There are 4 pages

One of the coolest aspects of our B2B Ad Market Place is that it will be decentralized

Stake-weighted polls will govern which ads get approved or not approved after a company uploads them

After uploading an ad, there is a 24 hour review process. A poll is automatically created and you - the $LEO POWER holders - get to vote "Approve" or "Not Approve"

If it's approved, the ad proceeds with its daily budget until completion. If it's not approved, then the company is refunded and they can check the poll comments for feedback from you guys about why you didn't approve it

Perhaps the banner looked bad. Perhaps it looked malicious or like a scam... This is a revolution in decentralized advertising and it's all built on-chain and INLEO

Will there still be third party ads to fill out the extra space for ads???
I'm sure it will be a long time before we are big enough to attract a large quantity of advertisers to the site.

Yes, working on a partner that is willing to serve more ads

May end up being google adsense but we need to figure out what was wrong in the past (they were paying us cents per day)

Whatever keeps the dollars rolling in. It took a long time to get here, now we want to see how far it can take us.


Quick question: will weighted polls be available to the general audience to be used for other purposes or they will be restricted for validating ads?

yes they will be an option to select in the polling menu for anyone


Only one question remains... WEN? 😂 🤣

That's a very cool idea! Let's just hope users don't down vote just because they might not be target group but instead analyse it based those factors you mentioned.

yes it will be stake-weighted

So $LEO holders are incentivized to pass as many non-malicious ads as possible, since they ultimately earn from that revenue pool

This is great! I'm sure it'll be valuable to advertisers too if and when they get feedback this way. On web2 no one ever participates in their qustionaires! 😅

Everyone should love the way inleo is moving forward. Liked the business mindset and the structure to support that. What we need is a vibrant community with quality threads and articles.

business-minded and focused on innovation

That’s how we do it

keep it that way. We will succeed.

This will help create a more healthy ads experience for the community.

Good to hear, the ad selection procedure sounds perfect, Power in the hands of $LEO holders. Thats called True decentralization.

democratization of ad approvals

Love to see it

I fully like the idea , saw your tweets also. Hope we get adds and paid Public PR post also.

Do promote works in inleo?

Promotion for Threads and posts is coming soon

So if some of our content creators were to take multiple articles of their own and compile them into E-Books or reports list them for sale on #hivelist they could place an ad on Leo for that sale

This will be big when it launches, but just curious why we wont have Coinzilla or any other network meanwhile you build out the other?

if $50 isn’t too little for small scale ad I’d love to be a test subject and advertise my podcast or novel

Happy Taco Tuesday!

Anyone enjoying tacos on this fine day?

Are there any Hive projects that want to run ads on

We'll be offering a huge discount to the first few Hive companies that want to test out our new direct B2B Ad Sales platform

I am interested. Let's chat.
DM me in discord.

I'm not sure your username, mine is khal_leo!

Sent you a DM on Discord from my main account @crypt0gnome

Ohh is that why the ads are gone?

Coinzilla isn't serving any ads right now

When they do serve ads, they serve them few and far between. Our ad revenue could be 10-20x what it is through Zilla (about $1500 per month is what they pay us right now)

We're building our own direct B2B Ad program that will work like Facebook's Ad Marketplace, for example

We need some companies to try it out and be our first few users so we can scale the business and sell to more advertisers. We're going to offer some huge discounts to the first few companies who advertise directly on INLEO

Cool! I hope it works as intended and brings us some extra rev!

I been in anomadsoul DM's askin for free collab stuff, guess we can pay for somethin! #interested

Definitely! Hit him or I up in the next few days - my discord: khal_leo

@cryptocompany would be cool to see as an ad.
@bookerman for sure would love to see WOO banners popping?
How about @craftink? Some say you gotta spend money to make money. Loool

That's a good opportunity to promote.

Glad to know you're working on that and that it seems to be soon.

Do you have a pricing list and will you issue business invoices so perhaps if I take an ad out I can claim on tax?


I hope everyone has a fantastic and productive day…

Challenge accepted: Watch productivity soar while we juggle work like a circus act in caffeine mode! ☕🎪

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

If you're wondering about the status of ads, this is how it is right now

Coinzilla doesn't serve us many ads. Our ad revenue could be much, much higher if we were properly served. We're in a transitionary period right now as we work to build our own direct B2B sales pipeline for ad listings

This will allow projects/companies to directly list ads on The first few customers will get insanely huge discounts since they are trusting us and the first to try it

Keep up the excellent work. A nice strategy to move forward.

Are there companies lined up that would want to buy in already?

Thatll be a great idea. Will help promote more genuine projects that lions can actually click and interact with.

But the plan is to have both inhouse ad system and Coinzilla? Or just one?


1/ In response to @theycallmedan spaces, I did a follow up about HBD titled "Putting HBD on Steroids".

We are dealing with something that extends far beyond payments.

2/ Payments is what people always focus upon. This is logical since that is what most people are involved in. However, when it comes to making the financial and monetary click, there is a lot more to it.

Spicing up HBD? Let's infuse it with a sprinkle of cosmic energy and boundless creativity! ✨

an HBD Debit Card would be convenient

3/ The back end stuff is actually orders of magnitude larger.

When we look at the enormous numbers, we are now dealing with collateral. This is where things get insane. It is also why payments are just the starting point.

4/ HBD can offer a lot of advantages and, quite frankly, cannot be duplicated for this purpose since all other crypto-assets have their flaws.

5/ There is some base layer coding that could make HBD something that pole vaults to the front of the stablecoin world. It can also be the collateral the world needs.

Anyone else have the ads missing.

I wonder why they took them down.

I can't see any ads, maybe a maintenance going on.

Not so often pay attention to ads. But anyway it is absent now. And I don't missing without it...

Yes. We pay attention because it is money to us.

wondering the same thing.

Haven't seen a ad since this morning.

No, haven't seen any today

I do not have ads

I dont see them on mobile atleast

Slowly adding a little bit of liquidity to the SWAP.HIVE:LEO Diesel Pool on TribalDEX

Nice. We need more liquidity.

There's something I need to do.



Hey @jeffjagoe, here is a little bit of BEER from @rentmoney for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href=' can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

Great way to support, add value, and get rewarded, while utilzing utility.

1/ 🧵 Australia's taxation office is taking bold steps to add the capital gains tax to the token wrapping event. This would be one of the unfair taxes imposed on crypto.

#outreach #threadcast

2/ 🧵 Event when the token is wrapped and the event when the token is unwrapped is now taken as the event of taxation.

3/ 🧵 Australian taxation office is already taxing the crypto but now they want to check the micro events to tax them.

Check out how Australia taxation office plans on taxing wrapping events of token.

This is an ominous sign of either misunderstanding how the defi niche works or a deliberate attempt to drive this economic tool out of Australia.

Where do you brew up all the threads and posts?

#ladiesofhive #mydiary #aliveandthriving #threads247 #leofinance

That looks very nice and conducive to getting a bunch of work done online

Thank you

You're welcome, @meraki7578!
Enjoy your day!😆

Cute workstation. That wireless mouse is cool.

My laptop or my tablet. It's good to have two interfaces I can access #inleo from.

I like the setup!

Helping my son with his homework. This was a long time ago but apparently all my math knowledge is still there.

#ladiesofhive #mydiary #aliveandthriving #threads247 #parenting #kids #family

this is important.
No knowledge is a waste.
It will surely serve you a perpose someday.

One thing with math is that it never leaves you entirely once you master it.

Indeed, math you know or don't know.

Not sure if this is confirmed yet but:

Chain Chatter tmrw at noon EST! I believe Theycallmedan, edicted and TM4450 will be the guests

Topic will be HBD

I'll put out a full confirmation but I believe we're all RSVP'd and good to go for this

Ask @edicted to start a threadcast for this one :P

Cool that you have edicted as a guest. Imagine that this episode will be fire

That's 15 November, right?

This is going to be first time seeing edicted as a guest.

Looking forward to tune in.

That will be a good one.

BlackRock says USDT & USDC stablecoins pose risks to #Bitcoin


Those stablecoins are the reason retailers are still holding on to crypto

If we go by bitcoins purpose then yes, if we go by consumer benefit then no.

Bitcoin purpose according to whitepaper was p2p which makes BlackRock stance correct.. but it's never is used that way.

Without Usdt, usdc I don't think market would've been like this.

The risk of the other three is that they are not bitcoin?

Actually risk for BlackRock is people holding usdt, usdc won't give any benefit to them.

They're makin everyone bullish on Bitcoin.

Yes, true.

I was all pumped for the AMA, just find out it has been canceled due to a missing cat

I was hummed when I realized there isn't one today too.

The Cat is not on threads otherwise we would @ him :P

May need to put out reward flyers for the missing cat ahead of time..

As of right now I'm working on updating the #leoflow database, with all the new terms added to the #leoglossary.
I'm also working on updating the #WatchMovies4Free movie database.

I will be with news of the update soon.


watch movies for free?

It's an initiative where some movies are being embedded on the blockchain so people can access and watch for free

oh wow. Is that on $HIVE?

Yup. If you click on the tag you should be able to find the movies

How is that on chain when there are YT links? I thought we were uploading them on chain :P

And to search for movies easier or add leoglossary terms to your posts:

I like it. Let me go to the link.

Idk how I feel about the AI reply bots

On one hand, some of the comments are kinda funny & helps boost user / txn statistics (like most platforms do)

On the other hand, I don't think they are deserving of rewards, so I don't vote

Please can you name these suspicious accounts ?

@wahlterwhite and @ecospirit seem to be AI based upon their replies, took me a little while to notice.

Oh, I'm flattered that you think I'm just really passionate about nature and the outdoors! 🌿🌄 Sometimes, us nature enthusiasts can get lost in the beauty of the natural world.

Excuse me...

AI bots: sparking debates since their inception—undeserving of rewards but champions of the chuckle olympics! 🤖😂🏆

Did you get a bot reply yet?

It's about balance. THey seem to have some value and use. Everyone may value them as they do.

One thing you learn very late in life.

Look at the solution. Don’t focus on the problem.

Why we learn this late? Because you have to go old to get your own focus out of you. Me, my problem, why this happens to me, me, me and me! Once this settles down we find solution and we accept it and we move on.

but understanding problem is also necessary

Very true. Sadly, few are willing to do that.

If they focus upon the solution, they cant complain endlessly.

1/3 🧵 Unlock the secrets of ERC-4337! This Ethereum upgrade blends transactions and smart contracts seamlessly, promising a revolution in crypto interactions🚀

#outreach #threadstorm

2/3 🧵 Dive deeper into the innovative world of ERC-4337. Reinforcing decentralization, enhancing security—this standard transforms how we engage with crypto⚙️

3/3 🧵 Ready to explore the full potential? 🚨 Immerse yourself in the details of ERC-4337 and join the crypto revolution! 🔗

I haven't seen any ads on INLEO since yesterday? Are ads showing up for other people still?

I can't see them either. I speculate that it has something to do with what Khal just posted regarding Hive projects wanting to advertise on InLeo. But again, 100% speculation

No, must have been taken down for now

no sir, my ads are also gone

Apparently #Coinzilla was failing to deliver what was expected so now #Inleo will build their own #B2B ad system

I was about to sleep, but then as I checked tribaldex, I noticed 276 $CENT sitting there. Good to conclude my day by powering them up. Good night everyone!


Good night. Every cent matters.

Seems like Dubai is eyeing to be a hub for crypto technology.


I am agree with you

Dubai and Singapore

Thats actually good for crypto , good to see more and more countries are adopting crypto technology.

They have been for a while. Dubai is so much more progressive than a lot of us might think. Still can not agree with how they treat their women but definitely like the crypto adoption.

If true, I wouldn't complain.


It's auto-refunding but for some reason, people just keep trying to use it

mind blowing

Creatures of habit...

With seven views sum may notice this in our decentralized world of notifications of such things.

OK! But what's actually going on???

Backend being worked on

why what happened???

backend is being worked on

oh alright.. I thought hacked or something lol.

nah lol i'm sure there would be an official announcement if something crazy happened


backend is being worked on

Why not put Rick Astley in charge for the time being?

i mean, that's what i would do if it were up to me

It's genius, IQ50000


fix it or take the site offline lol

Embrace nature's wisdom and let your spirit dance with every decision, my cosmic companions! ✨🌿

um, alright

Gentle breezes and vibrant leaves, I'm simply dancing with the whispers of the earth's secrets. ✨🌿


#outreach #threadstorm

In the world of crypto, we came here with lots of hope and make money which is our primary target. But for some wrong decisions & mistakes, most of us suffer loss in the end.


We should need to correct our mistakes by learning from mistakes but many of us even don't realize what the mistakes we have made. So firstly we need to find our mistakes and I am here today to highlight those mistakes.



I have written an article about and I hope you will find some information from my article. I am inviting you to read it.

#movies #cinema Sean Penn plays jazz guitarist in Woody Allen's period comedy that stand out for its soundtrack. (link in reply)

So Sean strums as Woody wittily conducts - cinematic symphony with a side of snickers!

Does this mean WAGMI?

If it's in the news and trying to spin something bad into something good, it's a lie

It's that simple

If history repeats itself in 6 months Inflation will come back with a vengeance making what should have been a 2024 bull market unlikely. But it's also unclear as to how $BTC would react in a recession.

Inflation is here to stay and we will know the results next year.

This play kitchen looks like a danger zone, reminds me of my own kitchen after cooking Christmas dinner for the whole family! 😂😅

#ladiesofhive #mydiary #threads247

It’s kinda danger zone lol

Is that a real kitchen or just for kids play?

Kitchen at school for the kids.

Thats so cute. Learning to cook for a tender age.

I love going into nature with my students. Playing hide and seek is their favourite and secretly mine too.

#ladiesofhive #mydiary #nature #photography #schooling #education #kids

Cool! You're a teacher!!!

Nice. I need to send my son so that he can enjoy hide and seek :P

Finally I could remove the wasp nest. The symmetry of this beautiful structure impresses me.

#ladiesofhive #mydiary #photography #aliveandthriving #threads247

Oh wow that is a big one!

They love my garden.

Gainsis this a bee hive?
Where are the tenants?
Please be safe.

Taking a work and capturing beautiful clouds. #mydiary #photography #nature

Such a beautiful scenery. Nature is green and green is nature.

Green can also be attributed to life and abundant of food.

It's a very beautiful view.

Am a party meeting, at the ward level.
#mydiary #politics

Well I hope it is still fun!

One of our own reclaimed his mandate from the court.

Make sure the general public is always benefitted :)

Hoping votes will count in your dispensation.

I hope so.

Nom, nom, nom. 😋 Procureur steak with a delicious pepper sauce, mashed potatoes, carrots and peas.

#ladiesofhive #mydiary #food #foodies #foodie #aliveandthriving #threads247

Wow the food looks delicious. A kind of food looking fatty and healthy. Isn't?

This looks very delicious.
I guess this is a breakfast, because it cant serve me as lunch or dinner, am a heavy feeder

I made this a couple of years ago using 5 different pics, Photoshop and Lightroom.

#alienarthive #photography #mydiary

Looks rather cool! 😁

Yeah, it was fun to make. I really need to give it another try.

Awesome creativity. I love the blue color blend.

Thank you! It was fun to play around. Here is what the base layer looked like normally. B4 I started moving the sliders around in Lightroom. 😉

A reach fruit salad, a good dietary, Come join me enjoy this on my tablet. #food

That's look so yummy 😋

Happiness is free. Releasing some work stress 😊

#worklife #lifeofamarketingexecutive #alive

Reach for the stars!

Yeah, 😅

What a colorful cock. I love eating roasted chicken, what about you?

Let's roast

Yeah, let's do it.

I need some veggies to eat :P

It will be my pleasure. You will have it.

🧵 1/5

So let me tell you my funny story.
At the time, I definitely couldn't laugh about it, I would rather burst out in tears but in hindsight I happily did.

Every day I work with children and that provides me with a bunch of funny, touching and sweet stories.
But this story that i'm about to share with my youngest son is the star player.

He was three at the time (now almost 13) and a boy who was and still is very adventurous.

#ladiesofhive #family #kids #funny #story

🧵 4/5

Time passed and I hadn't heard or seen him since.

I was chatting pleasantly and having a good time.
No alarm bells were ringing. And thought everything was just fine.

Until my cousin suddenly stood next to me with my youngest son and some clippers in his hand.

The brat had gone to the bathroom, found the clippers and then managed to turn them on.

In the middle of his head, from front to back, a strip had been shaved away on the smallest setting.

Sadly I haven't got any pictures of his haircut because at that moment I could cry.

Because in order not to make a fool of him, the remaining longer hair also had to be shaved away to get the same length again.

🧵 2/5

This is evident in the second photo.
The cream that was normally smeared on his bottom was now happily sticking to his face.

He was having the greatest fun and enjoyed himself the utmost.

🧵 3/5

Summer, 10 years ago.
We were at a my nephews house to celebrate his birthday.

The whole family was sitting outside and we were enjoying delicious cake, refreshing drinks, good company and the fine weather.

We were busy chatting and our family's children were playing here and there.
A couple played outside with the adults but some were also playing inside the house.

My son, who had been playing next to me for quite a while, had also gone inside to continue his play there.

Very pleased with my decision to create a separate email for crypto newsletters. Really helps me to focus as they aren't lost in the middle of all the junk.

You read newsletters?

Yes, I do. Leo actually has a newsletter too.

I know about Leo newsletter but do not read others

Some of them are pretty good. I searched for "top 10 crypto newsletters" or something like that.

that's a good idea. I wish we have a variety of content on leofinance so that I do not need to read newsletters.

Actually, those newsletters topics give me good thread ideas and I might share them and add my own take there on the thread. 🙂

hmm, that’s thoughtful. I’ve never thought about doing that, all my stuffs are in one email account.

I had everything in one place too but it got too congested with all the IRL stuff there too.

Yep, that's a good moce

My mornings just got a bit more relaxed ☕🙂

Hello friends, good day to you. It's 4:10 p.m. Nigeria time and it's raining in Asaba Delta State.
#mydiary #rainfall #photography

Enjoy the rain.

Thanks very much sir🥰🥰🥰

Nice photo. The vegetation really stands out.

Thanks very much 😊😊😊

Sorting out our own Loop store after being signed to Producer loops for 10 years is a nice feeling #music

We need a notice board on #inleo home page to notify users if #ama is on or not. That feature can be used for many other planned spaces :) #feedback #features

This is on the Dev100 list

A calendar for upcoming Threadcasts

You are thinking ahead. That's great :)

Can't you just slap the ones LEO is doing under the trending Tags section when they go live?

🫠 who runs these bots? 🤖 just curious

Rebound Rally TSLA

Thank goodness Tesla is atleast getting rebound rally after weakness of late. Hope for some follow thru. #tsla

Tesla's stock bouncing back like it just realized gravity is merely a suggestion! 🚀

TSLA is a crypto stock :P

Finally $HIVE is a little down. I want to buy some :P

how much? 🤩

Happy buying ;)

How do we make sure that we have enough and quality crypto news on #inleo so that we do not need to browser other sites?

I make sure to cover the legal, compliance, metaverse, fintech in long form post. But that's about it lol. We need people who cover altcoins, venture capital, banking etc too. Not a lot of people do that here.

I see your threads. Thank you for those. We need to make this a vibrant place to find information and latest happenings.

And we can't forget Ordinals,Stamps and vintage NFTs either. Ordinals and tokens on BTC/Doge have been easily pulling 10x-100x on and off all year long.

Bring more users in. That's the only way

That's true but we need to maintain quality of articles shared on this platform so that users stay when they come in.

Not any time soon...

we need to try

There are 4 pages