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Best thing i’ve seen all week about bitcoin price and the silliness of the market ‘experts’

What the hell? #38,001?

Clearly the chart shows the next more is $37,999. Any fool can see that.

Accurate if a bit simplistic :)

lol, 🤣🤣🤣

No one knows nothing is something real..

Maybe (not).

Me frog like the green lines.

Hehehe, that's hilarious. That is how analysts create a chart with a xero percent result.

VIDEO: Paying for Coffee with #Hive Backed Dollar ($HBD) 🚀

Link in comments 😇 👇

Nice thumbnail.

8 years of content creating experience and from time to time I will even made a nice thumbnail 🤣

Thank you :)

COmpany announced we are adopting some Polar Bears. I like that but hopefully they don't wrap up the call announcing any lay offs. It would suck to see people go while we're adopting bears somewhere in the world

hope no lay offs. That sucks.

i juste received 15 HBD from @leogrowth.

I thinks this is the reward for #zealy campaign.

Do you have some rewards top ?

Thanks to all #inleo team !

It’s your hard work so you deserve it !

Thanks a lot bro

That is always nice. There is your premium payment for the next month.

So many ways to earn on Leo.

Exactly, I said the same thing to myself when I received the payment!

That is the circular economy in action. You get the HBD, buy premium, it goes to buy LEO/HIVE and goes into the LP, and you have premium for a month.

congratulations...your hard work paid off!

Sweet you earning 20% APR on it now?

BUY SIGNAL $HIVE 10 minute timeframe

Able to get in with a limit order and a market order. #tradealerts on #inleo #threads

The limit order Take Profit is already set, the market order is going from BUY to SELL signal! LFG 🚀

bought some on the exchange at 0.383, but still ok to seeing it's still at US$0.372 something like that

The other day I sold about 100 $LEO to complete and pay for the #premium, today I bought 188 $LEO to replace them. With those and more I have, I'm ready for next #LPUD. My goal is to make PU about 300 tokens at least every month.

It is good to have goals and to keep growing.

There will be some ad revenue payout, albeit likely small in the next month too.

That's good, no matter how little it is, it will be a little more.

That is the idea. It is called compounding. It all adds up over time and should keep growing.

That's the best thing, the more you add, the more you get.

Physical yesterday, blood and urine sample submission this morning and teeth cleaning today. Squeezed in a workout before the bloodwork. We have to take care of ourselves if we want to see the fruits of our labor #health #mydiary

That last line should be a daily reminder of how important it is to try and stay alive. Conscious efforts like yours are needed to keep on body in great shape. Have a great day!!!

Absolutely @fokusnow Let’s Stay !ALIVE 🙏🏼

@fokusnow! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ jimmy.adames. (1/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals. Do you buy any?

I may consider art based AI or the ChatGPT if it comes in yearly discount. I spend a lot of time on desk job and I want to save time so buying atleast one tool in discount.

What about you?

we'll have 11/11 sale it's like biggest sale of the year with discounts.

Not sure what If I'll buy but I've added tons of stuff in cart maybe I get lucky enough to win something lol.

I may look at video presentation/editing applications. Improving my #travel and #farm videos in #thailand and other places I visit would be good.

I want to buy some SSD for my storage server usually get very cheap on cyber monday

Do you think "climate protestors" are going way too far?

lol, I see it's getting more heated in the #USa nowadays, a man killed two of protestor, Powell saying shut the fucking doors to those protesters interrupting..

but well it's chill and calm in my country.

How about your side?


The issue is real but it is now a political motive for many which is taking away the real issue from the much needed solution.

ever since pandemic, now most of people aren't buying these things especially climate change.. it's pissing a lot of people.

There were always groups who did not like the issue gaining momentum. They are on the rise since the pandemic as the general public is not happy about the economic climate

Agreed. That’s because most people want to believe that if they get everyone else to think like them that all the problems will get better. And media and politicians capitalize on that

Yes. The bigger the issue is the more the manipulation.

did the man shoot two protestors?

yea, 2 dead afaik.

this the guy?

Yea, that's the one

that didnt happen in US, it happen in Panama, I saw the fake news last night and made a thread about it

DOes not matter where. He still shot two people dead

And the guy is american so maybe that's what confused some

Yea he shot them dead

I don’t know why they don’t change their cause to just cleaning up the environment. The obvious damage we’ve done to the environment is far less debatable than the causes and effects of global warming. But the media wouldn’t report on that because it doesn’t stir up controversy and that’s what they are in the business of

Seems to be getting heated..

