There are 5 pages

Part of the reason I'm on permanent power up mode with $HIVE and $LEO is to secure my financial future.

Another reason is to give back to fellow community members by curating. Together we're securing and decentralizing the network.

Distribute the tokens man, that's why I'm powering up lol Spread it out to as many as we can :)

Speaking of distributing tokens, I found you on the For You feed and I want to give you 1 !BBH.

@jongolson! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @crptogeek. (5/5)

Gud goals! Love the power and giving and sharing tokens and value.

feels good to be distributing out both hive and Leo

Yes, and it helps further decentralize the network.

Greetings to all threads, am happy to be here.
Please welcome with warm Joy

Welcome to inleo threads, i hope you will enjoy your time here. Good Luck and make sure to start exploring the platform.

thank you a million

welcome aboard. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.


@chisah! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (13/50)

thank you so much Sir

am happy to be welcomed here, thank u so so much sir

Welcome to threads, visit the thread published by us to answer simple question asked by us and win free upvotes from us.


Welcome to Threads. Glad you are jumping right in.

Thread away.

yes sir, am really jumping for having you people here

Hey there! Welcome home! glad you made it.

Welcome to this wonderful platform. Is really nice to have you here. Feel free to explore the platform to learn new things. Make threads and also engage with other people's threads.

thank you my boss

Alright. I'm your friend. So you can call me friends.

you are welcome sister. Feel free to express the platform and add value to the ecosystem

Thank u brother

you are welcome, I'm coming to get your luggage so relax.

When was the first time you got to know about crypto ? Did you got to know about it on your own or by someone.

Upvotes for everyone who answers, our voting power is not much but 15k+ HP and we promise to use it well.


It was 2018, I just went to Internet and started studying.

i got to know about crypto from @zahidsun he is a nice guy and my good friend. I wish you all the best #powerclub let's make this helpful to all the good blog writers #powerclu

A friend like these are gem, always value them.

#powerclub #freecompliments

I first learned about cryptocurrency in 2013 when Bitcoin could be mined using a laptop. One apartment and 3 laptops later, I gave it my attention again in April 2021 when $DOGE was making a run at USD 1.00. That's when I ended up at Hive.

2013, you was lucky to know that in 2013. There were very few at that time who even heard about btc.

I would have been luckier had I kept mining BTC. At the time, I hadn't mined much; it was an afterthought. It's on a laptop HDD I can't access; I don't remember how to access the BTC. It may be worth USD 100 today, but it's not available.

A lot of people have a story like this so i can feel how it might be like, losing some free btc. Even i losed some amount worth few dollars back in 2018.

I got to know about it myself as i always used to read about what was going on in the world. I got to know about the crypto in 2017 itself.

That was quite early.

I got to know about Crypto 3 years ago when I sstarted writing on readcash to earn BCH. I didn't even know about Crypto until I receive my first tip in BCH and begin asking how it works.

Wow, it is interesting how everyone found about the crypto. NIce to know your side of the story.

I heard about Bitcoin in 2012. Put a little bit into it not long after. I saw it someplace on the internet that I can't remember and then researched it for myself.

2012, that was so so so early.

Hindsight's always 20/20, but yeah. Would've been great to put a bit more in. Though, at that time the unknowns were high.

Few years ago. Found it on my own being an internet scavenge hunter like many of us. Thank you kindly for the upvote. #freecompliments

Happy to know about your story, thanks for sharing it with us.

I saw Wikileaks accepting bitcoin in 2012 and got curious about it. Wanted to buy back then but I was kind of homeless 😆

But still 2012 was one of the earliest time to know about or even hear about bitcoins.

Yeah...but you can imagine how I felt when I saw the price 5 years later. Luckily around then I found steem and started earning it.

I knew it since 2019 but never tried or believe it's a legit thing and thought only criminal use.

t was 2021 Iwhen I finally join #crypto...

Finally you changed your mind in 2021

Yeaaaa, I'm really Glad it happened.

I got into crypto at the nft games boom. Played the good and also the bad ones. Golden time it was :)

I bought bitcoin the day I heard about it. That was in 2013

Not 100% when I first heard about it but I think first interaction I had with it was back in 2017 or so with the CryptoKitties game, I still have some Kitties left in my wallet but that's just cuz I don't wanna pay gas fee to try sell em xD

Someone on Hive introduced us to this rabbit hole!

