There are 5 pages

I remember my referrer, @jongolson. Thank you for introducing me to #holozing.

Hopefully, the people I referenced will remember me 🦁 as soon as the feature is live.

Give me some percentage to buy more Alpha packs 😍

The excitement for my first alpha pack is superb.

#holozing #zing

How do one go about buying the Alpha pack?
Again, how do I go about the zing Swap.hive pool? I haven't done that one yet

Buy as many as possible to buy the alpha packs. At least one alpha we can buy to test the game.

For the pool, you need to add some Swap.Hive and equal amounts of zing.

Okay, if I have 100 zing I will need to add 100 Swap.hive to the pool

Nope, you need to click here first.

It will lead to the page where you can add liquidity. You put the amount of Swap.Hive you want to add to the pool and it will show you how much #zing you need to add also. Let me show you in the picture below.

Oh, thanks a bunch. Let me head over there now.

If you feel like reading, I have deployed a more extensive guide/cookbook for people to better understand pools. Any feedback is welcome. I going to try improve it as I see fit. (this is the 1st of 3 posts) - I divided it to make it easier to share around.

What do I need to buy the starter pack with? I don't know anything about gaming so it's a bit confusing.
Hope you don't mind the questions

You are most welcome. When the packs are live, I'll walk you through. One starter pack is worth $20, so save the money in Hive or HBD in the meantime.

Wow 20$ is huge in the part of the world am coming from, will probably wait for the price to come down before apeing it.

Most of the times people will be fair, but some will just not set any referrer even if you ask them to or spent tons of time explaining things lol. Such is life.. You are trying to spread the word, so keep up the good work! #freecompliments

Sorry for threading so much 😀, but where is everybody else? #weekend

  • Still asleep? Well it is a Sunday after all. Gotta rest, but it gets kinda boring alone here.

Haha some of us are now waking up fren

Well yes, different timezones also.

Never be sorry for thst. You are picking up the slack. Good on you.


@trumpikasleo! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (16/50)

There's nothing to be sorry for :) Threading so much is a good thing hehe. I've been out the whole day and was just trying to catch up.

Never a need to be sorry. Thanks for keeping up the threading while we took a break and got sum rest. !LOLZ

My kids must love to camp
Whenever we go somewhere they keep asking RV there yet.

Credit: blockchainerx
@trumpikasleo, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of pepetoken

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

Norwegian Minister of Education steps down after it was discovered she cheated on her Master's Thesis

This after relentlessly pursuing the conviction and expulsion of a student recently caught plagiarizing .. themselves.


Do you already have premium? I just got it.

Great move! Congrats and welcome!

-65° C

It must feel great if they have 0 degrees in house then?

-65! I can't even imagine! A frog needs heat and warmth much like humans. :)

-65°C? That's scary.

That's unimaginably cold.

Humans can survive anywhere, they are such hard cookies.

I can't be in such an environment, how would I survive the cold.

oh my! That's really so cold 🥶🥶

OOH its too low...hard to survive

Indeed cold, whereas in here we are having it mixed depending on the time. The wonders of nature. This photo shot is looking stunning though, bravo...

Whaaat! I had no idea that was a real thing!

Holy shit! The eyes are almost frozen!

Have you ever plucked fruit prematurely?
Perhaps you were attracted by its vibrant colour and sweet scent moving through the air, but after taking the first bite, you realized it lacked the ripeness you were expecting. #outreach #threadstorm

1/ 🧵

In the pursuit of financial independence, the virtue of patience is always present as the journey unfolds. Building wealth and achieving financial goals requires an individual to be steadfast and committed while embracing the gradual process. 2/ 🧵

At the heart of any financial journey lies the seed of goals. Whether you are saving for an excursion, for a dream home, starting your business, or retiring comfortably, setting realistic (S.M.A.R.T) goals lay the foundation. Click to read the full gist...

3/ 🧵 #gosh #finance

You'd be a lot higher if it counted LP rewards, but unfortunately the way hive-engine does them makes it difficult to track.

Yeah, the LP rewards are not shown there. I started a couple of months late too. :) slowly will climb up the ladder. Thank you for your kind support.


aha amazing I am behind you with 3k 🙈🤞

wow... really you are setting up example for everyone...

Sporadic upvoting mission on!

@svanbo appreciates your 20+ 100% votes on his comments about 8 days ago! 😎😏

Have some !PIZZA with !LOLZ! 😎

I invented a new word today.

