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Go and welcome the #cent community by throwing an upvote and comment on this thread:

I'll be engaging and curating in the #cent hashtag on Threads every day going forward 🦁

#cent community? I think I am hearing the name of the community for the first time. 🤔

wow, will definitely join #cent community soon... Thanks for the update...

Dis great to hear! It makes "cents" :-) !BBH

Done. I remember cent

joined the #cent community, will make my next post in this community...

This is our aim, actually, to introduce both communities to each other!

We will be supporting you on CENT for sure ✌️

A new collaboration between communities! This is what moves, interaction, engagement and events! #cent

Which communities ?

CENT community by Anadolu

Your support matters sir!

That's for sure! The #cent tag is on the rise!

do i write about Vultisig or do i do a Portal Brawlers gameplay video next... hmmm

portal brawlers

i'm thinking you're right

How is portal brawlers? I don"t have much time to play. Is it fun?

very fun! i was hooked pretty quick just on the demo

oh tough choice.
You know which way I lean.

could never guess lol

The new blog post form on timeline looks pretty cool 😎

Do you have any feedback on that?

#cent #inleo

What's the deal with #cent? How about one thousand cents instead?

I'm with one eye on it.

mate if you can share 1000 cent to me then I shall provide you calculation 😂.

That's a lot sir 🤣

Yep, gone. Quite a lot of work down the drain as well as odd looking Threads if they don't return.

Without a doubt. It needs to be addressed. Hopefully we will be getting word about it.

@khaleelkazi any idea about this (embedded YT not showing up)?

right, all the travelonleo stuff too of course, and a ton of other stuff. It gotta be a bug, right? 🤞

Thread Effect

Going to 3k next.

Type faster. It all adds up.

That's exactly what I'm doing.

Keep going. You will hit 3k in no time!

I agree with you. Let's see how long it'll take to get there.

Keep threading everyday and you will make it :)

Thanks. I will try my best.

I believe in you

Thank you #inleo at least i got the premium back 😁. I've got 5 days, let me top this leaderboard and see what I can get. Next month is God mode.

It's a great opportunity and I'm sure you can achieve great things.

Hello World

Welcome. Glad to see you join the party.

Hello and welcome :)

Thank you!! Excited to see what inleo is all about

Leo Team Buidls the Guns, Leo community brings the AMMO!

This is actually a great line from khal. #freecompliments #inleo

It is a great quote. We need to keep promoting that one.

So, it looks like #cent is back to the game? 🤔

#hive #inleo

Aparentemente sim! Vamos ver como será daqui para frente! #cent #inleo #hivebr

Vou começar a reutilizar a tag #cent nos meus posts e ver como as coisas irão se movimentar.

Isso ai, agora fiquei curioso para ver como será, além dos posts longs nas threads também. #cent

hehe estamos sempre buscando isso, mas fica xio :D

As someone who is new here, what do you recommend in terms of first places to find cool content?

Articles, trending tags or somewhere else?

I would suggest diving into threads and making yourself known there. The best way to get attention is to be everywhere.

As for the blog posts, it is best to come from a place of passions and interest. What moves you? That will always be a better article than something written to simply please others.

That sounds like a smart approach. I will focus on being active here on Threads for sure

I am a big long-form gal.. I came here because I learned about LEO through the Maya protocol listing. I am mostly interested in cross-chain trading

It depends on one's interest :) I usually come to threads when I don't have enough time to read long-form content.

Interesting approach - I'll poke around!

Hi Stella, nice to "Hive you" here! 🙃

Yes, the tags as a whole - depending on what you're interested in, of course - are a good way to dive into the INLEO / Threads rab-bit hole.

By the way, I'll try to follow closely your publications, in case they'd partly be dedicated to THORChain & Maya Protocol, as I intend to focus on those projects the 3rd part of my discovery articles about Impermanent Loss Protection.

Un café ☕ en la mañana 🥰 y más tarde también 🥳🥳

You look so nice 😍

El cafe es vida.

Totalmente 🤩🤩🤩 cada día un café

Some words of wisdom from today's Lion's Den threadcast

Imagine Hodling through all of this…


We could say the same for a 10 year #bitcoin chart.


Imagine you bought and sold always in the perfect moments. :D

Looks like a average chart from $RUNE imo 🤣

**Work Work Work **

Posting live from #work. 4h more...
#inleo #freecompliments

Work is key to success

At least I get money to live, eat and buy crypto.

opa, InLeotá de pé

Até quando? É o que todos nós nos perguntamos.

só Deus sabe

Oremos. 🙏

Lion's Den by 6pm Nigerian time, my Fellow Nigerians, let's join on with boss @taskmaster4450le

30 minutes.

Less than that self. As at the time of publish of this, 26 remaining.

LOL well time keeps on ticking.

Yea, I would be there. I got the prompt from your X handle because am one of your followers.

Yes that helps a bit. A good feature.

All nigerians onboard taskmaster train!

