nothing to write home about. If I can remember correctly I gambled almost all my capital away
The thing is I wanted to make soo much money with soo little. In that situation you’d have to set your leverage position so high. A high leverage positions also means that your liquidation price will be high
I didn’t seem to care much about the liquidation price being so high cause I was I was able to get out in time. It wasn’t much but then I was excited at how easily I could multiply my money in a short time.
I was hit with reality when I didn’t stop trading. I continued cause I wanted to make soo much more. Eventually I lost all my little dollars😂. I could set a leverage position to 40x and 50x.
For now I only set my position to 5x. I’ve never gone above 5x after my little incident. I get liquidated from time to time but then 5x is the best.
I guess the fear of losing it all affects many people in the crypto world until they dip a leg into it. Crypto is all about risk but someday, one will come to appreciate the fact that he stepped in without letting fear stops him.
For me the 50/50 chance gives me a great feeling, knowing fully well you could loose your money or you could double it is exciting hehe.
That is what makes it a game of luck and chance. You either win or lose.
Yep and that excites me a lot.
I never ventured into this world of leverage
Oh you should try it. You will loose at times but it’s an interesting type of trading.
I also loved trading spot. But I don’t go for leverage. My brother went for Margin and he lost all his 200$ in the blink of the eye. They got liquidated. If it happens the other way, he must have earned himself a treasure box.
Oh that’s quite sad. But has that stopped him from reading leverage? I think it should be a boost for him to trade and learn from his mistakes.
he has stopped trading. Trading is for those who have enough money…
come on you know trading is for everyone. He could be come rich even with a 10 dollar trade.
Real glad I came across @zpek post on the hivedev school for newbies
It will help me fast track my learning
thanks for sharing
I’ll check this out
That is great. Shortcutting the learning curve helps a great deal.
yes I think this would really help a lot of budding blockchain developers
I am not familiar with it but great that it is out there.
Yes it will come in handy as my handler @stevenson7 is sleeping off a bender.
LOL I hate when that happens.
This fucker
Thanks for the mention, @tmicezack
I wonder what the 'technical difficulties' that @taskmaster4450le was talking about earlier?
About the show?
No idea.
Is it the effect of the bugs? I thought that there is improvement
Don't know. No idea. But I am sure we will be told.
you never know with him
This is very true.
he's like a weird fairy
Yea. I am not having any issues on desktop so I think it might be mobile
Been fine for the last few hours for me.
No issues for me either.
How much time did you spend wondering?
Do you love going to the cinema or you love watching movies at home? For me,I love watching movies at home.
Home refuse to support most of that with my money.
Home, and for free
Thats great,I love home too
I prefer to watch at home. You waste less time and less money.
Thats true,and you might not be free to express your emotions when watching
What if gravity suddenly disappeared for 24 hours? How would it impact our daily lives and the world around us?
Old women's boobs would stop sagging.
hahaha can't stop laughing 🤣
Talk to women who are experiencing it and they fail to laugh. They do not find their breasts moving south to be a positive experience.
Problem solved.
hahaha i do not have enaugh info about that, so i am gonna say you are totally right
Date older women man. They will tell you all about it. And maybe show you a few things.
Hahahaha..... 😂😂 then I guess this is better.
What a futile mind lol
I think it will just end everything lol
🤣🤣, that's a good answer and what about the next day. actually why thinking about the next day if we're already dead
Hahahaha yeah, I will just cease to exist
Wouldn´t it get worse? 🤣🤣
TM said old women´s boobs will stop sagging 🤣
that one killed me. TM is the best🤣
That was a hilarious reply 😂😂
hahaha i always say it TM is a real Master
Would it affect the Japanese candles? Just thinking...
hmmm, than the market is gonna be up which is good 🤣
😀 My thoughts exactly!
Maybe the world would destroy itself in 1 day xD
most probably and we're gonna gather in space and coninue threading there.
Would we be floating?
we will meet in space i think
Quite an experience it would be.
hahaha or second choice we meet in the other world
Not in a hurry yet lol
Everyday would be power up day.
we all are going to be up #lpud
The light has gone for more than 30 hours and I was weak tonight. I was already sleeping when I saw the light flash into my eyes. Now, I am motivated to #thread before finally calling it a day. The day has been a long one too. #web3
GOgo do it. but im going to sleep hehe good luck
good night
Thread when you can. It is tough because of the electricity situation there.
very inspired to read this
Welcome back haunty...
What did you bring for me?
I came with the light. Do you need it? Lol
I wonder when you rest sef.... Always active... Don´t break down please 😂
Does he know what break down means
The guy is a machine 😂
lol... abeg oooo
I no be machine ooo
Our gender wants to recreate a new #Hilda, lol. #threadathon
He should. It will be that Ksam broke the record on thread. Lol
lol... me wey my body dey pain me like this ooo
na wa oooo...
Just light ke...
My body dey pain me ooo... lol
Oya go and rest. Let me continue from where you stop 😂
shey you winno coman epp me and thread...
Wow, going 30 hours without light must be horrible! Glad you came back
So horrible. Thank you.
30 hours! that is a lot! so bad. Hope you get better days ahead
I hope so too. Thank you.
Do you play golem overlord? There is a new development plan, from the @golem.overlord account, where NFTs and some sweet perks have been announced.
If you want to read more, please follow the link to the post:
gloem overlord
https://peakd.com/golemoverlord/@golem.overlord/evolving-the-realm-the-future-of-golem-overlord #gosh #threads
No I havent jumped into that. But it seemed like it is getting some attention.
I've never tried it, but I'm thinking of testing it soon.
I play golem overlord. Is it the shards that we have been saving up?
Seen 71 pictures in one post before? I was literally blown away when I saw the post, it was definitely worth my time... You'd be motivated to take more pictures if you read this post made by @dlmmqb
Do check out his post here
#gosh #hive
71 you say?? Is that an album post or maybe some museum. Let me hurry over to feed my eyes
Shey the thing shock you like me too lol
the way you wrote it even shock me more.
It's now 72. Did an error to miss one number. Fixed it!
Haha still a lot of number to beat the records 😅
As in, that's not a small number oo, lol
Wow, I'm getting overwhelmed by the 71 and you are adding one, hehe, it's not as if it would change anything but 😂.
Interesting! That's a whole lot of photo, I'd do well to check out the post too, hehe, I have to see for myself 😁.
#aliveandthriving #alive #ctp #gosh #liotes
A nice sunny weather today. Today i did all the larryisalive tasks including ctpx.
Dans le sud de la #france (#fr) il fait encore froid et aujourd'hui il y a même de la pluie en Mai
Thanks for using #ctp sir, got some CTPM headed your way as a thank you!
That's great, keep it up.
The smell of jelly
donuts on my way to work;
I feel young again.
#bcpoets #apoemaday #threads
Oh really, so tell us what you does while you're young... Lol
And merry in doing the tasks
That come my way.
Would be ecstatic if
I had a bite.
mmmm, donuts
#gmfrens #meme #hivememe #pepe #memehive #memes
$PEPE is incredibly reliable, I would invest my money in it lol
#mets game cancelled. Doubleheaders on Sunday. We will have a day off from the threadcast.
Day Night Doubleheader on a Sunday Funday @taskmaster4450le
Today's Thread
How did I do?
Idk. How are you doing?
I'm okay, I guess. How are you doing?
I am good. Just taking a break from chores and threading for a bit.
I find threading to be a chore.
It's for the campaign but I am finding it less likely that I will be able to slay taskmaster4450 this weekend. So I am just doing what I can.
Since I'm not playing, I guess I'm just baiting everyone into taking that bastard down.
Threadest thread ever
That's why they call me, The Weaver.
Just kidding. Nobody calls me that.
Hahahaha some day they will (?
If that happens, then I will become, The Unwoven.
Why is that one one crooked?
sometimes it be like that
I don't think I can trust that one.
not with that attitude
Hey! Don't make me bring my other attitude into this.
That thread is great :D
And you just made it greatastic!
Haha. That's a fun word :D
Thanks. I made it just for you!
How nice, thank you then :D
It's been a thankfuleriffic day.
Straight 12 out of 10
Bonus points?
Yes, you cracked the code.

It's magnificent
I did it all by myself.
I mean.. It's a thread
I mean... I suppose so.
#btc #crypto #politics #gosh #threads
BULL MARKET NEWS: This speech by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at Bitcoin 2023 is for those who truly value freedom:
I feel that he can unite the division but we'll see. There's still a long way to go. Good to know that he's a bitcoiner
AWESOME Saturday, and win some Hive Power.
#threads #gosh #alive #aliveandthriving #liotes #ctp
Works if I got the #slothbuzz on the picture or I need to write it?
hoho, nice animal, I like the way you draw it, you know what it is at first sight
my second try, first was awful, but funny, i make it too fat.
this one was better, is for something special? a post maybe?
hahaha great drawing
Love it! Always use the tag #slothbuzz so we can find it!
Today's Rising Star Giveaways (Saturday 20 May)
#gosh #alive #aliveandthriving #ctp #liotes # https://ecency.com/hive-195370/@risingstargame/todays-rising-star-giveaways-saturday-20-may
The @leo.scholar acct has 25,000 $LEO delegated, & votes on:
This would be my second personal thread for today but not my second thread, hehehe. It has been so much fun replying to threads than actually making one myself but I just have to so others can engage with me too 😊.
#threads247 #random
But you're doing a great job and task replying #threads247 and you can still also remember you need to make your own personal thread means you're a very hardworking person and I will urge you to keep it up
I so much love replying to others contents and getting to know about threads just made it even more fun. I just love having fun engaging with people and vice versa, hehe.
Thank you for the compliment
Yes, it's good to explore more so we won't just be participating in only one way road
That's right, you got it!
By the way, are you part of the #zealy quest? #threads247
NO and what's thatall about, can you enlighten me about
It's a campaign to encourage people thread more and also bring others to be part of threads, all you have to do is to first sign up. You can use the link below.
If you have any further questions, you can feel free to reach out to me.
The #zealy quest is fun and can also be rewarding too, all you have to do is meet up with daily quest, weekly and also monthly quests to accumulate points.
There's a lot of fun in engaging with other's threads.
It's good to see this as I missed the first one. I feel the same way about replying to others' threads :)
I'm very sure you do 🥰. I'm happy you didn't miss this one 💃.
I am too :) Have you been on threads for hours?
I also prefer to reply rather than making threads as well.
I'm happy I have like minded people around, hehe.
Let's keep engaging with others then 😌
Yea. For some reason, I just find it easier when someone else gives me a topic. I tend to overthink a bit more when I thread things unless it's a task given to me.
Wow, same here 🤓
God when oooo?
When will I start having personal threads like some people?
You’ve become addicted like the rest of us oo. It’s nice to engage with everyone
that's what it's all about
Battle Mage Secrets
Oh my #gosh anyone know if there is a resource with information about #tags and what they mean and origin stories. #leo #threads #hive #future
Very good question, @taskmaster4450 is there something in the glossery?
Just click here you'll see the different tags. You can use any tags as you wish!
thanks you, Its similar to how it is on hive ,I was just wondering if there is a glossary for the tags and if they had a backstory or history too that would be really neat
Here is for #anime! I love this song so much!

Yeah! I love the anime, the many seasons, I didn't saw them all, I think bakemonogatari, nekomonogatari, and something I'm missing... it's been a while
Yeah you need a guide to go though them in the right order :D
It's a bit hard and the movies are part of the story.
Yeah. I did watch them but now I don't remember haha good time to watch them again. I was a teenager when I was obsessed with it
You just need to get some kids to bring you back
Hahhaa nah. Maybe with my friend's kids haha it's funnier that way
But that song I love, The whole situation when they use a song not as an ending but inside the story, I like it.
You weeb level is very high
Hahaha I was an otaku as a teenager. Cosplay and everything.
Max level, I see how it is. You don't post about that?
I don't, I'm busy on other stuff, but I plan to. But it's gonna be old anime. I've seen over 100 but nothing newer than 2016 besides last season of steins;gate
Very good ending, Supercell - Kimino Shiranai Monogatari
been long i watched #anime stopped at #boruto still surfing #Airhawk
I saw boruto one chapter a week for over a year. But it has horrible to see. I like more old stuff. They ruined naruto's story with boruto. No way that is the naruto I grew up with
recommend one for me hopefully i will create time to #watch it
#airhawk The night is dark and filled with ??
terrors haha.
Have you seen Steins:Gate?
Honey Waterfalls, Mexico
#nature #photography
A beautiful view! The place looks serene.
That's a beautiful shot!
Thank you
beautiful land scape wouldn't get tired of seeing that
Yeah, it looks so calm on the eyes, soothing.
damn, that looks incredible!
Thank you for liking it.
Well. Supper done. 4 noisy grandkids. Might have to go outside with them in a bit and have a bon fire.
but don't throw them there. They'll grow to be quieter hahaha
Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha 🤣 😂
They are loud angles
Hehehe.. kids can be fun and amazing too. Enjoy your time with them.
I sure will. Thank you.
It´s my pleasure.
Had to read this twice to be sure
Lol. Does it read like I was going to burn them? No. We Are going to make smores. Lmao
sounds wonderful
Is it safe to light a bon fire?
Ph yes, only had a little one.
Enjoy with them and tell them story from your experience so that they will porn
So they will what?
So sorry.... I was sleep typing..... They will learn please
#crypto and politics in the US is heating up.
#bitcoin $BTC
This would be a great one for US and its citizens
That sounds pretty good for crypto
-- only if RFKjr wins.
Even though he's still a Democrat, the Democrat party treats him like a mortal threat to their power dominance. RFKjr takes no prisoners, but the Democrat party plays for keeps.
I want to see him turn 100.
Just another politicians who took a side. This one is on the pro crypto side.
I feel that he is the better choice for the candidate but the deep state won't like him.
No he is like Trump in that regard. He is for peace, something that the Deep State hates.
Playing some more GU, I created a war class deck and I'm enjoying it. Trying to win some ranked matches!
