LEO, HIVE, KOIN // The Frustation is real

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

Ive been so frustrated for the last couple weeks with some of my HIVE related excursions. Yes i consider KOIN to be HIVE related.

I underestimated the huge amount of trust Hivers have in @khaleekazi and the LeoFinance team.

I did take some advantage of the whole mess that happened with the hack through arbitrage but what i really wanted to do is finally invest a bit into LEO. I pulled some of my HIVE from Binance but could not pull the trigger since i hoped for HIVE to recover a bit. The more i waited, the more the price ran away from me.
HIVE is doing so horribly atm that i just cant dump it. My eyes are glued to the chart waiting for a good entry.


I overestimated the amount of trust investors have in HIVE.

Lets be honest here. HIVE is in the crapper with nothing but more brown in its future. I consider myself a practical person so its not hard for me to say that any change to HIVE that isnt pointed in the direction of improving its Market Cap, improving investor appeal and creating hype is a

colossal waste of everyone's time.

Little tweaks no one hears about and no one outside a handful of HIVE devs care about dont do much good when you have 0 marketing focus and external presence. Most of the witnesses, large stakeholders and those that take most from the reward pool dont have any significant twitter presence, many first made a twitter account just after the takeover. And wer talking about marketing when not even the most basic of requirements isnt fulfilled. lol.
I guess most of those that can write a few lines of code think alike:


I HATE mining... or whatever you want to call this.

A few months back i decided to go in with KOIN. It has a solid team of developers that have a clear idea of what they want to do. And thats what i like. What they will deliver, will it gain traction, i dont know. What ive seen so far is people spending on mining, people talking about upgrading their rigs over this, hell even i bought a new PC to mine a bit.

But... Mining has proven a waste of time. It slows the PC so i run it mostly at night, but even then i havent hit a proof in almost a week of mining at 1 frequency. Statisticall i should be hitting 1 every 24 hours over a longer period of time. I have yet to be convinced of that.
Its so supremely annoying waking up and your balance not changing. Right now im just focusing at buying as close to 1 cent as i can once the miners dump.

For anyone using uniswap:


I share your frustration and agree with your statements...btw, I quit mining after the second week when I did not get any KOIN but only error messages. Maybe KOIN does something great in the future but, you know, those devs are the same who run steem in the past...and we all know the history about lack of marketing and business plan so...

Khal cucked you. Don't worry. Leo is still cheap. I wont dump on you, I promise.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Do not get lost man, you know we are all the same thinking that everything will be fine I change btc from 7k to 0.16 hive and look today I could have tripled my holding but that's the way the market goes up low just have to wait, that mining jaaaaa or crazy entered To spend what I don't have on gas to lose or mothers I'd better buy wkoin in he and that's it, I already have about 40 and with that is enough to speculate, maybe one of these will go to hell but it is not such a big loss.
My advice get out breathe after looking at graphics every 5 minutes you are going to get frustrated, no sir, it's time to go out into the real world and around the corner you will see that you have not missed anything.
hive on.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Im just venting for some fun. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Price development for Ethereum, Hive and other alts is currently very painful, but agree that we need way better marketing and investor relations/features that attract investors.

Stakeholders need to pull the trigger on spending proposal funding for promotion. Either pay a team of pros or pay someone to run it from the community with credentials. Second option would end badly.
And thats really not the only thing you need

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We have an idea for a proposal along the lines of marketing externally and onboarding thousands of accounts through leofinance.io and our LeoInfra integrations (currently Metamask and Twitter signups will be integrated in ~2 weeks).

It will be our first proposal and before we launch, we need to ensure that:

  1. LeoInfra/LeoFinance have a seamless onboarding experience for a wide array of users (Metamask and Twitter account holders)
  2. We have a track record of successful user signups with our current marketing (based around Twitter/YouTube/Medium/Facebook and a few other strategies)
  3. We can pack a tangible punch for the # of daily active users on Hive (since every user on LeoFinance is thus a user of Hive and potential investor/user of the broader ecosystem as we deepen their knowledge of the chain on leofinance.io)
  4. We can track these signups and report them regularly to the Hive community. Ensuring that our proposal is actually worth funding

Hope this helps your despair about the HIVE price! We can't help a falling market price, but I do think LeoFinance has a real shot at actually bringing the crypto masses to our UI (and Hive).

Posted Using LeoFinance

Id say thats a good course of action. What id recommend is for you to wait a bit more before making the move.
The central kabal needs to sink a bit into despair and garner more ire from the community while you guys need to prove yourself a bit more. There was the Justine fuck up, then there was the Netouso fuck up, there will be more.

Its all a game of convincing 5-6 people that you can deliver. If you get them to sponsor you (i assume you can guess who they are) youll get it funded. If you go on your own without playing politics youre making a big bet on the community being so loud and creating so much pressure that they buckle.

I would not make that bet, yet.
Right now, everyones still repeating the "decentralization" mantra, a few months from now the community will look for people to blame.
Thats when you swoop in.

 4 years ago  Reveal Comment

Youre pretty much wrong on everything you said here. And marketing isnt hype.

Everything i have been proposing this year can be willed into existence by less than 5 individuals. Factors to consider when determining who they are, are as follows:
Stake, name recognition, influence, track record, community trust.

Use that and go have some fun with it, make a list with a weighted rating up to 100. There will be some subjective bias there but most lists would look very similar.

Them, they? Hardly. lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta