
I confirm it is real money :)

Cue beer photo....... :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, Sir! :)


Hope you are ready to mingle!

Hehe, yes indeed! I do believe you are right there! :OD

Apparently it is (indirectly) tradeable for Beer - the acid test for real monies!

I asked another Hiver earlier what his missus thinks - she was wanting to throw a load more in!

Hehe, cheers for the help earlier.

No worries, I got some CUB going for $8.611 if you fancy it? :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

So much cub!

It's great fun actually, although trading it in for beer (indirectly) that's what it's all about!!

It's all fun until all we can afford is Skol!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta