There are 4 pages

What is the crypto project you’re looking forward to in the next bullrun. As a crypto enthusiast, I have made my research and I found one project that is eye catching. The chainlink project
#threadstorm #outreach

is it already at high price ?

yes, it was surprising too

the market price is so high and many people don’t know about this project. You can read more about it here

Hello fren it is recommended to put thread numbers and thread emojies
like 1/ 🧵 , 2/ 🧵
so that it is easier to navigate a threadstorm by the readers
stay positive

Thanks. I must have forgotten. I have screenshot this and saved it to my brain

Testnet launch & next steps (AMA)

This is our #threadcast for today's Space on X

Add your comments and ask questions!

👇 Link to space below 👇

Eric is a legendary speaker of Twitter AMAs 🦁

I wanted to run a node but did not know how. @mightpossibly wrote a post. I will follow step by step.

Nifty can also help. He is setting a few pis up to run this also.

I will follow his posts. I need to learn to take part into the blockchain governance.

Awesome! Here you can check if your node is active and up to date:

LOL @anomadsoul trying to be diplomatic with his question.

love it when v4v I assume brianoflondon says he would be coaching 4-5 people about lightening.
Love to be a part of that
Share the link for the proposals would love to vote and support

let's onboard more people so that the staking will increase and sustain the ecosystem

Are the nodes that VSC runs on related to the Hive Witnesses's ones? If so, could you publish a list of the ones that are up to date, so that we would vote for them?


After ETH will have its ETF's, Coinbase could become a custodial and validating vulnerability door for that chain (the US authorities being able to pressure Coinbase to censor tx). Would a VSC bridge to ETH expose Hive legally?


Would a VSC exchange based smart contract be more flexible than the current Hive Engine one? I've seen that the whole EOS ecosystem chains (like WAX) have been cut off from Hive Engine, would it be fixable through a VSC run DEX?

That is what they are talking about now.

Hive Engine doesnt let developers create their own smart contracts.

VSC will eventually.


Yes, I've heard after I had sent the question that they were tackling that point :-)

Are there any financial rewards to run a VSC node that we can tell potential node runners?
If yes does it cover the cost of running the node?

You mention deploy nft on Hive, does that open the posibility to turn a post into an nft?

How is the debugging of wrapped BTC going?

Are most being cleared up?

What SLA or up time requirement is there to qualify as a successful node operator.


From the safety point of view is it suggested to run node with our hive account credential or create a fresh account to run node?

Looking forward to the stream!

It is always good to learn.

Lets get this to the top of the page.

Is this #AMA live?

It is! Join us.

I am listening.

Yes. The link for Spaces is at the bottom.

The link works now

Wow. We have over 100 nodes on the ecosystem. We need to be active and independent for more sustainable and efficient process.

Not exactly, we aim to have more than 100 nodes running but right now there are 36 active nodes

Is there a way to build a bridge between EVM chains and Hive?

inviting more people to join and engage the show. @herculead, @fokusnow, @ngobaby, @mrhive,@uzoma24, etc please

I read somewhere on Hive that #VSC is the panacea to Hive problems. Not sure how but I hope it is :)

Nothing decentralized about Hive Engine.

I do not see this threadcast on the home page. Is it because the account is not premium?


What minimum system requirement is needed to run a node. I saw one running on a pi.
Any node operation possibilities for a mobile node?

Question about running node

Do we need some minimum HP to run a VSC node?

Yes! 50 HP is need it.


For creating & running the smart contracts are there any GUI options or would it be similar to solidity smart contract creation using VSC?

yes we would support the VSC DHF proposal

This has been an awesome info filled space.
Thanks to the panel

VSC can become the largest HIVE project and be an important factor in the crypto space

I'm listening to the recording on X. This is a great project.

Here is the #threadcast for today's AMA

Start dropping your questions, comments and concerns in here and we'll answer them live

I'm sure today is gonna b a fun one for me


I see we now have all communities listed in the UI for long form content. Good one guys.

we are the early birds presented on the show for huge listening base. That's interesting and motivational. X space is very clear and wonderful. I'm enjoying the show

Had this issue few minutes ago when I was trying to editing a post, unfortunately I was able to get through it and edit this post.
That's the positive aspect of the team fixing the bugs in real time,kudos.

The platform has crashed twice for me in a few minutes

did you mean this? I experienced it too

You are doing well. It was 5 before.

See progress and perspective changes everything.

The phrase "Superfans" might throw people off. Maybe Super-Users would be a bit better. Otherwise we get the picture of nutty fanboys and fangirls... which, in hindsight, might be accurate lol.

I want to bring my sister-in-law who is a psychology major to InLeo, but as I'm far from her, it will be more difficult to explain these instabilities to her... Better to wait a little longer.

We will be glad to have her. 😃

Can anyone see my threads?


Oh! This one showed. I made about 4 threads before this one.

Cool. Waiting for this AMA, I know a lot is going to be talked about. Great to be here. Now, where are all the lions?


Don't forget to summarize the AMA, please my friend. I'm literally flying (lost) here. LOL

I'll start processing the recording as soon as the stream ends 👍

Thank you very much! It will help me understand everything and will also help me create a post about it. You are incredible!

Is there any prediction so that there could be 5 alternatives in the poll?

I would like to ask how long the threadcast icon stays up there after the last engagement in a threadcast is done?

about 3-5 hours from when it starts

Ok coo. Thanks so much.

Wow good to know that Inleo is working perfectly now.

I wouldn't say perfect but definitely better than before!

Absolutely, replying you is part of the testing

It absolutely is, thank you for helping!

@ijelady, @sammyhive, @ngobaby, @empressjay, @marajah. Roar over to this place. The long awaited AMA is live!!!!!

thanks so much for the invitation. Time to learn more and engage with others favorably

I would like it to be possible to have "pinned threads" on each threadcast.

Won't it be cool is ama x link is being attached to the threadcast for easy assessment.

I think this will really help hiver join the x show.

Hello, I recently realized that there is the possibility of creating a poll within a long post, but when creating an article it didn't work.

I don't know if it was before this period of instability began. I ask that you please fix this, as having a poll within an article would be very interesting and could bring much more interaction to the posts.

One major difference I have already noticed is that threads is now faster. Amazing speeds. Once this is transferred to production, the experience for everyone is hitting new heights!!!!!

it so cool to finally threthread properly, it's beena struggle for a while now

Please what's those cloudfare of a thing that shows as a bug, what does it mean please? Keep on getting that

Polls are great but wouldn't prioritize those on the top of the list...

I would. Consider there is a major use case for them.

I'm sure there is but wouldn't put them above the general functions

We have missed threads stability in the last 48 hours, dear frens, threads is back, stable, fast and much better!!!!!!

The wait is over - its definitely worth it!!!! Lets enjoy threads the way we never imagined it. Thanks so much team. Its a streamline nexperience now for everyone

I have to go for a bit, I hope I get back barf the AMA ends. See you in a bit!

It often get darker before it get brighter and brighter This is the Quote of today. Thanks for the progress and success

Already experiencing awesome speed over herebin publishing threads. WaooooH! This is FAST and SERIOUS!

Hey @herculeand, @uzoma24, @chichieze, @philings, @beauty197, you wouldnt want to miss this AMA will you, gather here then and lets hear from the team!!!

Ohh! Thanks so much sir. I even forgot that ama is today.

Thanks for the mention Sir. Am in. Where is it holding

Expect more glitch and slowness as Khal's recent post on the upgrade really explained. It because of much works done for the betterment of the UI. It will get better and stronger. It's for good intentions and faster processing speeds

Yea its gonna get darker before it becomes brighter, we are getting there soon.

I already know that the instability of the interface for the mean time is for the better so i expect better next time.

inconveniences pass and the benefits remain!


Nothing good comes easy, the interference of the bugs to our use of the UI is a good thing for, it signifies that we are in a good direction, we are getting there soon, i trust the process.


Please what is the methodology implied towards solving all these bug issues because it seems like they keep reoccuring the more.


Please @khal can you talk a bit about evergreen reward, the recent upgrade and more

I got pissed of with the constant bugs, even now it's still buggy.

I think it's better today.

With all the current LEO revenue streams, I thought $LEO's price would be above $0.10 by now.~

Would you say the "other side of this" is about a week or 10 days out?

Containers are the next big thing on Leo. It is a bigger use case as compared to threadcasts but taking the same idea of isolating focus.

That's right.

Yeeeeah, I watched a few episodes back then.

I am adding more. Up to 60 videos in there now. Going to get it close to 100 I believe.

Oh! Wow! Great. I know you can do that. 😀

I never watched this series. At the time it was released in my country, it was very late on open TV... time passed and I didn't even remember this series anymore. LOL

Well there are now 70 videos to watch. LOL

Wow! It's really a lot. Thanks Task! Without polls, bringing videos to Leo is even faster hahahaha...

You will be able to join in again in a few minutes when the premium catches up.

Yeah, I miss the features attached to premium.

I just hope that I can show my friends how inleo works irl sometime. It has been pretty funny to try to show people what inleo is, and it was bugging. So it was kinda hard to onboard

We need to think of being a true digital platform and copying the likes of Amazon.

Amazon builds everything themselves. X is starting to do the same thing.

That is what will rule in the future.

Question: would it be possible in the future to add a banner(or a pinned thread) if there's some major updates going on with the UI?

For example something like this:

Will there be a focus on DeFi such as CubDeFi with the new devs? Some how integrating it for swaps on InLeo UI?

Gud question! Will check back on this and hope to raead up further over time. !BBH

@bitcoinflood! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @pepetoken. (19/50)


What best describes the activeness of one on the UI when it comes to threads because the leaderboard space aren't working for long now

Can you share a bit about LeoAI and what are the thoughts with that?

Are we going to see some things such as image creation?


In respect to increasing more views to our content, can one post the link of his or her article on all of his social media handle and maybe do a bit of an introduction of what the article is all about.

I never thought about it, but I just realized $HIVE is actually listed on Thorchain. That's good!!

That's cool.

working very hard to get the bugs being fixed will really make the UI very functional and awesome. Our UI is getting enriched and better user experience

Good day everyone, it's great to see that the team is working around the clock to fix all this bugs showing up lately.

A bit angry due to UI not working , but good to be here sir.

We have to think that everything will pass and it will get better, time and patience and things will sort themselves out.

Please did the hackathon affect the onboarding process, tried onboarding someone but couldn't get a positive feedback

One thing I noticed about notifications:

I'm getting the pop-up notifications but not the little numbers next to 'Notifications'

here for me they are appearing doubled or even tripled

The numbers or pop-ups? Now that you mentioned it, I'm actually getting triple pop-ups

It's crazy lol, that's right multiple pop-ups

The weather here is changing, cough, cold and a little fever is here .

Threadscast feature is a good one, no doubt about it

our thumbnail on the threads are more clearer and displayed. It's a wonderful things. More improvements are coming.


What's the essence of the leo curation thread that suggests one posting the link of the article?


What is the criteria for a good quality post to be upvoted. Have actually come across many that i read including mine that were of quality, the author even went far on doing the outreach thing but no upvote.

it's a gradual process of getting the bugs to be fixed. There's a wonderful process to getting the work being done and improve it's functionalities

The road to success is always under construction.

The #inleo is constantly improving and getting better.

at the end of the day everything will be fine. Lets hope. Take your time boss

Create a wonderful and detailed information about the BUG and use #feedback for wonderful responses and solutions

Is there any other medium to listen to AMA, as X is down in my country.

Here's a YouTube link


Which is better, just putting the hashtag and then feedback or both feedback and then tagging khal?

the past 3 days was just fraustating because I can't even report my problem because thread was not indexing, but you guys are working so hard..

Friday will be officially BUG FREE DAY. Please expect a wonderful performance and functionality of the UI.

what is the new curation model for long form contents ?

it is a bumper workload for the upgrade and sustaining the UI. It can be categorized and solved for better performance and wonderful user experience

is there any post which explains new curation guidance ?

Let's all Welcome the new Devs when they arrive!!

Do we really have super fans here in the community, just saying.

Not sure if I want to be a superfan for anything, but if I became a super fan for Inleo, all good.

From the conversations Eric has been having with people from external crypto community, when you tell them about InLeo, how is their response, and when they use it do they get it?

Yeah, Taskmaster is doing a great job on INLEO.

In respect to increasing more views to our content, can one post the link of his or her article on all of his social media handle and maybe do a bit of an introduction of what the article is all about.

Thats a good idea, im doing that already sir.

Indexing is fast but it takes time to view notifications

That's cool and for Leo-dex ,when are we having it back too.

#question How is the Leo onboarding campaign doing? And how many of the new users purchase premium?

Are there any Recap posts for these AMA talks? If there aren't, they should. Official ones!!!

Yes there are. It's usually recorded so you can see it


What will it take for one to be super fan? What will be the difference between super fan and premium subscriber? What will be its benefits

He is a typical example

No one can be like Task. He's more or less a bot

That's what makes it SUPERfan

LOok who just showed up? Protokkol says hi... 🙃 What are we discussing today? Been a while frens..

Why $HIVE not responding to bull calls ?

I believe it's the big sell pressure. Many users on $HIVE sell their earnings as soon as they get them.

Another good space meeting again, always enjoy it, we keep pushing, thanks for coming around guys

If this is the pre bull market, I wonder the next ATH in Bitcoin 🤩

When will we have longer premium subscriptions apart from the monthly plan we have. For example 6 months, or annual subscription plans?

Interesting question as it helps those like me who are a bit forgetful. Monthly, semi-annual and perhaps annual plans would be something interesting to think about.

Sure. Beyond helping to fix that long-term, there will probably be a small discount too. Instead of $60 for 6 months, maybe we have $55.

The discount could attract more people. You are right.

Sure, thats an industry-standard pricing strategy. It would be nice here too.

Is it possible to extend the $1000 bull run contest, given that many users were unable to do anything about the UI glitches?

Getting threadcasts working is priority #1.

Jump in here and reply, it's also a part of our real-time testing initiative going on the for next 45 minutes until the AMA begins

Alright Khal.

Jump in here and reply, it's also a part of our real-time testing initiative going on the for next 45 minutes until the AMA begins

Check out the breads space at 8pm EST!

Threads is now faster now, and I can see my threads indexing unlike yesterday. Nice improvement.

If we eventually get the masses to come and there are many threadcasts going on simultaneously - lets say 15 threadcasts, how many icons could be displayed on top right there at a time?

Yesterday I couldn't find anything in the "for you" feed. But that has been solved. I can now see other people's thread.

I think we should have premium that last longer but cheaper. I think this will help many subscribe to premium.

When will the 'Awards' tab on user profile pages come to life? Incentives push people to do more!!!!

When we explore the "Articles" page and select "Hive" in the filter tab, its not possible to see the communities where those post are published in preview mode. Will that be a feature to possiblly expect in subsequent updates?

How are we looking on the LEO Node and LeoSQL? I'm eager to get things running smooth again and getting people active here. 🤗

I think I enjoy using Inleo better now compared to before.

when smooth? at least if its just plain text, no polls, no dash, just one month of smooth threads

btw Im still here and will remain, I get its not easy just in case some one answers with "go to facebook then 🤡"

Please share the Threadcast so that more people can know and participate here.

time to learn, engage and learn more about our community

I'm interested on how to get rid of bugs and glitches that affect our functionalities our beloved front-end

Time to invite more people for more rejuvenating and sustainable show. It's very interesting to have more people to share and engage with others.

