
Yeah... I’m already Losing buckets of money.... Cub dropped from $7 to $5 since I bought .... so I guess I am definitely Hodling all my cub for the next 5 years... oh well ... many millionaires were made last night

Ah, you bought cub!! I steered clear as I assumed that it would plunger in value as soon as the airdrop came out. It will hopefully spoke back up and think of all that passive income from staking!

Well I swapped my Leo for bleo then swapped for Cub.... luckily only 30 Leo worth.

I would say for some fun yeah, but it's where the herd are going. 'never follow the herd'

Always for fun!! It's a bit of a learning experience too. Worth it for fun and the potential loss of internet fun money! :0)

I have already lost buckets and buckets of money .... can never sell now. I bought very very high

I rarely buy the initial launch of a token as they usually nose dive. Sucks though, but the Leo team are quite with it. I don't think it will lose all it's value. You might be going full lambo soon!

Hot wheels lambo .