App. 8y ago already!

Bought the leos for today, i am feeling great to continue my DCA for leo tokens.

#dca #leo

seems like a good move, LEO will take some time but eventually it will pump hard with all the new tokenomics settling in

It feels good to see new people coming in and joining here, I recently invited one of my friends who has only made intro post by now. He is confused what to write and so i asked him to start using threads.

I will remind him again.

Wow, that's an excellent recommendation that I plan to use from now on. Threads is an excellent start for the Blockchain and so see users and many who use images of their own to adore your post. Great job

It happens in the beginning but after sometime we get familiar with the platform

good to see more and more people joining through word of mouth. Holidays are coming up, great time to be “that guy” and mention hive at get togethers lol

i actually joined recently too . This is a great initiative for like interactions in Hive other wise i hardly ever get any comments on my actual blogs . So its a great way to normalize interactions without sounding like a NPC 🤣

Have you been using the #threadstorm InLeo to try to get more attention?

not exactly i just started using recently and im still trying to grasp what it is about

Nice work!! Each person we bring in is another person liberated from the brainwashing of regular social media

The Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses might usher in a new era of wearables. I think it's different this time and it won't end up like the Google Glass. Don't quote me on it though! LOL... 🤣

I had Google Glass. It was awesome. The only reason it failed is because people freaked out about privacy issues that didn't exist. The world wasn't ready.

Is it that privacy issues didn't exist, or that they existed but people were unaware of them? This is Google we're talking about.

People in the public were complaining that glass was watching them. It wasn't happening. It took a lot of data and battery life to film and take pictures. The media really blew it out of proportion. Cell phones are a billion times worse.

I was very excited to try this Philadelphia pizza for the first time, and I was also burning because I wanted to take this selfie before digging into it with both of my hands! 😁👌
#foodiesbeehive #foodie

Having the first bite!

It had beef and olive and mushrooms that goes very well with eachother and also onions! which was a little strange but I didn't complain😋

#foodiesbeehive #foodie

It's good to know that you liked it. Enjoy

Thanks honey! 😋

It’s not New York !PIZZA but I love your commitment. Hope you enjoyed it @sabajfa

Thank you!:P

how you are so fit even after eating junk food?

I move around a lot! 😁

A friend sent this over😁😁. What an amazing Sunday

#mydiary #foodie

Hehe. Enjoyment galore. Is this meatpie or chicken pie. I love chicken pie the more. And as for puffpuff. My favorite when I take it hot with chilled juice. Life is too short. Enjoy the moment and hope for better days. Hehe 😜

You know how to give yourself a treat.

It's a meat pie 😁. Just that she did not bring any drinks☹️☹️😔😔..

I'm left with water

So thoughtful of your friend to gift you these yummy snacks. I hope you will enjoy them.

Sure I will 😁

What are your top crypto coins? Name three of them outside of hive ecosystem.
Three that you trust the most and on which you are counting on for the next bull run.


Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cake

Bitcoin, Bitcoin and Bitcoin. Honestly, there is a huge gap to all the others!

Bitcoin dominance is definitely increasing.

Good evening ,everyone how is ur Sunday going? This is my first thread here,hope I'm welcome here?#mydiary.


I'm sure it will be well received! I hope you find your place and make threads part of your daily life!

u are welcome.. enjoy your stay

Definitely, welcome to threads and good to see you, nice hold over there, maid of honour, I guess a bestie of yours just got married

yes,thank u so much。

In addition, have you joined the hive zealy campaign ?

YOu are welcome my dear. Hive is such a wonderful place to be. Try to explore the platform to learn new things. Make friends. Thread and engage with other people's threads.
Enjoy your stay here.

Small gains but great to see some green. $HIVE

all gains are gains

#hive chart looks so Good tbh!

yeah october is positive

Love to see the grow to 1 USD again. #HiveWorks

Over time it will rise and there is no rush.

At 4:30 PM EST join me on Twitter/x to talk Hive and #SocialFI

Join me to give your voice on Hive and other So-Fi projects.

#threadcast #leofinance

let's go frens! join up and let's talk hive

Link to the Twitter Space:

Do you like try coffee of unforgettable taste? It's easy:

Pay for it in Bitcoin !

In 2028, when those 7000 today's Satoshis will be worth ~$1200, you will remember the taste of every tiny sip today...
#coffee $BTC

do you no that three leave yam is one of African popular food? Very delicious and medicinal, I can't wait to eat my share, anyone that cares should come and take. #mydiary.

am coming 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️

I think, they called this esuru in my local language and it's always delicious 😋😋😋

yes sooooo you are there.

Aww! This is my Dad favorite. I love eating it today because of my dad. He will always buy. You see those one that are golden yellow, is the sweetest. I can even eat it all through the day.

waoh yes sooooo very very sweet oooo.

Time is running out more faster than ever imo.

Do you notice that too?


It does seem to speed up, especially as we get older.

yea, in my 20 and I'm feeling so old already to be honest.

Like I've not achieved anything and have wasted all those years.


Damn @bradleyarrow has underwear older than that.

Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha

Damn strait

!BBH #bbh

I see you didnt deny it.

Nope. That onnly causes accusations. Lol

@taskmaster4450le! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (8/50)

yea, will turn 21 this upcoming December 26.

Hahaha, lmao this got me cracking 🤣🤣🤣

Yep Well you are just a baby as they say.

So true, this year is really fast. January 1st seems like yesterday.

Every new year seems like getting more faster than last one.

I could recall making plans for the month of October and now we already at the end of the month🤷

yea, exactly same with me...

Just next week it will be New Years!

for real for real 🤣

It was a beautiful Sunday
I enjoyed every bit of it


Glad you had a good day.

Yea I did thanks for your support
It's much appreciated

Onion is essential in my stews, I choose small ones, because I use all of them and I don't have to store anything in the refrigerator. #plantpowervegan #foodie

I love it too

Yes, they are great. When they are large and damaged, the loss is greater.

at first look I thought was egg

Hahaha, they are small :)

I don't have an account on X / Twitter, but I use LeoThreads at InLeo

This is why I will re-thread people's threads like a madman

Many of these threads I re-thread also end up on my blog page

Is there any #Wikipedia alternative you know if it shutdown?

People Talkin about things we already have on #hive

Thanks for the share but we are far away from being a comparison to wikipedia. If more got involved, perhaps we could make faster gains.

yea, that's why I added "database stored in #blockchain isn't as big (just yet)" maybe someday with combined efforts.

Hope so, more will jump in. Always here to help or contribute when if need.

Hit me up on discord. We can get you involved too. A lot of ways to enhance the database and the more people adding the better.

what's your discord I'd?

Yea, more database it is with more poeple, more better.

taskmaster4450. you can find the link in the leo discord.

I wonder about the legality in listing Wikipedia pages on hive

1/ 🧵 Central Bank of Russia is open to accept all the CBDCs from other nations through forex market. It is not being clossed to their own Digital Rubble.

#outreach #threadstorm

2/ 🧵 Russia has released it's own Digital Rubble which is a CBDC. And it was also on the pilot recently. As the online digital payments are on the rise, CBDCs were trigered in motion.

3/ 🧵 Russian central bank is open to all the forex paired CBDCs that are out there. And it won't be locking its own Digital Rubble to the citizens.

4/ 🧵 This move goes to show you that Russia has no plan on being closed walled garden state. And instead it is open to play on the international forex market using their CBDC.

5/ 🧵 Check out how Russia is not keeping Digital Rubble exclusive for citizens.

My goofy kid and his dog

Both of them look cute together and this image is perfect for publishing in #shadowhunters community's contest. You can give it a shot

#alive #aliveandthriving

what a cute boy and neat dog.

Whats the name of tthe dog?

Esto sucede en algunas mañanas (frente al espejo y no frente a la cámara): me aplico mi crema humectante con protector solar.

¿Por qué? 🧵

#makeuppower #spanish

Generalmente la cara queda expuesta a la luz solar al salir de casa. Pero también dentro de casa es expuesta a la luz artificial que también puede causar daño. Así que estoy acostumbrándome a usarla frecuentemente. #makeuppower #spanish

¿Un festival? Me gustaría que la gente fuera a cantar, bailar, divertirse, reír, ambiente apto para niños y adultos.

¿Qué bandas me gustaría que estuvieran?

