Facebook’s Libra resurrects as Diem Dollar [eng/срп] Фејсбукова Либра васкрсава као Дием долар

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

Source / Извор: Illustration by William Joel / The Verge

The crown of the great globalist fraud (called “The Great Reset”) will certainly be the introduction of a new financial system of centralized digital currencies, counterfeit money that allows complete control of values and people. Of course, that job is reserved for big tech corporations…

Using the changes in the legal regulations in the USA, Facebook and the Libra Association have again announced the introduction of a centralized digital stablecoin, which will be called – Diem (‘day’ in Latin) instead of the previous name Libra. The new currency should be launched in January 2021 at the earliest, and should be valued at the dollar – one Diem = one dollar.

“The Diem project will provide a simple platform for fintech innovation to thrive and enable consumers and businesses to conduct instantaneous, low-cost, highly secure transactions… We are committed to doing so in a way that promotes financial inclusion – expanding access to those who need it most, and simultaneously protecting the integrity of the financial system by deterring and detecting illicit conduct.”
– Stuart Levey, CEO of Diem Association

Every scam starts with a silky tongue. This ‘stability’ and ‘security’ actually means that it is a complete fraud aimed that you no longer have any possibility to get out of control within a centralized system and to freely dispose of the value that is generously assigned to you by the corporations and their state.

Круна глобалистичке преваре (познате и као ‘велико ресетовање’) свакако ће бити увођење новог финансијског система централизованих дигиталних валута, лажног новца који омогућава потпуну контролу вредности и људи. Наравно, тај посао је резервисан за технолошке корпорације…

Користећи измене правне регулативе у САД, Фејсбук и Удружење Либра поново су најавили увођење централизованог дигиталног стабилкоина, који ће се уместо ранијег назива Либра, овог пута звати – Дием (‘дан’ на латинском). Нова валута требало би да буде најраније лансирана у јануару 2021. и требало би да буде вредношћу везана за долар – један Дием = један долар (енг.)

„Пројект Дием пружиће једноставну платформу за технолошке финансијске иновације како би напредовала и омогућила потрошачима и предузећима да обављају тренутне, јефтине, безбедне трансакције… Предани смо да то чинимо на начин који промовише финансијску инклузију – проширујући приступ онима којима је он најпотребнији и истовремено штитећи интегритет финансијског система одвраћајући и откривајући незаконито понашање.“
— Стуарт Левеи, извршни директор Удружења Дием

Свака превара почиње свиленим језиком. Ова ‘стабилност’ и ‘безбедност’ заправо значе да је у питању потпуна превара срачуната да више немате никакву могућност да се у оквиру централизованог система отргнете контроли и да слободно располажете вредношћу коју вам великодушно додељују корпорације и њихова држава.

Duration / Трајање: 1:53 (енг.)

Rebranding Scam

This renamed fraud aims to introduce you to the world under the pretext of abolishing national paper currencies without cover (which were frauds) in which there will be nothing but one, controlled centralized digital currency.

Превара преименовањем

Овако преименована превара има за циљ да вас, под изговором укидања националних папирних валута без покрића (које јесу биле превара) уведе у свет у коме више неће бити ничег осим једне, контролисане централизоване дигиталне валуте.

Start at / Почетак на: 8:43 (енг.)

The reaction of states that want to preserve sovereignty? They, completely wrong, think they can do it by introducing their own fraudulent centralized currencies. This will, quite naturally, lead to hacker wars, attacks on centralized currencies in order to subdue the attacked countries. From that war, an even more monstrous system of control will grow than the one we are exposed to under the pretext of ‘health protection’.

On the other hand, the implementers of these decisions, such as the President of the Central Bank of Russia, Elvira Nabiullina, are aware that the banks are closing to an end:

“This is a natural move in the financial system development: financial intermediaries should become less burdensome for the economy and earn money with new products and services instead of profiting from its monopoly and lack of alternatives […] We believe that small and medium-sized businesses should definitely benefit from this.”

Реакција држава које желе да очувају сувереност? Потпуно погрешно, оне сматрају да то могу учинити увођењем сопствених преварантских централизованих валута (енг.) Ово ће, сасвим природно, довести до хакерских ратова, напада на централизоване валуте у циљу потчињавања нападнутих земаља. Из тог рата израшће још монструознији систем контроле од овог коме смо изложени под изговором ‘заштите здравља’.

С друге стране, спроводиоци ових одлука, као што је на пример председница Централне банке Русије, Елвира Набиулина, свесни су да се банкама ближи крај:

„Ово је природан потез у развоју финансијског система: финансијски посредници требало би да мање оптерећују економију и новац зарађују кроз иновације и услуге, уместо да профитирају од свог монопола и недостатка алтернатива […] Верујемо да би мала и средња предузећа имала од овога користи.“

Whoever made Bitcoin blockchain, had a great insight into the upcoming events. The only way to preserve your own value is to learn how to keep your keys and preserve your value in bitcoin before globalist corporations take full control. That way, you will realize that by using decentralized cryptocurrencies, you no longer need that demonic, centralized world, its fraudulent currencies, fake media, health ID passports, and false salvation through deprivation of liberty.

Bitcoin is an exit from a burning house. Do not refuse to see it.

Когод да је правио Биткон блокчеин, имао је одличан увид у предстојеће догађаје. Једини начин да очувате сопствену вредност јесте да научите како се чувају кључеви и сачувате своју вредност у биткоину пре него што глобалистичке корпорације потпуно преузму контролу. Тако ћете схватити да вам коришћењем децентрализованих криптовалута више уопште не треба тај демонски, централизовани свет, његове преварантске валуте, лажљиви медији, здравствени пасоши и лажно спасење преко одузимања слободе.

Биткоин је излаз из куће у пламену. Немојте жмурити пред том чињеницом.

December 7th, 2020. 21:00 CET
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Dear @lighteye

Seize the Day

I love your passion, your truth, your insight and I hope it is not to late for the people to see this truth also.



Curious about your insights on this post

I like this post but it is a bit overdramatic, catering to the religiously zealous conspiracy theory that everything is controlled by a single entity (Satan) and it's our job to fight the Great Satan or die trying during the final apocalyptic battle so that God will judge us favorably in the afterlife.

... in which there will be nothing but one, controlled centralized digital currency.

The idea that a single currency is going to rule the world (in this case Facebook's Diem?) is absurd during this earthquake of decentralization and disruption.

The original post just assumes that the entire world elite is on board with Facebook taking over the entire financial network. Nothing could be further from the truth. If anything, the emergence of Diem is proof that the central banking system can no longer crush innovation as it has been doing for the last hundred years to consolidate power in a centralized manner. It's not going to be one currency to rule them all, and that will become obvious due to the fact that more and more currencies are going to continue to pop up; not less.

Facebook will have a currency. Remember who partnered with the Libra association when it first announced intent? Or more importantly, who didn't partner with Facebook? Google, Amazon, Microsoft, etc etc etc. I have a picture here somewhere.


It's very obvious that EVERY tech company will have its own currency. The only companies who sided with Libra are non-tech companies for very good reason. The companies that allied with Facebook don't have the resources to do what Facebook is doing. Again, the other tech companies will ALL have their own currencies. They don't need to partner with Facebook because they'll all be doing their own thing.

Again, this fear that one currency is going to pop up and control the entire world is just ridiculous during a time like this. If crypto didn't exist I'd be very worried, but more and more evidence is going to point to the fact that this industry is being disrupted with massive competition, not completely cornered by a single entity. The Earthquake of Bitcoin is allowing this all to happen.

Libra Diem is going to be an amazing addition to the cryptocurrency space. It's going to take all the heat off of actual decentralized currencies and all the regulators are going to focus fire on Facebook and the other tech companies that start issuing currencies. This is a positive development even though I would never recommend using these technologies they can only add value & legitimacy to the entire cryptosphere.

I can’t explain in every post everything I have written before, and therefore I can’t prevent people to have their interpretations of my texts. I would like to make a few clear points using your comment, @edicted.

I like this post but it is a bit overdramatic, catering to the religiously zealous conspiracy theory that everything is controlled by a single entity (Satan)

I do understand that you have read many posts with such theories, but I really don’t understand how do you see it here. You see, I neither believe, nor write in such religious terms. Perhaps this seems so due to the fact that current events often have a perfectly clear parallel with the stories of Holy Bible.

There is an undeniable aspiration to impose a single currency to the whole world, that cannot be overlooked. That aspiration culminated with the dollar and the current Bretton Woods financial system, which allowed United States to sanction all the corporations and the states inside the SWIFT/Dollar system. It is a fact.

Again, this fear that one currency is going to pop up and control the entire world is just ridiculous during a time like this.

And again, as it has happened with the dollar, there is a clear aspiration to make a controlled digital currency which would allow the same ‘functionality’ with a few more technological ‘goodies’ like controlling individual accounts and preventing citizens of ‘rogue’ states of using it. We remember Zuckerberg’s statement that libra will not allow Iran any transactions. And even in the ‘democracies’ it will be possible to demonetize anyone, just like it is now possible to block or censor anyone’s account.

Furthermore, with the centralized currency in place, it will not be possible to buy a decentralized cryptocurrency without connecting personal data with a decentralized cryptocurrency address. We are talking about an attempt of a control at the completely new level. It would be a crime not to draw attention to such possibilities

Now, I don’t believe this control plan will succeed, and that is why I write the text about the difference between centralized digital currencies and decentralized cryptocurrencies. I am trying to make it clear that adopting Facebook centralized cryptocurrency will not bring any good to those who accept the lie. I do not doubt that of around 3 billion FB users at least 95% will rush to get ‘Diem’, and that awakening will only go on a personal level with those who will be directly affected by the restrictions. They must know alternatives when it happens. That is why I always finish texts with Bitcoin as the ultimate decentralized alternative, which renders the centralized system obsolete.

Thank you very much for your feedback and your support @edicted.

Thank you very much, @shortsegments, glad you like the text.

Curious about your insights on this post

Which post? Can you point?

Sorry I meant that for others I wanted to read your post.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 34 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

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