Understand That Feeling Secure Depends On Having Enough Money For Daily Needs

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Money is the glue that holds together almost all aspects of human lives. It’s the main topic of most conversations, the driving force behind numerous actions, and the biggest obstacle to human happiness.
A lack of money can make you feel insecure as it impacts nearly every facet of your life. However, once you learn that money is earned by effort and that money doesn’t make you happy, you can then become secure with your finances.

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A sense of financial security depends on how you view money. If you believe that money makes you happy, it’s likely that you’ll be anxious or depressed without enough funds. Conversely, if money makes you feel insecure because it isn’t enough to meet your needs, then clamping down on spending won't make things better. Instead, it might make things worse as it limits your opportunities for growth and development. Instead, a healthy attitude toward money is one that recognizes that money isn’t important and can be spent freely without harming your quality of life. From there, a commitment to earning more by working hard will restore a sense of security through prudent spending and sensible investment choices.

A sense of financial security is also restored by learning that money isn’t important in itself, rather, what makes you happy is what matters most to you. Once this mindset takes hold, it's easier to let go of unimportant possessions rather than risk ruining your day with excess baggage. As an example, former US President Franklin D Roosevelt famously gave up his horse because he believed this was best for his family rather than him finding comfort in getting rid of a particular item. From there, it's simply a matter of determining what truly makes you happy, this knowledge will help you live more harmoniously with others given your shared values and interests. Likewise, learning not to value material possessions will help you deal with difficult people who still seek them since they believe they'll make them happier than others do without them…

A final aspect to feeling secure with finances is understanding that money is earned by effort rather than being given to those who put in more work than them. This aspect might seem counterintuitive at first, after all, who works harder than someone else? In practice though, this aspect does wonders for reducing feelings of insecurity as it places all the credit where it belongs, with those who put in work for their successes instead of expecting good fortune or family members to grant them success. Likewise, failing at something doesn't mean the world ends if there was ever any potential for success at all, only doing more when negative results happen will lead to genuine success over time.

A sense of financial security is key for any person's happiness. however, an incorrect perception towards MONEY can easily create fear or anxiety towards its possession or non-possession within one's life span . Once one understands MONEY isn't important nor does work earn one MONEY , but instead work earns one time , one understands how to gain a proper mindset towards their daily life.

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