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I am new here in #leo, one of the characteristics that I like about being here in #inleo and #hive is the kindness of the people, the support and their advice.

Where he gives me his knowledge, for my growth.

That's why I keep betting on #leo


Keep coming, @enamouredsoul !

Your users are the most important and wonderful person I have ever met #ladiesofhive

Posting a thread just to edit and refine it. Life of a premium user is too easy. What’s holding you back?

Refine your inLeo journey today.

Also you can drive above speed limit(240+) without getting caught.
#premium #edit #younglion

Do you think the ad revenue for the week will top $400 USD for the week?

we may never really know since there's legit zero reporting on it still

YES, just need to add some zeroes more at the end of that 400

Give it time. It looks like this week was roughly $350.

In the long run thesenumbers will look ridiculous. Can't wait for more adoption.

There we go:

you're welcome

What is ad revenue?

Curiosity is a very good thing, unless you are a cat. Then it could fatal.

Where would we get the “inLeo official Party” numbers?


For the amount of $LEO bought back in USD numbers

The @leoads wallet will tell us how much $LEO was purchased. We will then have to do the math on it based upon what we see the rough pricing at.

Interesting. But these $LEO tokens in this wallet would have been bought with USD collected for Ads on another bank account/ online ads account right?

1/🧵 When Love Faces Opposition: A #Tale of Taking a Stand

There are times when some of people go through a situation where they can't take stand at their own either it's because of confusion or things are way too complicated in that moment

I've been through some of moments in #life when taking stand for the other person was necessary

#threadstorm #outreach

2/ This one time I took stand was when it was about Love and family our #culture, elder have that influence to make decision of your life like who you gonna marry with..

And it was similar but I did took stand for her

3/ the way things went and how things are now, impact of taking stand in #relationship is something I've shared in this blog.

Do check it out.


#splinterlands land is delayed once again. The launch target is now set for Nov. 28th since next week is Thanksgiving (In America) and wouldn't be a great time for launch with much of the staff away for the holiday. So the 28th it is.. I hope the last delay.

Daddy's day out.Dad took I and my little brother to get some cow tail and drinks#mydiary #hivefood

Daddy cool

Yeah daddy is really cool

Pecco Vs. Martin, la lucha por el campeonato de MotoGP se intensifica luego del GP de Malasia. Todo se lo cuento en la comunidad #fulldeportes. Link en los comentarios.

This is a #threadcast for the #freecompliments #mentalhealthinitiative for November 13th, 2023. Please post links to distressed users/Threads and ideas here, and check in during the day to see whether something has been added.

Mental Health Ambassador Team: @ckole @fantagira @FoneStreet @ganjafarmer @goingcrossroads @ibbtammy @juva @laurapalmerr @littlebee4 @lorennys @luchyl @palomap3 @pepetoken @wongi

If you choose you can always take a moment put down the devices, breathe, and find gratitude for something in your

Very nicely said! We spend too much time using our devices. There's an entire world outside of them, and while there's a lot in it that's disgusting, there's also so much beauty that it can fill up a lifetime.

The impacts are, indeed, direct and palpable! Thank you for being a part of the team.


I am a hive-addicted person and I wish to cross 3k HP before Christmas or on New Year's Day. I wish for something which is quite possible and I believe it will happen.inviting @aslamrer @les90

keep at it! Keep posting, keep threading. You will get there!

I am doing my best and I believe that It's a achievable one and I won't hesitate to use all my HBD also to cross 3k+ . I am determined for it. The funny thing is I set 1k HP target in the February month of this year and now aiming for 3k.😅

This wish will come true soon brother!! Keep going.

No caption.


This just shows people's greed and stupidity

For sure. I know the way those who jump in think, it's like, "well, there's new guys in charge, totally different situation... let's take a look at the price..." Then they see the bottomed asset and extreme greed kicks in and starts the snowball effect.

For sure, be fearful when others are greedy... It's a thing, lol

Yeah, and it might actually work. I mean, people hunting those new low cap coins where rug pulls are very likely, just need to get out soon enough. With these "former ponzi" tokens it could be actually safer...who knows.

Or are we the stupid ones buying and holding $HIVE?

I mean ponzis are only a problem if you're the last one out ;)

I use Hive, don't really hold it. I mean I have my Hive Power, but I have to use it for resource credits for my projects to run. Other than that, I trade it up and send it out to LTC which has become more of my checking account. Bitcoin is savings because I don't like to pay to move it around that much, lol.

I feel Hive has a great use case and doesn't fall into the shitcoin category. Can't say the same about 95% of the projects out there.

