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I am happy to be a premium member and support what Leo is building. Lets go! Its about time I start listening to @jongolson!!

Congrats on the premium.

I would disagree on this point.

Lets go! Its about time I start listening to @jongolson

The guy has issues. LOL

OK. I will listen to you! HA

Yeah. Do the opposite of what JonGo does and you will be better off.

He is the ultimate contrarian indicator.

I suggest you stick with Jongo. 😂

Task, everyone has issues so Jongo isn't any different 😂

He has more than most.

Hahaha, for you to know that means you are in the same boat with him 😅

Haha, now I'm wondering what issues he has 😅

So is the psychological community.

@bradleyarrow is a case study for all aspiring psych students.

But hey, his grandkids like him so either he is an okay guy or knows to bribe them with cookies.

Oh I see, now I understand better LOL

I guess it's the latter, the cookies always works wonders 😄

Yep. Then give them back to their parents when they are all wound up on sugar.

Exactly 🤣, children are so fond of doing that with very few exceptions

hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha 🤣 😂

Congrats and welcome to the club.

Thanks! !PIZZA

Thanks for the pizza.

Love to see this, welcome! :)

you are awesome


@dkid14! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (6/50)

back at you. !PIZZA

That's amazing, welcome to #premium100

Good to have you join and support INLEO

lol welcome to the fun sir!

listening to me is SUPER dangerous man. My life is a perfect example why lol

My least favorite teacher in my primary school, class 2 was my class teacher. Mrs E.

She bullied me into cutting my long beautiful hair, probably because she was jealous that I had more hairs than her.

She will always tell me this 👇

see how small you are yet you carried all the hair meant for others. You better cut off this hair so we can see you well.

#crossculture #emotionsandfeelings


Hey there, I hope you are doing great, do you mind sparing your time and casting your vote for me here.

She wouldn't stop saying those awful words to me and that made always quiet in the class. It got to a point that I dreaded going to school.

Ah, she will always find one excuse to flog me.


It got to a point that one day she warned me not to come to school next day with this hair else she will punish me. Why she was being so wicked and bullying me to cut my hair I don't know. My school wasn't against plaiting of hair.



After that final warning from her, I cried so uncontrollably at home telling mum to cut my hair so I won't be punished.

Mon had no choice but to cut the hair and that was the end of my ordeal.

But the most annoying part was that she saw I and my mom few days after and asked mom why my hair was cut. When mom told her what I said, she replied that it wasn't what she said. What a hypocrite.



I love ice cream. So much that I have learned to make it at home. But from time to time I like to go to local ice cream shops to support local commerce.

#thread #foodiesbeehive #foodie

I love it but I never have all the ingredients so I always have to go looking for it haha

Ice cream should be a medicine for the soul 🤭🤭🤭

I need an ice cream like that in my life, and make it chocolate please hahahahaha. It looks divine

My least favorite teacher in school was the crk teacher and housemistress.She's a reverend sister but was very wicked,she flogged us as early as 5am #crossculture

that day we were a bit late for morning mass and she made sure she gave us 6 strokes of the cane, as it was early in the morning and the harmattan period, it was painful


What's crk?

Christian Religious Knowledge

oh it's Christian Religious Knowledge

she was just too strict and always inflict injuries on students by caning them. I can even remember her punishing us during a waec exam because of noise


Tales from a boarding school

Good morning, how are you? I'm leaving you a cup of morning coffee, and I'm off to get on with the housework. Have a great day!

It will keep you up for sure. Good day!

When you are done with your house work, want to help with mine.

I live in a small place, wont take you long. LOL

Jaja sure I'll help you, I'll give you the instructions on how to do the housework.

Typical woman.



Man really to hate do the dishes, but love the end result 😅

#dishes #everdaylife

That's why I have a dishwasher. Win - Win 😅

Getting one soon in my new house :D

That's a wise decision.

I have one too, just you still have to wash stuff off for the most part, so I might as well just hand wash them. I use the dishwasher as a drying rack, lol.

I am weird though in that washing dishes is oddly soothing to me.

It's looking really nice, good job 👍

The trials of life. LOL

Hehe, should not really complain. We have arranged here at home the she cooks and I do the dishes. But that doesn't include I can still complain a little online because I hate it 😂

Yeah, I have to do that today too, lol

Everyday struggle 😅
I'm getting myself a new house in December which has a dishwasher! =)

That's a serious amount of dishes

Yeah, that's what happens when you wait 2 days here xP

I'm sorry to hear that xD

Ah don't be. Get to eat a lot of great food 🤤

Dishes are definitely in my Top5 house cleaning things to do! You can put a podcast and just be in auto mode! Nice job 👍

Damn I already nuked my voting power. And the day is still young.

what age is the day?

Under 1 day I would say.

Thank goodness I wasn't among this time around 😂

There's always the option to Buy a nice chunk of $HIVE and $LEO to regain all of your powers

I bought 700 $LEO last night. Filling my bags.

I know this is half the day old, but yeah, I have been draining mine too, lol. Trying to get more involved on #threads and #waves as well as regular posts. Switching between accounts to curate, lol.

It becomes the norm when short for content. A lot of upvotes give throughout the day adds up.

But if we dont use it, it gets lost. Might as well share the love.

It can recharge when I am recharging, lol.

That is certainly true. I find it is steady unlike me as I get older.

I can also bounce around between all my projects too, so I have that edge, lol.

Yep. That is also key on here.

you madman!

Never been proven.

Sounds like a Sunday fun day! Maybe you could go run to the store and get sum moar!

I checked the last time I was at the supermarket. I didnt see it on the shelves and, like usual, the staff was no help. Couldnt even tell me what aisle it would be in.

We need to find a solution for this!

hate when that happens

That’s how you roll man. Big men moves. It’ll be up in no time


Utilizing Reward App Liquid Payments

The HIVE & HBD pays in liquid and plan is to go premium! read more below 1/3
#threadstorm #outreach #premium #communitypool

How Can You Help?

Simply Upvote & Make a Similar Post & Tag Me

I will share your link in a thread & upvote it!
If you don't need the help consider donating your liquid rewards to community members
#threadstorm 2/3 #outreach

#threadstorm 3/3 #outreach

Thank You for making it this far, now let's get as many premium accounts with Inleo as possible!

All extra funds will get our team members premium

#silverbloggers Good old stanby #sandwiches saved many a day. Open Avo and Egg Sarmie on brown bread and Mayo, garnished with Dill. #inleo #hive #food #gosh

That combination never fails. It looks delicious! 😋 Worthy of a Sandwich Queen 🤗

Haha Eli, now you're sounding like someone I know🤩 it actually was for a #biss about 3 years ago. Thank goodness it's not gone mouldy yet 😅

Haha!!! No mouldy! Looks as appetizing as it did then 😆😆

Perfectly boiled eggs and that avocado is neatly cut!

#foodie #freecompliments

I had fun slicing and twisting that avocado, it was a tasty combo😉

I know the combo, I eat it quite often on rye bread that I quickly fry on the stove. And then with a bit of mayonnaise in between. And salt.

Also works with fried eggs instead 🤤

Looks so delicious. Avocado and egg, or and dill, it makes me hungry.

Wish I had a nice Avocado like that one right now, it was a nice combination for a breakfast sandwich 😉

Love sandwiches for lunch, never eat avo often, looks delicious! #silverbloggers

Finally having a Premium account, check out the perks of having it, Dear friends. 😍 🤩

you are rich! Welcome Lion 🦁

Welcome to the (first) premium100!

Delicious homemade ice cream of bananas, strawberries, orange and tangerines, with no added sugars, topping of shredded coconut and a pinch of sea salt to enhance the flavors. #foodiesbeehive #food #threads

This must be an explosion of flavors, it looks very delicious.

Totally, it's an explosion of flavors and so healthy!💪❤️🥰

YOu know I was just thinking of the same thing Right now 🥺

Another wen for the khal list, maybe another wensoon.

They are plentiful.

Wen indeed!

I used it twice and I liked it!

Natwest banking app released a new “Carbon Footprint Tracker” feature that uses customers' spending data and makes recommendations on how to reduce the amount of carbon production supported by their purchases. Is this not Privacy invasion?

Of course. It is all a power grab.

I had a show today....totally forgot it was this week. The venue (a friend) calls me up and says "Hey buddy, where are you?" "I'm at home....." "You were supposed to go on 5 minute ago". So I ran over there (luckily its 5 minutes away) and started playing after a 2 minute sound check. It's hard to explain but I finally feel like a real artist hahahaha




@selfhelp4trolls! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ mizuosemla. (3/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Hey @selfhelp4trolls, here is a little bit of BEER from @mizuosemla for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Lol! Sorry! I just wanted to say "That's wow!" or something. LeoFinance platform didn't work so well, or I didn't use it well. Sorry! 😅

@selfhelp4trolls! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ mizuosemla. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

They've been doing many updates, big big updates, so it's been unstable at times

Ah, I see! 😄👏

Hey @selfhelp4trolls, here is a little bit of BEER from @mizuosemla for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Hey @selfhelp4trolls, here is a little bit of BEER from @mizuosemla for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

It seems Bart and Chat GPT can't read leo Posts or Threads.

Would be interesting to keep an eye on that, as I think that readability for AI search is very important.

What do you mean they cant read them?

Did you get the same results with a blog post?

Blog is working. Page is readable, even the Thread as a page is - but it does not understand what's the content.

Do you have the upgraded version of ChatGPT or is it just with just the basic?

Yeah, it's Pro with multiple versions of web crawling, Bing browsing or AI web search.

it can't open links... there's a reason as hackers could send malicious code via links

Makes sense.

I'd assume Threads need a different description for the body part to become readable for these AI driven crawler?

Have no idea about that stuff. That is a Khal question. Above my paygrade on that.

Ah didn't know that you can ask it to read something from a link. Must be some guidlines out there on how to structure you site in order for the AI to be able to read it.

Hmmmmm, probably. Or at least try and error to some degree.

You ask the AI to read a page and give you information about it and it will answer with what it is able to see.

Bard seems to have problems with Leo in general, GPT can read articles but no Threads.

And even you try a Thread that is long and well commented, same result.

maybe eyes closed?

PRO TIP: If you are using both the production INLEO and Labs, set a different color theme on them! Now you know which one is which 😂

Wise words


Thanks! Realized accidentally. Guess that counts too 😀

most great discoveries are done that way.


@brando28! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (13/50)

@brando28! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (12/50)

Yeah. Another tip. Do that if using different accounts.

Very good!

Congrats, mate! Welcome to the club! 😎



Thank you mate, been waiting for this 😄


@bradleyarrow! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @caspermoeller89. (3/20)

@brando28! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (15/50)

Thanks bud! Came sooner than expected... as one say 😂

😂 In this case, it's better I guess!

That is true. Not often you hear any man say that and be proud of it 😂

Hell yeah!

Looks gud on you and welcome aboard!

Nice tweet from Nifty


He is such a sweetheart.

Yes I like his kinder heart towards everyone

Yeah, that is really a great one indeed, I am going to give it a like and a retweet as well.

Please do you mind voting me here on this poll.

Sure he is a good heart man

Having fresh vegetables at home makes it possible to guarantee a balanced diet for the family.

#vegan #plantpowervegan #threads


With a diet based on vegetables and fruits we can have the necessary nutrients to be strong and healthy.

#threads #vegan #plantpowervegan

@anderssinho, @cryptosimplify , and @forexbrokr all ended up with 6 points and will share this week's #footballquiz prize pool. That's 2.87 LEO each, will send them now.

Also thanks to @ifarmgirl-leo for sponsoring and thanks to everyone for playing!

Thx! This is a fun game when you know the logos 😅

Final sprint next week! Base prize pool is 10 LEO + upvotes 🙂

I gotta to be on the winning side next week ;)

Why is micro USB still a thing?

I didnt know it was.

They just keep making devices with that as the main connection. Why hasn't everything moved to USBC by now? Apple finally did...

Results for yesterday's #footballquiz:

  1. VfL Bochum, @forexbrokr, 1 point
  2. Persib
  3. Go Ahead Eagles

Final top3:

  1. @anderssinho, 6p
  2. @cryptosimplify, 6p
  3. @forexbrokr, 6p

Well, this was even. Gonna calculate & send rewards soon!

Please do you mind sparing me your time and voting me here.


Oh wow, thanks so much, I appreciate

I've always been intrigued by the Go Ahead Eagles name haha.


Same here, it's so...uplifting. Always made me happy to see the name even though they usually lost 😅

This is why I think LEDGER and TREZOR is good only for kids:

Did you get someColdcards Mk4?


Nice, and at your known nice stash you should go for full safety!

College Basketball is back! My favorite time of the year. My USU Aggies did not look so hot in their first pre season game. Lets home they can step it up.

Some people's favorite time of the year.

The ratings show basketball is still popular, just people prefer college to the NBA.

Yeah. I still watch the NBA a little but my fire for the NBA dies a little more each year. I had the new in season tournament they are doing too. College will always be my favorite.

I ditched the NBA more than a decade ago.

As for college not much of a fan since I was always a St. Johns fan. Maybe Pitino will lure me back in.

Notifications were not updating in Labs, switched over to the main site and it seems to be working fine

That is kind of backwards but good to know.

como se ingresa a la wallet hive?

Happy Sunday!

The Dolphins suck!!!


The #giants are pathetic.

Buffalo Bills level pathetic?

The Giants have to work their way up to that level.

It is bad enough you had it in Buffalo, we had to import it down south to Jersey.

Not like the last decade was good anyway.

Haha did your team manage to beat the Dolphins or what? :D
Happy Sunday on you to!

Keep rocking the chain!

nah but they are getting curb stomped right now in Germany against Kansas City. It's a beautiful thing lol

Haha okay, not to familiar with the NFL. It aint a big thing over here in Europe. But usually look at the Super Bowl because its such a big event!

they are trying for sure. they had 3 games in London and now 2 in Franfurt this season. they really want to grow the game over there.

I think you have "commercialized" to much for a european audience. We like fast pace games with many interuptions :)

Or maybe I'm completly wrong here and there is a big audience here in europe as well :)

Btw, is it true that you have a canadian football which is slighty different from american football?

yeah it's more of a throwing league. cfl is a fan favorite up here, but i'm not a huge fan. i much prefer the NFL game. but i hear you, it's an uphill battle for the nfl in europe, but there looks like there is a fan base. i could see them getting a team set up in london.


There is No 4 Consecutive Weekly Green Candles on Bitcoin Price Chart #gosh #hive

What do you predict about the price?


It might take a dip as far as $25k.

But then... ohhh mamma!

Earlier today I was at the gym. Since my knee hurts a little I decided to take 1h on the stationary bike.

#move2earn #cycling #actifit

I wouldn't mind driving this beauty.

#cars #photo #photography

awesome 🤩

OMG Norris INTERLAGOS GOAT, what a start from 6 to 2, Leclerc crash on formation lap, red flag Williams crash with HAAS

#formula1 #interlagos #race

With this Stat, Guess who won this football match and will yourself …….. $LEO😄

Haha, Nottingham Forest lashed them lol, Please do you mind voting me here

Two strong bangs!!!

Ok no problem. Will give u a click 🗳️

Oh, thanks so much sir

That's crazy, Forest won! 😀

It’s wild….Aston Villa have been soo good this szn but lost to struggling Forest? Damn football is crazy lol

Definitely! Didn't saw the match but apparently Forest's tactics worked!

Didn’t see it too that’s why I was shocked when I saw the result. They did got their tactic right , happy for them. My team can’t beat Aston Villa right now and that’s not a dizz

Yeah, well... I was actually surprised that ManU won yesterday! 😂😂😂

Looks like Robin Hood and his friends didn't get the loot this time around

They didn’t lol

#venezuela en el puesto 11 del medallero, en #fulldeportes estamos orgullosos de nuestros hermanos que jamás bajaron la cabeza. Esto es ser Venezolano #hive #sports #spanish

Cada día nuestro país, crece en diferentes deportes, dejando muy en alto a Venezuela,

Así es amigo mío, ya no somos visto como mera Cenicienta.

Si eso es verdad, no sabía que en los Threads , ahora no se coloca la etiqueta #Threads , lo hice varias veces , hasta que ví el tuyo y me di cuenta que es sin la etiqueta, saludos amigo

Así es, yo lo hacía al inicio y el mismo taskmaster me dijo que no lo pusiera ya que se estaba publicando allí mismo

Ah ok, gracias amigo.

Creature Commandos an animation in DCU first chapter God's And Monsters is set to be realised iin 2024. Looking forward to the new Era of DC Universe #movies

What NFL game are you looking forward to most?

I would take none for $200 Alex.

Can we get a daily double Alex?, I want to double down on this won.

Yes you can it it is still none.

As long as I can.

⭐️ Rising Star Giveaway. #risingstar #giveaway #liotes

The excitement continues - The Police, day 2

Link in my comment below

Not Leclerc fan but sorry for the guy, lost hydraulics no steering or brakes on formation lap, could not return to pits so he is out, consider leaving Ferrari

#f1 #interlagos


Gene wanted CLE -8.. but the line moved to -13 so I took Houston to cover. Current vvalue $150 plus this bet.

Oh well


yeah I was forced to watch. When the line moved that much I panicked. As it was I picked a loser because Houston refuses to kick a extra point. 5 TDs.. 4 2 point attempt.. all bad timing.

Yea that’s a big move no doubt. I hear ya

granddaughters gone for nap with their Nan.

And so you thought you would use that time to sexually harass me.

Not that I mind, just trying to get a hold on your schedule.

Absolutely. Best time to do it. ;)

There is a chance that 96th seat may have a secret surprise...

How good a chance? LOL

Lets wait and see what would be the secret surprise for the lucky premium seat 96, guess it will be something cool as always. Looking forward who becomes the 96th premium user.

And I got that position, on point...


Have you seen how to embed Twitch stream? You can do that on inLeo now. Try it next time you go live!

if you’re a bachelor right now, enjoy it while it lasts 🥲

Oh it will last. I made a lot of mistakes in my life, getting married isnt one I am going to add onto the list.

No benefit for men, especially in the West.

no benefits for men even here, but it’s worse in the west I totally understand

it’s like a ticking bomb in the west

Already exploding. The younger generation of men are catching on. They saw what their dads and older brothers or cousins went through.

Well, we sometimes thinks we made mistake by getting hinged, but when we look at our kids we have consolation. I think for just a kid to preserve a name, you should get a woman or anyway you can do it.

Task has definitely been jaded 💔

Fortunately avoided the worst of it. Got into some issues but not like some I know.

Total cleaners.

It happens bro, I can feel your heart beat right now. And that's a good advice, singles should enjoy it while it lasts. Bills no bi small pikin thing.

Just don't stay a bachelor for too long. It has a BEST USED BY date.

Bought a few cheap packs of #godsunchained to get my deck ready for the weekend ranked!
I really like the $GODS staking system and playing. Just need mobile app though! #gaming #web3 #immutablex

Oh dang! Building that deck!

slowly haha. Got lucky and got this $80 legendary that I needed for my Aggro Magic Deck! Worth it 😅

I like the Grok Ai idea actually. It will be able to draw info from Twitter api which other LLm’s can’t do.

Plus it’ll be free for premium users. It could teach me a lot and help me optimize my tweets for better results

It will get $16 a month out of a lot of people.

i Need to be rich quickly

November has been the best month of the year and it is only day 5!

Rangers hammering Hearts 3-1 and into the Cup final!

What next for marvellous November?

#football #silverbloggers

Woohoo up the Rangers!!!! And you were like ... 😆

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