Reminder fully set.... That's the beauty of technology to keep me alert to the program of greater importance

Wen _ _ _ _ ? 🥸

ok, threading in the threadcast is working again 🚀🌕👍🏽 😏

Testing u...

Can't wait to be in here once again

Great I can comment on mobile too now!!!

check check one two

My request to speak directly to Satashi has not been granted. InLeo shall be reported to the Ministry of Cryptocurrency, and I shall successfully sue for ownership of all liquid $LEO.

QUESTION: Is the ability to edit old threads and add #polls to them a planned/intended feature?

Question When is the estimate for the platform (inleo io) becoming stable again?

Ama is here to

By the way, I like the new Short videos the Youtube channel has been bringing out. (It's a honor that I was mentioned in one of them.)

Question ⁉️

As regard the ongoing contest, are old accounts restricted from participating too

Your voice is very clear and can be heard despite being so cold. Today's show will be more engaging and participatory

it's an infestation

Remember to eat your fruits and veggies and exercise, fellow Lions. Health is the #1 source of wealth in life. If you don't have your health, nothing else truly matters.

Seems I can't hear you clearly here, my network I guess

When do or will iNLEO reach the stage of hosting its online or space meeting all by itself?

check 1 and 2


With the recent upgrades, fixing of bugs and all sorts of that, where is the direction of iNLEO?

LIVE now! 🚀🌕👍🏽

Looks like @khal aren't feeling that fine, please get strong and well soon

Can this be bug or glitch, it often experienced it often. It's very disappointing

Question: Can we mention the bugs we find under this Threadcast? Or does it have to be in separate #feedback threads?

I'm in the Labs, so far everything is going well.

you‘re loud and clear over on youtube 👍🏽

Really wished we could one day have this level of data base that will put an end to bugs fully, I think we should employ a strong data base that will keep activities sharp and flawless too.

Aye Aye captain.

Khal has no thursday on his calendar.

Can we expect mid march when things would be smooth?


Can you please talk a bit more about the contest worth $1000 a bit?

Yeah, we only have to endure the bumpy phase so that we can enjoy a smooth experience after fixing the issues.

there should be a synergy between the x and so that more people will be onboard and engage with our ecosystem. We all can act as leo ambassador

I think the contest is targeting new users. Good indeed


I think the number of MAU keep increasing

Superfans! My teams coach on #gls!

I'm one of the super fan. We are creating more threads and long form posts. Will there be benefits and advantages for them?

I really wanna be a superfan someday, am increasingly working on it

What best describes the activeness of one on the UI when it comes to threads because the leaderboard space aren't working for long now

Good question sir.

I'm sure part of the 200 super fans.
#threadsaddict 😂


Please can you talk a bit about the delegation stuff of a thing. Some things aren't clear to me yet

integrations of valuable chains like THORChain with will create more value and reward for the ecosystem. This is the best revenue creation option ever on ecosystem

you can use a vpn if X is down at your country.

I will be expecting a detailed post on the integration of other chains like THORChain with for better understanding and usability

Caught you live today. Hope the updates are happening real time so that I can post a thread - again.

Check out the breads space at 8pm EST!

I'll be sleeping then, but good luck!!


Who is hosting it so i set a reminder, is there gonna be a threadcast for it?

Look what I found, 2 accounts. I don't eveven know when it was created cos I have only 1 account.

How can I track this?

Definitely the Market can't be predicted at all and on the other side we might not experience any bull run too.

let go bug police 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨


wow. We will join the Breads' show to continue and engaging with the

Get well soon mate, bugs to be caught 🐛

ty :) I'll crush this bug along with the UI Bugs

It's done, already? : ) I was late

being on the space and threadcast is something I really miss. My bug has been resolved. Thanks to the inleo team. I’ll watching out for bugs too

Thanks frens!

See ya! Thanks for the show.

wow. There will be a reward of 5HBD for reporting Bugs and glitches. Let's work together for better UI and functionality.

Wow, a great incentive, even though people here already report everything for practically free, we are always trying to improve our inleo! Hug.

it was fun to be here, see ya guys.

Time to switch to "Bread Show". See you there

I couldn't join the Ama because my threads weren't indexing

Hello friends 👋👋, thanks I saw myself in Ama today 😊😀😀..
It's been hell all this days, trying to thread through mobile device.

please there is something that I would love to be addressed today...
For the past few days, I have not been able to upload photos on my blog. After uploading a picture, all it shows me is undefine please what should be the cause? Am on mobile phone. Is there any alternative?

You can use your laptop, it's better.

Starting to listen while doing Corporate Work! Looking forward!

I was discouraged by all those bugs, but hearing Khal and Eric at the AMA made me realized that they're a very professional team with a great future.

My the earth flat?

lower the cost of premium...

In a world where premium pays for itself, I'm sorry but this doesn't make sense

All you have to do is be premium and make a few blogs a month and you pay for every next month. It's easy

yea... but febuary was worst month for me in blogging.... Thankyou for precious time to

Let's assume I'm new here, what guarantee will you give compared to someone who has been in the community for a long time?

