When the Dip gets Dipper. Taking precautions and advantage of the Crypto Market situation

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Extremely volatile past week it was for the crypto market has it suffered severely due to FTX meltdown and lot of FUD spreading in the air.


The FUD and panic appears to have continue in the new week with BTC at $15k+ and many speculation concerning another top exchange crypto.com with some suspicious transaction having occurred in the past few days.

As it with the speculation flying in the air, we might yet still be going under and it's believed the Crypto market is yet to see the full effect of the FTX collapse and it's ripple effects.

While it may look all look scary, it is important for investors to move their funds to more trusted exchanges and self custodian wallets and play dead i.e by leaving assets there and forgetting about it till the market recovers.

Another great thing to do is to also is to buy the dip by Dollar cost averaging with bloods on the street. Right now is a true trust of emotion and believe. The future will be favorable to those prioritize the safety of their assets and those who play the long game.> Quote

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