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RE: How would you act if it all aligned?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

80 fucking dollars. Lol. Yes, it would be amazing but I would literally eat one of my shoes if that were to happen. Of course I could afford to wash it down with caviare and champagne so that would be a plus :OD

I do think if we get the traction and a killer app or too we could tap into the dollars range but I am not thinking that we will beat ATH's of yesteryear/yesterchains. A dollar or two per hive would be very welcome though.

People will always regret and some will have none, what I would hate with the increase in value is the utter shithounds who have left that will descend with their amazing tales of how they got waylaid but they are back now and they love us guys.

Speaking of which, is allabumbum still about? :O)


I know that he was just joking, but it is interesting to think about. it is about a 30 billion dollar market cap, which isn't outside the realms of possibility if for example, there is a decline in Facebook and instagram investment when their advertising profits come under attack.

A steady couple dollars would be plenty to get the ball rolling, and I think that in time it could be more again. People hope for the pumps though, not longevity.

Allasbum hasn't posted for 7 months, after coming back and picking up autos again. She probably isn't too far from return number 5 though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You have gotta admire a serial returner!

I am glad he was joking. I didn't see his post. I could look but they tend to make me feel a bit ill :0)

It is funny how some people don't seem to have any shame at all.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There are so many, it's like the zombie horde of the apocalypse