#hive #gods #unchained #cardgame
Esse jogo é muito bonito, se não fosse a falta de tempo eu experimentaria jogá-lo
É bem legal mesmo, as artes das cartas são super lindas. Tem um outro jogo que acho ainda mais bonito que é o Skyweaver, este também é incrível e super bem feito!
i got destroyed last time i did weekend ranked lol
it's really hard, but I also spent months without playing, so it's natural to be made of carpet for others kkkk
lol i've been playing off and on since before it was open to everyone. i still lose a lot
There is a bit over 1 more day in the weekend battle.
How are you standing? Now might be the time to look to increase your numbers.
I don't think I can catch up to your or the 2nd to last boss. I think I might just aim for like a 1k weekend.
That is still a strong weekend. That is over 300 perday. It would be a 2,100 weekly pace.
If we have 100 of you, that would be outstanding.
Hitting it hard.
Good job.
I’m kinda worn out but I’m still holding strong.
Get some coffee, a caffeine drink, or have a cold shower and get back to it.
I'm surprised how high up I am, i wasn't even home half of these first two days. I'm not closed to you but I was 12 without even having the time haha
You did great on the first day. Don't even know where I am. Haven't seen the scores.
I was just freaky writing because i knew I will have to pause too much because of the compromises I got
Have been busy and even missed the show again today.
So bad. I also got here late
Oh, so sorry. Were you able to catch up
Oh, so sorry. Were you able to catch up
You engage in conversation. Amazing how the numbers rapidly increase when you do that. People think it is work to do this. Simply talk and engage and you get the numbers. I go through my notifications and have dozens of comments.
That is true, yesterday I barely made a few original threads, I just had many conversations and suddenly there were more than 300 threads when I came from work.
What do you do for work?
Still in front of my targets. You are way too high to be able to reach you, as I'm online less than 2 hours a day
It is am impressive amount of productivity considering the time you put in.
Have systems setup, with dictation to text during walks methods for longer posts. You are a role model in terms of productivity. Now I will go to bed and be back online in the morning for a round of #threads.
I use the ole fashion typing. Voice to text is something I havent done much of.
Think to text would be helpful.
I'm reasonably well but far from the first placed, I lost my gas when I saw the guys shoot. I don't want to spend the whole weekend on PC hahaha
That's why it is a competition.
I'm in your team too, I needed to run some house stuff. lol
You are the winner :)
Not quite hit my target yet but I think I’m well placed to thread the whole day tomorrow.
i dunno. wen chart?
A problematic bookcase is confronted in the latest piece from my #huntingmidnight story on #scholarandscribe:
Alright... I need to sleep. Going to church very early in the morning and I wouldn´t want to be dozing off while the service is on tomorrow. Good night everyone.
#threads #web3
Good night! sleep well!
Thank you, Jessica, 🤗
Better you need to sleep early and have a good night rest and happy Sunday in advance, mind you don't be dozing off during the service tomorrow.... Good night
Hahaha... I won´t. Thank you.
Good have a wonderful rest and a blessed Sunday
Good advice, hehe.
Yes ooo, she should go to bed early as a proverb says early to bed , early to rise "
But that doesn't work for me all the time, hehe.
That's a good idea, good night dear.
Don't go naaa
You want to leave only me here?
Is it fair?
GN to you PB. Have a great one.
sleep well
#nbtask6 #newbieshive #gosh #hive #spanish #cuba Se completó la sexta semana del curso de novatos de la comunidad #hivelearners, aquí está lo aprendido.
Cómo va eso? Ganas o no?
#spanish #threadstorm
En esta oportunidad hablaremos sobre videojuegos. Puntualmente sobre la saga de Resident Evil. Creo que me ha entregado muy buenos momentos llenos de emociones encontradas y bastante intensidad. Repasemos.
En mi caso comenzó esta aventura en 1998 cuando compré para la consola PlayStation el juego Resident Evil 2. Sí, comencé por ese pero me encantó desde un primer momento. En realidad era un regalo para mi padre, no para mí.
La imagen de portada era la de un zombie muy terrorífico. Pero ese juego tenía un ambiente único en el que recorrías las calles, callejones y distintos sitios que transmitían una sensación de terror y curiosidad.
En ese juego venían dos CD, uno para jugar con Leon y otro para jugar con Claire. Cada disco tenía un camino diferente que seguir, por lo que estaba más que genial. Y había todo tipo de secretos que aún debería descubrir.
No soy muy amante de los videojuegos, mas bien soy mala jugando, siempre pierdo!
Espero que eso cambie muy pronto. Supongo que ajustando la dificultad pueda ir mejor la partida que estés por jugar :p
La dificultad era gradual, pues empezabas conociendo la ciudad pero a medida que avanzabas se comenzaba a poner mucho más peligroso. Hubo momentos en que si te atascabas en algún lugar, era muy probable que te comieran los zombies.