Credit: reddit
@cryptothesis, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of savvytester


Enjoy! It can be fun :)

He already did it before, and it definitely brought fun to other people! 🤗😎

Have some !LOLZ with !LUV! 😁

Nice! We do love ♥️ 😅

He can choose to bring fun to other Hive users with ten 100% upvotes every single day. 😎

It's his choice indeed.

I prefer to spread upvotes to many and not just 10 people. That means no 100% upvote (although I have a few set up for 100% upvote)

I sometimes saw his Voting Power sitting at 100%, which means that he was too busy to be on Hive during those times. 🤔😅

Have some !PIZZA with !LOLZ! 😁

ifarmgirl, savvytester sent you LUV. 🙂 (4/10) tools | trade | connect | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

What do you call a house made of feathers?
A lite house.

Credit: reddit
@ifarmgirl, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of savvytester


I am envious of those with orange ticks!

You can get yours too :)

@cryptothesis doesn't have 10 HBD right now to pay for it. 😅

Have some !LOLZ with !LUV! 😁

ifarmgirl, savvytester sent you LUV. 🙂 (8/10) tools | trade | connect | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Why doesn't Voldemort have glasses?
Nobody nose.

Credit: mimismartypants
@ifarmgirl, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of savvytester


Ah, I didn't even check😅

I don't have 10 too and mine is expiring tomorrow 😆 Thanks for the !LUV and !LOL


You can either swap your HIVE to HBD, or get 10 HBD from your main Hive account so that you can pay for another month of #InLeo Premium. 🤓

Have some !PIZZA with !LUV! 😁

Thankfully, I didn't have to do that. Some HBD showed up in my wallet 😅 Thanks for the !LUV.

Some !LADY for you

View or trade LOH tokens.

@ifarmgirl, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @savvytester and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (4/21 calls)

Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.

savvytester, ifarmgirl sent you LUV. 🙂 (3/10) tools | trade | connect | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

I found out that you recently were able to get HBD from your author rewards. 😎

I also noticed that you can tip more than 20 LOH tokens per day. 😏

Have some !WEED with !LOLZ! 😁


@savvytester passed you the virtual joint!
If you do not want to receive these comments, please reply with !STOP

ifarmgirl, savvytester sent you LUV. 🙂 (4/10) tools | trade | connect | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Where does the general keep his armies?
In his sleevies.

Credit: reddit
@savvytester, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of ifarmgirl

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP

savvytester, ifarmgirl sent you LUV. 🙂 (3/10) tools | trade | connect | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Hey friends! It's Sunday..
I wish you a day filled with sunshine, laughter, and all the happiness in the world! Enjoy your day to the fullest.
#gmfrens #ladiesofhive

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

🧵 1/4: Mistakes happen, even in the world of AI. Technology still has a long way to go, especially in the realm of employee surveillance software. 💻🤖 #crypto

🧵 2/4: Bossware, or employee-monitoring software, claims to enhance productivity but often kills morale. Sadly, AI is making it more pervasive. 😥

🧵 3/4: As a former remote contractor, I've experienced the negative impact of intrusive screensharing. Rather than fading away, these technologies are actually growing, thanks to AI and a misguided fear of remote work. 📷🙅‍♂️

🧵 4/4: The rise of AI-powered employee surveillance tech is concerning. We need to strike a balance between productivity and respecting employees' privacy and well-being in the workplace. 🚫👁️‍🗨️

Splinterlands X Contests giving a chance to win Rebellion Packs #crypto

#splinterlands #mydiary #hive

There will be some great discounts in the coming months... don't think that a relief rally is a reversal. The pre-halving correction has commenced. To the ignorant, I am not bearish... #Crypto #Altcoins

Investing in MemCoin is as profitable as it can bring you big losses. It will jump for a few days on one side and cause even more damage on the other. #outreach #threadstorm #memecoin

There are also some coins that suddenly give 10 to 15 times or even more than 20 times profit. But again the price of these coins decreased by hundreds of times.

you guys are lucky cuz I say and reply to every GM thread I see.


Shit thanks for the reminder, my phone said that four days ago, time to uninstall some wallets not used anymore!

Haha, I did have many unused apps from long Ago and uninstalled all... Mobile working smoothly now.

GMs are important

They keep the world turning


Gm is culture!

wow that is a challenge for sure!

Haha Yea , it's fun.

Investing in MemCoin is as profitable as it can bring you big losses. It will jump for a few days on one side and cause even more damage on the other. #outreach #threadstorm #memecoin

Just got back home from a cousin's wake. Whew! I'm not an addict yet but the day feels different without threads.

How's your day going frens?

My day is going like I am in the world of books and till morning I am just doing my study. Going to encounter my first exam tomorrow.

Oh, sounds like you've been studying. All the best to you on your exams.

My day is going perfectly well. But the weather is way too hot for comfort.

Stay hydrated :) It's the opposite for us here, it's cold🥶

can choosing community be at top for inleo long form post like peakd has it. only cuz i accidentally posted on leofinance instead of spl ==

#feedback #suggestion

use InLeo for publishing more often and you'll eventually get used to with selecting community :p

Easy solution.

i still think itd be better on top since u should choose where u wnat to post first before writing >.>

#threadstorm #outreach 1/🧵 Many still have trouble believing it's OK to pursue empowerment alone. It is often seen as something that is given to us. That could be more powerful!

What can female entrepreneurs do to increase their degree of empowerment and realize their full potential in their personal and professional lives?


2/🧵 The impact this has on motivation and morale cannot be overstated. People who are always negative zap your excitement and vitality. They undermine your confidence and make you feel defeated when they point their cynicism and sarcasm at you and your efforts. Reduce contact with them as much as possible to surround yourself with people who care about you and will support you rather than undermine you.

3/🧵 Most individuals who exude empowerment are generous and willing to discuss how they have benefited. Please get in touch with them if you need inspiration. Despite the possibility that their strategy won't be quite right for you, you will undoubtedly get some insightful knowledge to use in your pursuit of empowerment.

4/🧵 Since they are going to, the good news is that they will only make you feel inadequate if you focus on them. Overcome mistakes and bad luck by seeing them as opportunities for growth and being adaptable so you can change course and proceed in a different, constructive route.

can't believe my eyes this old TA I did on BTC back then is way too correct.

I fumbled my own idea big time.


Meal prepping this week. Might blog this later and share the recipes. #hivefood #foodiesbeehive

looks tempting...

thank you 😊


Recycling my earlier image to add colours to threads!

I'm not sure whether this has been addressed recently, but how much LP should we have in order for our stake to produce at least a 0.01 Leo reward for the person we're curating? Let's assume the standard 5% vote that's on Threads.

For reference, my stake is almost 18,000, and I don't see that my 5% vote produces a Leo reward for the person I'm upvoting.

Edit: never mind, just saw that my 5% vote produces a 0.071 LEO reward for the recipient!

as for the curation, I think HP counts too. collectively it forms a vote. if HP is below 5K I think it'd result in low vote.

So you're currently able to see the breakdown of your rewards by hovering over the green $ on the bottom right corner. It shows how much is earned in Hive, HBD, and Leo. So that's also not my question, haha.

However, I just saw that my 5% vote earns the following for the recipient (it didn't display a few moments ago):

0.071 LEO + 0.004500 HBD + 0.01444 HIVE

I voted on your comment, so you should be able to see these values shortly to confirm!

Yes I don't really use inleo in case of checking vote weight. peakd does it way better. most of the stats are kind of shaky on inleo.

Gotcha, the other frontends specifically show the Hive reward, but I was asking only about Leo. The Leo frontend shows that one.

I guess we now have some numbers for reference!

500 LP is required for minimum leoads payout. Khal mentioned it. Few days back.

Not for LeoAds, but for the person I'm curating to earn any amount of Leo. Sorry if that was unclear.

Almost there... 388 LP yet...

a very good question that I have been wondering myself !BBH !DHEDGE

So, there was a delayed display - I now found that my vote gives 0.071 LP per 5% vote!

well at 15% which is what I have mine set to I have a lot less leo power than you so I should be about 0.017 will get higher in about 5 days !BBH !LOLZ

@freecompliments! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @ericburgoyne. (17/50)

What’s Forest Gump’s password?

Credit: reddit
@freecompliments, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of ericburgoyne



@freecompliments! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @ericburgoyne. (15/50)

It's a good question. Khal & Co. could perhaps leverage some code from ecency which is pretty good about displaying all sorts of rewards, if you tweak the code right.

I found it! 5% vote yields a 0.071 $LEO reward. My Leo voting power is weighted, so that's also something to consider.

just saw that my 5% vote produces a 0.071 LEO reward for the recipient!

That's great.

Try to check how much it yields for a 10% vote. You can use my comment as a test field 😀


@freecompliments! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ hafiz34. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.


Kyō wa nani o shimashita ka?

What did you do today?

#nihongo #japanesechatforum #japanese

@daveks 今日はどんな1日

Inleo のことで



I just made sure to do my exercises and also create a content and prepare for my traveling later today (it's already a new day here)

1/3🧵. #Threadstorm
Making a weekend meaningful during winter is always challenge. However, a little planning and excitement to surprise made it very eventful for me.

#outreach #weekend #life

2/3🧵. Chilly days are tough to out. But I braved it and went outdoors and made it very surprising for my family members with a surprise visit. Just to celebrate the birthday.

Always ready to eat chhola poori 😋😋

Sunday is for Farming #airdrop!

Deploying a contract on #Berachain.. the moment I was about to click on deploy "laptop got shutdown" LoL. Battery low.

Gotta do it all over again once it's charged.

How're you spending Sunday?

Community is all set?

Been created , today is adding info and you guys as as admins etc

Awesome, just subscribed.

My brain stopped working and now I need to take a little break from my study. It seems whatever I am reading now not entering my head. I need to give my brain some time to relax.

#break #relaxation

Yes, periodic breaks are necessary to absorb and process what you've already studied. Go and have a nice break and relax

Take a break man

Crypto commentators are speculating about the potential for cryptocurrency payments on the platform following X launching a dedicated account for its upcoming payments feature later in 2024.

#newsonleo #x

that's why $DOGE is pumping i guess.

1- 🧵 Ayer decidí compartir mi comentario sobre la entrevista realizada por Fermionico al líder del testigo @hispapro, en la serie HIVE y los testigos hispanos.

Surgió una pregunta sobre eso de la misma empresa de servicio de VPS de los testigos hispanos y la preocupación de algunos usuarios con el tema.

Abajo dejo el post de la entrevista y en el siguiente thread comparto mi comentario.

#threadstorm #outreach

Campus is huge. So many studies to choose from.

#ladiesofhive #photography #nature

Looks like a nice place to study.

Another #feedback idea - could we upload pictures to threads just by dragging them into the thread on computer webbrowser instead of having to click the picture icon below? Also when dragging it currently in that box is very hit and miss.

I show this screenshot here for some users to read that, Inleo supports varied content and does not only focus on a niche or topic.

So, it's time to create quality and varied content #leofinance

Stake Based Curation

Drop your best gems, we'll assess depending on post quality.

For more info check below ⬇️


Got some interesting mining apps recently, drop a comment and I will drop some mining apps link that you go start mining.

Don't forget the year slogan: No gree for anybody.

If I hear say you no drop am for me

Have interest in mining. :)

Hello 👋 good morning we no go gree, we must cash out.

Great job getting the #freecompliments tag to #1, everybody! The engagement with this tag is also very impressive. I've read some great insights.

Let's keep this going - I'll be setting up a contest next month which will give some BIG rewards for keeping this tag trending with such quality engagement.

That's fantastic! Way to go!



freecompliments, hafiz34 sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/10) tools | trade | connect | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

That's pretty awesome!

It was bound to happen eventually. The tag's also been in the top 8 for close to 2 months - I can't recall the last time it fell off. I didn't even contribute much to the tag count.

This is a prime example of consistency and persistence paying off!

Congratulations to everyone who makes up the #freecompliments community! We achieved this feat through the sum of the work carried out by each person.

Amazon makes a disgusting amount of money. Largely in part to the 3rd party sellers (like me) that pay them a large portion of our revenue to sell on the platform.

The really sad thing is, the lack of seller support is insane. You wouldn't even believe it if I told you. Getting seller support to do anything other than send generic emails or randomly close your cases is nearly impossible.

You would think that the sellers earning Amazon shit loads of money deserve some support, especially considering the absolute nightmare this is their seller dashboard. It's impossible to navigate and over 75% of the pages are redundant. I could go on.

My point is... Fuck Amazon seller support.


gotta love the billion dollar companies with awful customer support lol

What makes it worse is how good Amazon's customer support is. Like top tier. But not seller support. Lol

Happy Sunday! Enjoy your weekend with some great family time.

