There are 4 pages

I think it finally happened frens, I burned out and crashed.

Been in bed all morning with fever, dizziness and a cold.

Wish me luck.

That being said, still working in some marketing plans from the laptop 🚀

Uh oh, good luck and take care of yourself!

Rest, rest, and get well soon

oh no ser, get some rest and get well 🙏🏽

So sorry, try to get some rest.

You'll be fine.

same here... Been on bed since morning

Imagine: To join Facebook, you have to actually read the ToS, learn Javascript, and then read tons of documents on how to interact with the platform, otherwise you will get 5% of the user experience

That's how dumb web3 onboarding sounds

So true!!!

Terms of S?

That's correct.

Don't actually know what the S stands for...

ToS = Terms of Service

We're expected to understand 5,000 pages of legal fine print within 10 minutes before we hit the CONTINUE button to proceed with the registration process.

until now, I dis not know about this. I will go read it now.

Facebook has told me that my account has been blocked for a long time now, and the only way to regain access is to provide my legal documents to them. I have abandoned the account

Learn JS? Isn't that 4 devs? Regular users of a platform don't need 2know that even here. That's 4 people who want 2make dApps.

ToS, though? That's a separate issue. No1 escapes that.

As 4 how 2interact, it helps 2use familiar elements.

The JS comment is a comparison to having to learn about blockchain, crypto, wallets, governance, internal community rules etc etc etc

And the ToS... literally nobody reads those (even if we do, nobody else does).

Thanks for clarifying the JS comment. Yeah, we need to learn all of those things. Then again, we are fully responsible for everything (BYOB; not your keys, not your crypto, etc.). On top of that each of us is a business owner and investor.

RE: ToS: I'm not saying everyone reads them at the time of application. They remain afterthoughts until we need them; by then it's usually too late. I'm only saying that we can't escape from them. Signing up shouldn't be a Faustian deal.

What is better?

can not vote on mobile: Cooking

I am tired of those football posts !

Then you won't probably like #footballquiz...

The season has only just started!

🧵 It's quite difficult to fill up the wallet, but very simple to empty it all out. There are some things we are doing that could be really causing current financial stress and future financial issues. #threads #ladiesofhive #hive

How sustainable is the current BoE upward reviews, when will we collectively open up to be controlled by central government

Errr.. the governments control virtually everything already! Well, #thepowersthatshouldntbe do anyway.
Don't know what you mean by BoE upward reviews.

Make sure to upvote them, though they won't see you. #meme #originalmeme #pepetoken #hivewhale #gif #originalgif

How fitting of rarely seen whales. 🐸

I know of 3 who regularly visit, but never interact

I was going to say I know 2, but then a 3rd popped into my head whom I thought was going to be a main topauthors post sponsor.

Support the wee guy is my motto!

Right, I'll never vote a whale whose head is in the clouds and rarely interacts. They get enough love for no reason. That being said, we have one great whale here who is just one of the guys and he'll get my support for that alone

He is an orca but hell yeah one of the guys. We do have a couple of great whales in our #craftink p2e game though!

i just made my first upvot

I've seen reporting that #musk recently went to the doctor and may need neck surgery. Though everyone, even Musk is promoting this supposed fight between him and #zuckerberg, I think he's setting it up for himself to gracefully bow out.

All for the best...

Zuck can't die.



Think so. 🤔 🐸

Zuck will kick Elon's out of shape ass.

So yeah, a likely excuse.

!LOLZ 😆 🐸

How do you look for Will Smith in the snow?
Just follow the fresh prints.

Credit: reddit
@ziabutt3836, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of pepetoken

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

A pretty stupid thing.

Fun fact....

Gary, Indiana is the home of the Jackson 5 - Birthplace of Michael Jackson.

I'm currently sitting in a truck stop here.

The more you know....

Michael was a favorite growing up!

Legend for sure, gone way too soon!

Hey, I grew up in the cornfields a couple hours from there. Elkhart, Indiana.

Nice, I haven't been in Indiana much. Mostly passed through but have a few friends that like around Indy.

Not much there...

Nice! Enjoy it!

Thank you sir!

Neat! Thank you for sharing and have moar fun! 🐸

His childhood home is like a national monument or something lol

The more you know....

--and knowing is half the battle!

G.I. Joe!!!!!

Waking up to a rising $btc price...
Setting stops so in case it decides to tank...

Still now I don't feel any significant change. But I will be happy if it rise up.

Sponge Bob waking up to a rising $BTC, love it! 🐸

hottest day of the year in my state?

I say hottest day of the year so far

It is hot in my state everyday this time of year.

that's just because you're bald and the sun is attracted to it

Lots of that around the world this summer. Stay cool!

it's serious

Just be glad you are not in Death Valley's Badwater Basin where temps reached 128(F) 53.6(C) in July. And that's not even the record!

It has been hotter than normal here in Colorado as well with temps in the 110(F) range.

Holy fuuuuuck

Out smokin’ a joint and watching the ducks graze.


Hey guys, how is it going? Been MIA with a very weak signal while away at 5days long rave 😆 #aliveandthriving #ladiesofhive

Were you at Stonehenge? I heard that's a good location for raves (along with Glastonbury). Wherever you wear, you did the right thing in staying offline to simply LIVE LIFE!

Thanks mate! I was at Boom Town raving festival in Winchester. Will write a long post about it some tome. It was out of this world, with almost 60k people!

@magnacarta! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ fantagira. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Going good, thanks, looks like fun! 🐸

Awesome, looking great.

Looks like fun! Next year, I am going to try to get to TomorrowLand.

Hive offer staking just like some other cryptos, and this can serve as a passive income.

#gmfrens #sps Everyone staying out of the sun?

Yes, too much sun out there for a little frog like me! 🐸

The Argentinian peso has been devaluing steadily vs. the dollar, but wow look at that most recent spike.

What caused the spike?

goverment increase the official exchanhe rate and increase in 118% the country interest rate.

HBD is a haven for Argentines

Question for all tonight!

How can we escape the AI mayhem that is coming upon mankind?

What 'mayhem' are you expecting?

Job replacement

Some jobs may be lost, but new ones will be created in the AI arena as well.

That's why we all need to prepare to still be relevant within the AI job arena.

I'm old (67) and self-employed, so I won't be affected as far as a job goes. But I do want to stay current to be able to acces how I may be able to utilize it in my projects.

set for powering up by tomorrow, trust everyone is in this queue?

Oops, I did that today.

That's cool

Dividend,stocks,rental properties and crypto are passive income sources one should create.#finance

HOw is Threads going? Came back home few minutes ago.

I adopted him thinking he was quiet but this cat looks like a lion eating and messing everything up


That's a cute kitten.. to bad they grow up..

Same with kids.

He's a real spoiled baby, doesn't even like his food be far away, I need to take him to his bowl LOL

can the church get a Amen

I wish there was a breed of cat that didn't grow up.

Don't you love having a package marked fragile, the shipping label covering the fragile label, then opening your package to find this.

Insane. 😀 That just shows no gives a shit. Or thinks. Sad.

Exactly, not that it really mattered with this package but they had not idea what was really inside.

That's the thing. Two stupid things done :D

Today was a great day!

Every day is a great day! 🐸

well today was an extra special one :P

I say that every day I am alive, that is awesome though

but today specifically had something great happen for me ;3

Good deal.

yes sir. I won a card from giveaway worth like 3k+ from Splinterlands ; ;

1/ Splinterlands game is not just fun. Building strategy to overcome ruleset hurdles inspires many life lessons. I learnt..

#threadstorm #splinterlands

2/ "Lost legendaries" ruleset only permits common, epic and rare card #nfts. It tests the strength of your strategy


3/ Read my entire post on #leofinance, get thrilled at my team's performance. Have you joined the Battle Mage Secret Challenge?


Thanks for sharing your LeoFinance content on Threads! If you want this kind of posts to be eligible for curation on Leo, check out this article!

Thank you. Twas just threadstorm not for outreach curation.

Games can be useful strategy for life.

Indeed, really inspiring.

It was the dog... 🐸 #pepetoken

genial!! 😎

#leo #threads #hive

this shows the power of hive and why we should plan our future with it

I wonder who's buried underneath there...

Logical meme

Monday Monday Monday.... How's it goin frens? #gmfrens

Another sensational day on the blockchain.

How is your day starting?

another day, another problem

Pretty good actually, maybe cos it doesn't feel like Monday for some reason

For me it's a busy one but not so busy like yesterday.

Moonday, going great, and searching for moons.

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Electricity is the major problem in some under developed country, some part of Nigeria suffer from this problem and some people to burn fuel to power up their home and office

How do you deal with electricity issue in your area?
@olujah talk about how he deal with it.

#gosh #threads247

There's no steady electricity supply in my area, we usually buy fuel.

this topic have affected me and my business so badly. I even had to change my general to gas. It cost me about 60,000 naira.