Se comenzaba en un lugar en llamas pero sin ningún tipo de explicación. A mí me resultó muy interesante eso, pues te animaba a descubrir la trama avanzando en el juego. Más adelante todo cobraría sentido.
Los enemigos eran todos igual de peligrosos, pero habían unos que te podían matar instantáneamente viendo tu muerte de la manera más espantosa posible.
Claro que se podía esquivarlos pero a veces la misma adrenalina lo impedía.
Quien lo jugó tendrá en su memoria distintos lugares por los que pasó. Justamente a mí me quedó grabada la parte que pasas por un bus y están los zombies por el piso, que despiertan justo cuando pasas. Un susto terrible.
Otra de los lugares más memorables creo que se trata del comienzo. Luego de que está todo en llamas, entras a una tienda de armas y aparece el hombre apuntándote.
No me canso nunca de ver esa escena y menos de escucharla.
Ya dentro de la mansión las cosas se ponen peores. Sucede que está lleno de puzzles, por lo que debes ir y venir, y obviamente en ese caminar estará lleno de monstruos que puedan matarte, por lo que debes guardar siempre la partida.
Nunca he jugado esa saga, mas si he visto las películas.
Me encantaría jugar un poco de estos juegos.
Te lo recomiendo, al menos una vez.
Nunca es tarde para probar juegos que ya tienen su tiempo.
La forma en que la grabas es con un tarro de tinta llamado "Ink Ribbon". Muy necesario cuando ya has avanzado mucho porque luego estás deseando que aparezca un lugar donde guardar o que tengas para hacerlo.
También son de mucha utilidad los baúles. Allí guardarás lo que te sobre para administrar mejor tu equipamiento. Hay veces que debes decidir qué dejar y se vuelve complicado, si fuera por mí llevaría todo XD
Cuando vas avanzando en el juego vas descubriendo nuevas zonas que son completamente diferentes unas a las otras. En lo particular me encantó, pues visité muchos lugares sorprendentes, pero terroríficos a la vez.
En cuanto a armamento, hay una gran variedad. Obviamente las más potentes se ajustarán a monstruos más fuertes. Pero también existe la posibilidad de aniquilarlos con el uso de armas básicas y así mejorar nuestro ranking final.
Terminar el juego de la mejor forma tiene unas bonificaciones al empezar una segunda partida. También por hacer algunas cosas que están ocultas, por ejemplo hay un zombie de ropa amarilla que debemos matarlo con el cuchillo.
Si no me equivoco, nos tiraba una llave para usarla en una puerta que está cerrada y dentro hay unos skins para nuestros personajes. Cosas como esas están llenas pero hay que descubrirlas.
Lo bueno es que las armas se pueden mejorar. Es decir, yo he encontrado piezas como para hacerle una modificación. Un juego muy interesante para esa época.
En esa mansión encuentras una adaptación a una pistola para el hombro.
Les quiero mostrar un video de promoción que me encantó. Es justo para 1998 y venía en un CD cuando me compraron la PlayStation. Creo que cuando vi que era el mismo juego lo compré.
Si algo que no olvido es la parte que aparecían los perros zombies. Siempre se les escuchaban caminar y cuando el ritmo era más fuerte, significaba solo una cosa; estabas en peligro.
Muy memorable también por cierto.
Algo que me gustó mucho y me pareció interesante era como se demostraba que necesitábamos la ayuda de otros para pasar un escenario. Sin lugar a dudas no podríamos haber continuado sin su ayuda.
Los jefes que se aparecían en ciertos momentos eran bastante difíciles. Necesitabas una buena munición y armas para derrotarlos. Al hacerlo, podías continuar hacia otro sector no explorado.
Me encantaba no saber qué había detrás.
Luego al poco tiempo salió el tercer juego y redobló la apuesta con un enemigo que aparecería en cada momento de suspenso y terror. Ese enemigo era Némesis.
Sentí que el ambiente era más vivo en colores pero igualmente terrorífico.
En mi opinión mantuvo la esencia agregando algunos momentos en los que debías decidir que acción tomar en un momento determinado.
El armamento fue mucho más intenso, sobre todo el lanza granadas de diferentes tipos de munición.
Creo que había munición de ácido, fuego, hielo y la común que era una explosión. Se podían combinar para obtenerlas. Y de allí me viene otro recuerdo que contaré a continuación y espero que quienes jugaron lo noten.
Habían pequeñas habitaciones de guardado en donde obviamente guardabas la partida pero también servía para aliviar el estrés y pensar en una estrategia.
Sabías que al salir de allí debías enfrentarte al gran jefe.
Allí no entraba ningún tipo de monstruo o jefe, por lo que estabas completamente a salvo.
Cuando terminabas de matar al jefe de esa área o el final, una escena se sucedía. A mí simplemente me encantaba.
En cuanto al primero de la saga, lo jugué mucho tiempo después. Se notaba mucho como habían evolucionado los otros, incluso en el apartado gráfico.
Aunque ese fue el que menos acción tenía para mí, sin embargo tenía lo suyo.
Luego con la llegada de la PlayStation 2, llegó el Resident Evil 4 que cambiaría el estilo de enfoque de los protagonistas. La vista pasaba de cámara a una con enfoque en el hombro.
La esencia se iba esfumando y costó acostumbrarse.
Pero también hubo más juegos del estilo de los retro. Entre esos estaban el Code Veronica, que mantenía algo de los anteriores pero con gráficos mejorados.
Debo decir que nunca lo terminé por X motivos.
Volviendo al Resident Evil 4, este tenía una gran variedad de armas, municiones y momentos de acción. Pero se iba perdiendo esa atmósfera de incertidumbre, suspenso y terror.
Hay un video que muestra un prototipo llamativo.
En este prototipo supuestamente mantenían la esencia de un RE pero no decidieron incluirlo y el desarrollo terminó dejando una demo TGS 2002 que no salió a la luz en forma jugable.
Por último, ese fue mi repaso por los cuatro primeros juegos de la saga Resident Evil, al menos en su versión retro.
¿Los volvería a jugar? Claramente. El tiempo pasa para los videojuegos pero aún así los tenemos presentes.
De Resident Evil solo jugué el primero, no me he dedicado a jugar los otros, pero sí me gusta. Las películas si las he visto casi todas (la última fue un bodrio).
Las películas sí que son totalmente diferentes, salvo las que son animadas. Esas para mí están un poco más parecidas a lo que es verdaderamente un Resident Evil.
Woooow Resident Evil siempre me ha encantado, lo juego desde que salió el primer videojuego, bueno en ese entonces no lo entendía mucho, vine a jugar bien desde el 2, una saga definitivamente inolvidable #spanish
Concuerdo mucho. Me gustaría volverlo a jugar y pasarme cada uno de ellos, en lo posible esta vez en su versión mejorada en las consolas de nueva generación.
Si, es una saga estupenda, creo que el juego más flojo fue el primero, pero a partir del segundo todo era fantástico
5 Years of Splinterlands !!! 💖
#splinterlands #play2earn #hive #posh #gosh #threads
lol it never gets old looking back at things from were they started. Gives ya some real appreciation
Dam. 5 years is a long time and I have only been here for like 2 and a half years. There were 2 and a half years that I wasn't around for.
Whatever that is extended to you in form of kindness should be appreciated even though you worth more or even have more, the fact remains it's not yours and that's should make you appreciate the giver
WORD!! Fact!!!. A grateful soul receives more.
Appreciation always goes along way inour day to day activities
you are right. Even God loves being grateful
Yes ooo, so we need to be more appreciative no matter where we found ourselves and no matter what we received as a gift
sleep well
Thanks so much and you
Gift should be appreciated. Using the gift effectively and specifically.
Yes, and there no little gift all gifts are precious and should be admired and it need to be appreciated
Fact. We should be happy that someone remembered us and appreciate us
Yes, that's it
Of course.
Something happened to me today and I wouldn´t let such occur again. It was as a result of procrastination. I will be sharing how it went in #threadstorm.
1/ 🧵
I had informed my children in the Church that there would be an examination to evaluate them and see if they understood all we have taught them. I planned to set up and print the questions during the week.
2/ 🧵
When will you set my own exam nau
Monday came, and I postponed setting the questions because I thought there was still time. Then came Tuesday, I shrugged it off thinking there was still time to do that. Wednesday came, and the same thing happened.
3/ 🧵
Oh no, you got caught by the procrastination bug, oops, procrastination does no one any good
At all, it does no one any good. It is the thief of time.
Yeah, it is and should be avoided by all means
Until I procrastinated due to laziness till today which is Saturday. Early in the morning, I checked the time and said, there is still time to do this...
I was preparing to go for a home lesson when I called...
4/ 🧵
...the man who would be helping to print the questions and I got the shock of my life when he told me he didn´t bring his generator to the shop. Wow, that was a fuck and didn´t expect that. It was around 3 pm then.
5/ 🧵
Haha, I can remember a similar situation happened to me when I was supposed to submit my GA meeting minutes. It was a sunday and most of the printing press were closed and now I have to go to far place to it done.
My schedule for the home lesson was 3 pm but here I am without the exam questions ready for the next day in Church. I was already rushing to visit other cafes within the area when it started raining heavily.
6/ 🧵
"This is my fault" I said silently. I borrowed a friend´s umbrella and entered the rain in search of a typist and printer. I could have used my laptop but it was dead as at that time. I had to pay for my negligence...
7/ 🧵
It happens to me very often, procrastination affects me a lot.
It affect a lot of people.
Sadly 😨
...by entering inside the rain to get those questions done at all costs as I wouldn´t want to disappoint those kids. I searched different shops, some turned me down while others had closed for the day.
8/ 🧵
I was already feeling nervous while standing in the rain thinking of what to do. I found the last shop, he wanted to turn me down but I begged him and explained myself. He took pity on me and decided to help me.
9/ 🧵
He printed all questions for me, thanked him and left. On my way home, I decided never to let such happen again because it would have been the worst day for me and knowing I would be disappointing kids in the church.
10/ 🧵
I had informed the parents of the kids I would be taking home lessons on the delay and would show up once I am done. At 4 pm, I got there and took those kids. I felt happy and at the same time, learnt a lesson.
11/ 🧵
Great you got the lesson. I have always been a procrastinator but power outages have got me on my toes so many times I decided not todo that anymore
Yes, procrastination is dangerous and steals a lot of things from us. We must decide not to allow it. Thanks for reading.
Awwwn... Is this all she went through today 😥 and she didn't tell me so that I'll coman help her. Chai so sorry dear. Thank God you actually got it, I'm sure the opposite wouldn't have sat well with you
Thank God everything went well in the end
Great you were able to get the printing done at the end. Every day is an opportunity to learn, this was just another lecture life decided to deliver to you.
That is it! We keep learning from life´s experiences and I would not forget today´s own. Thank you.
Yeah that is it! Life never stop teaching.
procrastinating is fun though lol
Hahaha when you are the only factor, yes xD
i do it so much
Yes, I agree with you but the consequences are bad. Lol
yeah, usually
Story story.... story
Once supon a time... time time!
Make I go carry chair and pop corn, with chilled zobo
You got it wrong xD Sat art day
lol that makes lots of sense thanks a lot u the real MVP
Now you know what actually thread under that tag haha yw!
hahaha #satarday looks like the result of people staying up all night doing #threads
guilty as charged XD
lol it is supposed to be satartday
you live and you learn, thanks lol
it's just a thing for people to share their art
Desperate Dan strutting his stuff in the centre of his hometown Dundee in Scotland.
A bit of comic statue #art for #satartday
#silverbloggers #liotes
It looks like such a proud man
Looks very stylish
that's dope!
#satartday are colorful days
this is really beautiful
I love this lion!
did you make this?
Las 5 claves compartidas por @leofinance sobre su reciente éxito:
#threadstorm #spanish
1/ 🧵
2/ 🧵
Esta campaña me está gustando mucho.
3/ 🧵
Tremenda jugada fue esa... espero pronto llegar a los 1000 LEO en Stake y otros 1000 líquidos por si "eso" pasa.
4/ 🧵
Razón de más para tener 1000 LP.
5/ 🧵
Imagino que no serán baratos.
Detalles sobre todo esto en este magnífico post
6/ 🧵
Para mi lo más importante de toda esta campaña es la educación. Todos estos cambios significan nada si no se comprende y no hay personas utilizando la plataforma. Por eso me parece que el éxito viene de esta estrategia de marketing
Totalmente, cambios + educación + marketing = combinación perfecta para el éxito.
Excelente resumen. Te felicito.
Eles estão dando o máximo para atualizar a plataforma e melhorar ainda mais a Leofinance. Se formos pacientes nós terêmos um ótimo frontend para utilizar em breve!
La verdad que me sorprende la aceptación de esta nueva fase de LeoFinance, tienes razón en todas las características que nombras y son para tomarlas en cuenta para ver el proyecto a futuro. #spanish
Estoy queriendo ver cómo evoluciona todo. Tiene una pinta excelente.
La verdad es que yo soy optimista en vista al futuro, creo que es un gran proyecto
Pero los números van a bajar, esto es artificial por la campaña.
Luego de la campaña no habrá la misma interacción, sin embargo, lo que me gusta es que están mejorando mucho las cosas luego de una gran caída del Leo el cual lo llegue a ver en 1$, eso dice mucho de los que están a cargo. Mi opinión claro
Yo al principio no apostaba por esto, pero viendo lo sucedido, me retracto.
La interfaz ha mejorado mucho desde el día 1ro
Things are creeping up.
We are holding on to the resistances, I hope it continues to hold
I think $HIVE above 35 is where we need to focus. Drops below, might be a problem.
I'm prepared to do some buys at 0.35
That is a sound approach. Even if you miss the low, it is hard to beat at these levels.
We can see how Threads will be eating up a lot of RCs in the future.
Precisely 0.33 support should not break.
How about our $LEO
Holding pretty strong. In a range. We will see what happens over the next couple weeks. Might get something that takes it up another level.
That would be good, and let's hope it amazes everyone.
It is going to be the ad revenue information that I think gets the token price moving. To me, that is very exciting.
I like the excitement. Every penny buys $LEO from now onward.
what about $LEO?
You just have to be difficult dont you?
For once, would you fucking behave?
Today @hiversbqto celebrated its first anniversary. Even when the weather wasn't the best, we got a good representation of the community. Thank you everyone for being there!
Hoy @hiversbqto celebró su primer aniversario. Hasta con el clima en contra tuvimos una buena representación de la comunidad. Gracias a todos por haber estado allí! #spanish
Social Media and #web3 are heating up not only in the crypto world but old school web2 applications now. We need to get ahead of this as much as possible https://leofinance.io/posts/bitcoinflood/social-web-is-heating-up
Oh my. Good thing we are heading in the right direction on hive
It's going to start heating up over the summer for sure. Two new powerhouse applications releasing within the next two months.
The two you mentioned in your post?
Yep, Instagrams twitter version and then bluesky. What's really crazy is how exactly alike they look to twitter lol goes to show you twitter had their UX design on point.
En HiveCuba no solo tenemos fotógrafos, sino muchos otros artistas y profesionales varios.
Hoy quiero presentarles a @abrunet, una persona muy preparada en muchos aspectos y con gran arte.
Vean lo que escribió en esta ocasión 🔽:
Un excelente poema acompañado de hermosas fotos, no se lo pueden perder.
Gracias @crptogeek. Saludos
Saludos también para usted
@forexbrokr -- That Guide to #zapfic post will have to wait--
My search efforts have produced limited results so far; I'm asking around 2 the leaders in the field on Hive
gives me limited results outside Hive ecosystemNot sure why he has centred all the text and made it all massive.
So hard to read haha.
You can make a much better guide when you get a chance ;)
Centering & large sized-text may B due 2 typos such as extra spaces between Markdown/HTML codes.
I'll include that link in my guide; when I find something more definitive I will use that. Zapfic exists on Hive's parent blockchain, too.
I'd recommend writing a new post titled: "What is Zapfic? Simple guide to Zapfic"
You can repurpose the content from that guys post, but format it properly and make it easy to read.
If I repurpose that post, it's only enough for a thread. The Guide will need to answer a few more questions and to provide more context and ideas. I'm not looking for 2000 words here, but I want to make a post that gets the gears churning.
Yeah man, sounds good.
Looking forward to it :)
While you were searching for info @ zapfic, I'm sure you noticed how Hive ecosystem domains dominated the SERPs.
What if we could make Leo🧵s the premiere microblogging platform for zapfic?
This may be a breakthrough for LEO & HIVE.
I found this post which is a sort of guide: https://peakd.com/hive-161155/@felt.buzz/it-is-zapfic-the-longest-running-shortest-story-contest-on-the-blockchain-results-of-week-124-and-new-prompt-for-week-125
Staked more GLX token because, why not?
what is glgt for? i'm just staking on autopilot but saw i have some of this token now
GLGT is the equivalence of Vouchers in Splinterlands. They're used to get discounts when making in-game purchases.
I suspect there might be future use cases but that's all there is for now
oh, nice. well i guess i'm earning them by staking GLX?
at $0.01 why not is exactly right. If it goes to $0.02 100% gains!
oh @belemo you finally came onboard! Welcome mate
Why not?
Because price only goes down!
But price go up last week
Thinking about what token to give away for my next #read2earn contest...
Any input on these four possibilities?
just use $GM
I'm a #Splinterlands player so I prefer $SPS
How does the stable, liquid $SIM not make your Hive gaming token shortlist?!
But if we're on Threads, why not just $LEO? ;)
I can across this interesting piece by @funshee that talks about life, failure and resilience. I love how she drove her points with her personal experience.
I do invite you to read:
Do well to interact with her post
Beautiful Post
she is a great author and I trust her write ups. I have read a couple of them. I will do well to check out on this too.
Thanks for sharing
Thank you very much, I'm happy you say that.
I am going there now. Funshee is one of my favourite authors on Hive. She writes so well.
Thank you Princess. 👸 I'm glad I can be one of your favorite.
I always enjoy reading your workas well. !luv
(1/3) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community |
HiveWiki |
NFT | <>< daily
Thank you very much for the recommendation and I'm glad you like my approach to the topic.
When you see everyone threading all day long!
Threads are too fast for a sloth on #slothbuzz
Tomorrow is another day!
Lol, I feel you!
yeah go ahead and take 5
❓❔ 4 @zapfic.club & @felt.buzz:
Was there #zapfic B4 creation of social media on Hive's parent blockchain?
When did U discover zapfic?
How popular is zapfic outside Hive?
My searches yielded limited results thus far