There was also a change in formatting so now I have many re-threads which don't appear to have a space between text and the link. Just putting it on a new line doesn't count as a space seemingly, so they'll all have to be edited

I called this one "Jurassic Park" I don't know why, but that's the vibes I got when I create this image! #photography #london

I play a little bit of Chainers. It looks like we can now do animal husbandry as well as farming. #game

⚡️Spain requests to join South Africa in legal case claiming Israel 'genocide' in Gaza:

#Newsonleo #War #Spain

1/✍️ Spain is the first European country to rally behind South Africa’s case against Israel

2/✍️ Spain has asked a United Nations court for permission to join South Africa’s case accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza. South Africa filed its case with the International Court of Justice late last year.

3/✍️ It alleged that Israel was breaching the genocide convention in its military campaign which has flattened large parts of Gaza. Spain is the first European country to formally request to join the legal action.

Sean Connery talks about Roger Moore & Daniel Craig as James Bond

#seanconnery #jamesbond #actors #hollywood #moviesonleo #polls

Who did you like better as Bond?

Connery, of course... he is one of the immortal mountaineers and hunters of the African wilderness :)

When it comes to Bond, he was James Bond.

All the others just fade into the background... even in other films he remains Bond :)

@barski has sent VSC to @taskmaster4450le

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@barski ha enviado VSC a @taskmaster4450le

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Uses: 4/25

Brosnan and Craig are the 007s I grew up watching

I think Craig is my top 007.. obviously I’m a sucker for modern tech & filming

You young uns.

Retro stuff is much better just look at the Golden Age of Porn.

Among the options I would choose Moore but my top favorite would always be Pierce Brosnon.

memeboy in a parallel world!


You must be killin' it out here!
@mango-juice just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @pepetoken.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

(W)hole some! 😅

ooft - HIVE price just fell off a cliff - hang on tight everyone !
#crypto #markets #hive

buying some here

I'm tempted, I sold some when it was over $71k yesterday with the plan of buying back in after a short dip. Was wondering if it might go a little lower first - buying in at $65k would be great

It seems everything did. I looked at $BTC and was shocked.

#cent is trending on InLEO Threads.

Do you know what the reason is?

"🪙 🤝 🦁"

Incredible, how do they get together?

We established a partnership.

Check out @anadolu 's post below 👇

Ok, thanks, I'll check it out.

La comunidad #cent ya llegó al top 10 de las etiquetas, podrán #hiverun, #lovinghive y #humanitas llegar allí también?

#spanish debería dominar a todos 😜

🏃‍♂️ Vamos con todo 🏃

Brazilians too, haha!

1/3 Poetry is one of the most ambiguous style of writing because it is a genre of literature that allows the author to take on any form of writing he or she chooses all in the bid of encompassing emotions in words.
#outreach #threadstorm #poetry #humanitas

2/3 Poems generally have strong emotions attached to them and endears people to have deep thoughts on their actions or put them in their feelings.

#newsonleo #denmark #politics #crime Mette Fredriksen, prime minister of Denmark, has been physically assaulted by a person on the street. According to first repoirt, assailant was arrested. 1/

2/ Fredriksen, a second female to head Danish government, is the leader of Socialdemocrat Party from 2015. She led the party to election victory in 2019.

3/ Attack on Fredriksen comes few weeks after attempted assassination of Robert Fico, prime minister of Slovakia. Although two events are not likely to be connected, many would see them as manifestation of new and violent trend in European politics.

Being offline for the whole day feels terrible 😩😩

Well I can see you corrected it.

The Dexter Prequel

Your hero ?


What is the main reason you use #crypto ?

hard to choose between option c and d

Quite difficult alternatives to choose, but I believe I made my right choice.

definitely go for A and

Although #cent token is trending on Inleo, still I didn't know about it.


What's the platform where you have the biggest following?

Inleo lol

nothing to laugh about. It is good to grow in here :D

this one

Nice. It is always great to have a good following here. Mine is not the worst! But 95 are "dead" LOL probably 5% are actually dead dead LOL

lol i'm sure mine are similar

I am super sad. Because I actually have seen here some fantastic content creators. Original, from many different areas. And the lack of love they got, unfortunately made them drift away and tey in other places. So sad to see them gone. :( and there are at least a handful that now I see them thriving and pulling huge numbers in other platforms. Well... at least

Same as the rest in here it seems. I only have a following here.

Lets go. We love to see people building their community here in the chain :D

Hive by far

I had the idea you were pretty popular on X as well no?

I've got about 1200 there, but was never that big and hardly use it since Musk trashed it.

yeah. The majority of us are "invisible" there

Have you heard about the #cent community anytime? If it's your first time then you can pay a visit to the community.

Your support means a lot for us!

Thanks for your efforts ✌️

Let us pick the Ladies of Hive AUTHOR OF THE WEEK:
#weeklytops #topauthors #leofinance #ladiesofhive #globalsisterhood

Done 💖

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@amiegeoffrey, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.

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You are welcome

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@flourishandflora, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.

I'm blessed for this token

Let us pick the Ladies of Hive AUTHOR OF THE WEEK: #weeklytops #topauthors #leofinance #ladiesofhive apoyando a mi dama en la comunidad. Muchísimo éxito para todas. supporting my lady in the community. Much success to all.

Voted! ☑️

Went to a hockey game and this broke out.

Where is the dignity from our girls these days. However, would have love to see it unsensored


The morale of the story: we like boobs.

Maybe Canada isnt such bad place after all 🇨🇦

The tourism board as a new focus.

Nowhere is safe anymore sir 😢

No. These people think it is all about them.

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