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RE: My Journey to 13,000 Hive Power and lessons learned along the way

in LeoFinance6 months ago

One of the great great things about Hive is that you literally can start with nothing and invest nothing and build your way up. Admittedly, if I were to do it again I probably would to speed things up but was so obsessed with the idea of crypto being a scam that I couldn't. I would now though.

Congrats man!


Ya it's how I first happened upon Give, the thought of posting and getting paid for it nearly sounded too good to be true.

I was the same years ago believing Bitcoin initially to be a massive pyramid scheme. Oh well, hindsight is 20 20.

I thought the same about Bitcoin, I never dreamed I would actually own any. I dont even think I had heard of altcoins when I discovered Steemit!