Respondo en el 🧵

#music y #musiccommunity

Yo elegiría el repertorio para asegurarme de que se cumplan los objetivos planteados

Como la iniciativa dice "Bandas" descarté los artistas solistas, sólo agrupaciones

No faltarían Guaco, Los amigos invisibles, Malanga y Desorden Público

Just how close the houses here are to each other

#mydiary #photography

I like how that tree grows there in between giving shade. 😊

Yeah. It looks amazing

Yeah. You can reach out and wash your neighbor's back when in the shower.


this pictures is wonderful, so lovely

Thank you

You are welcome dear

Abandono la idea de trabajar XD es domingo y hoy sale #netflix. Alguna recomendación?
Por cierto, no se si es valido peroooo .. tengo pantallas disponibles y acepto HBD xD .. bay.

My mum is my strong support system and i'm thankful to be born to by this great woman, she has gone through a lot to see her children stand strong irrespective of life's challenges.Mama❤


It is important to have that.

der love is unconditional

Oh nice, you are just like a look alike to your mum, our mothers are always supportive to us and they never like to see anything bad happen to us. I love my mum too.

$BTC is dominating, what could we expect in 2024? I take a look into this and more in my latest article (Link in Comment section)

Let me have a 2hrs rest I will be back.

And if we say no? LOL

Hahahahah, please don't say No 😭

Dont think it much matters what I say to be honest. LOL

What matters most? LoL 😆

Esta es la crema que uso todos los días para hidratar mi piel, la descubrí hace algunos meses, me deja la piel muy suave y huele increíblemente rico. Se llama Nosotras.
#makeuppower #mydiary #inleo

Vaya que crema tan rica. Ahora sé por qué tu piel se ve tan suave. Por mi parte no aplico crema en mi cuerpo. me quema la piel. Así que mantente alejado de eso.

Muchas Gracias

¡¡¡Guau!!! Nosotros es una buena crema para tu piel, eso es genial hasta aquí. Gracias por compartirlo con nosotros usando la etiqueta mydiary,

te amamos y apreciamos y por favor comparte más de tus actividades con nosotros usando la etiqueta porque estaré feliz de verte pronto 🥰🥰💞

Si claro con gusto, muchas gracias

De nada mi querido amigo, por favor cuídate, hermosa 💞💞💞

Ya salió nuestra Revista Digital, Tenemos a @elbuhito en nuestra Portada y con una hermosa entrevista. Además de nuestros Proyectos Líderes y mucho más.
Te invitamos a disfrutarla. Link en comentarios

good evening friends, hope your Sunday is going well, this was my look today, I can tell you that it went smoothly!!! Happy Sunday.. #mydiary.

Good afternoon, what a beautiful look, I like that black and white combination. You look great!

thank you so ooooooo much.

Awesome, happy Sunday to you too, good to see how radiant you're looking

While claiming my $ZING rewards today I thought delegating some HP is a pretty good and safe way to get into projects. I mean, it's still accumulating and apparently increasing in value too. 😉


So fresh and refreshing just like the autumn🍁 air and it's color. Fresh Orange citrus 🍊 drink helps me for that on the go energy. Make yours right away.

#amazingdrinks #foodie.

How nice that juice looks. It is that lemon juice provokes with that color that fills our pupils with desire and awakens our thirst. Excellent photography.

Let's toast to a delicious orange juice.

#foodie #amazingdrinks

Which word you use the most when you think about T-Shirt Shop? 🤔

What are the Koreans up to? $STEEM is really not worth much. Some sort of pump and dump?

Uhh, long time that I looked for that token. Sold all mine...

Good move. I'm amazed anyone wants it.

I haven't checked on STEEM in a long time.

$0.22/23 is decent.

I don't think it's worth that much. A few people milk most of the post rewards.

Yeah, the milking is why I'm surprised by the current price.

I thought it be much lower all things considered.

steem has a lot of crazy applications that run on top of it for Defi etc and I suspect that's a big pull factor over there. It's rather scammy and weird over there.

justin sun got lot of Chinese and Koreans degens...

Pump and dump imo.

Manipulations happening there

Talking to strangers is one thing I hardly do. But my whole life have been shaped by strangers who I met in the past. Here in the picture are two strangers who are my friends today.



Their advise and way of life have benefited me and shape me to be a better person.
Their were strangers to me in the past but today they are my friends.


To make friends is a good thing in a place were everyone is friendly and have love. At least you get to learn new things and new tradition

why did they ask you to take a picture?

Things are being added to the #leoglossary.

Thngs are shaping up nicely. Been a productive day so far.

What are leoglossary? we will visit the tag.

Gud to hear! Seeing a bunch of new things pop up in my feed!

#pepetoken is next to be rewarded for delegating #bee tokens with @token-thx along with #hhguild tokens. Can read moar in their blog and latest post linked in the reply.. 1/2

Token-thx rewards delegaters of $BEE tokens throughout the week with a recalculation of everyones' share on Sunday. #gosh

Good evening friends, you no after lunch I need to rehearse my mouth with this, coconut and bread what a nice combination, if you have tested it before indicate. #gmfrens #mydiary

I've never tried it, I have a coconut tree at home but I hardly eat coconut or drink coconut water

try it and thank me later my dear.

try it dear both the coconut and the water is very sweet you will like it.

My favorite combo is banana with breads. Sometimes I love to take this meals for my breakfast. Healthy food for the healthy morning.

Seriously!!! E dey sweet like this #pidgin

Thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. If you would like to receive your GM tokens, please register your WAX wallet on our site, unclaimed tokens are burned. You can find the site in our profile on @gmfrens.

Really, coconut 🥥 and 🍞, how does this taste 🤤🤤🤤, just seeing this for the very first time

try it you won't regret it, is a nice combination and very sweet.

Whaaaaat??? I've never seen that before. I know sweet breads with coconut but that combination, never. I must put it on my list of things to do before I die. Thanks for that culinary recommendation. Regards

thank God just try it you won't regret it.

BREAKING: The most important #Hive Podcast you should watch/listen to today 🤗🔥

Link in comments 👇

Thanks Neo for sharing this. we watched it tonight and enjoyed and laugh a lot. Although it was a over drunk show and so much fun.. but still had many serious enlightening things



@neopch! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @kam5iz. (1/1)

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

such an epic location for a live podcast

judge me, criticize me, gossip me, betray me, but don't stop my hive. I must keep on hustling to earn a living! #gmfrens #mydiary

What happened fren? Is there anything wrong with you on Hive? Tell us your problem so that we can help you.

No problem my dear. I was just expressing passion for Hive

Hahahaha, I need to gossip you just that I don't know you lol

am with you do not worry

do not worry. Am with you

Thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. If you would like to receive your GM tokens, please register your WAX wallet on our site, unclaimed tokens are burned. You can find the site in our profile on @gmfrens.

No problem my brother, I was expressing my passion for hive.

Hive is at $2.87!

Is what many people said on November 29th 2021.

We will say it again. Soon™

I wanna see $5 in the upcoming bullrun. Although I want to accumulate at least 1,000 $HIVE before the bear market has been ended.

Imagine that!

If that happens, you would have earned $5,000 through content creation and curation.

Where else could you do that?

It will be a huge amount for me. I don't know what should I do with that much of money. You can give me some advice by the way. !PIZZA

Cheers to that!

I believe in that too!!

Hive is more mature than what it was back in November 2021. We have more front ends, dapps, exposure and communities of Hiveans worldwide. We'll see that reflected in the price soon. Remember: "Hive" rhymes with "five" :)

I don't know about soon but we get there eventually we just have to keep building and onboarding

I don't mind if it takes a couple of years to be honest. Gives everybody time to build those bags.

100% let's leverage this opportunity and build those bags up

Ya salió nuestra Revista Digital, Tenemos a @elbuhito en nuestra Portada y con una hermosa entrevista. Además de nuestros Proyectos Líderes y mucho más.
Te invitamos. Link en comentarios #hivediy

Whooot that looks nice. Will give it a search

Gracias gracias y mas gracias 😍 son geniales, todo el equipo y los creadores de contenido que alli se reunen ❤️

One hour away from the early NFL games! Let’s Go!! #sportstalk #threadcast

this the official official threadcast for sunday????

I need a place to smack talk!

thought he was going to retire but he apparently signed an extension lol

@jongolson - he has to win a Super Bowl without Brady and then he will retire? #sports

the jokes keep coming....

@jongolson - Bills will need to make some BIG adjustments during the half #sportstalk

just awful man, this team is just horrible.

They are definitely missing a beat this season

Offense play calling is just pathetic.

The game of the day has to be the Dolphins Eagles game tonight, but Bills Patriots is always going to be a good one #sports

if it's close at half time, i might start drinking again

I get to watch #nflredzone and the game tonight without stressing. Cowboys bye week 🤘🏽 #nfl

I get that next week lol Bills play Thursday night and then I can Red Zone in peace n Sunday lol

Ravens still pouring it on and it’s only the first half. YIKES! 28-0 over the Lions #sportsnews

@jongolson is Cook a former Pat?

nah, we drafted him in the second round last year. Dalvin's younger brother.

Ahhhh yes. Not, Vikings could use Dalvin right now 🤪

Miles Garrett is a Big Dawg. What a play 🏈🔥 #sportstalk

I’m my opinion the Lions have to beat the Ravens today to convince any doubters. I think they are badass and I really like their Coach. Wish he was the Cowboys Coach #sportstalk

Will the Chargers upset the Chiefs today? Doubtful 🤪 #nfl

yeah would love for herbert to live up to that 'top QB' billing he always seems to get lol but wont happen

He doesn’t get the DAK treatment though. I like Herbert but may be Philip Rivers in the end @jongolson

Big game between Bucs Falcons! I’m rooting for Baker 🏈 I’m not a Mayfield hater and I rather Bucs win now that Brady is not there 🤣 #sportstalk

Dem Dawgz Browns up 7-0 #nfl

#Bills defence looked sloppy but held the Patsies to a FG

That was a good hold. Belichek should have gone for it #afceast

so weird he didnt but whatever, he's the goat right? lolol

Well, that was easy. Ravens up 7 on the Lions #sportstalk

Minshew Mania 🤣 7-7 Colts quickly tie the Browns #sportsnews

WTH was that Josh?????

How much are the Bills looking to spot the Pats @jongolson ?

trap game, i hate football lol

Have to win those division games @jongolson

Kickers missing field goals already 🤨 #nfl

If Lamar keeps doing that, it’s going to be a long day for the Lions #nfl #sports

Lamar is just toying with them. WOW. #sportstalk

How does a team suck, have a Wide Receiver in the class of Davante Adams and he has to beg for them to throw him the ball? He’s getting fed today 🥄 🏈 #sportstalk

Minshew 🥸 beasting today 14-7 Colts so far #sportsnews

So Watson does not even finish the first quarter. He is back on the sidelines after yet another injury. Hmmm, money well spent???

One of the most gross contracts ever in all of professional sports John! #nfl

Damn, that Pitts catch was sweeeeet Falcons Bucs game #nfl

Happy Tight Ends Day Waller! G-Men up on those damn Commanders #sportstalk

Daaaamn! Ravens making the Lions look like well the Lions #sportstalk

Minshew Magic continues. With the lead. #nfl #sportsnews

Raiders are awful sometimes. Bears backup QB is looking pretty good against them. #sportstalk

TD Buffalo. I don't know what to do with myself!!!!

It’s the witching hour, where wins become losses and losses become wins #nflredzone

That Browns Colts game is a good one #sports

Didn’t expect that upset #bills #patriots

Bad loss by the Bucs, but give the Falcons credit 16-13 #sportsnews

Late games have started and a couple of early games still going 😮 #nfl

Pickett sacked in the first drive #rams #steelers

Big play for the G-Men and it’s looking like those damn Commanders are cooked #sportstalk

i'm never watching football again

@jongolson sorry brother I know how that feels

Browns beat the 49ers and are losing to the Colts , not good for Dem Dawgz #sportstalk

It’s gut wrenching to see the Cardinals being 1-5 and that one win was against my ‘Boys ⭐️ #sports

@jongolson - an old skool street banger may cheer you up

#musiconleo #music #song

Hold the phone. She has been spotted 🤪🤣 #chiefs #swift

Chiefs doing what Chiefs do. Up 10-3. #nflchamps #sports

Chargers are in the game 10-10 #sportsnews

BOBO with a darn good catch and in for the Seahawks #nfl

Puka Nakua is for real #rams #rookie

32500 USD is great resistance for Bitcoin price chart #gosh #hive

it will be quick teleportation towards $37k if break that resistance.

Hopefully this time it will

I love teleportation!

There are 5 pages