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RE: Dan confuses people... I think..

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I'm sure there's that... but, he's stated every single time he's jumped ship (afaik) that he's doing so due to the lack of funding.

It could be a chicken/egg situation, but... Who knows!

No doubt he does want to leave the world a better one that he was born in, but he's not idealistic enough to ignore reality.


To play Devil's advocate, didn't we all leave Steem and Steemit?

The answer would probably be no, technically Tron Overlord Justin Sun stole Steem from us in a sense. So we had to rebrand the fork of Steem which in a sense is still the very heart and soul of Steem.

Well, Hive is Steem 2.0 in many ways.

There is no reason why Dan Larimer couldn't stick around. Why in the world would he leave Hive? What in the world is more important than Hive?

I'm not on here for the money. I'm here for archiving my work, for communicating with people.

Likewise, people can still be here for reasons other than just money related. I no longer support Steem and yet I still post onto Steem. See, the thing is you can be on something and still not support it.

I hate Facebook but I am on Facebook everyday. I say that to say it doesn't matter how Dan feels about Hive, Steem, Bitcoin, the dollar, etc. What really matters is going to where the people are.

Also, does Dan keep a blog on another website? If Dan has a blog, he is making a mistake of not having the blog on Hive. I copy and paste my daily blog posts onto different blockchains just in case if one were to die, I'd still have a backup.

Dan should understand the value of decentralization. If he is actively doing better things, then I guess that is acceptable. If Dan is literally sitting around doing nothing all day, then I find that to be not fulfilling one's potential in life.