
The potential does exist here. There are many avenues to pursue. Splinterlands had a huge impact on many people's lives already. There are a few other projects that are certainly looking good, albeit in earlier stages.

I have a feeling we are going to see the options only continuing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Indeed hehe

Splinterlands has done a great job and people are doing fine playing game. It is funny but it is sufficient

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

 2 years ago (edited) 

That is true, I still know fellow countrymen that started mid november and still rely on splinterlands for half of their daily needs. Splinterlands and Rising Star have been game changers in this quest of reaching financial freedom. 🙂

We have a lot of people out there that depends on splinterland. That game is a blessing truth me

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We have people on hive that fully dependent on it and they are doing fine. Enough opportunities for everyone here

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

 2 years ago (edited) 

Yes and it's gonna take heart and pure effort but will be very worth it. :)

Keep showin up everyday and be consistent, i'm sure you will experience a breakthrough.

But you have to put in the work every day and you have to treat it seriously in order to get to where you want to get to.

Best of luck my friend!

 2 years ago (edited) 

Yes, I know for a fact that effort and consistency always produce good outcomes in every aspect of our lives.
I just have to remind myself daily of my goals and all will be fine. :D
Thank you for your positivity and best of luck to you too my friend! :)

And if you are ever forced into a small break, know that your account will have just a little passive income to it to keep it growing.

Not as much as daily use of course, but growth is growth.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Haha true, a break couldn't hurt as I am already earning passive income as soon as I get upvoted hehe
You're right I think a day off from posting will do me some good.

We all have to remember that this is a marathon not a sprint.

But it can also be a cross country trip with lots of time to take in the scenery.

Do you have a post about your name origin? I kinda think I might want to know what Maggot Milk is all about.

Aren’t we all lol

Haha If I could have a "success story" I'd choose this xDD

Gladly Lool

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta