I won 10,000 Leo power Delegation from May LPUD Event!

in LeoFinance25 days ago (edited)


Hello readers,

I hope all of you are doing fine in your life and hustling in this wild crypto realm daily just like me. Being in this amazing world for almost 6 years now, I can say I have learned a lot and got so deep into it that I can not think of a day without interacting in this realm. In this long time frame, I have experienced both good days and bad days but some rare days have made me happy and today is one of such rare days, so I decided to write today’s post by expressing my feelings and what caused it. So if you are interested to know what happened that brought me so much joy, please continue reading to find out!

In my daily routine, the first task that I always do is to turn in my PC and check all the updates since the last night starting with my Hive notifications to find out how much my last post has earned or any important tags or notifications, followed by discord and then Splinterlands etc. Recently I have also started a new task of hunting airdrops and though I haven't earned any money yet, every morning I check the airdrops I have already entered and look for any new task is there. Then if I have free time I also check if there is any new potential airdrop launched recently and worth entering. However, today when I woke up and started checking all the notifications and updates, I was surprised to see one particular tag from the @leogrowth account, one of the official accounts of the Inleo platform and went to find out what it is for. Then I got even more surprised when I saw I had won a massive prize from Leogrowth for participating in the May LPUD event, a whooping 10k Leo Power delegation from team Inleo for participating in the LPUD event and powering up 150 Leo in my account. What an unexpected and amazing surprise from Inleo and no doubt acknowledging it just after waking up and starting a new day, it just made my day much better and happy!

What is Inleo?

For anyone who is not getting anything what I am saying here, let me give you guys a quick guide. Inleo is a social media platform built on top of the Hive blockchain and the platform can be accessed via the inleo.io website. It is a full fledged social media where both short and long form content is supported and anyone from anywhere can start interacting on this platform for free. It is a web3 based platform where not only do you get offered true decentralization and a censorship-free environment, but you also stand a chance to earn money in the form of cryptocurrency tokens for your valuable interactions and contributions on this platform. I am an old user of this platform and there are thousands of others from around the world who interact here on a daily basis and share their thoughts, experiences, ideas or just gossip on any random topic they like and get rewarded by other users via votes in their contents. Here, anyone can sign up easily and within minutes using their existing web2 IDs like an email or Twitter / X account and start using the platform thanks to their smooth onboarding process. You can easily share images, video links, use markdown styles to make your posts attractive, use polls, bullets and charts or even GIFs and not to mention the website is buttery smooth and will certainly give you the same feeling while using any web2 Social Media's lime Twitter etc.


$Leo is the token of this project and it is a Layer 2 token that users can earn along with Hive, HBD and other Layer 2 tokens as well depending on which tags they are using and the more and bigger votes you get on your posts or threads from other users on the platform, the more tokens you will earn for your contributions which are called Author rewards. And vice versa, the more Leo and Hive tokens you stake on your account and vote on others' contents, the more you will earn which is called Curation rewards. Not only me but thousands of other users who engage on this platform and contribute via valuable and meaningful content often get rewarded and make a decent earning just for their interactions and anyone can check this up by just roaming around content in Inleo as live proof.



Now, there is an event that happens on the 15th of every month on this platform called LPUD or Leo Power Up Day and in this particular day, the InLeo users power up some Leo tokens in their staked account according to their capability and grow their Leo power and thus influence in the platform a bit more. The idea of LPUD is to show how strong and long-term minded we are with this project and our unconditional love towards this fascinating project that has not only been here for years but thriving with time and expanding. Anyway, anyone can power up any amount to celebrate the event but there are 2 types of power-up challenges in this event with minimum threshold Leo power-up amounts which get you a chance to win prizes. The first one is called a CUB attack for a minimum of 50 Leo power up and the other one is called a LEO attack for a minimum of 150 Leo power up. For me, I powered up exactly 150 Leo to enter into the LION attack category and try my luck if I win any prizes from the pool.


I Won 10k Leo Power Delegation

Today, when I checked my Hive notifications, I found out that I have won a whooping 10k Leo power delegation for 1 month for entering the LPUD event and qualifying for the LION attack challenge and got lucky enough to receive the prize from the lottery. The sponsor of my prize is @alexvan and I would like to thank him for contributing this mega prize to the pool and I am so happy right now to receive the biggest prize of the LPUD event. I currently have 10,850 Leo staked in my own account and after the distribution of the prizes and when I get my prize, I will have almost 21k Leo power which is a big voting power, so I can't wait to use the big Leo power and start voting my fellow Leo users on their threads and posts posted using the Inleo platform. In this way not only they earn a decent amount of Leo from my vote but I will also win almost double curation rewards for the next 30 days which will certainly boost my Leo earnings. Thank you so much team Inleo for the prize and for making my day amazingly amazing!

Thanks for reading my post and if you are also on the Inleo platform, I would suggest joining the LPUD event every month to stand a chance of winning mega prizes just like the one I won this time.

If you are not on this amazing platform Yet, don't waste any more time and join right now and check them Out!

Join Inleo platform for Free!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Awesome! What a huge win :) congrats!

Congratulations dear friend

thanks dear :)

Wow.... congratulations on this reward. 6 years is really a long long time which gave you nuanced understanding of crypto and hive ecosystem. This reward is really like an achievement and your hard work of past six years.

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating your Leo power to @india-leo account? We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.

100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @bhattg by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.

Delegated! Happy that this $LEO is used by a great community memebr as you are!