
I bow down to you, your majesties.

Hehe, arise Lady of the charts you are the true royalty here!!

You left me speechless. Ha! I can assure you I am way off the charts! There is no number for the place I'm in! :)

What? No way? You are off the charts Miss W? But you are always right up there, up in the Grady heights where I can never dare to reach!! Has a disaster occurred?

Not at all. When I win too many times the first place, I step down to give others a chance. Because my Market Friday get so many comments and I comment back, it tends to push me up in numbers , so it's nice to give everybody a chance. In about 6 months, I will go back on once again for a few weeks and then sit out again. It's still fun to cheer everybody on!

It is fun to cheer em on! They do incredibly well.

I saw your market Friday posts reap millions of the comments. Insanely so, you do well to reply to them!

I owe them that much. Many of them are brand new and it's their first experience posting to a challenge. So I am sometimes late but I always managed to comment on each one. After all, I know that it takes forever to write a post. Or maybe that's just me. LOL