It's sad.

That's a lot of money i thought it is lower than that

the amount involved is really huge.

I spend a lot of money on fuel. My weekly budget is between 12-15k on fuel. I really have no choice because that is what I use to do work. We usually have no light in my place. Its a big issue.

That is a lot of money you spent on power , why don't you go for solar system.

I wish I can afford it now.

well we are very fortunate we always have light, so it's not a problem unless something spoil

Wow i wish i can live in that area too. Light is really making me inactive

Light makes you feel at home and enjoy your stay at home

I am living in the heart of my city and I can't boast of steady light. I pay money to charge my phone.

sorry for that I know the feeling

I Do use solar energy and when there is need to charge my phone, I do on my generator. That's all

Electricity is a major problem in developed countries too... 🐸

We've had "load-shedding" in South Africa for so long now we make jokes when we DO have electricity.

I can't believe that even south Africa too have electricity problem? I thought we are the only one.

Yeah... depending on the "stage" of load-shedding... they cut our power for anything from 2 - 8 hours per day.

countries like Nigeria, the electricity issue is increasing as day goes by which is not good

This is very true, and i can say it is worst in my area. Couldn't go out due to the rain and guess what? i successfully wasted the whole day sleeping while waiting for power supply. Thanks to big bro for turning on the gen few minutes ago.

🧵 1. Rent inflation, a major factor in the CPI, has been decelerating, but beware: actual rent prices are rising again after reaching a low in January. #finance

🧵 2. Though annual rent growth is negative, the amount spent on rent has been increasing for six straight months. The pace of change could turn positive in just a few months.

🧵 3. Don't celebrate the temporary dip in rent inflation too soon. The annual rate of change may be negative, but renters are currently paying more than they did a year ago.

🧵 4. Economists declaring victory over inflation without considering the current read of the index might be premature. Rent prices have been rising consistently, suggesting a turnaround soon.

🧵 5. While some applaud the decline in annual rent growth, the reality is that rents are on the rise again. This contradicts claims that inflation is vanishing.

Yep, rent in the area I own properties has steadily gone up. No flattening to be seen.

To BOOM or not to BOOM?

This is the question tonight.

Definitely BOOM!

Boom Boom of course

BoomBastic all the way.

boom always


Always boom sir, always a boom!!!

keyboard#boom please

It can only be boom always.


My network has been messing up for the past one hour and coming in now got boomed.

It's my lucky night.
Thank you so much.

really gonna BoOM!

im so damn sick today and can't be on here throughout and I hope I miss the boom 💥 but if I missed the boom but I hope the book will not miss my post

#coindesk is laying off 16% of its staff ahead of a potential deal.


Maybe they should enter #web3 and start building for the future.

Maybe some of the coins of coindesk are leaving. 🤔 🐸

More like corporate layoffs. This is going to continue over itme.



Influencers like Michael Burry and Peter Schiff are known for being promoted by the mainstream financial media for the calls they made.

In this we look at how things really are.

2/ Burry is known for being the basis of The Big Short. He made a call on the housing market that paid off big time. As show in the film, he went counter to what the market believed.

3/ He was right on that one obviously. This is something that can be espoused.

The problem is he wasn't always right.

4/ Burry recently took a bath shorting Tesla. He remained short long after the market went against him. He ended up closing his position, down a great deal.

5/ Peter Schiff is a noted gold bug and touted as "calling the Great Recession". Whether he did is up for debate. Schiff is an example of if you say something long enough, it could come true.

6/ The problem is Schiff always touts the same line, no matter the market. This is not forecasting but akin to selling used cars. All markets go up and down. To say something is only going up is misleading.

7/ Schiff made a bold $5K gold price back in 2011. He said stocks were overpriced and going to collapse (he always says that). Sadly, we are not even half way there while the stock market has exploded.

8/ This is the problem with the "experts" as touted by the media. Even if they made a good call, all the missed calls are ignored. This costs people money.

9/ While most are aware of Burry's call on housing, how many knew he got crushed shorting Tesla? Conveniently this is not mentioned when he is introduced on the talk shows on CNBC and others.

I can't say what it is like elsewhere but dating in the U.S. is totally fucked.

Is that not the goal

If it only were that simple.

Hmm, everything is fucked everywhere. The purpose of dating has been underrated here too.

totally fucked. Credit ap and background checks needed for first date.. 😆

I've been married 38 years, but even when I was in the dating scene back then, it was a mess. This is based on a true story, only the pronouns have been changed to protect the innocent. 😂

There may have been an app for that. Or that may have been part of the problem.

@hoosie shows us Arras - a stunning French city with a lot of history and impressive architecture.

#posh #hive #travel #city #France

#gmfrens Have a great day today to everyone. LFG!

Enjoy the day. It´s already night here.

have a great night dear.

Great day to you too!

$AWESOME Monday with 5 highlighted and curated posts, plus 1 winner of a 4 week 5 Hive Power delegation, link in reply.


🧵 1. Intuit's Alex Chriss named new PayPal CEO, taking over from Dan Schulman on Sept. 27. Schulman will remain a director until May 2024. #business

🧵 2. Chriss, currently leading Intuit's small business & self-employed group, chosen out of 9 candidates. Impressed by his leadership & role in $12B Mailchimp acquisition.

🧵 3. PayPal's board met with over 20 investors, including Elliott Management, during CEO search. Elliott Management had no part in the selection.

🧵 4. Schulman, who became CEO in 2015 after split from eBay, announced retirement in December. Proud of accomplishments in reimagining financial services and e-commerce.

🧵 5. Chriss excited to work with PayPal's team and build on its history. Shares of PayPal up nearly 2% following CEO announcement.

Count your bills.

Which bills do you count?

#pepetoken #leofinance #meme source

1/ The US Federal Reserve's instant payment system, FedNow, adds Dropp - a micropayments platform built on DLT platform Hedera Hashgraph - to its list of service providers. #fintech

3/ Critics in the crypto community express disappointment, feeling that the move signifies a lack of faith in crypto as an alternative financial system.

4/ Other blockchain networks previously announced connection to FedNow but were quickly removed. Metal Blockchain, for example, disappeared from the site days after being added.

2/ Dropp aims to help merchants accept low-cost payments by utilizing DLT and regulated banking tech. However, FedNow emphasizes it doesn't endorse any showcase providers, only facilitates connections.

The monetized hobbies which I am grateful for. There are some hobbies that have earned me money here on Hive and it is something I am happy for. Check the comment section 👇

#hivelearners #prompt #ecency #hobby

🧵/1Does stablecoin genuinely offer the security they promise or are they just another piece in the complex puzzle of crypto investment. #threadstorm #outreach

🧵/2 With terra algorithm stablecoin UST depegging below one cent are stablecoins still considered safe heaven for crypto investment? While it maintain stability in the crypto market by reducing volatility.

🧵/3 Do you consider stablecoin as risk or opportunity while exploring the possibility of cryptocurrencies check here to find more

Thanks for sharing your LeoFinance content on Threads! If you want this kind of posts to be eligible for curation on Leo, check out this article!

what’s up with 3Speak today? 8 hours later and post not here yet. Anyone else having issues?


@dfinney likes Seattle and Carolina to win.

I would feel okay betting Carolina on the moneyline. JS

I like the Jets to cover.
I like the Bears moneyline.

Thoughts anyone?

I don’t have a clue on preseason. You be my proxy this week. I’ll vote my 10% with your vote. @davedickeyyall 👍

But those bets you mention are good with me. But feel free to throw my 10% on whatever you end up choosing.


Ok. I took them both for 1.50 each plus a $1 parlay

Good luck


Maybe bengals?

Yup.. Got you.

Screenshot_20230814_153854_Caesars Sportsbook.jpg

How much did they make off this? Just a cost of doing business.

UBS to pay $1.4 billion over fraud in residential mortgage-backed securities

I am going to guess they made more than $1.4 billion.

#bank #ubs #fraud

Sounds like a good guess. Just an example of another cost of business in this crazy world.

i am extremely busy at J.O.B. today. My voting power back over 90 percent. Cool.

that's really cool 😊 mine is full because of some days absence.
Have fun sir 😀

I didn't step out today because of heavy rainfall. #alive #aliveandthriving

stay safe and enjoy rainy weather

same here, slept for more than 3 hours too while waiting for power supply.

GM frens, how was your day? Mine was cool. Return from work a little while ago, and currently writing an article.

Gm fren, good, thanks.


Haven’t been able to do much writing myself lately, gonna get back to the grind this week 🦁

The boss himself may not need to write always, we understand the job on your table.

haha true! I do like to write just for fun

We got the task on your side but then, I trust what you can do In the next couple of days.

My day was awesome too. How was your day?

Cool as usual

Great. How is family?

Good by God's grace

There are 4 pages