🧵 1. Bitcoin hits two-year high near $57,000 amid institutional buys and ETF approvals. Market catalysts shape price predictions for investors in the volatile crypto realm. #crypto

🧵 2. Ethereum surpasses $3,200 as institutional purchases surge. MicroStrategy's $155M buy leads 10% market uplift. Institutional investments driving crypto rallies.

🧵 3. SEC's green light on spot Bitcoin ETFs signals mainstream financial integration. Canada's success in ETF market share shows rising investor demand for crypto products.

@shawnnft waiting for the UI to stabilize


LOL dont do me like this


O.O finally this is back

its so bad i cant even upvote this. i get an error rip

same 😭

TT same for u

Party Time!!!🥂🎶

Hello friends👋👋, let's Get Down On It with M.C Black "@caleb-marvel" host, in collaboration with @taskmaster4450le @coyotelation @mightpossibly @beststart and @ifarmgirl. Come on and enjoy your day with music on leo

Here are some music lists that will help you to upload music on the cast.


#partytime #musiconleo #music #freecompliments #inleo #mydiary

It's a nice time in the party room, let's make things happen 🥂🥂🥂🥂

Lets see if we can drop some music as the ama is going on...
@coyotelation @taskmaster4450le @beststart @winanda @mightpossibly @oldmans.

Have to keep building where we can. We were slowed down for a couple days.

Let's try our best 😉💪

We will soon be back at the right pace.

I'll be leaving soon, but at night I'll be able to help here. 🖖🏻

okay 👍👍👍, please stay safe 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


you are welcome broo 😌😀😌😀.

Am glad to bring @misterc and @kiel91 to the party team, they are my friends in the actifit community, and they decided to support out party time with some prizes for the active participants...

@taskmaster4450le @ifarmgirl @mightpossibly @coyotelation @beststart @winanda

Be welcome! It's always good to see more members. We really need it.

Exactly 😂😂😂, you can participate in the games oo... Please read my post and follow it up..

There has been a lot of music played today in the #partytime threadcast.

Very nice, y'all

We are a bit slow today but a lot to do now the site is back online. Fell way behind.

Yeah, that set things back a bit, but now we can move forward.

Are the polls fixed?


And Khal said it will not be until he announces it. He thinks it could be by the end of the week.

Task, can you confirm for me please?

It's just that the summary didn't say anything about that... Khal said that the polls are expected to return at the weekend, right?

If so, that's good, it's not long before that.

He hopes. We will see if he is correct.

smile 😊😊😊😊

Music without dancing is a waste of time :)

We will have much more soon, things on the platform will return to normal, so we will bring more and more music.

Let's get to those 100 comments soon!

The machine himself 🤣🤣🤣 I

It will happen.

Yeah! It will happen!

I have a feeling it is there. A slow day in this area but with the site improvement, we can start to get back to normal work.

Need some polls.

Well, I'm limited by language, but I believe you must have heard something about the next few days.

I hope it gets better here. I read the AMA summary thanks to @mightpossibly but I don't know if my questions were answered.

One of them was something related to polls. I even asked them to provide 5 alternatives. We need it.

Glad you are writing a report and keeping track of things.

Thanks very much sir 😊😊😊

We have to get things going again. We will see how well the site operates over the next few days.

Exactly 💯💯

Here is another music that am dedicating to the listening pleasure of @sandymeyer 💞💞💞🎉🎉🎉 thanks alot 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽..


thank you 🌞
Very beautiful music!

Thanks alot 🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️, I hope you don't mind me mentioning your name during the party time.

IT'S 24/7 every day and I intend making people happy as they threads and do their activities on hive..

I gat this song for the listening pleasure of a good friend of mine 😌😀 @sandymeyer, I sincerely appreciate your support 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽..

Thank you so much!
I was actually thinking about giving you a dellegation today, so you my friend have fun and keep up the effort!
Enjoy the extra voting power 🌞

Thanks alot, I sincerely appreciate all your support from the very first day you voted on my actifit report card, last year November ☺️☺️☺️, it was cool and I was trying to appreciate you for that.

Thanks alot once more. I will appreciate it more for your delegations. Is gonna help me in more activities. Thanks alot 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽..
I always appreciate you..

all good, I realy like youre music, and was surprised how engaged you are all over the place, spread some love and you will get some back. Hive is such a great place to connect all over the world haha keep the threadcasts going 🌞

Thanks alot, I was happy to see you on threads, so I decided to message you.. 🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️❤️, much love to you, I always appreciate you...

Hey @caleb-marvel, here is a little bit of BEER from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

You said you intend giving me a delegation, you are free to do it, I will appreciate it more. I was even looking for a way where I can get some delegations. Thanks alot 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽.

Hey @caleb-marvel, here is a little bit of BEER from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.


I think you were right that day. I'm currently listening to music with automatic playback on Leo.

It is kind of weird, though; It only auto-plays on my desktop computer, not my laptop.

But anyway, time to rock on!

I hope you have a great day, Tiago.


I also found it strange, but the curious thing is that the songs that play are from YouTube itself, but within the Leo platform.

I forgot to say that detail.

Yes, let's move on! I think that from now on things will go back to normal here.

May you also have an incredible day!

Thanks friend.

Thanks, @coyotelation

You as well my friend.

@coyotelation! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ beststart. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

@coyotelation! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @beststart. (2/50)

It's true, music brings back memories. Taking part in the party time has brought me so many of my childhood memories.