#ladiesofhive #freecompliments

Good morning and happy Sunday to you too. I am on work. However, I do enjoy my time with my family.



good morning...

Thanks 😊


thankyou for pizza reward..

Happy working and have a great Sunday. It's always nice to spare some time and enjoy ourselves with our families.


Awesome for Leo holders, I'd love to know how many new users like myself have flocked to Leo having seen those #leoads

I was a nice surprise indeed. Makes me wanna add more to my stake. 👍

Plenty more Leo out there for all of us!

Where are you seeing those ads?

I meant regarding the reward distribution rather than any specific advertisement. The reward announcements have been all over my Hive feeds and even my Twitter/ X.

okay. I thought there was something new I missed. Thanks.

@holdeck2! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (17/50)

Welcome to the den!

Reached 150 target and now going to daily powerup of LEO of what I get on daily basis. Cub is the plan.

I'm sure you will ge there soon. Nice job hitting your target

Thank you :)

You're very welcome @esmeesmith!
Enjoy your day😆

Grayscale has sold 52,000 Bitcoin since the launch of the Spot Bitcoin ETF in a single week.😀😀

#Threadcast #bitcoin #EFT


#switching accounts is not working. Go to change account and nothing happens. Still logged in under original.

It is working for me now. Sometimes I have to do it twice before it seems to switch over.

Custody Bank

#threadstorm 1/10
Special-purpose depository institution Custodia Bank said it has officially launched in certain states to serve U.S.-based business customers. Background: Custodia, which focuses on crypto services and other novel activities and is not FDIC-insured, will operate as Custodia Bank Inc. in nine states.Aug 14, 2023

What Is a Custodian Bank?
A custodian bank is a financial institution that holds customers' securities for safekeeping to prevent them from being stolen or lost. The custodian may hold stocks, bonds, or other assets in electronic or physical form on behalf of its customers.

Often, a custodian bank does more than provide asset protection. It can manage customers' accounts and transactions, manage the settlement of financial transactions, account for the status of assets, and ensure compliance with tax regulations.

#custodybank #threadstorm 2/10
Custodian: What It Means in Banking and Finance
The difference between custodian banks and traditional banks is their primary roles. Custodian banks are responsible for, above all, the safekeeping of financial assets belonging to individuals or institutions. 2 They may also offer services related to that primary role.

Custodian Banks vs. Traditional Banks
The difference between custodian banks and traditional banks is their primary roles.

Custodian banks are responsible for, above all, the safekeeping of financial assets belonging to individuals or institutions.
They may also offer services related to that primary role. However, they don't offer the same types of services provided by traditional banks.

Traditional banks are financial institutions with the primary role of taking and holding deposits for customers and extend loans to them. Bank customers should be familiar with such activities and the products that represent them.

What is the role of a custodian bank?
#threadstorm 3/10
A custodian, also known as a custodian bank, refers to a financial institution that holds the possession of customers' securities to reduce the possibility of theft or loss. The securities and other assets can be held in electronic or physical form.Aug 16, 2023

Do custodian banks hold cash?
A bank custodian has physical possession of its clients' financial assets. These could include cash, stock certificates, bonds, and other financial instruments.

Is it custodian bank or Custody Bank?
What is a custodian bank and what are custody bank services? A custodian bank, or custodian, offers specialized securities services. A custodian safeguards the assets of asset managers, insurance companies, municipalities and corporations. Those assets may include stocks, bonds, or other electronic or physical assets.

How does a custodian bank make money?
Custodians typically make money by charging a fee for their services. These fees are usually based on the assets under management, although some custodians may also charge an annual or transaction-based fee or earn commissions.Jun 8, 2023

🧵 1. Grayscale CEO defends high fee for Bitcoin Trust ETF, citing its position as the largest bitcoin fund with a $25 billion asset base. #crypto

🧵 2. Grayscale's CEO predicts only 2-3 of the recently approved 11 spot Bitcoin ETFs will survive, questioning competitors' commitment and track record.

🧵 3. Grayscale stands out by actively selling Bitcoin instead of accumulating, raising questions about its market strategy's impact on the broader ETF landscape.

🧵 4. Fee war ignited in the spot Bitcoin ETF market as issuers compete for investors' favor. Industry experts anticipate consolidation and lowered fees in the future.

Lightbulbs were created when Thomas Edison first had an idea and the very first one appeared floating over his head. #bullshitonleo

There are 5 pages