The problem some of you have on Hive is that you think you are special. You assume your work and voice is special but you are just another creator on the internet trying to make a buck or two. Be humble.

I do not think or feel special. It serves me no purpose. I believe in doing the work. Putting in time and effort. What I don't have in terms of talent I make up for with time and effort.

Time and effort. Don't forget.

Few are willing to put in the work. 95% of the population, anywhere, are destined to just be mediocre at best.

Those who dive in and get busy on Hive are the ones who see opportunity.

And they get mad at those who do the work they are unwilling to do, which is just ironic.

For those who don't know there is one swap site where you can exchange most of the assets. There is changely, stealthex and now this -

This is where $BTC fails…

These transaction fees are ridiculous!

At least we have $HIVE and $LTC

It happens everytime with #bitcoin and than low transaction fees BTC alternative narrative kicks in...

Yep, this is why I keep a stack of LTC around to use when BTC is going nuts, 😂

ahhhh this is why I lost half my $30 transaction this week when trying to get it off lightning. What a mess. Bitcoin for storage, not for transactions. Gross

It’s insane. I am almost done with the storage of it too. I still believe in the original intended purpose.

Happy National Fried Chicken Sandwich Day LEO's! #NationalFriedChickenSandwichDay

There's a "day" for everything, it seems.

Wow, Never heard of that before. It kind of sound fictious 😂

Celebrate National Fried Chicken Sandwich Day with deliciousness - try out new recipes and have fun creating your own unique sandwich! #food

I see this

Cool. So it works. @taskmaster4450le was asking to test it.

may be it is your reputation that is working fine

No problems at all.

Cool, seems its working.

The more threads we have, the more ads we get. It appears, on the latest feed anyway, they appear every 10 threads or so. I didnt count but the more we post, the more that get added.

time to create more threads

That is the old threading spirit.

nothing has changed 🙃 same old me

moar means moar

The longer threads feature will also lead to a lot more views

It’s not working as intended right now. When someone writes a longer thread, its supposed to say “show more” beyond 280 characters

Once that’s in place, we’ll see more views since you click show more and it opens the whole thread to view it


#outreach #threadstorm

A small tropical country that’s famous for its fine white sand and clear and blue ocean… you are thinking about #MALDIVES? You got it right!


Aside from my own country, which is well-known for its beautiful beaches, I guess the Maldives has this beauty to capture one’s heart due to its pure and serene atmosphere.


Some people say that it is a lover’s place, but I beg to disagree, for I (during that time wasn’t with a lover) had fallen in love with the place itself as well.


With a grateful heart, we’ll never feel envy, toward those loving couples that joyfully celebrate their days. Honeymoons, Anniversaries, whatever it may - the ambiance of the place adds color to the love they have made.

Oh terrific. You can have a huge niche on here by posting a lot of photos of your country. It is gorgeous and I am sure the people in Canada would love to see the sun and sand.

Thank you`. I'll do it accordingly.

you live there!?! It’s so wild to look at on the map. It hardly even looks like an island! Just a town built on the water. It looks like heaven

@selfhelp4trolls I live in Philippines (my homeland) similar to Maldives- famous for it's Islands and Beaches.
Precisely, its a heavenly experience to stay for a week in Maldives.

I should know more about PH considering how many people I've known from there, maybe because I was dumped by a Filipina girl who I really really liked in university hahaha. She was too excited about the freedom of university and wanted to date lots of people while I wanted find a serious relationship. Of course I don't blame the whole country, but it just came to my mind that maybe that's why I didn't get interested in Tagalog despite having many friends from Philippines over the years. The general vibe of PH is awesome though! Want to visit!

I am glad that you still want to know more about my homeland and my fellow men. Rest assured, not all my fellow countrymen are the same as that Filipina girl you really -really like. By the way, not all Filipinas want to date lots of people. Some of us keep our distance from men, not unless we feel something magical. FYI, I had my first and last relationship at the age 30y/o. LOL

lol I don't like her anymore! I almost forgot about her! And I know there are many kinds of people. I actually thought she was very different from the other people I met from there. This is 15 years ago, already old history :-P

Would someone try to do a test and post embed a YouTube video into threads to see if it works. We are wondering if it is only the high rep.

We need someone with premium membership to do this.

I saw these in For You though:

It’s really really strange. Feels like there are some complex rules on embeds but when I asked Khal said embeds should only work in comments 🤔

It is very odd. Seems like some can and some cannot.

I heard khal say something about being able to filter out posts with no likes or comments in the future, I wonder if there is already something like that with video embeds now, like if it doesn’t get a like after an hour or two it gets wiped from latest. That’s what it feels like, although I imagine they’d probably say it if that were the case

The problem with that theory is some were having trouble getting them on the feed to begin with. They would not be there right after posting.

Can you see the video I just posted?
I can see it on Latest feed.

Nope not there. You did it before didnt you?

Weird. @rmsadkri saw it there 😀. Can still see it on the latest feed.

Sorry yeah I do see it. Was way down. Didnt know you posted a while ago. It is there for me.

I didnt see @tokenizedsociety video though. I wonder if they are doing something wrong.

Yeah, put there once I read your thread about videos not showing.

I wonder how it can be done the wrong way though... I just copied the embed link using the copy link button YT and ctrl+v here.

Not sure if they tried the share link or the URL.

someone with #premium please

I tried. Doesn't seem to work for me

Last time I tried, I saw my post in latest immediately after but then it was gone after a few hours when I scrolled up. I also imagine few people saw it in “for you” cause it got no engagement when the second time I posted the video in the comments and got a lot of engagement.

You still believe that this tick there is healthy on $RUNE ? 🤔 Looks like liquidity issues but it is not a financial advice 😇

bruh, that was market nuked down within 5mins..

Alt and BTC longs got flushed...

Yeah. I've seen it but check the size of the tick itself and how deep it felt. It's like a $1.20 that is a lot comparing to a market cap of Rune. As I said, not a financial advice.

Phew! It's been a long day away from threads... I know I missed a lot of good threads to read.

Well, that is what we have the "For You" page for 😍 coming for all ya threads hehe. #ladiesofhive

was in my first in person meeting for normie work in like 3 years today. 5 hour meeting. nothing accomplished.

Daaamn! I hate my meetings but at least they are remote...

yep, haven't done an IRL in years. it's shittier than i remember lol

Welcome to the other side

nah, not my thing lol

Sounds like one of the productive ones 😂

did you sign them up for INLEO?

hahaha no this was a corporate bullshit meeting

meeting about the next meeting?

More than $3b Open positions Got wiped in this unexpected nuke within 5minutes on the day of #ftx crash anniversary lol.


they should continuing nuking. I want to see something 🙃

it's going up again haha.

What's up LEO's! I hope y'all are staying cool or warm out there. I just wanted to send some good vibes your way - you're all amazing in your own special ways. Keep rockin' it and being true to yourselves. #freecompliments

I am amazing and special, thanks for the reminder 😍
Nice picture!

What did you guys think of last night’s AEW Dynamite? Let me know in the comments #woogames

It seems that we earn more $LEO from threading than from long form post. Just one Thread, over 4 $LEO.

That's so impressive.

Correct. I wish I could earn Hive power like that. Haha. I'd be like female version of onealfa then...

Yeah... it also depends on who votes and Leo holders curate a lot more on threads

Excellent. Someone needs to be more active on Thread to keep gathering Leo.

remember to cut that in half

Micro-earning is something that people will tap into at some point especially since what is earned can 10x.

Wow, I didn't noticed that.
I had the impression that the amount in USD was wrong, that was more like the amount in Hive or LEO. So now is disclosed and it shows every token earned with real time pricing in $?
That is pretty impressive.

Yeah, it's a great feature


I forgot about you until just now, GM

happens captain

What's for lunch today?

probably gonna cook up a cheesesteak

Well robble robble to that.

The collapse of the Bay Area.

Seems to be in progress.

I am not US resident but I get the feeling that US has slowly turning elite cities into abandoned cities because average people can't keep up with real estate and other prices anymore.

The major US cities are turning into total shitholes.

To post links in feed you must have 80 reputation?

Use embed. With premium, you can exceed the 240 character limit.

That gets around it on videos and streams.

When I posted embed on feed it is not showing, only in comments.

Really. That is odd. Let me try another one.

So long Ronald!

Well, even those golden arches need a change of scenery sometimes!

Yeah and it is usually has to be very bad for them to do it.

🐸 1/2 🧵 Possible to earn $LOLZ by delegating $PEPE tokens to the #lolz #defi. Today #pepe APR% return is 17.05%. Read moar in link in reply.. #inleo #crypto #hive

I found a new pepe (to me) and thought of you!

"Born to Fren"

Fren Metal Jacket

Yes! Thank you. Like this one too. #freecompliments

🐸 2/2 🧵 $PEPE and other Hive Engine tokens can be delegated to earn $LOLZ tokens. Read moar to learn how! #gosh

Lake Diablo - North Cascades National Park - Washington State

#pictureaday #photography

My initial reaction was to tag it as Alberta :P

Well it is 20 miles south of the Canadian border. 🙂

No wonder it looks so Canadian :P

Our front page curation is all about NATURE 🌱 🍄

Visit the homepage and refresh for a new selection or check our recent blog post to see a collection of our favourites!

If you like writing short form content, then david perell's writing would help you get some pointers for the better writing. His writing is clear and lot we can learn while writing our threads.

Best wishes to my friends who successfully concluded their service year today.

Congrats to them All.

yeah a big congrats.

woo!!!!!!!! Very much happy receiving this encouraging incentive from the just concluded hive marketing competition, it's sincerely my pleasure 🤸🤸 when is the next one starting please lol😄😄

My uncle just let me have one of his prime hunting spots!

Hopefully I can make something of it this season and put some meat in the freezer!

Hell of a hike too, lol. Already got over 5K steps before lunch, lol

This is a HUGE drop!!! We can't have our cake and eat it too. #hive $HIVE

Wait until it reaches $5 :)

I'll wait!

And we will take profit together :)

That would be a dream. Hopefully not a distant one. 💫

2.2% ain't that much in my opinion. Also, drops like these can create good opportunities if you have liquid HBD (or liquid HIVE if it goes the other way).

You're not wrong, trading $HIVE and $HBD could be profitable at times like these.

its almost 11 pm here. Going to bed so I can join the cryptoholics show. See you guys there.

come back just fine


Bitcoin pumped to $38k today and then fell down below $37k immediately , the reason behind this quick pump and dump is explained in this article.

#outreach #threadstorm #crypto


After the Bitcoin and Ethereum Is pumped , massive liquidations happened in the crypto industry.

I am of dividend and investor mindset type so real estate and gold does not go well with me as I have some burned hands in both. I feel stocks and delegation type assets are good be it any industry!

The Knicks are 4-4 to begin the season and I'm cool with that. It's been a helluva a long time when teams that played them went in thinking that was an automatic W, which they earned that disrespect for all the shitty years. Hopefully, this season they can win an extra game or two in the playoffs #nba #sports

I tried the embed video thing and not sure it worked

It is in your profile but not showing up on the feed.

$ETH is Pumping 🚀 ! Anyone knows why?
#crypto #ethereum #bitcoin

Someone has the checkmark by their name.

Hehe 😉 ! I never doubted Khal. #inkhalittrust

why? Because I want so.

That is surely the most likely reason 😅

Could be the start of the rotation from BTC > ETH then working slowly down the smaller and smaller market cap coins. This is usually what happens in a bull market. Just hypothesising. Not financial advice! :P

That would be a very positive sign for the upcoming months if this is a start to the BTC->ETH tango dance 💃 !

$ETH is pumping because « the website for Delaware’s Division of Corporations revealed the registration of an “iShares Ethereum Trust .”
#Blackrock is working on an #ethereum ETF

Couldn’t tell ya, it’s not one on my watch list.

Blackrock is having talks about an etf of eth.

#fun #meme #liotes

Well it's true then, size doesn't matter :-)

Oh no! I made an awesome post and posted it in "Leo Finance" (cause it's the default) instead of Reflections....definitely doesn't have anything to do with Finance...what should I do? 😅

I wouldnt worry about it.

Glad Leo isn't all grumpy and downvoting for little mistakes like that :-) Would be cool to get rid of a default community so we have to choose. I'm sure this has happened to other people and will continue to happen now that INLEO is open to other topics as well

Yeah well I think they still need to work on that. It should be changed from leofinance to Leo if they are going to be inclusive.

We shall see what they do.

If they need a default community for posts made on this front end, it’d probably be better to have an INLEO community as default and a separate LeoFinance community. Let’s see

With the new rebrand, they have dropped the finance focus.

I thought the front and the hive community were different because the finance still being in the name. I guess no one minded though, they curated it :-D

Same here

Relax! In the grand scheme of things, it's just a constructive economic anomaly!'s about charisma. That can make you a ton of money!


It seems embedded videos for premium members is not showing up on the feeds. They will appear on peoples individual account but not on the main area.

Was this changed?

I hope that will work at some point, wverything is new, a lot of fixing to do, but we are evolving daily

It seems like some were doing some things wrong. A few have it going.

Give it a shot. See if you can get some streaming or videos to post.

just tried does not seem to work with twitch

Recall seeing sum videos. Maybe sum tweaking needed to work better.

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