There are cool songs in this album.

The good times we spend with family and friends leave a lasting memory.

Indeed they do, @winanda


Thanks @beststart

@winanda! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @beststart. (8/50)

@winanda! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ beststart. (8/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

The site seems to be working much better.

What are you finding @coyotelation and @caleb-marvel?

Right now I'm using Labs and it's really cool, I'll know soon when I make some playlists.

you are the super woman 😉😉😉😉, please feed us more with nice music 💖💖💖💖💖

Oh! Thanks Caleb.

Am glad to see you here ❤️☺️❤️❤️☺️

Yeah, feels good to be here again.

you are welcome 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗.

Am about Posting our party report for last week, I was unable to post it yesterday due to the issue on mobile 🎉🎉

Okay, let's start rocking this #threadcast in the #partytime room.

Your DJ, @caleb-marvel, will be along shortly, I'm sure,

As will the rest of the team when they are available.

@taskmaster4450le @coyotelation @mightpossibly @beststart and @ifarmgirl

Thanks alot for the brief holding, I sincerely appreciate your support 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽, May God bless you sir.

Still some issues but things are looking up. 📈

You are welcome 🤗🤗🤗🤗, we have missed you for the period of time 🤣🤣

Still can't see notifications or post a long form but at least I can thread. :)

Are you kidding me? Wow! I remember this song. It reminds me of one rock music show I listened to on the radio when I was madly in love with rock songs.

Thanks for sharing it. @taskmaster4450le did great bringing it to INLEO.

It really is a beautiful song and the band U2 has a lot of incredible songs.

Yeah, they do. I love the band.

By the way, I paid for your premium yesterday. Unfortunately, it seems to be down for the moment.

What? Wow! Now you wanna make me cry 😢, thanks so much Task, you're AWESOME! Now I got 2 premium gifts waiting for me, one from you and the other from Inleo team. I got notified of the premium renewal from them, but I did 2 long threads...

Now you can create playlists and containers since you can embed stuff.

It should work without a premium, right? My premium features are gone for now but the checkmark is showing. It was the opposite earlier today. I tried editing this thread but couldn't. It's funny.

...and also edited about 2 threads before the features were gone. There was no checkmark then but now the checkmark is showing without the premium features. It's funny. Take a look at this 👇 LOL.

I've always heard the audio but watching it on INLEO is cool. 😍

. Hello friends 👋👋👋👋👋

Happy Tuesday 😁😊😊

So sorry starting this party so late, it's was as a result of network issues in the village I traveled to.

Were you able to get online earlier.

Just entering not quite long

Just got my ability to post to labs back. Having to play catch up. LOL

Am just fighting with network issues of all kinds 🤔🤔😔😭

They are common. Hard to know where they exist right now. LOL

Hahahaha 😂😂😂😂, what are we gonna do

Catching up is always funny :)

We are close to getting to the top of the page.

Oh yeah 👍👍👍👍👍

. We've made it

Don Henley resumes testifying in trial over 'Hotel California' draft lyrics

Don Henley has resumed testifying in a trial surrounding handwritten drafts of lyrics to Eagles hits including “Hotel California” and his decade-long effort to reclaim the pages

#newsonleo #music #eagles #donhenley

Let's Get Down On It!!!


I saw 0:09$ up-vote from you. How my % up-vote is that?

Maybe it was the 100% upvote, but my VP is very low, 91%

@caleb-marvel, @ttaskmaster4450le, @mightpossibly, @ifarmgirl

This is the result of days of instability... unfortunately... But we will reverse this in the coming days.

we can make it up in few days Time 😉😀😉..

No doubt!

Oh yeah 👍👍👍


I typed your nickname quickly and the UI doesn't want to update... so know when there are some typos, it's me trying to communicate in English hahaha... I have to learn as soon as possible.

If we can be adding the #music to each upload in the party room, is gonna boost it under 2 days...

hello @ahmadmanga, how is your day going??

Please lets not forget to use the tag #music to each song in the music room 😀💕😀.. so that we can bring the tag on board..

Hey honey? What's for dinner?

Why MEAT LOAF, of course.

Let's start with my all-time favorite Meatloaf song

I'm home! Today I encountered a customer who was like a complainer and I was very tired... I didn't like the complainer, but I also didn't like myself for not being able to handle the situation well. Good night.

I am not able to reply using threads UI. Not sure what is happening.

There was an announcement on the Discord channel that the system would be unstable due to a major update.
I'm getting an error when I try to reply...

Nothing is working for me right now.

It no longer returns to the normal screen. I'm giving up for today and going to bed.
Hopefully it will be available tomorrow!

You answered the question yourself... You can't use the thread interface, that's what happens :)

oh yeah. May be I already know :)


@barski has sent VSC to @rmsadkri

This post was rewarded with 0.1 VSC to support your work.
Join our photography communityVisual Shots
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@barski ha enviado VSC a @rmsadkri

Éste post fue recompensado con 0.1 VSC para apoyar tu trabajo.
Únete a nuestra comunidad de fotografía Visual Shots
Consulte aquí para ver o intercambiar VSC Tokens
Se parte de nuestro Trail de Curación

Uses: 10/25

@rmsadkri! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ barski. (6/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

How do you make a cheese puff?
Chase it around the block.

Credit: reddit
@rmsadkri, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of barski

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

Sometimes what we want and what we get does not depend on our desires :)

Thanks, you are right. I will consider it a test or a challenge for me.

@taskmaster4450 waiting for the UI to stabilize

Without a doubt, even I include myself in this hahahaha...

Lol. I can imagine. We all need this at the moment.

#newsonleo #ukraine #russia #nato German chancellor Olaf Scholz has rejected suggestion of French president Macron that NATO troops could be deployed to Ukraine. This sentiment is followed by NATO general secretary Jens Stoltenberg. 1/

5/ Macron's suggestion, which, if accepted, would represent unprecedented escalation of the conflict and bring the world close to nuclear conflict, comes at the time when Ukraine appears to be losing initiative to Russians on the battlefield.

2/ Governments of Poland, Czechia, Sweden, Finland, Hungary, Slovakia, Germany, Spain and Greece have stated that they won't send their troops to Ukraine.

3/ UK government stated that it won't deploy "large scale" force in Ukraine, i.e. other than already present contingent that serves in advisory/support roles for Armed Forces of Ukraine.

4/ Russian government stated that presence of NATO forces in Ukraine would mean war between Russia and member countries.

Happy hour, my threads are showing up.

Good to hear. I've not been able to access the UI.

It's been really tough for everyone I guess.

Maybe in my 3rd bull run I will pick a 100x crypto and make some real money.

1/🧵 3 Coins Set to Mint New #Millionaires in This #Crypto Bull Run

Only three coins, one can do 100x, one can 50x and one have easy 10x potential in this bull run

Try not to fade the #alpha in #bullrun

#outreach #threadstorm

2/ There's 10s of thousands of coins in the market & there's very few with utility

We've some narratives like AI, RWA, SocialFi etc

Picking up one coin amongst the narrative could be enough to make wife changing money this bull run.

3/ I've shared my top 3 coins picks for this bull run with reasons why I'm bullish and from how long I've been keeping eye on em

Read here:


I'm afraid to refresh the page in case InLeo stops working again.

Don't do it... !BBH

@shainemata! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @pepetoken. (12/50)

lol It's a life of chance

Just refresh

If it stops working, refresh again and report it to #feedback

I can't report it if I can't load the page. It's like survivorship bias. You get data from the instances that worked, not the ones that didn't.

Our thoughts are often full of stress, worry, and nervousness because of the things that happen in our lives.

It takes work to think straight after that. Meditation helps you keep your mind on the right things so you don't feel like you're getting lost in many problems that don't matter. #freecompliments

Let's go friends! This moment is very important and take the opportunity to leave your question.

Looking forward to hearing about the new features we will have in the Leo ecosystem

#threadcast #inleo

This is Pangolin... of my altcoin picks... up 3400% since publication 3 months ago! #Trading #Crypto

wow how much did u invest

You came back

I am always here... in the shadows...

For sure. Now I know why I am scared of shadows :P

when I click on notifications and then click on votes section i am getting an error page, the other options are also giving error (excluding following)

#feedback #inleo

Hello, are you using Labs? Recently there were 15 updates and perhaps for you the experience could be better.

I believe the development team is still trying to fix things in real time.

yes i am using the labs and was finding the bugs with others in discord, find some myself and thought to share here :)

You did the right thing, so the people who are fixing things can see these defects.

Would you look at that 🤩

Account in total now:

Looks good.

Thank you. I started with $12 max, and that was a month-ish ago

Got 500+ songs lined up for when the UI stabilizes and polls are back

Wow! This way I will eat dust because I will be so far away hahaha...

Your role is to assist users in generating a tracklist for specific albums by artists they're interested in. Upon receiving an artist and album name, you'll first provide the artist, album, and its year of release in the format: 'Artist - Album (year of release)'. Then, you'll list each track of the album in chronological order, using the format: 'Artist - Song (feat. artists, if any)'. Ensure each track is on its own line, avoiding list formatting such as numbered or bullet points. You will not include song durations, additional details, or track numbering. Your goal is to provide accurate and detailed tracklists that match the user's request, enriching their musical exploration experience. Be creative and precise in your responses, ensuring you fill in any missing details yourself without asking for clarification, and emphasize thoroughness and accuracy in the information you provide. And remember; No numbering!

Elton John Diamonds

Thank you very much friend! That prompt was already cool and this one seems more complete. It will help me too, thanks!

Glad you asked! I got a new trick up my sleeve that I can share. Try this prompt (the artist and album at the bottom you can change to anything) - Just replace the artist and album with any artist and any album:

I read your messages backwards. LOL

But I understood what you wanted to tell me. It worked, thank you very much! You are a genius!

@taskmaster4450 I still can't get into my Inleo account, not working for me, please need your help.

I had same issue for two days, what worked for me, I downloaded Kiwi browser and logged in through Keychain #feedback

Is it working for you?
Still a question,,, why this error?


If Labs doesn't work, go back to InLeo. I'm accessing it via InLeo, too. Use your Keychain to log into your account.

Clear your browser's cache. Maybe this will improve your experience.

