My introduction to Leofinance and hiveblog

in LeoFinance8 months ago (edited)


New discoveries, new friends, happy faces is what I hope to achieve here. Ya I'm new here and I'm still learning how to do everything.
Its a good thing I discovered hive from a very experienced lady username: @ijelady. More to that, she is my mentor, and she's also very nice person so I know I'll learn pretty fast.

I believe To learn also means to explore, at least that is my finding and it has been very useful, so I plan to explore everything here.

About me

My name is Mary, and that's my favorite name too.

  • Full name: Mary Adindu
  • Age: young 19 😉.

I was born on the 18th of march 2004. Who else is born in march?
I'm from the heart of Africa, Nigeria. I'm from Osisioma ngwa LGA Abia State, Nigeria.
I currently reside in my country.

I live with my siblings, my mother and stepfather. My mom had seven children, of which I'm the third, six for my biological father and 1 for my current Stepfather. We are five girls and two boys.
But you know, due to bad economy its not easy to raise all of us, so my mom does hard work to be able to achieve that!

IMG_20230815_025702_317.jpgMy mom and i

In a woman's old age she needs to rest, my mom is getting old so the best I can do is support her. What I'm I doing?

I have learnt some skills in dressmaking, I learnt it by paying a woman in my country who knows how to make dresses so I learned a lot. So my first steps was to make dresses for myself. See me below:


Below is my Instagram page where I post some of the dresses i make:

But I don't want to leave it at this level! I hope to keep improving and possibly enroll myself in a fashion school. I hope to travel abroad with my skill.
Speaking of traveling abroad, I would love to go to a Spanish country, yes spanish. I have been learning Spanish and currently in my journey to fluency. I have been helped by my real spanish friends, also ive benefitted from YouTube tutorials, listening to music and audio recordings, and I've also recorded my speech many times. Two app have helped me a lot and they are Duolingo and busuu.

Screenshot_20230915-075352.pngMy Duolingo app

I really love marketing, yes, I love marketing, and i think that's one thing my mom passed on to me, she's a good marketer.
So I'm working on improving my marketing skills, but I hope to do it in a more dignified way, so I'm learning the network marketing skill, I also want to learn affiliate marketing.

My hobbies and passion

  • Writing

Yes, i love writing, it gives me joy, especially if I'm doing it with my smartphone, that's why I find hive a good place.

  • Meeting new people

Yes, i get super excited when I meet new people and make them my friends.

  • New discoveries

I love it when i find out something new, to add to my knowledge. After all we can never stop discovering and learning.


Likes and dislikes

  • I love helping people and people who help others. Yes, i can say I'm always willing to help, most times even when it inconveniences me.
  • I love truth. But admittedly we all make mistakes sometimes.
  • I love getting along with people. So I like to accommodate people and follow them as they are.


  • I hate immorality. It's not easy to not be immoral in this world, but the key is to have self-control and always pray to resist temptation
  • I also hate pride. People who brag about themselves. I prefer humble people who doesn't boast of what they have or what they have achieved. Or what they helped others to achieve.

My experience with threads

I really enjoy threads as I love reading updates from others. I also do my best to write my own updates but due to my low resource credit I'm not able to do much.
But it's really exciting when i get to meet new people in threads and interact with them.

I hope to accomplish?

I hope to accomplish, a good blog here, good friends, and beautiful memories.
I have gotten here few days ago but I'm sure there are lots of good people here.

Thank you for hearing my voice through this post and for your patient reading. I'll see you in my subsequent blogs.


Welcome to the HIVE blockchain and THE TERMINAL in Discord! We hope you have lots of fun blogging here while earning a little crypto! Since you're a seamstress, you should check out @amiegeoffrey on Hive. Besides being a super-sweet lady, she is also an accomplished dress maker with lots of great skills and designs! Be sure to let us know in THE TERMINAL when you have any questions! 🙂

One suggestion: I recommend that you edit your post and add the tag #introduceyourself, as many people on Hive watch for that tag. It will get more eyes on this post! Only use that tag once, please! Also, the #leofinance tag should only be used for posts about economics, finance, investing, crypto, etc., not for any other content.


Awwww, thank you @thekittygirl for the honourable mention.

Welcome to Hive my dear friend @marylin1 , it's exciting to see a dressmaker like myself here on the blockchain, I hope you enjoy your stay here on Hive.

Hello friend, I'm privileged to meet a great designer like you 🙂. I hope to learn a lot from you!


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Thank you so much dear Kitty for your kind gestures. I hope to enjoy my experience here. Thank you for the suggestions, I'm going to apply them 🙂. Yes, I'll have many questions 😀 so I'll see you in discord

Hello my dear @marylin1 how are you doing today? It a pleasure to see you in the hive blog, you are specially welcome by @caleb-marvel. Please be free the explore the world of hive and please do your best to consistent in all you do. Please be free to make your #thread as much as you can with mostly the tag "mydiary" and show us via photos how your day is going. Thanks once more and welcome to the family.

Thank you @caleb-marvel. I'll see you in the threads 🙂


Gracias amiga

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You are welcome

Welcome to Hive and Leofinance! Check out the different communities as there it's easier to connect with people who are like minded. There's even a community of people from Nigeria for example.
Great introduction!

Welcome to Hive @marylin1! This is @chillwithshanna from @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) team. Congratulations on making your first post on Hive and welcome to this amazing community!

May I know if you use another blogging platform other than hive? I see that you already signed up last July. Is there a reason why you just started blogging this month? We look forward to know more about you and see your beautiful dresses and creations!

We have a lot of Communities you can subscribe to which are all categorized based on interest or topics or you can check out the Communities Incubation Program. It is best to share your blogs in the appropriate community so they can reach the right audience for your work.

Please be aware that plagiarizing posts by using other people’s ideas or images is a major offense. Here is a useful collection of resources about how plagiarism and abuse is viewed and handled on Hive.

Here is a Newbie guide for tips and information about blogging here on Hive. If you have questions, you can hop into Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @thekittygirl on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks Community , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening


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@thekittygirl(1/5) tipped @marylin1

Welcome to Hive! Did you know that there are many different websites powered by Hive? If you enjoy travel blogging check out :) See you around @marylin1!

Welcome @marylin1 to Leofinance and Hive our social blockchain, Thanks to your friend I see you're already familar with #ladiesofhive too. I wish you much success as you begin your journey in what I belive is an awesome place for opportunities.

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Thank you so much, friend