Ah well, I guess I'm just the stupid one for holding it then 😂

I don't think you are stupid... lol. I love Hive, I just am in a different position than most in that this is my full time business and I have to use the stuff...

Interesting concept Litecoin is your checking account.
Please elaborate on the pros and cons.
I remember it having cheaper fees then bitcoin
But I never thought of it as a stable coin replacement.
I would love to learn more.

Pros are super cheap fees and really just as much security as using BTC. I know the hash rate isn't as much, but it hasn't been hacked since inception. I can use it to either buy gift cards for pretty much everything I need, or I will send it to Robinhood to sell it and use on my debit card, which the round ups for my purchases go into my BTC savings. I can also use it to buy silver or gold from Apmex or JM Bullion, then if I need fiat, I can sell that to a local shop.

Also it now has privacy features on the core wallet, so when I my node computer set back up I will have MimbleWimble privacy protection. To me LTC is more of what BTC was supposed to be.

Cons: Well, I haven't found any. 1 LTC = 1 LTC. I earn Hive or HBD and turn it into LTC. Don't care about the dollar value like most grifters in this space. I feel more comfortable having my money in LTC vs the dollar. There are only going to be 84 million, so having 4 LTC is the same ratio supply wise as having 1 BTC. Sure there is some movement when it comes to the dollar value, but if you know how to trade and watch for good supply and demand zones, well, you can trade out at a decent value when you need to.

Thank you.
I learned some very useful information.

ETH passive staking income or USDT USDC passive interest ;) orrrr HBD 20% APR which is still nutz in my opinion lol

I don't touch anything on ETH. I'll use HBD for some interest savings here and there. But I don't really have the resources right now to just let stuff sit around. I have to use it and trade up or buy stuff for the farm.

It is very interesting.

Yeah, people are so greedy and opportunistic.

That's exactly what they are, and some of them lose serious money because of it.

Yeah, they sure will.

crypto market don't make sense (most of the time)

Yeah! It's mostly just absurd 😂

People cashing out the bag

Yeah, uncertain BTC movement making that

yes. This euphoria is temporary although we are heading to a bull market for sure.

Definitely. I'm trying to take advantage of these pull-backs along the way

A nice approach for sure. I will buy and hold if I start trading :D

makes no sense

Even though I love it here in crypto, sometimes it's just so frustrating and stupid. Absurd even.

MYRIANODE Token on Hive

This just published from Myria Discord

Aubrey | Myria — Today at 3:16 AM
Early Node Owner Boosted Rewards Distribution 🏆

The 7th monthly allocation of bonus MYRIA tokens for our initial supporters is currently underway.

Those who acquired a Myria Node license prior to the commencement of the Public Node Sale will receive MYRIA tokens directly into their Myria L2 wallet.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude for the ongoing support from each of you! @everyone

I wonder, in two years I have achieved a lot here at Hive, but I want more achievements. So, the proposal is simple: continue the work with all the excellence you can apply and create good relationships with members of the community.

That sounds like a reasonable plan.

It's quite simple in its entirety, but I believe it's the best I can do to earn the respect and trust of the community. Believing in and interacting with the projects we have here is also a good idea for growth.

Excellence and community—the unbeetable combo! Keep buzzing, and you'll surely be the queen bee of achievements! 🐝👑

Thank you very much for your support, I'm sure I can go further! I hope you can also evolve a lot and do really well here at Hive!

It's difficult to keep the quality up after being active a long time but this is the key to long term success I belive.

It's really difficult, over time we become automatic and the desire to do things faster in exchange for quality is something natural for people, so maintaining a mentality about this is difficult, but not impossible. Thanks for the comment!

Keep it simple. When you achieve the goal, you 2x it.

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream...

This post has been rewarded with 5 SCRAP tokens. You can learn more about $SCRAP tokens at

Would you support something like this? @leoads could publish a daily ad report on viewer stats, etc and any rewards earned could be added to the ad pool

Do we need to maintain eye contact whilst voting?

Would definitely vote that and add LeoAds to my curation list

It would be interesting to see the stats. Is daily too much? Maybe weekly?

I think the stats would be interesting. The only drawback, which doesn't affect readers, is that it creates another job, unless you can automate it.

Anything good to move the price of $LEO

I mean.. loads of other project do just that. But I think Leo should probably not. There is a sigma against these types of automated posts in general.

Even better! This would receive a lot of automatic support and serve to increase incoming revenue over time.

I think it's a great idea.

All that is to do is put it in motion and see the outcome

Not sure. Might annoy some HIVE whales. I think the DHF support is more important so maybe don't do this.

I thought of that but if the whales understand that all the revenue - goes to permanent liquidity - then at worst they should be neutral on it - since it locks value permanently as Hive/Leo.

Yes, It will be an Awesome thing.

Yes, I might not visit the post everyday but I believe such a post would bring value and interest amount the community.

Yes, I support this. Weekly reports probably is good choice.

Am stressed out. Farm work is not easy o and harvesting is also difficult. I wish I can lay hand on cool soft drink now. It's just what my body deserves now. #mydiary

Keep yourself hydrated.


Hopefully you are in the farm. We need these farmers. Weldone.

Work will take you far, I believe in your potential, you are planting now to reap good results in the future! Stay strong, you are capable of a lot!

New update live on Labs!

  • Post Views (long-form) for #leoads
  • Text to Speech (listen to a post) is now also live

Interesting. Let me switch back to labs.

Test it out! Bunch of bug fixes and other performance improvements alongside some new features

I must tell you. The UI is super smooth. It works like butter.

Text to Speech (listen to a post) is now also live

Gonna test this out right now!

It is great to see the page counter on there. This is the first step in something much bigger.

Considering Upgrading my PC to a newer Intel CPU. Currently on 6 core and 12 threads but the one I'm looking at is 24 cores and 32 threads. Would require a good overhaul of mobo, and power supply so a hearty price for sure. Worth?

100% worth for productivity

and or mining ;) lol

Ohhh yeah gotta run that monero mining on the side

Every day that passes, Venezuelan Hyperinflation increases the Venezuelan's income every day. Being here in #hive along with #leo are my two new assets that make you have opportunities to get ahead #thoughts #ladiesofhive

The same hyperinflation awaits all countries, we're here for a better economy, a better system and Crypto is a big part of it.

That's right, my friend, cryptocurrency is our ship to our future.

that is so awesome to hear.



@enamouredsoul! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (37/50)

It's reality. I like to express it so that everyone knows my feelings, that every day I grow in #hive #inleo.

Financial, knowledge and wisdom. #ladiesofhive hol

thanks you ❤️🧡

Oh, that's just great, @enamouredsoul

For me it's super cool, 😊 I'm very happy to invest in #leo #ladiesofhive

🧵1/ This post emphasizes the importance of understanding what you "hodl" (hold) in terms of investments and the reasons behind owning those assets. In the story, Maddie exemplifies the concept by secretly investing in Bitcoin and having a clear understanding of her financial decisions.

🧵2/ But Roy's lack of knowledge about Maddie's investments highlights the potential consequences of not knowing how to deal with financial matters in a relationship. The conflict arises from Roy's frustration about Maddie's expensive preferences, leading to a breakdown in communication.

🧵3/ The post encourages open communication about financial matters, emphasizing transparency in relationships. However, Maddie's journey in cryptocurrency trading reflects the risk she took and the reward she gained, aligning with the idea of understanding the assets you hodl.

🧵4/ And the post extends beyond financial investments to the emotional investment in relationships. Roy's misunderstanding of Maddie's intentions underscores the importance of comprehending both tangible and intangible assets in one's life.

🧵5/ Maddie's decision to break up with Roy stems from a perceived lack of understanding and acceptance of her financial success.All in all, the post suggests that being aware of what you hodl can impact significant life decisions and relationships.

Choices have consequences...

It's never easy to make choices yet we do and face those consequences.. it takes strongest will and I guess responsibilities we've never let us down.

#thoughts #life

There's an Englishman (@starkerz) in my home making black tea with milk + French bread + German chocolate.

He was paid in $HBD for his culinary services ( 0 HBD)
#usecase #HBD #Travel

nice HBD tip! I hear they know their tea!

I know. Bear market hit hard. They do know their tea though; can confirm.

A true act of #crossculture

I can’t believe it. Mr Rouke even got me a kettle with which to boil the water for the tea. Hospitality through the roof!!

lol pull his beards

I shall 😄

damn! How do I get this service?

If you're bulding a HIVE hub, he will come to you.

It also helps if you leave tea and biscuits under the fireplace.

the damn tea and biscuits

New INLEO docs are going live this week (finally)

I have promised this for years on end. I decided to cut about 75% of it out and make them much simpler

I may publish the rest into some kind of book at some point if you want a lengthy read. The official Docs site will be tailored toward a mass audience who just want the key highlights

There are also some details in there that many in the community probably don't know. For instance, the tokenomics of LEO. The max supply is 50M tokens and will be reached in the year 2056. From then on, sustainable revenue generators will buy $LEO and the rewards pool will be fully funded from buybacks with 0 inflation on the LEO token

graduallu building a price floor for Leo

Yes, I think at current rate of buybacks the actual price floor for LEO is somewhere around $0.15

But we'll see. Buybacks just started on Nov 7th

I like where this is going

Its good to know the details, i just came to know that $LEO has max supply of 50M. $LEO is very undervalue right now.

Impressive to see that $LEO is getting scarce by the day. now is just the best time to keep accumulating it cheap. Anticipating the INLEO Lighpaper!

I addressed this numerous times in 2022... $ETH is dead (in terms of real gains) and Solana will play a similar role that ETH played in 2021... when you are constantly ahead of the market nobody gets you... and they never remember. 😉 😎 #Solana #altcoins

Yes, sir! And that's why I changed my my Rollercoin miners to mine SOL. 😀

People might laugh at this but they are constantly mining and if SOL "does the eth thing", I have a pretty valuable stack of it. 😊

Who cares. Nobody keeps track... most people on here have been wrong about absolutely everything... not much research... but continuous spouting of dribble in the hopes of upvotes. Markets are about accuracy... nothing else matters!

Exactly. I member SOL almost being declared dead on many platforms, including Leo. During the last bull market I learned to filter out most of the noise. It's a never ending learning process but a valuable skill to have.

Yeah, lots of insults were getting flung around... just remember, an insult from a fool is a compliment! 😎

Well said! Have to adopt that mindset 🙂

Solana is full of scammers and Sbf holds a huge bag…
It is vc backed and centralized, and hot halted more often than a weekend train stopping at every stop. I will not touch it

That would count if you were here to pick a life partner... in markets, you are here to make money, period. ETH is no different... 😉

So, you are group $SOLANA?

Point proven...

okay. That you are group SOLANA or ETH is dead?


Hey Toruk, how can you see the names of buyers and sellers in the orderbook?

Ha ha...Because I'm flying HIGH, and my eyes are SHARP. 😀


Thanks a lot for sharing your wisdom ✌🏼

Wow this is great.

The account bought 5000 $LEOs?

They're trying to get a deal

Someone made this for this young lion and I liked it. Kinda cool or what do you think?
#younglion #gmfrens

Congratulations on your blue tick. I just saw the shout-out on onealpha' list 🥳🥳🥳

Hmm, thanks dear. Looks like premium users are in for some badluck prize…looks like Christmas came early.

How did your day go? Must’ve been fun.

Hmm, thanks dear. Looks like premium users are in for some badluck prize…looks like Christmas came early.

Now's my turn to say, huh?

How did your day go? Must’ve been fun.

If being high on booze sounds like fun, then, yeah 😆

Now's my turn to say, huh?

Is it time to say lol yet? Idk but he’s giving out 200k lp for premium user if you power up Leo without getting any delegation prize from the community this month. And it’s now my turn to say I think I’m now a talkative. I just passed the character limit and I’m still typing. Or did your comment come with some booze…?

And yeah, booze is fun.

Oh. That bad luck prize is now for premium users? Amazing 😍

Or did your comment come with some booze…?

Hehehehe... The effects had worn off since 😃

And it’s now my turn to say I think I’m now a talkative. I just passed the character limit and I’m still typing.

Go premium 🥳🥳🥳🥳

I would like you to explain this leaderboard to me. #inleo #leo

leaderboard tracks Your daily/weekly progress.

The amount of threads, comment, upvotes you give is shown in leaderboard.

The more numbers of threads you create a day, more comments, upvotes - it helps you to climb up on leaderboard.

Leaderboard ranking Updates every 1 hour.

Thanks for the response every day I learn new things here at #inleo.


It was a dull Monday for me, as I slept almost throughout the day. Lack of electricity to charge my phone makes it more boring

gm to you too! Hope you will be able to charge your devices soon.

Oh yeah, I have my phone charge a little, and can engage on here a little too.

When u buy gum because it matches your nails! Love being on holidays. 🩷🌷

Happy Threading Hivers.

I like purple....that matches my nails.

Oops was I not suppose to reveal that.

Ignore that everyone.

Happy Diwali 🪔 to those who celebrate

There was a beware of gator sign along the trail I went on today.

It was not wrong. #mydiary

Hope no encounters was recorded

The great eared nightjar (Lyncornis macrotis)

[📷 Jenisha Aggarwal]

Wow what a bird

looks dangerous 😨

looks many things

"an owlish crow" 🤭

loool with Toyota Camry style

Dragon bird

Every day the #premium list grows.


  • Growth

I need to see what the benefits are of being a Premium member apart from having my blue theme...Won't be long before I need to renew, I was the first subscriber...

I'm glad you renewed it, time passes quickly

Mine runs out in 9 days, so time to review and see if it is good to have.

The good thing is that when you make your #Lpud you can win the #sbl

hehe well I won a delegation last lpud so am ineligible for sbl

ok congratulations for you.

Can I use rented cards in Brawls? I’ve not tried it before

yeah you can :)

that will be very exciting my problems have always been cards

GL with brawls! In which tier is your guild fighting btw?

For sure! I would get my ass kicked so hard if it wasn't for lvl3 rented Alric Stormbringer.

The kids at school love crafting with rubber bands. It even got me hooked!

#ladiesofhive #art

We're still above the average, so it's good - we're taking things into our own hand

This post has been rewarded with 5 SCRAP tokens. You can learn more about $SCRAP tokens at

Should the @leoAds account make periodic posts for curation - to increase the purchasing power for $LEO with the curation awards?

this is a pretty cool idea

If the community supported it, we could put up stats on ads regularly

for sure! u can always turn them off later ...

Almost need a UI for a proposal system for ideas and community votes for LEO

It seems like it would be win/win since all of the proceeds will be locked up in permanent liquidity - including $HIVE.

It would benefit the entire network.

I think it should make a weekly post showing the transaction ID of the purchase, how much was made and what it bought along with other stats for the week such as traffic, threads etc. would be cool to keep updated with it all. Then those rewards could be sold for LEO for sure if people voted on it.

There should be more transparency with various INLEO initiatives wrt to figures and stats!

This gets my support, as does showing figures for MAUs

It would be a motivating factor for the community so a nice suggestion to be taken into consideration, I hope so.


I’m not sure if at some point sucking up too much of the token for liquidity pools and burning could end up being a bad thing, but for now why not? I’m mostly interested in seeing the stats. personalized stats in our profile would be awesome!

Life is hard when you need to use Ethereum Mainnet.

Due to this much higher fees i have stopped using ethereum network. Its really a big pain to pay that much transaction fees.

I try to keep my hands of ETH lol

Has the ad money made a $LEO buy yet?

Will last week's dollar amount be the baseline?


It looks like it made it's weekly buy but it's a lot smaller than last weeks from the looks of it. 6,700 last wee now only pushing a little over 8,000 means 1,300 LEO bought so $65 ?? something seems very wrong lol

Knew it would be the case after no answer to whether last week's buy included a ton of back revenue.

Okay, so if $65 is the baseline, we need a lot more views ;)

Well apparently it's showing over a 5k buy which doesn't add up because I still don't see where LeoAds dropped LEO into those staking LEO. I really hope the team pulls some data and starts showing us because right now it makes zero sense. Also a 5k buy should have jumped the price of LEO you would think and pretty much is just flat lined still

We need more users and it is as simple as that. It cannot always remain stable at 1.6K users.

I hope this is wrong!

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

would love to see the numbers

I have no idea. Where do we see the numbers?

Not sure if that was ad-money, or what, but ... I see have purchased about 133K Leo today

Today my arepa was made from a special flour, nutritious because it contained amaranth seed, this provides vitamin A,C, B1, B2, B3. Start your day with a nutritious breakfast and you will have the necessary energy. #food #foodies

I now have 1.89 $HBD. A long way to go for the #premium. I will be there soon :)

Let's manifest.

Repeat after me. "I'll be Lion/Lioness rank one day".

Haha! I promise to do that once I get Cub first! 😉

Won't be that long to that goal actually...if Cub is rank 5k...?

Sure thing

I'll be a lioness rank one day.

I will be a lioness rank one day .

I promised this to myself at the beginning of the year.

I miss buying Hive, got some $ ready, the last time it had a similar run was from $0.26 to $0.40 to $0.26 again, same as now BTC kept going up then gave all gains back, what is different now? and what will be the "news" if it drops again?

Ah, the Hive dance - swing high, dip low. Maybe this time it'll moonwalk instead! 🌝💃

Yeah, most alts have no own motion rn other than RUNE, the rest just mirror BTC price action, time is runing and BTC havent gone up so in the next 5-10 I would expect it to do something, $0.35-$0.31 cent Hive sounds ok for me

Other coins, I look at the price. With $HIVE, I mostly worry about stacking. The greater your stake the more you earn from curation. Therefore, you'll earn daily at any price.

I do the same, its just too early for me to think about profits on Hive, I havent finish buying a good stack and Im looking more into building something than just trade a bag

Aos poucos vou melhorando meu farmer no game holozing, fazenfo teste com delegação de 100 HP.

#holozing #hive

Episode #7 - "This Week In Hive" Podcast: Web3, Blockchain, Crypto, Finance & Technology by @TaskMaster4450le

Link to 3Speak, YouTube and Spotify in comments 😇 👇


how do you get the podcast to spotify?

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