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RE: Can we do it?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Agreed! To succeed, all games need more players. I have the feeling here that some of the top dogs want the game only for themselves. Which in terms will slowly destroy the game from inside. So probably a better pool rewards distribution would be much better stimulus to attract more players? When I had around 8,000 SIM staked I was getting something like 0.0015 HIVE as a staking reward. Probably this was nothing compared to the millions the top players have but in proportion to what I get daily from the game this is big. The ranking reward could also become more "linear" sort of speak, an not 0.25 HIVE for all player ranks 300 to 400. I'm just thinking aloud :)

I think the release of version 3 will raise the game and the SIM price as it will create some demand. Of course, if the trust is not lost already... Also agreed, the tax government changes in the last few weeks... absolute madness. Drawing player away too, in my humble opinion...

Thanks, @manoldonchev, have a great Sunday :)