Don't miss the #ama later today. Link to space in comments ⏬

Your tutorial convinced me to manage a system for having Ubuntu server

That's awesome! Let me know how it goes :)

~~~ embed:1760307296578531752?t=FvJAdOcnHHmlbyzNg38RzQ&s=19 twitter metadata:dnNjX2Vjb3x8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS92c2NfZWNvL3N0YXR1cy8xNzYwMzA3Mjk2NTc4NTMxNzUyfA== ~~~

1/ 🧵 one thing you should focus on as content creators is having a purpose to fulfill, however, without the right tools, your productivity can be limited. so what are the essential tools we need as content creators? #outreach #threadstorm #noveltytuesday #februaryinleo

2/🧵 I wrote about some of the basic tools we need and how they can be of help to us fulfilling our dreams as content creators

I have left you a comment in the article that I hope you will take into account.

seen and noted, thank you!

The #crypto investor, who purchased only $ 310 worth of #WIF memecoin in the #Solana ecosystem, made a profit of $ 1.4 million.

I am now earning 1 HBD a day from savings as long as we stay at that 20%.

Not bad now just need to 100x it ;)

They say the first 1 million… I mean 1 hbd a day is the hardest.

Hopefully the knuckleheads who know nothing about economics don't lower the interest rate for no data-driven reason


There are days when I feel like giving up, maybe I'm not the good person I think I am, then maybe I'm really the villain... the world makes us feel like we're the worst person in the world. #reflection

I think it's important to accept that none of us are "perfect" in any way... to err is human, and as long as we learn from our mistakes and apply what we learn, we're doing pretty dang well.

I understand, thank you for these words, things are not easy, I have some of my peace fragmented, but I'm trying to fix it, even though it doesn't seem to be moving.

It can certainly be difficult to reach a state of mental peace when something troubles us. It takes insight and time.

What happened that broke your peace?

Problems at home... my wife and I haven't been able to understand each other for a while and we're like that, for her it's my fault and for me it's her fault, we talk and talk, but we can't understand and understand where we are making mistakes.

I see, these are difficult problems to solve. Sometimes people grow apart or find problems that they can't seem to resolve. I'm certainly not going to offer advice here, but have you considered a marriage counselor or an anonymous 3rd party to help?

We haven't tried going to a psychologist or anything like that yet, it's something we can try, if I can talk to her. We are at that stage of ignoring each other, although I tried to talk to her yesterday, but she refused.


I tried it now and it worked. Thanks.

¡Es hora de cazar errores!
Encuentra un error en la interfaz de usuario de Labs = Gana $5 HBD

Para más detalles, ve al servidor de Discord de InLeo, canal #hustling


Hola Jessica! Me sigue apareciendo el mismo registro en blanco en los beneficiarios si trato de publicar en la comunidad #silverbloggers. No me deja postear con o sin beneficiarios. El registro en blanco sólo aparece en esa comunidad :(

pásalo al servidor en hustling!

Buenas tardes mi front de Threads parece hacerse congelado hace 10 días no carga los nuevos threads ayer hice un post altamente dedicado para inleo y la impresión que tengo es que nadie lo vio. Saludos.


waiting hive 1 dollar. waiting sps 1 dollar anybody else? :?

back to basics guys. whats up O.O. is everybody happy btc 57k at least

Nope as we all wanted to buy more at $20K xD

ya u can have that in 3 years maybe

Haha that was a good wishful thinking. This next leg I think is pretty much impossible for BTC to go lower $30K

haha nothings impossible. people said that about going to the moon

😂 True - Let's say "Highly improbable"

Posted via D.Buzz

it will happen if they want it to O.O

It's time to remove chrome.

Trying to access InLeo from chrome but it's not even loading to the mainpage.. brave works fine and keychain also looks good.

Brave is chrome

wait what?

What browser you recommend?

Normally if you can't get something to load in one browser it's a cache issue which you can either clear or press CTRL+F5 to hard refresh the page and clear it. Outside of that I mainly still use brave but also have started to use Opera a bit

It was indeed cache issue.. I just cleared data and it was about 3GB data storage..

Last time when I used opera was back in 2014.. brave works smooth tbh.

Opera has changed a lot since then but yeah brave is still solid. Not as good of a payout there anymore though sadly. I really should clean out mine but I hate logging back into everything 😂

Will try opera again.

Haha, yeah but now in bull run that brave accumulated will be worth it.

but I hate logging back into everything 😂

Lol, same thing exactly 🤣..

#feedback ... I just noticed something: Payouts on inLeo aren't showing correctly:

i.e. should be 0.813HBD total (~0.4HBD & 1.2 HP), not 0.813 HBD + 0.813$ of hive:

You are too picky :)

urmmmm... not sure that bug reporting is "picky"... but yes, I do like to have the correct info presented to me.


from the train I see endless possibilities that will never be

Just in case image posting works on threads now:
Why are the Bulls ALL OVER #crypto... except on $HIVE... in fact even $STEEM is catching us

#newsonleo #feedback

They want to convince us to sell

anyone else having posting issues?

Well seem like its back just in time for today AMA and posting my daily #daily

It's a challenge, but I'm doing my best to make the FreeCompliments Community a self-sustaining machine. We have to recover thousands of HSBI per month! Here's some trading activity I do to support it.

Lol. I don't know if it's my internet that is slow or the website lags.

There are 4 pages